Mad Max: The Gauntlet with 'Drive' by Shannon Noll & 'Switch Me On' by Shannon Noll. In the plans (& hopefully eventually works, people of Australia and America and Africa. Uk too & the Globe. Rihanna and Tom from Mad Max & Rihanna and Mick Jagger and Chad from Nickelback. Daniel Daly Noahide Project for eternity. A basic video was done - more later

The Rogue 'Sebastian Guy Gardner' with dyed Red hair and a green outfit, one of the family antiheroes, is stuck in Hell City in 'Mad Max: The Gauntlet' with Rihanna, with Elevator Love playing in an elevator, and he's keen, and she says keep on dreaming warrior. You ain't king of the road. Your ass is grass. 'Hey, I'm lucky,' says Sebastian Gardner' and kisses her quick, before the elevator grinds to a halt, Rihanna leaves saying 'better luck next time, smooth dude.

Brielle Davis is Sebastian Guy Gardners girlfriend, jealous of Rihanna in Mad Max: The Gauntlet

Lift by Shannon Noll - this song - is part of the soundtrack for 'Mad Max: The Gauntlet'. The song is in the middle of the movie in Hell City were the Family have the cornered and things look dire, but they find some dutch courage, and get strong with some self encouragements, and say 'we can do it buddies' and lucky explosives go off, they grin, and get away. Lucky says Max. Bloody Lucky.

Mad Max: The Gauntlet - Little Fighter by White Lion in the soundtrack near the end

Bad Boy Jon (Jon Bon Jovi) with this song in the soundtrack for 'Mad Max: the Gauntlet' at the end just about, head of the family, shot down in glory, with Max triumphing against the main foe

The Congregation by Alice Cooper is the 'Regulator's' theme song

'It's bad boy Jon on his steel horse,' Said Diesel as Bad Boy Jon rode into the Hell City Parking Lot on his Harley made up with a saddle and wild west artwork. Jon got off his bike.

'Regulators. We have company,' said Jon.

'We regulate hell city,' said Diesel. 'But company never follow the rules.'

'So we teach em hell's rules,' said Brielle. 'Gauntlet runners gotta learn some how. They never get past hell city. They've tried time and again. We get their fuel and they lick the desert sand when we're finished with 'em.'

'And we keep it that way,' said Jon. 'Or I'll be dead by the end of the week. Shot down in glory.'

'The devil's glory,' said Diesel. 'Your only father.'

'I'm no man's son,' said Bad Boy Jon. 'Just the wild west. And my Harley.'

'It's a bucket of second hand parts,' said Diesel. 'You lead the regulators on a travesty.'

'Still better than our hot rods,' said Sebastian Guy.

'Speak for yourself,' said Brielle, shoving her boyfriend. 'Green again?' she asked him.

'I'm doing nature stuff. We need some fresh air in hell. Don't get enough.'

'There will be plenty of fresh air out on the gauntlet. Get your guns, kids. We got a posse of gauntlet wannabes to sort out. If and when they get to hell city, there will be hell to pay,' said Bad boy Jon.

'It's Max, isn't it,' said Sebastian Guy. 'And that Shannon is with him. The radio details were clear enough. They headed for freedom they'll never reach.'

'We'll stop 'em, and claim our goods. We need new fuel,' said Jon.

'And parts,' said Diesel.

'Don't kill them,' said Brielle. 'Just teach em a lesson. They didn't hurt nobody.'

'We'll do what we have to do to survive, Brielle,' said Jon. 'We aint got much of a life, and we have to borrow things. Sure they won't mind,' grinned Jon.

'So don't hurt em. I wanna meet them if possible. Apologize like and stuff. Say we just need help. Tough shit about the ruff stuff, but just go home.'

'Maybe,' said Bad Boy Jon. 'Get in your rods, regulators. They've left now, and we want decent parts and fuel before they go and get excited like.'

'Go on baby. But don't you cheat on me with Rihanna. She never learns that one. When we was kids she always wanted to be the boss, but always played by her rules instead of the right rules.'

'And she'll pay baby,' said Sebastian.

'Just watch yourself, Sebastian,' said Brielle.

The regulators rolled out of Hell city. Max and his posse would have trouble soon enough.