and helped with Zaphon duties a fair bit. It was a darkened afternoon,
and God had brought along some of that green and red cloudy sky he had
done in recent months. Strange stuff which came around for a while every
century, then disappeared. It brought in an Anima - a Spirit - a mood.
And when the green and red was in town, Adruel did his business with his
writing. His creativity. His core skill as a Seraphim Angel. He walked
into the main living room, sat down at the double seater couch, and
picked up a pile of papers he'd written last century, which he'd gotten
out of storage, and looked them over. He sipped on the melit water as he
looked through them, making mental notes of what he had been writing and
the ideas he'd had. Then he got to a piece of paper near the bottom of
the pile, and singled it out. 'Angel of Darkness'. Oh. Ok, he thought
to himself. A little story about an angel encountering darker ideas of
life, potentially melancholic. Nothing overly specific yet. But he sat
there, read the paragraph, and knew instantly. How couldn't you.
Ok. Congratulations Adruel. He was a prophet. Perfectly predicted.
But now? Writing the damn story on the idea. The research subject was
apparent. Saruviel himself. But Saruviel was stuck in Glimmersphon
Keep, knocking back visitors usually, unless on special request, and
Adruel didn't want to disturb his brother's peace. But the sidekicks -
Kantriel and Daraqel. Maybe, catching up with them in Zaphon Keep,
asking a subtle question or two, getting some insight on what was going
on. That could help with the project. Yeh, he said to himself, sipping
on melit water. That would be fine. Good idea. Something to carry on
with in life. Good enough passion for this moment in time. Saruviel -
seventhborn - angel of adversity. And, of course, angel of darkness.
Perfect. Now he would need some new ink, his quills were fine, but fuss
and bother. A new project for Adruel the Seraphim. Time to get busy.
* * * * *
Koryel was a cute redheaded Seraphim angel. Just over 5 feet tall, she
had a forehead similar to that of Ambriel the male Seraphim. She was
cute, and a lot of the male angels liked to hang around her regularly -
she was kind of popular. Koryel liked quaint traditional angelic music.
Music from the early years of the Realm of Eternity. She played
Meludiel's early music on the stringed instruments all the time, and sang
soft and soothing words with them. And she would dress in white and
yellow, with circles and squares and triangles in shapes in lines on the
clothings, prettily decorated, in yellows and whites and dashes of
greens, blues, reds and purples. She always looked fine - she always
looked special. Koryel was like that to many of the angels. Special.
The penultimate female Seraphim Angel, 69 on the list, twin to Zashadiel,
Koryel had a lot about her. And a lot going on. She did the usual
things Seraphim angels did - took part in the work roster, socialized,
chatted, did some of the gardening at the Kazraphon garden district, and
had some close friends she chatted with regularly. And she was romantic
with Zashadiel somewhat, going on walks here and there with him, and
dancing for him, and even massaging his feet after a day's hard work,
which he expressed he appreciated very much. But her thing was mostly
her traditional music and costume and dance. That was what Koryel was
mostly about as an angel.