'You shall not pass,' said Soslan the Lion King.

'Shouldn't you be in an adventure of Kung Fu Panda,' said Melanie B to Soslan. 'A Lionman instead of a Tigerman, though.'

'Aw, come on. Let us pass,' said Emma. 'We'll be on very good behaviour.'

'I am the King of Mythora. You shall not Enter the Hidden City.'

'You're hardly the King,' said Noah. 'Mythora is beset with little Hitler's who all think they are King Rat. Just another pretender to the throne, buddy.'

'I, am the King,' replied Soslan, getting out his lasso of truth, and whirling it around like a cowboy. Just ask Neqora the Unicorn. She acknowledges me as the King. You'll meet her futher into the Valley ahead.'

'Neqora has a Sword,' said Callodyn. 'Forged in Avalon. She's a Unicornman like you are a Lionman I take it?'

'Unicorn Person,' replied Soslan, amused with his rope tricks, and impressing himself. He pulled up his lasso of truth into his hands and pulled it tight. 'We'll hang you sonny Jim if you don't get the protocols correct in the Hidden City. I am the King and I run a Tight Ship. All above board, Sonny Jim. Believe me.'

'Who employs you?' asked Geri.

Soslan jumped down onto all fours, and came over and started brushing against Geri's legs and purring. 'You're my favourite Spice Girl. You have all the heart,' he said.

'Oy,' said Melanie. 'We're all heart.'

'You're too scarey,' replied Soslan, who had returned to his rope tricks. 'But I like you. Funny. That father of Angel. He's a funny guy. Beverly Hills Cop indeed.'

'You're the King Warrior of the Hidden Valley are you?' asked Noah.

'I'm the Defender of the Realm,' said Soslan, now swinging his rope around. 'And I'll hang you high if you mess around too much. The Rainbow is challenging, and a 3 headed dog guards it at the final stage, and you better answer the riddle, or you'll be dogfood for sure.'

'There is supposed to be a Marble Plaque Ready for the Covenant Chapter. It should Read 'The Gem Covenant is Ratified by the Rainbow Covenant. There is supposed to be an engraver ready to chisel out Genesis chapter 9.'

'He's ready,' replied Soslan. 'If you pass the riddle. But never mind that. You won't get past me to start with, and if you do, Neqora will use her Magic Sword and dispatch you for sure.'

'Oh, it's a Magic Sword is it,' said Mel B.

'Got to be. And then if you negotiate Neqora's wisdom, Varadin the Little One will Battle you with his Stick and you'll not get over the Glorious River to Climb Mt Glory, that's for sure.'

'Is he a big guy?' asked Geri.

'He's a size or two,' replied Soslan.

'Figures,' replied Geri. 'Little John. Robin Hood.'

Noah looked at her, nodded, and turned to Soslan. 'You obviously know the details of our Quest well.'

'The Hidden Valley has been ready for you clowns a long time,' said Soslan, laying down on a rock, playing with his rope, and trying to look like the Koolest Kat in town. 'But you won't get past me. You're too thick to work out my riddle.'

'Oh, there's 3 riddles, is there?' asked Geri.

'4,' said Soslan. 'The Guardian of Growler has the final one, and it's a tough one. But work out all 4 riddles, and show true wisdom, we'll maintain the Covenant forever. It's a rainbow covenant, but you better prove worthy, or back you go, and we'll reset it all for someone far more worthy.'

'Wonderful,' said Callodyn. 'Fine. What's the riddle.'

'Glad you asked,' replied Soslan, jumping down onto his feet, and whirling the rope above his head.