And so they climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed and, finally, Callodyn said 'I'm getting too old for this.'

'Move it, pox-breath,' said Noah, and nudged Daniel with his staff, who picked himself up and moved on

After a long climb they neared the summit and started noticing there was more to Mt Glory than the mysterious summit at the top.

'It appears to be a residence,' said Emma.

'Many of them,' said Geri, pointing.

'Carved into the mountain itself,' said Melanie.

As climbed up they came to little trails which ran to the side, and there were windows and doors, and suddenly a face appeared, and suddenly a number. Men, women and then a number of what was obviously druids from the order.

'Come on,' the people said. And so they carried on and reached the top, a crowd following at their heels. The came to an elaborate and beautiful gateway at the top of the mountain which levelled out into a volcano-like surface, which was about 50 yards in diameter. On the surface it was all level with what appeared to be a checkerboard surface of black and whit, and in the centre a grand looking altar. But the biggest and most obviously noticeable thing was a rather large 3 headed dog, about 4 or 5 yards in height, roaming around sniffing the ground which, when it noticed the visitors yelped and came over, growling at them, protecting the chessboard surface.

'Don't mind growler,' said a druid. 'He'll just tear you to pieces if you try and enter in without permission.'

Callodyn gulped. 'Good to know.'

The druid came over to Noah. 'The carving is all done. We've had word a few hours now of your approach, and all we are waiting is the rainbow itself as the witness. But looking at the clouds above and this rain which is now sprinkling, it doesn't appear to be long now.'

The girls sat down crossed legged, and Noah took station behind them, standing proudly, leaning on his staff, and they all stared at Callodyn.

'Remember,' be polite,' said Geri.

'Don't stuff up Cally Wally,' said Emma.

'Get it right idiot,' said Melanie.

Noah nodded soberly at Callodyn. It was up to him. The druid came over, and sat down crossed legged. Callodyn mirrored him.

'Now, cherubim, are you ready for your riddle?'

Callodyn nodded. 'First of, all, just one question?'

'Yes,' replied the Wizard. 'Glory Village has a duty eternal. Are you really sure you are up to it?'

'After all this time,' sighed the druid. 'I don't think we could imagine anything else. Now, the riddle. Cherubim Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly crafted this one with you well in mind. And here it is. I am Eternal, I never give up. I'm faithful and true, and a sign of good luck. I'm with you forever, you know me so well. Now answer the riddle, and of course you can tell.'

'A bit obvious,' said Geri.

'I think it was supposed to be,' said Emma.

'Even Callodyn could not mess this one up,' said Melanie.

Noah stared at his protege.

Callodyn, of course, knew the answer instantly. He looked at the skies, and as the people looked on a Rainbow appeared in the clouds, and everyone looked.

'Well it must be a rainbow then,' said Callodyn. 'What else could it possibly be.'

And then the villagers started singing, and instruments suddenly appeared, and they danced trills. The GEM Covenant was ratified, and Callodyn had solved the final riddle. Noah came over, put his hand on Callodyn's shoulder, and said 'Well done son.' The Quest was complete.

* * * * *