The Angels Saga
Volume One
Morning Stars: Divine Splendour
by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly
Copyright 6188 SC / 2025 CE Noahide Books
The Story
Morning Stars Divine Splendour, the Private Noahide Angels Saga
Foundation, has a plot. It is another accompaniment work to Morning
Stars. Nimorel and Muludiel, again, are a key focus, and their rivalry.
Azrael and Cosadriel as well. There would normally be a strong focus
throughout the Angels Saga for Noahides privately on the other Seraphim
angels not explored. In this volume their ideas on Saruviel's rebellion
would be considered in a few paragraphs for many of the untouched
Seraphim. Further, interaction with the 'Divine Splendour', which is the
culmination of the Volume, being a musical work which Nimorel and
Meludiel collaborate on, is a key thing, with the performance, and the
long after party, where they make many comments in the final chapters.
The bix climax of Morning Stars was Saruviel's Rebellion. The big climax
of Morning Stars Decision was Saruviel's Rebellion and the final football
match. The big climax in Morning Stars Divine Splendour is something of
a reference to Saruviel's Rebellion, a reaonably focus on the football
match, but primarly the climax of the relationship between Nimorel and
Meludiel and the musical work 'Divine Splendour' which takes place when
they start working out their differences, witness the fall of Saruviel
and both have a chat with Azrael and Cosadriel and how they took
Saruviel's fall into mind, and a quiet afternoon near Dalnaphon Keep,
along the Sellawon, where Sariel and Gloryel are having light banter, and
Nimorel says the scenery really is divine splendour, and Meludiel says
that could be a good title for music she is trying to put together into a
masterpiece. Nimorel replies that she could help her on that project,
and the divine splendour then takes over, being the work of the piece,
and culmination to the third Morning Stars Volume. Luladiel's comedic
entrance before Divine Splendour is performed is a key moment.
The other focuses are Karel's chinese cooking and her twin, Uriel's
pastimes and occupations and delight in Karel's cooking;
Simonuel's french cooking and his twin's supporting him and focusing him
on areas of improvement and menu's and restaurants and the industry
Davriel and his christhood ideas formulating in their early days, with a
tiny dash of cherubim Jesus, with Rachel his twin and her strong focus on
an organized homelife to support Davriel as a proper help meet and
assistance for Davriel's ambitions in life.
Rachel will also discuss with Ariel on the subject of a female angel and
her own ambitions in life and how, as females, they should have a
preoccupation on helping their mate, but also not neglect their own
ambitions in life. And how God feels this is best balanced and judged.
Cherubim Jembla (Tina Arena) would have a comment that woman's work is
never done.
Further, a focus on Azrael and his comedy ideas and beer ideas and his
chats with Semambarel and Kelkuriel and Surafel about the philosophies of
work in life and staying busy with a proper occupation to ensure useful
things are done for the community and produced for the community, not
neglecting free time and things of entertainment.
Adruel's focus on story creativity is addressed,
Koryel's focus on folklore and folk dancing,
Penoniel's focus on being sensitive and spiritual and friendly, to
excess, Sadurael's focus on heavy horse riding and mountaineering and
competing with Talzudiel,
and Radrukiel's jokes and humour and working on being an 'Action Man'
with a sharp approach to life and his big focus on big engineering
projects in Terraphora, are also things talked about in Divine Splendour.
Finally, Phindwel's focus on pastry work and music, and his thoughts on
scholasticism and learning things and aspects of knowledge and visiting
the library, chatting with Brindabel.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: The Third Angels Saga Will be Released to Israel then the
Church then the Rest much later on, when Noahidism is well established on
their private bits. In this third saga a strong focus on the 10
Deciarchs - each individually - and a secondary focus on the 70 Noahide
Nations will also be important, as well as other characters of the
Rainbow Torah. A greater focus on the Geocities, Angelfire, The Heart of
God, Home & Heaven will also be concentrated on. Paradise will be
focused on more with Angela, and a highlight on the other Realms and
planetary bodies in a volumed dedicated to the life of the Spiritual
Universe, and focus on the foundation of the Colton Federation. (Of
course, the other 2 Morning Stars Fonts on the Index Page will be the
fonts for the 2nd and 3rd saga). A key aspect is also fleshing things
out properly and finishing off unfinished storylines and loose ends.
Working further on the Encyclopaedia will be important and developing a
more comprehensive timeline in the encyclopaedia with the different
dating schemes properly explained, and a short story for the foundation
of each calendar should be part of the 3rd saga. Videos on the planetary
bodies and descriptors will be important, statistics and basic info on
the planets and societies and cultures, important to describe well
enough. It is important to make sure it is a well understood world, and
well explained, and has a logic and rationale which makes sense to
someone who likes to study it out. Consistency is important, and
additional explanations over the longer haul are preferred over
corrections, which I prefer not to do. I would much rather even come up
with a convluted explanation, as long as it ultimately harmonizes, rather
than change things. It's important that the written record remain
theoretically correct enough each time. The characters mentioned above
are the key characters in the saga, as well as Ariel coming in soon
enough as a major character the saga revolves around, as well as Lourdes
Ciccone Leon and Kayella, the Daniel Daly twins. The third saga has a
greater focus on the female angels, especially in the area of musicology.
Other things will be highlighted as the saga progresses.
Chapter One
Nimorel was listening to Gamrayel play the Vibronic in the music room.
She was tapping her feet and having a good time. Meludiel walked in.
Nimorel's smile, instantly, changed from a smile to a deep frown.
Meludiel, currently, did not exactly impress her. Meludiel entered in,
walking past Meludiel, but stopped and turned and smiled warmly at
Nimorely. Nimorely decided to comment.
'Always so cheerful, aren't we Meludiel? Amazing.'
Meludiel looked at Nimorel, blinked, and replied. 'Yeh. I guess.' She
turned, looked at the door to her office, and continued on. Nimorel
watched as Meludiel opened the door, went inside, and closed the door
behind her. And when the door closed she turned and looked at Gamrayel
playing the Vibronic, the frown, just as suddenly, turning back to a
smile, tapping away with her feet and having a good time.
Meludiel sat down at her desk, sighed, and picked up a pile of song lyric
notes. She started going through recent ideas, thinking over lines she
had written and choruses. Yet, after a while, she put the papers down,
and calmed herself down. Her heart was in a little turmoil. In recent
days Nimorel seemed to have started to develop something of a resentment
towards the head of music. For some strange reason Meludiel failed to
understand. She'd always been respectful towards Nimorel, and loving.
She was like that towards all her brethren. What in the Realm could
possibly have caused her to become so agitated in recent times. She
really did not understand. Perhaps she could confront her on it - but
that wasn't always the way. Maybe a current petty squabble on an
undisclosed issue or something and, after a while, it would just pass
away. Yes, too soon to really worry too much. She should never worry
too much. She knew that to be true. But if the situation persisted,
well, well she would deal with it then. She would just be cautious about
the issue that had gotten into the thinking of her older Seraphim sister.
And see how she could help and what action she could take to resolve the
* * * * *
Azrael lived a solitary life. Living in his abode, in the Realm. His
weekly structure was not overly complex. He did gardening at home to get
much of his food, but some work in the main Kazraphon garden to the
south-east of Zaphon Keep. He did a few tasks for the community,
organized by Michael a lot of the time, and did a little work with
Surafel, Kelkuriel and Semambarel on artisan duties. Recently sporting
things with Cosadriel, who he was starting to fall in with, were being
done. But most of his time was solitary, apart from his twin, which it
always had been since the very early days when, after youth, he mostly
did his own thing. Raphael was showing up as of late. Commenting he
needed to interact more. Amusing idea. He did enough in his own mind,
but did see Raphael's point. After a footbal show yesterday, he had
settled in his room at home, contemplating his solitary life. Raphael
had concerns - and as head of social it was Raphael's job to do just
that. But in his recent ideas with football, perhaps that could
alleviate some concerns. Taking up the idea of a competition of regular
football matches - that could provide ongoing social activity, which
might hopefully assuage some of his older brother's concerns. It had
been gestating as an idea for a while now, but he felt, yes, he would act
on it. Take the idea seriously. Get a football competition going with
Cosadriel and the rest of the regulars. And with the impending birth of
Cherubim angels, apparently, coming soon. Well things could heat right
up very, very soon. Days of Divine Splendour ahead.
* * * * *
Melaniel was in a mood of divine splendour, siting with Saruviel, in
Glimmersphon Keep. Her twin, Yomiel, was sitting on a bench out the
front, reading an article from the library.
'Father asked us to visit you,' Melaniel said to Saruviel.
'Did he?' replied Saruviel. 'Concerns, I guess.'
'There are words we are supposed to say to you,' said Melaniel.
'Unsurprising,' said Saruviel, sitting at the table, staring seemingly at
the wall, his face bereft of joy it seemed, a harsher look on
concentration on an issue of import. 'The words,' said Saruviel, waving
his hand dismissively.
'This life is eternal, so never give up,' replied Melaniel.
Saruviel sat at the table, undaunted. Melaniel considered he was
cogitating those words. Whether he gave them respect, with his current
solitariness, she could not really say. Abruptly he stood and walked to
the stairwell to the upper lever, starting to ascend. 'Yomiel your twin
has much to offer the world. He could do better. He always could.
Needs to follow something. Much talent though. Could use his own
inspiration. He does not apply his own capabilities forcefully enough.'
'Tell him to go hard, huh?' replied Melaniel.
Saruviel stopped on the stairwell. 'Right for the jugular, Melaniel.
Right for the jugular. He turned to her and grinned, then carried on up
the stairs.
'Hmmm. He would be led in such things, but he would contemplate them
deeply. He's zealous but reflective. Sometimes considers the things
he's done. Likes to revisit and review and refocus. Thinks life is all
about updates. Peculiar angel.'
'I'm working on things Saruviel said to her from the stop of the
stairwell. I am well enough. Father's words? Maybe some other time. I
am not completely sure the advice of God, just at this time, is exactly
what I am looking for. I have my own thoughts.' And Saruviel was gone.
Melaniel sat there, thinking about that, then looked out at Yomiel. Her
twin read things. Saruviel had thoughts, and she might write down the
impressions she'd been hearing about what Saruviel was going on about in
recent times. Give it to Yomiel. Get him to read it. Make sense of the
melancholy of seventhborn. See what he had to say on the subject. See
what the mind of Yomiel the Seraphim though on the contemplations of
Saruviel Seraphim. New ideas were always interesting. Something new to
* * * * *
Adruel sipped on melit water and looked out the window of his abode, at
the greenery on the eastern side of 'Tryphton Keep', to the North by
North-East of Zaphon Keep, about half way to Dalnaphon. He'd lived at
Tryphton Keep, on and off, a while now. He usually shared it with his
twin, but she also slept in her dormitory room at Zaphon Keep regularly,
and helped with Zaphon duties a fair bit. It was a darkened afternoon,
and God had brought along some of that green and red cloudy sky he had
done in recent months. Strange stuff which came around for a while every
century, then disappeared. It brought in an Anima - a Spirit - a mood.
And when the green and red was in town, Adruel did his business with his
writing. His creativity. His core skill as a Seraphim Angel. He walked
into the main living room, sat down at the double seater couch, and
picked up a pile of papers he'd written last century, which he'd gotten
out of storage, and looked them over. He sipped on the melit water as he
looked through them, making mental notes of what he had been writing and
the ideas he'd had. Then he got to a piece of paper near the bottom of
the pile, and singled it out. 'Angel of Darkness'. Oh. Ok, he thought
to himself. A little story about an angel encountering darker ideas of
life, potentially melancholic. Nothing overly specific yet. But he sat
there, read the paragraph, and knew instantly. How couldn't you.
Ok. Congratulations Adruel. He was a prophet. Perfectly predicted.
But now? Writing the damn story on the idea. The research subject was
apparent. Saruviel himself. But Saruviel was stuck in Glimmersphon
Keep, knocking back visitors usually, unless on special request, and
Adruel didn't want to disturb his brother's peace. But the sidekicks -
Kantriel and Daraqel. Maybe, catching up with them in Zaphon Keep,
asking a subtle question or two, getting some insight on what was going
on. That could help with the project. Yeh, he said to himself, sipping
on melit water. That would be fine. Good idea. Something to carry on
with in life. Good enough passion for this moment in time. Saruviel -
seventhborn - angel of adversity. And, of course, angel of darkness.
Perfect. Now he would need some new ink, his quills were fine, but fuss
and bother. A new project for Adruel the Seraphim. Time to get busy.
* * * * *
Koryel was a cute redheaded Seraphim angel. Just over 5 feet tall, she
had a forehead similar to that of Ambriel the male Seraphim. She was
cute, and a lot of the male angels liked to hang around her regularly -
she was kind of popular. Koryel liked quaint traditional angelic music.
Music from the early years of the Realm of Eternity. She played
Meludiel's early music on the stringed instruments all the time, and sang
soft and soothing words with them. And she would dress in white and
yellow, with circles and squares and triangles in shapes in lines on the
clothings, prettily decorated, in yellows and whites and dashes of
greens, blues, reds and purples. She always looked fine - she always
looked special. Koryel was like that to many of the angels. Special.
The penultimate female Seraphim Angel, 69 on the list, twin to Zashadiel,
Koryel had a lot about her. And a lot going on. She did the usual
things Seraphim angels did - took part in the work roster, socialized,
chatted, did some of the gardening at the Kazraphon garden district, and
had some close friends she chatted with regularly. And she was romantic
with Zashadiel somewhat, going on walks here and there with him, and
dancing for him, and even massaging his feet after a day's hard work,
which he expressed he appreciated very much. But her thing was mostly
her traditional music and costume and dance. That was what Koryel was
mostly about as an angel.
Naturally she was in the choir. She had been from the start. She had a
good voice, knew all the songs, and did her job professionally and
correctly and precisely. She was reliable in this respect, which she
felt important to maintain. She got along well with Meludiel, who had
yesterday expressed to her concerns about Nimorel, who seemed agitated by
Meludiel for some reason or another which Meludiel couldn't quite grasp.
That was unfortunate. Something must be going on with Nimorel. Like
seventhborn - Saruviel. He had strange issues at this time, from chat
which was going on. Reclusive at Glimmersphon Keep. Possibly searching
for meaning or something, according to Melaniel. Interesting. But
Koryel did not, currently, have any major issues. Content with life,
with her work, her occupations and her God. Life was good, and she
intended keeping it that way.
* * * * *
'Ulantriel. This is not cheese,' said Saziel. 'Cheese is yellow. Not
white. It is made from these herbs and spices with this processor. What
herbs you are using, and is that even melit water?'
'It's processed dwarrow juice mixed with water,' replied Ulantriel.
'Unbelievable,' replied Saziel, throwing his hands up in the air. 'Why
do you not do normal cheese? Kaladel asks for normal cheese, we give her
normal cheese. Whatever this is it isn't normal cheese.' Saziel took a
piece and bit into it. 'Gah. It's tasteless. It is not cheese. It is
- I don't know - bland food substance. For existence. Not much else.'
'That's all life really is,' sighed Ulantriel. 'Existence. There is too
much provocativeness in everything. Water was given because we need
water. An occasional fruit piece throughout the day, but a lot of water.
Too much provocativeness in the foodstuffs now produced,' replied
'You need your head examined for weird imagination concepts,' replied
Saziel. 'Father's thinking machine inside there isn't doing its job
'It's called a brain,' replied Ulantriel.
'Huh,' replied Saziel. 'What?'
'Inside the head there is a brain. It's something inside our head which
makes all the parts of our body work,' said Ulantriel.
'This is known by you from an information source. What is that
information source?' asked Saziel, eyebrow raised.
'The divine ineffable,' said Ulantriel. 'Add in some spices if you must.
I like it plain.'
'Bah,' said Saziel. 'Well, not too late to redeem this batch.'
Ulantriel walked off.
'I'll look into this brain thing Ulantriel. Sure it was father who
instructed the knowledge of that information to your person. Sure it was
him,' said Saziel.
'Well who else,' replied Ulantriel, and sat down at a seat near the
doorway to the food manufacturing building. 33 rooms for processing
foods in the complex. Not too far from the garden, south of Zaphon.
'Smoke, will you?' queried Saziel, adjusting the ingredients of the
cheese batch to be made.
'Yeh,' said Ulantriel, and took out tobacco and put it in his pipe. He
took a burning wick and placed the end at the burning candle against the
wall, and lit his pipe. He puffed quietly.
'Papers work,' said Saziel. 'They work very well. Ambriel demonstrated
one last week. It was Raphael's invention. Thought about the issue and
felt fine paper might smoke well. Works very well.'
Ulantriel looked at Saziel. 'I'll look into it.'
'Next batch, yellow cheese brother. No more blandness. Ok for yourself,
but the others want traditional,' said Saziel.
'Understood boss,' said Ulantriel.
'Very funny,' replied Saziel, as he walked past, leaving the room.
Ulantriel smoked his pipe. Papers for smoking. Interesting.
* * * * *
Ulantriel sat with Koryel, smoking cigarettes and drinking melit water.
'Hey, these are fab,' said Koryel.
'Don't tell Zashadiel, sis,' said Ulantriel. 'This can be our chillout
They were at the back of the food complex, or front, depending on which
entrance you used, sitting on old seats by the wall, smoking. It was
lunch time at the food processing complex. About 30 angels were doing
food processing with about 10 in the garden to the east a little. Usual
working day roster. Other angels were involved with clothing
manufacture, and a small amount were preparing building materials,
utensils and day to day use items. Kelkuriel and Surafel would be at
their furniture manufacturing with Semambariel most likely, and the heads
were at Zaphon, still running it all. Michael in charge overall, with
Raphael and his team focused on spiritual welfare of the angels.
Business as usual in the realm of eternity. Free spirited Sariel was
still up at Dalnaphon. He didn't do anything much. But he ran his own
garden, so nobody bothered him much. Did his own work, so it wasn't that
much of an issue. Azrael did a lot of his own thing as well, but ran his
own garden. Did most of his own work, so nobody really minded.
'We'll make this a regular thing,' said Koryel.
'Sounds good,' said Ulantriel. 'You like white cheese, don't you?'
'Too bland,' said Koryel. 'On a rare occasion, but mainly the yellow
'Only for some then,' replied Ulantriel.
'If it fills your belly, by all means bro,' said Koryel.
Ulantriel grinned. 'We're different. Unique. Similar in some ways.
Different in others.'
'All creatures great and small,' said Koryel.
'Yeh,' replied Ulantriel. 'No kidding. Smoke your ciggie.'
'Yes boss,' replied Koryel.
And they smoked, but soon enough Saziel appeared, frowned at them, and it
was back to work. Smoko done. But it helped pass the day, Ulantriel
* * * * *
Melaniel sat in the cafeteria. 'Writing articles is not easy, Adruel,'
she said to her Seraphim brother Adruel.
'Creativity is challenging,' replied Adruel.
'Especially for angels like Adruel,' said Azrael, sipping on his drink
and eating his langwah.
'And what's that supposed to mean, Azrael?' asked Adruel.
'Well, you are a mediocre effort by God at angelic design,' replied
Koryel smirked.
'Mediocre?' queried Adruel.
'Mediocre,' said Cosadriel. 'For once dimwit has got something right.'
'Funny Cosadriel,' said Adruel.
'He's not mediocre,' said Koryel. 'He's mentally challenged.'
'Finds thinking difficult huh?' queried Azrael.
'The mythical brain works slower in him,' replied Koryel, grinning.
'It processes at just a fine rate,' replied Adruel, now smiling.
'I wish my brain processed at a fine rate,' said Melaniel. 'Oh it's quick
enough at times. But sometimes it takes a bit to get going.'
'Exercising the mind throught contemplation potentially helps,' said
Yomiel, looking up from an article.
They all looked at Yomiel. 'Is that what you think?' Adruel asked
'Exercise things. It becomes fitter for the purposes it is intended for.
Usage of the thing. The same works physically,' said Yomiel.
'Well that much is obvious,' replied Cosadriel.
'But you don't apply it as much as you could,' said Azrael. 'You are a
fitness freak, Saddy. But you only push so much at times. Not at the
highest leves. At, I don't know,' he said gesturing.
'Staying fit for life level, mainly,' said Cosadriel.
They all looked at Cosadriel. 'Fit for life level?' asked Koryel.
'So I can do most of the standard things we all need well enough without
too many problems. Stay fit and well,' said Cosadriel.
'Good enough then I guess,' replied Azrael.
'What do you think of that?' Adruel asked Yomiel.
'Logically what I remarked,' replied Yomiel, continuing with his article.
'Well that's just fine. How do I exercise my brain then?' she asked.
'Obviously not paying attention,' said Koryel. 'Deep contemplation.'
'Oh. Uh, yeh,' replied Melanie. She pushed her twin on the shoulder
lightly. 'Thanks Yommie.'
Yomiel smiled.
'Do you think there is a rivalry going now between Meludiel and Nimorel.
Obviously Michael and Saruviel are always at it. But those two have been
gaining some gossip as it is called. Nimorel has an issue, and Meludiel
is perplexed,' said Koryel.
'They are both musical,' said Adruel.
'Good point,' said Melaniel.
'Maybe something to do with that then,' said Azrael.
'Could be,' said Cosadriel.
'I'm sure it will all blow over,' said Yomiel. 'Just rivalries on issues
of pride or something.'
'Yes,' said Melaniel. 'What? Jealousy as they call those ideas a bit.'
'Something like that,' replied Yomiel. 'I generally understand that's
the idea. Or envy or something.'
'Pettiness,' said Adruel. 'That's what I'd call it. Minor things blown
out of their proper perspective. Exaggeration as they call it.'
'Pretty much,' replied Yomiel.
'I like the new ciggies,' said Koryel.
'Who doesn't,' replied Melaniel, and returned to her meal. The chat
continued lightly.
* * * * *
'What's that smell?' asked Nimorel, sitting in the canteen.
Meludiel, about to sit down at a nearby table with Daniel paused for a
second, then sat. She picked up the menu. Her smile had suddenly
'What's wrong?' asked Daniel.
'What's wrong Melly?' asked Valandriel.
'Nothing,' said Meludiel, examining the menu. She looked at her
brothers. 'You two are a lame agenda. It is your own devices at work.
It is hardly Seraphim Torah prophetical propulsion.'
'Seraphim Torah Prophetical Propulsion,' replied Daniel. 'Mmmm. That's
a new one.'
'Following the impulses and directions the Seraphim Torah propels us
towards,' stated Valandriel.
'And you are both bereft of obedience to the faith,' replied Meludiel.
'That much is completely and clearly apparent,' said Meludiel.
'The toxic stench has increased,' said Nimorel out loud, not looking at
anybody in particular.
'Keep it clean, Nim,' said Raphael softly.
Meludiel looked at Nimorel, who sat there, sipping on her melit water,
ignoring her.
'What makes you think a prophetic propulsion paradigm has any real
merit?' queried Daniel. 'When the happenstance of the occurance of the
fulfilment of a prophetical ideal becomes a reality due to life
circumstances affording the application of a Torah principle the
circumstances at hand at the time of the day and year such things may
occur, then you might be teaching Seraphim Torah. Till then the DanVal
agenda ruleth.'
'ValDan agenda,' replied Valandriel.
'Amusing,' said Daniel.
'It might be the sewerag pipes burst,' said Nimorel out loud.
Meludiel looked at Nimorel, who was still ignoring her, and frowned. She
returned her focus to the menu.
'That answer betrays your lack of Seraphim Torah devotion,' replied
'Or an extremely wise insight into the fact that eternity is forever, and
God is quite patient in getting around to his Torah Principles project,'
replied Daniel.
'So when he's happy enough to apply the idea?' queried Meludiel.
'And again and again and again,' said Daniel. 'The principles are
eternal. He'll have fun with them forever. It's not that big an issue.
Life goes on. He gets that jazz done when he wishes to. I do know.
Queries were made from a young age on that exact issue.'
Meludiel looked at Daniel. 'Really?'
'Really,' replied Daniel.
'You never said,' replied Meludiel, as Kaladel came over, and put melit
water with baked cheesecake in front of her.
'The usual, right?' asked Kaladel.
Meludiel smiled.
'It must be because of dietary reasons. The weirdness of the smell,'
said Nimorel out loud.
Daniel grinned. 'That cheesecake doesn't go right through you does it
'Shut up Daniel,' replied Meludiel, picking up her teaspoon, hooking into
her favourite cheesecake.
Nimorel stood, as did Raphael. Raphael walked to the door of the
canteen, while Nimorel walked up to the table Meludiel and Daniel and
Valandriel were sitting at. She leant over and looked at Meludiel in the
face. 'I have musical talent too Meludiel.' And she straightened up,
and stood there, arms folded.
Meludiel looked at her. 'I don't doubt that. I know you do. You are
one of the best singers in choir.'
Nimorel looked at her. 'Whatever,' she replied, and walked over to
Raphael. And they left the room.
'It's music then,' said Valandriel.
'Obviously,' replied Meludiel. 'She's a bit envious of my position I
think.' Meludiel went quiet, and ate her cheesecake quietly.
'Hey, that's not your fault,' said Daniel. 'You delight in choir and
praise music. Nim has plenty of talent too, but God probably wanted you
for that job. He put that in your heart.'
'Meludiel might want to do something too, though,' said Meludiel.
'Mmm,' said Daniel. 'Right.' He scratched his head. 'Mistrel will get
the Pelnaphon project going soon. In the exapanded realm coming. That's
gonna happen. She'll have plenty of new opportunities. You don't know.
Long term God might have real big plans for Nimorel. She's number 3
female Seraphim. She's glory. Who knows. Don't sweat it Mel.'
Meludiel's face was a frown.
'It'll be ok,' said Valandriel.
'I'm going to the music room,' said Meludiel. She was tearing up.
'Man,' said Valandriel.
'Women,' said Daniel. 'Only God can explain them.'
'Probably,' replied Valandriel.
And the afternoon passed.
* * * * *
Michael, Gabriel & Raphael were in Michael's overseer's office.
Cindradel was present, ready to take notes.
'Ok. Recap, fellas,' said Michael.
'The New Realm is here soon,' said Gabriel. 'An announcement is coming.
New responsibilities. New brethren. The Cherubim. Most likely an
expansion on the core idea of the Realm so far.'
'Don't forget there's a chance, down the track, of further expansion or
expansions,' said Raphael.
'You should probably discuss that Michael,' said Cindradel, making notes.
Michael looked at Cindradel, then leaned back in his chair, arms above
back of his head.'
'Yeah. Yes, I fancy the chances of such a reality Raphael. Possibly
further Cherubim Torah will be brought forth as well with the new bunch,'
said Michael.
'Quite possibly,' said Gabriel. 'Further expansions though? I mean, we
don't even know if there are other realms for starters. Maybe he's done
this kind of thing before. Elsewhere. Look up. That space up there?
How long does that go on for? Forever?'
'Speculation,' replied Michael. 'Anything's possible I suppose. But
whatever will come later on, for now we have a new realm, the rough
dimensions, and the rough numbers of what we're going to get. He hasn't
put any of us in charge of anything yet in particular, so don't expecy
anything for sure. We don't even know if they are called Cherubim.
People are assuming that's what they are called.'
'Which of course begs the question. Onaphim. Oraphim. Ozraphim. Where
the hell are they? Why start with Seraphim?' queried Raphael.
'Maybe likes the name the most,' said Cindradel. 'Sounds good to him.'
'Maybe,' said Gabriel.
'Raphael. What is up with your twin?' asked Michael.
'Uh, nothing major,' replied Raphael, scratching his head.
'Nothing major? Meludiel is beside herself. Please ensure the situation
is resolved,' said Michael.
'Will do,' replied Raphael.
'Work duties at the food complex and the garden under control Gabriel?'
asked Michael.
'They like the new smokes coming through,' replied Gabriel. 'Using
papers has made there day.'
Raphael smiled. 'Classic idea. Who came up with that?'
'No comment,' replied Michael. 'Well, Zaphon is business as usual, head
staff are about their regular duties. The quarries and forestry works is
under control. Surafel and co can handle the requests list. Most issues
are under control. Meeting closed. Recap next Yomladon.'
Gabriel and Raphael stood. 'Cigarettes,' said Michael to Raphael.
'Indeed,' said the departing Seraphim angel.
* * * * *
'It's dark,' Adruel said to Saruviel. 'We should be in bed.'
They were on the jetty on golden lake on the north shore, were
Glimmersphon Keep was located, to the west of Zaphon Keep in the Realm of
Eternity. Zaphon was roughly in the centre of the Realm of Eternity,
which was roughly circular in shape. Distances in the Realm were
measured in cubits - angelic cubits. A cubit was roughly an angel's
stride. An old measurement in the realm of eternity which had caught on.
The distance to the Rim, which was the edge of the Realm of Eternity,
from Zaphon at the centre, was approximately 50,000 cubits. Glimmersphon
Keep was roughly halfway between Zaphon Keep and the Rim to the west of
Zaphon. South of Glimmersphon Keep was Golden Lake, the biggest lake in
the Realm of Eternity. North of Zaphon was the Sellawon river, which ran
to the rim. Dalnaphon Keep was up north, near the edge of the Rim.
There were other smaller keeps here and there, mainly minor abodes, apart
from the food complex, which was a larger building. Gabriel was usually
in charge of the garden and the food complex, Raphael ran a spiritual
counselling team, and Michael managed those two, and the realm as a
whole. Generally they called Michael the overseer. Father, a spiritual
man, who they believed was probably a manifestation of God the creator,
appeared from time to time. He was a mysterious messenger from God, who
claimed to be their father. But God was honoured in the throneroom of
Zaphon, were he spoke to them from above the throne from time to time.
The flickering flame above the throne went through different colours,
which changed from time to time. Behind the throne was the clock of
eternity, and Saruviel's twin, Krystabel, was a big fan of the clock of
eternity. Saruviel was the seventhborn Seraphim of the 70 Male Seraphim,
which had 70 Female Seraphim Sister twin's. A twin could be romantic
with the other, but it had never been a rule to live by. Just what some
liked. Apparently it might be a support partner as the main thing.
Someone the other looked out for from time to time.
'I like the dark,' replied Saruviel. 'I can think in the dark. You,
Adruel, are not so stupid. You have a mind which can contemplate. Many
of them are rather simplistic.'
'You're seventhborn Saruviel. God worked hard in creating you. The rest
have different ways about them. That's the point.'
'I suppose I could learn to appreciate that,' replied Saruviel. 'No
matter.' Saruviel returned to his silence mode.
'We speak in the common tongue. It's called English by the father,' said
Adruel. 'The common tongue. It will be used in time in greater
creation, he has told me.'
'Has he now,' replied Saruviel. 'Fascinating.'
'We have the angelic tongue, which has limited applications. The angelic
words are crafted slowly, and mainly for official purposes, so father
tells me. It is my concern as a writer. Words and things.'
'That would be normal and regular and suitable,' said Saruviel. 'You
could break free of control and write words you prefer. Rather than the
community standardized insistences.'
'And why would I do that?' replied Adruel.
'Why not, brother? Why not?' said Saruviel.
Adruel went quiet. 'Interesting thought.'
'Freedom is like that,' said Saruviel.
'Freedom?' asked Adruel.
'Freedom,' replied Saruviel.
'Right,'said Adruel. He looked out at the midnight lake and stood. He
looked at Saruviel. 'Enjoy your contemplations. I need bed.' And
Adruel made his way up to Glimmersphon Keep, leaving the melancholy
Saruviel with his words of freedom, and endless dark of the night.
* * * * *
Kantriel was in a pensive mood. 'Azrael. Football on your team is a
stress. I'm switching to Cosadriel's,' said Kantriel.
'Consider retiring,' replied Azrael. 'You are too caught up with
Saruviel now. You don't come for practice at all hardly. We need to
practice to learn the game well. It's how we learn it. You just show up
and fool around, as Daraqel watches on, encouraging you to be funny.'
'What else?' asked Kantriel.
'Cosadriel is less nonsense with football than me,' replied Azrael. 'So
good luck.'
'Bah,' said Kantriel, and wandered off the ground to Daraqel in the
stand. A small stand, for those who watched the game. 'It's not like it
used to be. Now they are serious,' said Kantriel. 'As bad as Saruviel
in his way.'
'Saruviel is deeper,' replied Daraqel. 'But I know what you mean.'
'May as well get a new pastime,' replied Kantriel.
'Why don't we wait out this Saruviel puzzle,' said Daraqel. 'See what he
does when he starts going on about his new thinking.'
'I guess,' replied Kantriel. 'He's taking a while though. Must be heavy
thought. Freedom ideas. Whatever he means by it.'
'Some sort of philosophy,' replied Daraqel. 'Let's go play Keldo in the
'May as well,' replied Kantriel.
The two Seraphim found Jerahmeel and Raguel that afternoon, and played
Keldo with them. Then they went to the library and read some books on
the angels climbing the mountains, then off to the dinner hall for the
Yomladon main meal before Melladon. There were about 70 or so angels
present, a usual enough turnout, and Kantriel sat there, eating his food
slowly, thinking. What was Saruviel up to. Why was this issue, of any,
so important. Did he have some sort of reason? Some sort of motivation?
What was going on? What was deep in the heart of Saruviel the Seraphim?
God only knew, thought Kantriel the Seraphim. God only knew.
* * * * *
The wind was blowing in the trees. Daniel looked at the wind blowing in
the trees. He was in his dormitory in upper Zaphon Keep. He read his
Torah Principle. 'Be in the Hearts of Men.' Meludiel was funny.
Prophetic Propulsion. Amusing. Now what was the prophetic propulsion of
being in the hearts of men. Ok. He could invent a shrinking machine and
explore their hearts. Apparently that was what beat in the chest. Go up
their nostrils and make his way to their heart. Enjoy the food inside.
The drink. And the innards. Blood, probably. He had a few cuts in his
time. Maybe blood and more flesh. Food and drink. Poo as well. And
pee. They got done inside there. Maybe the heart dealt with them too.
Only God knew. He did not think he would bother that much with prophetic
propulsion. It was an amusing idea. He lived in the real world. But it
was funny. Maybe one day.
He stood, and went downstairs, to the music room. He opened Meludiel's
office. She smiled at him.
'I'll be playing the vibronic,' he said to her. She nodded.
He sat down at the vibronic. He tinkered. Then started playing random
musical tunes and notes. Weird melodies and ideas. After a few minutes
Meludiel came in, sat down, and watched him. He spent an hour doing that
and rested. Meludiel left the room and came back with hot coffee. 'Do
more. I want to listen,' she said. He nodded, and continued. 3 hours
later he was spent.
'It will build my second well,' he said. 'My first well of tunage came
from this work. I composed about 200 tunes from the first well, which
you know a bit.'
'I've heard some of your better ones,' replied Meludiel. 'This well?
Better than the first?'
'Similar. Mostly new ideas. A little bit more complex. Good ideas
though. New thinking. Original again this time also.'
Meludiel stood, and walked to her office. 'Good luck with the new batch,
Danny. I do like music a lot. I'll listen with interest.'
'Thanks sweetie,' replied Daniel the Seraphim. He looked at the
Vibronic. The second batch of melodies. This should be good. Here we
go again.
* * * * *
Meludiel sat on a bench in the garden of Zaphon. Kimborel was nearby,
doing embroidery. It was Melladon - the day of celebration - the first
day of the 50 day month. Nimorel was on her mind. She now knew the
issue at hand. Nimorel felt that Meludiel was not the only one fit for
the glory position in music. Nimorel could do it also. Right. Fine.
Good. No problem. But what could she do about it? She couldn't
actually resign her position. Really, in the end, that just couldn't
happen. She'd wanted it desperately. She wouldn't do that and just let
it go because somebody else also wanted the job. That just wouldn't
happen. But what could she do? What should she do?
'Nimorel is fierce and proud,' said Kimborel. 'She thinks very highly of
her own talent, but sometimes doesn't quite get the point that others are
talented too. Sometimes it's just all about Nimorel.'
'I know,' replied Meludiel. 'But it doesn't mean she doesn't get to
share her talents. Everyone gets to share their talents and what they
are good at. Nimorel included.'
'Well she hasn't exactly gone about that the right way recently,' said
Kimborel. 'She's been rude about it. Quite frankly, rude. She should
really know better. And act better. Terrible really.'
'I know,' replied Meludiel. She bit into an apple, and looked at the
ground. She would come up with something, though. She would think about
it - for a while - and come up with a solution. Something which would
put Nimorel at ease and let her demonstrate her talent to the community.
What that would be? She didn't know yet. But she would work it out.
She would work it out.
'Go to your dorm and meditate,' said Kimborel. 'Let the realm's calmness
inside Zaphon give you peace. Don't let Nimorel rule you, Meludiel.
Don't let her do that.'
Meludiel stood and looked at Kimborel. 'I'm going inside.'
'Good,' replied Kimborel.
Meludiel went to the northern entrance of Zaphon, climbed the steps, and
went inside. She didn't go to the dormitories. She went to Ambriel's
office - her twin. He was inside.
'Yes,' replied Ambriel. 'What's up Meludiel?'
'Are you ever jealous of Raphael and his position in Zaphon?' asked
'Raphael is great to work with,' replied Ambriel. 'I can do my job
perfectly with Raphael in charge.'
'Oh, I see. Thanks,' replied Meludiel.
'Yeh. Sure,' replied Ambriel. Meludiel left.
Climbing the stairs she went into her dorm, and sat down on her bed. She
pulled up the blankets over her, and looked at the wall. She'd work it
out. Nimorel wasn't impossible. Just challenging. She'd work it out.
But her eyes got tired, and she drifted off to sleep, and wherever
Nimorel was, she was none the wiser to the current state of her sister's
heart, and the concerns she had for dear Nimorel.
The End of Chapter One of Morning Stars Divine Splendour
AND SO FORTH UNFOLDS "Morning Stars Divine Splendour"
THE END - For Now