Circle of the Rainbow Coven

Book One


'Lucy,' said Shelandragh.

'Mmm,' replied Lucy, looking up from her copy of Vogue.

Shelandragh was knitting in Minoxxia her home in Bunyan.

'I think it's time I told you something. Something important. Something about a loop. A loop in time.'

Lucy put down her magazine. 'Time travel?' she asked.

'Something to do with that. Something to do with that indeed. Now, your cousin Harry is the Chosen One. People call him that. But he wasn't the chosen one for the reasons they often think. There was something a lot deeper going on. Something which began near the dawn of time.'

'What do you mean?' asked Lucy.

'When the Rainbow Covenant was given,' said Shelandragh. 'The world had just changed. The fountains of the deep had broken apart, and we now have the continental plates. But something also happened then. An age of grace began, where the good lord promised Noah that he would never again send a flood.'

'I know the story like the back of my hand,' replied Lucy.

'Of course. You would,' replied Shelandragh. 'But it gets deep. When the age of grace began, God also allowed grace to conquer, how shall we put it, an overriding sense of God's purpose in men that they should necessarily be absolutely perfect. He understand they were only human. Genesis teaches this well. And because he understood that, he made allowances. Certain powers in the plan of creation, which were unlocked because of the new world and the Rainbow replacing the old system, came into be. Powers of magic, because of grace, would be tolerated. The priestly nation – Israel – they could never be allowed such graces, as they were to strive for the ideals God had in mind from the start. But the children of men were allowed greater tolerances. And this began with the Rainbow Covenant.'

Lucy looked at her mentor. 'And how does that figure in with Harry?'

'When Noah was chosen, there was also unleashed the power of opposing forces. Idols – the gods of the nations – began their work. And magic was often part of that work. But a plan had been put in place by God to deal with that magic. And it was a plan to let history play out and, when certain dark power had been defeated, to then go back and deal with the mistakes of it all, as it where. Those mistakes began with the flood, or shortly thereafter, when terrible dark wizards reigned. And, when Harry finally defeated Voldemort, the strength of the dark magic was broken, and the time to correct the fallen thing was in place. And that is a legacy which now must be realized and a quest undertaken to redeem history, as it where.'

Lucy picked up her magazine. 'Is this an old witches tale, Shelandragh? It's hardly biblical.'

'Oh, but it is. And in the lore I have received since ancient times it is well attested to. You'll be needed, and others, and Harry too. Because as the chosen one it is his responsibility to now deal with the Children of the Rainbow Coven.'

Lucy remained silent, reading her magazine. Finally she spoke. 'I had a dream. A few nights ago. The Lord told me I had something important to do. And it would be long and hard and difficult.'

'Well now you know what that is,' replied Shelandragh May.

'Now I know,' said Lucy softly. She looked at the fireplace, as it burned away. 'Heaven's Above,' she said to herself.

Chapter 1

Chapter 5

Lucy was on the Tathra beach head, looking down at the waters. Sharks were circling, circling around something bobbing in the water.

'We're not jumping into that,' said Harry. 'We'll drown.'

'It's the circle of Sharks. It takes us to the post-flood world,' replied Lucy. 'It's the first symbol on the map. I've summoned it, and thrown our portal beacon into the water, so now we must descend.'

'Don't like drowning. Not really my scene,' said Ron Weasley.

'Is anything your scene?' asked Neville Longbottom. 'Since marrying Hermione it's yes Hermione, no Hermione, 3 bags full Hermione. You don't have a scene anymore Ron Weasley.'

'Well sharks aren't it, Neville Longbottom,' replied Ron.

'You're all scaredy cats,' said Hermione. 'I'll go first Lucy.'

Hermione got on her broomstick and flew out into the water. She looked at the Rainbow Coven and said 'Here goes,' diving down into the water.

Ron had his hands over his eyes and said 'Did she make it?' He opened his eyes and looked. 'Where is she?'

'Presumably a place a long time ago,' said Harry, looking at Lucy.

'We'll find out soon enough,' said Lucy. 'You're next Harry.'

'If a Grainger can, a Potter can,' said Harry.

'A Weasley,' said Ron.

'Of course,' said Harry. He took his broomstick and flew out above the circle of sharks. 'Dutch courage,' he yelled, and dove in.

'I think sharks are lovely creatures,' said Luna. 'I'll go next.'

Luna flew out and dove in quickly after Harry.

'It takes a Scott to do this right,' said Cho. She flew out, spun around and, while spinning, dove down into the circle and disappeared.

'My turn,' said Neville. He flew out, and dove right in.

'If one Potter can, so can another,' said Jenny. 'I'm coming for you Harry,' and she flew out and dived headfirst with her broomstick into the circle.

'My turn,' said Draco. He flew out, used his wand to do a circle of fire in the air above the circle on the water, and dove in.

'Very dramatic, Draco,' said Lucy.

'I'll go next,' said Ginny, looking at the reluctant Ron. She made no fuss, flew out, and dove right in.

'Well. It's official,' said Lucy Potter. 'Weasley's are wimps.'

'Bite me,' replied Ron.

'I'll go next,' said Lucy, and with a smile, flew out and dove in.

'Glad those idiots are gone,' said Ron, and sat down. He looked at the circle. 'I can't,' he said. 'Don't trust it. I'd be an idiot.' Finally he stood. 'Damn you Lucy Potter,' and he flew out on his broomstick, following the rest of the Rainbow Coven into who knows where or when.