Xadd & Tails: Volgarian Days

We eat at the same Club in the Volgarian Empire every Friday night, and mingle with our friends there. We watch TV during the week, and study our books, and have a good time with regular Volgarian things. Happy days and I write some stories about it all.

Noahide Books - Daniel T. A. Daly





We play Volleyball in our Volgarian Days, and do Jigsaw puzzles of Volgarian Culture.

Noahide Books - Daniel T. A. Daly





I play with your belly button and lift you off your feet when we get passionate in Volgarian Days at our home.

Noahide Books - Daniel T. A. Daly





Our boy, 'Volley Rull Daly' will be our eternal contribution to Volgarian Society.

Noahide Books - Daniel T. A. Daly





In the Volgarian Empire we are both serving for many millennia. You are working in a library and I am working in a basic office position, and we are slowly collecting some Volgarian Culture products.

Noahide Books - Daniel T. A. Daly





New Plans for a Child called 'Volley Rull Daly' who read 'The War Against the Rull' by A E Van Vogt as his 'Monday' novel, which he reads on Mondays. Born into the 'Volgarian Empire' many aeons hence.

The End

Volgar the Wise

Volgar was a normal Australian man. No ambitions. Not much.
He liked life well enough, and had studied the Eternal Life traditions
to gain eternal life on Earth. He mastered this in time and gained the
fruit of the tree of life. He thought about the standard franchise systems
for his economic prosperity, but registered 'The Volgarian Empire' with
the New Empire Registrations for the United Nations. He got the rights
reserved, and started working on the plan. It would be based on
Australian society a fair degree, but he would be the Emperor and would
rule the Empire. Technically a Monarchy of sorts. It would be based
on sound rule of law and International Law would be honoured. He would
develop some original culture product but mainly run with the mainstream
Anglophonian culture as his primary source. He would save cashola
for a long time, acquire a wise wife also, and eventually acquire some
of the newly forming continents after a long period of saving money and
begin his Empire plans. It would be 'Volgariffic'.

Rull Vs Volgar

'Ok, sons of Pride,' said Queen Estella. 'Connect your tablets.'
Rull and Volgar connected their tablets to the large screen
in the throneroom of Volgaria, and Volgar glared at Rull.
'You go first,' he said.
Rull brought up a trading card.
'Bulldogs. 2021 NRL. Very valuable.'
'Humph,' replied Volgar. He brought up one of his
collectibles. 'Australian 20cents piece from 2055,' said Volgar.
'Scarce as hen's teeth these days, Rullian Adversary.'
'The club has grown 10% in these last few years,' replied Rull,
referring to his Ambitions Core, the War Against the Rull book
Club within the Volgarian Empire. 'We have several Quadrillion
members now, and the cultural Gaming Community has some
phenomenal times of adventure.'
'Aye, ye have been good for Volgar, but a Prince of the Kingdom
you are not yet, Volley Rull Daly. Behold my next piece. A necklace
with inscriptions from the 23rd Century of the Common era from
Sri Lanka, made with Turquoise, and quite beautiful handiwork.
Worth a pretty penny or two, collector of minor ambition.'
'Humph,' replied Rull. And the battle went on.

'I'll get the cook to make pizza,' said the Queen to the Guard.
'They'll argue the rest of the night, and I'm hungry.'
'Good idea,' said Fred Prefect, shaking his head at his Lord
and Emperor. Stubborn old man. Give Rull the Job. He'd
served forever.

And life went on.

the end