Assembly of the Divine Creator Rainbow Bible
Associated Assemblies of Faith (AOFs)
The Book of the Divine Creator
By Daniel
© 6173 SC
Verse 1
For Hope is indeed the greatest of the virtues. For Hope always believes, even when all things seem lost, when all things seem forsaken, when all things seem as if heaven itself is determined to destroy your very soul, Hope still believes. And as that Hope endures, peace, life, love, faith and joy come forth, born from the strength of Hope, enshrouding the soul of the child of God with Glory. For children of the Assembly of the Divine Creator are eternal children of Hope, never giving up in their belief that God will always be their for them, hoping for bright eternal promises to give them the consolation their souls truly desire.
Verse 2
For Peace is Hopes firstborn child, born of the Hope for better days, beyond the wars, trials and tribulations of the children of men. Peace is what Hope has always longed for, desiring its blessing to enshroud the heart with eternal joys of friendship and kindness, even with those who were once their bitterest enemies. Peace flows eternally, from the heart of God, like a river of purest ecstasy, refreshing the heart and giving eternal consolation under even the most difficult of circumstance.
Verse 3
And Life, New Life, is the second born child of Hope, New life, born into a world of Peace, in which Hope has found its glory in the new world of life eternal. Life begins anew, flowing from the heart of God indeed, growing each day, brightening the heart, brightening the mind, brightening the soul, Life, in all its splendid vibrancy and enchantment, Life to make the joys of each and every day an eternal consolation from the Hope and Peace from which it has sprung forth.
Verse 4
And Pure Love, the third-born. For in the new life of glory, what more could one possibly desire to seek than the gentlest touch of Love’s pure heart. For in the death of violence and bitterness, those things which the eternal power of peace has vanquished, love can be resurrected in even the most bitter of hearts, born anew, born to life eternal, and growing each and every day in the beauty which flows from God the creator, the source of eternal and blessed love.
Verse 5
And then faith is restored, growing again. For love has touched its deepest heart, reminding it that once, when lost in misery and despair, hope almost forsaken, that faith can be rekindled even in the darkest of hearts. For faith moves us onwards, propels us ever onwards, trusting in the eternal Lord of Glory, trusting in the divine creator to bless us and give us the eternal joys and gifts of heaven which our deepest yearnings so truly desire, all born from the gift of faith, believing and trusting in our eternal lord.
Verse 6
And the fifth-born, the greatest consolation, born from enduring hope and the remaining virtues, blessed and pure joy. Joy which gives us those moments were everything is perfect, were we cry to the heavenlies that everything is good in the world, that everything is right, that life is rolling along in divine perfection and that all things are as they should be. And that joy bursts open within us, giving us the greatest sensations of our lives, making us never forget the eternal and loving divine creator who has brought us to be.
Verse 7
And then, the virtues of life, the foundational virtues being in place, we grow and develop, continuing to learn each and every day of those eternal principles of life which embellish and grant ever-growing perfection to our lives, the lives of the Assembly of the Divine Creator, the Lives of the Eternal Children of God.
Thus Ends the Book of the Divine Creator
A Noahide family need to show loyalty to each other. Loyalty, love and respect for each other. They should try to like each other, even when there are challenging family members and challenging times. It is not always easy to love or even like a family member of they are a god-damn son of a gun, but be patient. Remember they are only human, and are often doing the best they can despite a sometimes more ordinary exterior. Remember, God knows the heart of a person, and what they are going through in life, so be patient with your kin, and accept that they are going through this challenge of life and might not always be finding it so easy. Remain loyal, don't easily burn bridges with your family members, and if and when you find that necessary, you really should always allow an opportunity for divides between you to be repaired when the situation improves. So remain loyal and patient with family members, and show them the kind of love which Noahide families really need deep down in their heart. Fathers in families need to be responsible and set good examples for their wife and children. They usually need to be the primary money earner in the family, but while the husband is the head of the wife in a family, sometimes a wife may be the more talented or competent at earning a wage for a family. If her skills demonstrate this, a husband needs to humble himself and accept that. Sometimes, of course, both husband and wife need to work to support the family, and this is completely natural and acceptable. Fathers need to provide for their family, not just their food and clothing, but their time as well, as children need input from their fathers and need to spend quality time with them, getting to know them and having happy and positive family experiences with their father. Sometimes a father needs private times with each of their children, and each child needs that special relationship with their dad. Each should have a time and place for just them. Love your children, fathers, and raise them to respect the family rules and traditions as well as the customs and laws of society. Be a good dad.
Mothers often need to serve in traditional roles as wives and homekeepers. This should not be assumed by the husband, as a woman needs to express herself in life, but this in Noahide tradition should still probably be the normative role of the wife. It's a traditional model and works well, and is in harmony with what is usually a more assertive man and more submissive wife. Not always, but it is a regular truth of our humanity regardless. Exceptions always need to be taken into account, especially in more modern eras in response to the desires of feminist thinkers for greater equality with men. Mothers need to be just like fathers and love their children and have that special time and relationship with each of them. Love your children, for you gave birth to them, and that was challenge enough. Children. You are learning. You are given grace for a season and a time. But as you grow, and come into adulthood, remember you always needed to show respect for your parents growing up, so learn to maintain that as you develop into adulthood, and stay loyal to your parents and love them dearly.
Astrology is an artificial creation of minds of staggering intellect, truly stupendous in its paradigms of insight into life, beyond all the fathoming of minds based on simplistic idea like logic and reason. It baffles mere mortals who say stupid things like ‘That’s bullshit mate’ and ‘What a load of bollocks’. But these are the unlearned ones, says the soothsayer of fortunes, happy to read your palms for a buck and tell you just how tall that handsome stranger will be, and just the exact number of zeroes in that sudden cheque you are SOON to DEFINITELY get in the mail. Bwah ha ha harrgh. But I love Astrology – seriously. Couldn’t live without it. Every time I open up one of those Women’s Weeklies and am told the fortunes of Scorpio for the month I wait with anticipation as my DESTINY UNFOLDS. Amazing. Numerology – that is what the Jews are in to. They call it Gematria. Funnily enough, I dabble around with that, and find some very interesting connections on English words using Ordinal Equivalents to total them, when A is 1 and B is 2 and C is 3 and so on through the alphabet to Z is 26. For example God is 26 – the exact number of letters in the English alphabet. Daniel is 45. Adam is 19. David is 40 and so on. Of course Cool is 45 and Dumb is 40, but I digress. Astrology is the WAVE of the Future. As the Age of Aquarius unfolds, our lives will be enrichened by such gems of wisdom as ‘Knowing your Soul Path’ and ‘The Wisdom of your Gemstone’ and so on and so forth. Heart of the Earthmother. I am not sure if she is into Astrology – she might be – but the magazines, which you can find in Aussie newsagents, or order online, are AMAZING. In the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny – the Pagan Version – which you can find online, I have some fun with Heart of the Earthmother. Her Combatant is Daniel – from the Realm of Understanding. WHO KNOWS what the future has in store for her as she struggles with the villainous Seraphim of Yahweh, sure to corrupt the universe with their ‘Devilish Ways’. Beware those blonde Seraphim, she bemoans. Funnily enough, I have been visited by a blonde Seraphim, in the skies above Macarthur, and down at Fadden Pines. And Michael himself appeared in a dream, with the Seraphim who had appeared to me in person. I thought it was Ambriel. It seemed the Ambriel from my books. I really don’t know, as he said not his name. Life is a mystery. Astrology is OK, as long as it doesn’t go to your head. It’s a little bit of fun, but getting caught up in the New Age is just a distraction from the mundane of life anyway, which is why people do it. I mean, after all, its all about spirituality these days, isn’t it politically correct society out there? Isn’t it? I mean, religion. Who needs that.
Daniel, 7 Jan 2012
A Noahide has an idea. And their mind goes off on a tangent considering the idea. But sometimes the idea has a merry sarcasm and decides to venture into untamed territories of ideology. And sometimes the will of man is to allow these thoughts to develop and go were they will. The secrets of the heart are mysterious at times, but sometimes the heart, which seeks good things, can be deceived by the thoughts of a mind which has gone into irrational thinking, often for the sake of assuming vain pleasures – sin – will profit the soul in the sarcasm of freethinking delight. It is not wise to let your mind roam unrestrained. Schizophrenia and other mental conditions, including anxiety and depression have their root in thoughts which are left to run unrestrained, and often those thoughts are the simple condoning of behaviours which seem like fun, but which later on are repented of as the sins of wilful youth. The Rainbow Torah teaches this truth – God knew the thoughts of the heart of man was wicked from his youth. For the innocent youngling thinks, if it feels good do it, and runs with the excitement of the moment and the day. And even in teenage years, when they perhaps should know better, they can be a worse devil than ever. Irrational thinking is thinking which condones poor attitudes, mean and hostile words and behaviours, and desires of depravity, immorality and hedonism. At the root of all mentally ill conditions were choices of youth and earlier years in which you allowed your mind to delight in vanities of pride and sin and unabated pleasure. Often it is listening to things and words of people, or watching and listening to entertainment programs of various kind, which your passions somewhat agree with, especially politically correct hypocrisy of liberality, which take root and set an attitude in your thoughts but, the behaviours of which that flow from such thinking are ultimately detrimental. There is a way the human body should function, and if the mind has developed thinking which at its root is irrational, later on you will suffer various mental afflictions as well as often physical ailments. Irrational thinking, ultimately, is the psychologies of stupid and ungodly behaviour being condoned in your thoughts, thoughts which lack experience to discern the ultimate consequences of this thinking and the actions which can and do result from all such belief. Reason accords with truth and decent behviour. Reason accords with things which bring health to your mind and body, as well as to your affects on the exterior environment, and the opposite is thought which ultimately leads to the degradation of heart, mind and spirit.
Remember, people like to justify themselves.
They like to demonstrate their point and show they are acting justly
according to what they believe. When you are arguing heatedly with
someone, remember, they have a built up set of beliefs and
viewpoints, and they often want to insist you listen to what they say
and understand it properly so you can see their point. People can be
very rude and interrupt you and say that is not true, and deny your
arguments to justify themselves. Often people didn't understand you
properly when you said something and they can insist you are wrong
and get quite heated. Then they often feel a little embarrassed when
the point you made was factually misunderstood. The best thing to do?
Stay calm. Make a point, and if someone goes straight to disputation
let them speak their mind and stay silent until they have said what
they want to say. Calmly explain yourself when they have stopped
speaking and clarify clearly and exactly your points. Use factual
information to demonstrate the point you are trying to make. There is
no point in trying to humiliate someone with truth, as you already
know how that feels, don't you. Be sensitive and compassionate and
grant people the grace of their often frail human understandings and
pride. Sometimes points don't always need to be said and a very
important rule is if someone says 'I don't want to talk about it
anymore', shut the heck up and drop the subject immediately. Let go
of trying to justify yourself. Trust in God and life that the truth
of any given situation will speak itself out through the facts in due
For a new endeavour to last, it has to be created ancient. For it to be ancient it needs to have principles of life and truth which are well established and have worked in continuity in mankind's history. A new endeavour has to be created with a spirit of everlasting stability, truth and continuance – it has to be created with the intention of it remaining relevant eternally and for it not to be a transient work of a particular age or era, but one of permanence and endurance. New endeavour's can be accomplished. New ideas can be grasped and brought forth. New life and new understanding can shine forth. But if this new work does not have the essence of an eternal nature associated with it and, primarily, if it is an essence of sin in the core of this work, it will ultimately fail. Sin can be popular for a season, yet righteousness endures eternally. Starting a new business needs to be built on sound business principle. It needs to be established in prayer, lawfulness and practical use. It has to have value, meaning and fit a niche or marketplace in the world. Yet not just a business, but a new congregation of religious thinking, or an established one in an established religion or denomination. Yet, a new fiction work, or style of architecture or piece of music, or any endeavour intended to be eternal will ultimately fail unless it is built on enduring principles of ancient tradition.
I use a term 'Technical Virgin' for someone who has not had sex without a condom in the act of sexual intercourse. It is only on a technical point that they remain virginal, for in most respects the innocence and virginity is lost, especially in a woman because of the broken hymen. But, technically, a degree of innocence is still maintained while the physical penis has not been intercoursed with the physical vagina. Usually this protects from Sexually Transmitted Diseases and unwanted pregnancies. This technical point, in this sense, is not even minor, but in fact an important practical reality. When a woman is up the duff, she has often lost her family name/reputation. But a woman who is single with no children has a reasonable and fair enough degree of virginal status remaining to her. If she has not practised unprotected sexual intercourse at all and always used the condom, an even greater degree of purity and innocence remains. These are important considerations. Uncleanness spiritually is very much associated with STD's and Bastard children. Without the occurrence of these realities, a person is still in a large degree of spiritual purity and innocence. By no mean a chaste virgin, but there is a technical and important amount remaining. I first visited a prostitute in 1999 at 26 years of age. I have been, in the last 15 years since, about 50 times all up, once visiting two girls. This averages to about 4 to 5 brothel visits a year. God has not visited guilt on me on this issue so far, and allows it if I remain within reasonable practice amount. Members of the 7DF are not required to be quite as strict as the headship, unless pastoral, so a doubling of this amount by regular members of the 7DF is quite tolerable and acceptable. But we should not practice unprotected sexual intercourse at all really. We should retain this for our marriage, so we still have a purity to offer our spouse, and can ultimately hold our head up as a reasonable sexually moral person. Complete abstinence is a commendable ideal. Many achieve this, and they should be praised for doing as such. In the realities of life for 7DF, though, we tolerate a certain degree of sexual activity, provided safe sexual practices are adhered to. One last point, after 50 occasions I am most definitely STILL a technical virgin, and intend remaining as such until marriage.
I don't believe in bashing gay men or women at all. We shouldn't bash anyone. I don't agree with gay marriage, but neither do I agree with overt discrimination. I don't object to Civil Unions between gay people, because I do recognize that they can and do enter relationships of care and respect for people of the same sex. But I disagree with the idea of gay marriage, as this, in my mind, is reserved for the hetero lifestyle choice, with children as part of a natural marriage. Really, they should be looking for a different term to 'Marriage' to define their close relationships because, in the end, it's just a corruption of the natural order to view same-sex relationships the same was as natural hetero ones.
The ability to take the 'Rainbow Covenant' of God - the enshrined promise of no judgement day upon mankind - and through adhering to the principles and rules associated with this covenant as found in Genesis 1 - 11:9, has everlasting, eternal and unending possibilities of ultimate glory associated with it. Yet only the noble of heart, mind and soul can hope to win the true blessings associated with God's foundational Covenant for the children of Noah. Eternal shall be thine glory, shouldst thou conquer the darkness and reveal in the light of the rainbow, and acknowledge the truths of nature, the truths of the natural order, the truths of walking in harmony with the design of God imprinted in your very DNA, and find the peace of spiritual harmony by walking in love and peace and truth with your fellow man, your fellow animalkind, by watching over all the flora and fauna of creation and, by showing forth the wisdom of thine heart in all thy studies of truth and proclaiming these wisdoms to mankind - the reward and blessings for you and your posterity shall be of truly grand and unimaginable glory, majesty and amazement - and you shall find the eternal consolation of peace and love your deepest heart and the deepest desires of your soul could ever hope to dream of in your wildest imaginations.
Everyone has a right to express their own racial identity and cultural beliefs and aspirations. I don't believe in racial hatred of people from other Noahide lineages, but I do believe that the origin of most modern nations arose in a group of similar family members developing a unique family-nation, which developed into a race of people. And such races have a fair degree of rights in preserving their racial culture, values and identities. I believe we all go back to Noah - and further back to Adam - and we are all ultimately one family, but a 'Racial Identity' is also acceptable.
In my religion - Karaite Noahide Faith - people accept this belief because they believe it is the truth. We are not commanded by God to convert people to our religion, or even to tell people at all about our religion. If we do so it is entirely voluntary. We can completely keep it to ourselves if we want to. Nobody in the world is commanded in our faith to actually keep our religious observances. It is not based on that at all. We don't care if people in the world couldn't give the slightest shit about our Karaite Noahide religion. Couldn't care less. We keep this faith because we choose to and we want to and we believe it is the truth. We DON'T give the slightest fuck about your religious beliefs at all. They are all idolatry as far as we are concerned. We recognize one branch of Judaism as correct for the Jews - Karaite Judaism who use the full Jewish Bible, called the Tanakh. Our Scriptures (Genesis 1 – 11:9) as the same as the early portion of the Jewish Bible. And we are Karaite Noahides. The term Karaite means we follow the Rainbow Torah (Genesis 1 – 11:9). We do NOT study the Jewish Bible. They have the Abrahamic Covenant which grants them the land of Israel, and they have their own religion in the Jewish Bible. It does not need to be studied by Noahides.
Spiritual growth is not dissimilar to physical growth. Don't expect a three your old spiritual person, who has just discovered faith in recent years, to be all of a sudden a master of theology. Things take time, and its 18 years to adulthood. Be patient with yourself in any spiritual walk you are growing through. Growth and maturity takes time, and their are lots of growing pains along the way. Changes for the better can often take a long time to eventuate and God knows the heart and progress of men and women, and you never tell the secrets of another's hearts or the contemplations they are considering. Often appearances can be deceiving, for the most carnal of people can often end up the most spiritual. It is not a race to win all at once. You don't go out on the spiritual marathon of life, sprint like crazy for a few hundred yards, and expect to finish the race all at once. As Miley Cyrus sings, its all about the climb, and the lifelong walk with God is about commitment and endurance, and having patience with yourself that you will gradually address spiritual concerns in your life and resolve issues in time. A new born spiritual child should not spend up all its spiritual zeal and then drift off back to the world and sin, resenting the faith it was birthed in. It takes time. It takes time to get things right, to re-order a life which has often been a mess, and it takes time simply to learn and understand the spiritual truths necessary for coping with the eternal spiritual life. And, for life, it is not even a marathon. As with Noah, it is a long distance 'Walk with God'. Take each day at a time and build your spirituality slowly and carefully. Just stay committed. The essential basics are prayer, scripture and acknowledging the spiritual issues the Holy Spirit of Jehovah brings up to you when he does. Take your time, plan out your spiritual walk slowly with care and forethought. And you will achieve success and the eternal reward.
' Perhaps the greatest attribute of God is that he is holy. He is a being of eternity, and because he is of eternity, his being will not dwell with sin and those things which fall away to corruption and death. In his love for mankind, he offers us a way of salvation, through studying Torah and becoming 'Holy'. Holiness is not a temporary virtue. When it is achieved, it is the stuff your soul must resonate with for an eternal existence. It is a moral heart. It is a true heart. It is a heart which knows and understands the truth, no longer deceiving itself nor allowing itself to be deceived into the seductions of sin. Negative lifestyle choices – sin – are what corrupts a human soul and destroys the eternity God is desiring formed within you. So for eternal life, holiness is not just an option to be chosen on a check-list – it is the fundamental thing. The more you study the Rainbow Torah and the Rainbow Bibles and apply the wisdom therein, and grow in godliness, the holier you become and the more eternity is at peace with your soul. Often, it is the pleasures of the flesh, such as drug use, which destroy a person's eternity, even if they have gained the salvation of the heavenlies upon death. And when the flesh is dead, life ends. It is no more. A holy person attempts to grow in holiness, through study of the faith, and learns to obey godly rules and principles and become wise for life thereby. Practising holiness is about committing to the faith, applying it, and living it. It is about keeping the faith and enduring, to the eventual point were God grants you eternal salvation. But that choice to life forever can only be fulfilled if you genuinely repent your heart and works of sin, and practice holiness. Yes – eternal life is the reward.
Perhaps the real reason socialism often doesn't work well in an earthly environment, is that people want to get ahead. And they want to be rich, and prosper, which creates a working class to support them, of the less successful and the less driven. Yet a heavenly environment could surely and pleasantly create a beautiful planned economy, were people are at peace with each other, right? A heavenly economy works well, because buying and selling is still part of it, and when it is socialist-capitalist, with a strong sense of social welfare and taking care of its impoverished citizens, a happier and wealthier society results. Encourage the weak and they will become the strong, and do not always insist that the person should have to always work it out for themselves. Give people the occasional break. The bird needs the left wing and right wing to fly – balance your socialist heart of the left with a mature success-oriented prosperity of the right, and with them in good and loving harmony, success is sure to result. This should be the ideal basis of policy and rule, and is the heart of 7DF.
At times, the mind of man believes the mind of man has become wise. A life has been formed on familiar ways which have stabilized. But then the thinking becomes that change is a virtue. A life which has sought stability and found it, has often gone through many hard lessons on what works and what does not work in life. The anxiety of growing pains have become lessons learned in how to live a sensible and productive and, ultimately, stable life. And thus, why therefore wouldst thou chooseth to interfere with the wisdom of victories gained? Yet, so often, a crisis emerges, and the soul is told it needs something more. And who can not verily say it is not oft pride which is at the bitter root of this anxiously chosen paradigm? Live the dream! Chase the rainbow! Go for gold! Yet what kind of wisdom on a foundation of stability hard won would venture forth to the risk of a new adventure? But so many do and turmoil often results. Shattered dream can come for those who leave firm foundations. Nay, not always, yet often. And often is is verily because of the pride of thine heart rather than any lack of God-given talent. If you can humble yourself after prides great fall, and admit the often stupid decisions you have made in leaving a firm nesting place, the grace of God is a God of restoration. When people can admit that they have been pride-filled in certain decisions in life, and show some humility, God is a gracious God who can forgive you and restore you to your former glory. And through the restoration of God's love you can regain that which you let go far too easily of, and be restored to your proper place in life, your proper reward for the hard learned lessons of youth.
Divine Mercy is the outreach Program of Assembly of the Divine Creator. Haven Outreach promotes 7DF through evangelistic crusades. Divine Mercy, on the other hand, functions as a charity story of donated second hand goods sold at a cheap price, and also providing financial charity and assistance for deserving cases.
I wholeheartedly support the movement of American Monarchism. Further, I support the British Monarchy looking into the ancient history of faith and founding its religious ideals on the oldest religion of mankind, the faith of our father Noah, the Adamide-Noahide community. I believe in the Celtic Isles of Ireland and Britannia. I believe that these people are united as many families, who share a similar and common heritage, united now in English as a common tongue, and who play similar sports, have similar faith, and walk in similar customs and mannerisms. My family history is Irish and I support Ireland wholeheartedly. I was born in England, have an English Mother, and was raised in Australia, were my father was also born. I support the notion of a British Commonwealth of Nations, yet, with the close inter-relationship of the Celtic-Anglo-Saxon-Norman peoples, I also believe in the cultural significance of Scottish, Welsh and Irish Commonwealths within the British one. And, through ongoing cultural immigration, our nations have taken an influx of world citizens, and such cultural commonwealths of peoples are also recognized as valid and important to myself, children of Noah, part of the family of man. In essence I believe in an Anglospheran culture of all cultural truth and customs of the 7 Sovereign Nations, and that all the children of Noah, all the families of man, may find some of their own as members within this great and grand Anglospheran Vision of Glory. Alleluia. Amen.
A Noahide needs a decent work attitude if he or she must work for a living. Employers don't like lazy employees, because they need to maintain a profit for their organization or business to have a successful life for themselves and their family and loved ones as well. You should keep that in mind – the thoughts of your employer. In fact, that should be a major part of the shaping your work attitude – pleasing your employer. A servile attitude is welcome. One which does the job humbly and according the way your employer likes it. This doesn't mean you should be weak or pathetic in your attitude towards your boss, just being a submissive 'Yes Man' who says yes to everything your boss wants in a snivelling manner. A boss who is worth working for will usually respect his employee if the employee has a mind of his or her own and can show initiative and be able to object and raise his voice if he has genuine concerns about work protocols, procedures and practices. But an arrogant employee who thinks they know everything is not welcome either. Be competent, genuinely complicit with your employers wishes, and work hard. Show initiative when you think it appropriate, but at times, just shut up and get the job done. Work should be carefully according to the procedures and rules of the organisation and the law itself. If there are corrupt practices going on you need to bring this to the attention of supervisors and managers, even if it means losing friends. They may not be the kind of friends worth keeping anyway if they are involved in corrupt practices. Follow guidelines for you job, educate yourself on them from time to time, and work hard to stay informed in your organisation on any new practices and procedures, and try to ensure you attend all work meetings and listen attentively. Try and show aptitude and common sense in following guidelines, and if you are not sure about how a job or procedure should be done properly, quickly seek guidance from your manager or supervisor. Some employers are strict and very fussy and some are a bit more relaxed. You should be sensitive to a strict employer, but never take the graces of a more relaxed employer for granted at all, because slack attitudes can develop. To stay employed you need to be consistent in a good work performance, so don't let your decent standards slip, and work hard to amend casual attitudes in your performance. Be thoughtful, considerate and fair towards all other workers and your supervisors in your organization, try to remain friendly with a generally positive and welcoming attitude. Try to repent of bad habits in your work procedures and and hostilities or rivalries towards fellow employees need to be turned away from. Avoid sexual harassment and unwelcome advances towards other employers, and stay on a firm path of respect and concern for your fellows. This does not mean slightly flirtatious talk towards a person of the opposite sex is necessarily unwelcome, but don't take too much for granted. Show respect for your fellow workers and try to get along well with a friendly spirit.
In the end, especially, work hard. Do a competent and proper job and maintain this ethic and attitude throughout your working life. Try to be a model employee and if you do so your advancements in life should take care of themselves in time.
What is faith? What is unbelief? Can we truly know anything? Do we really exist? Are we not, as some may say, a figment of our own imagination?Is not being Uncertain simply part of the human condition? Are we not simply born into this world and, as we grow, start to uncover that there are questions about life which so many people ask and that so many people reach so many different conclusions. Are there not multiple religions and multiple belief systems? And, in all of this, is it not true that ‘Uncertainty’ rules the heart of so many? Yet, say I, what is the opposite to uncertainty? Is it faith? Certainty Itself? Is it fact? Is it knowing something is so definitely true, even despite others who might oppose your viewpoint? It seems to me that part of the human condition of life on earth is the very fact of uncertainty on moral and religious issues. So much of the time we do not really know for sure about what the truth is. So much of the time it is just very hard to grasp. But, why should so many of us be so insistent that people should be working it out according to their own belief systems to justify their own viewpoints? Hey, brother – believe in my beliefs and my church, or go to hell brother? Just tough, brother. You got it wrong – we are the right church. Tough luck. Now you deserve hell. Is that Justice? Is that the mercy of God? Is it unforgivable to get it wrong? Is it unforgivable to be uncertain? NO. Uncertainty is simply a fact of the human condition. It is part of being alive. The whole purpose of having questions is to learn. But, until we get the truth of all our questions answered, we simply have the irrevocable position of being ‘UNCERTAIN’ in relation to a lot of issues. Uncertainty is an inevitable part of being alive. We can’t avoid it. We just can’t. Perhaps – perhaps – we get answers from God over our lives on our questions. Perhaps we get the information we need from time to time. But, one thing I am sure of is that there is a lot of uncertainty along the way. And the reality of uncertainty definitely appears to be a truth of human existence.
Life can be a rocky ride. Some of the appeal for a lot of people in traditional religion is that it supposedly ‘Doesn’t change a lot’. It is a faith which offers ‘Stability’.
Stability is found in truth. In knowing truth.
1 + 1 = 2
That is an infallible mathematical truth. It is a fact. Funnily enough, such an idea can be latched upon to develop ideas of logic – logic which bring correct thinking about life’s problems.
Spiritual stability is in finding spiritual truths which don’t change and can’t change. Things which remain the same eternally.
Some people need to think you need to ‘move with the times’. That you need to ‘Progress’.
Stability – a constant faith – means reliability. It means people can really learn and know were you are coming from after a while. It means they can know were you stand on issues.
I am the founder of the ‘7 Divine Karaite Noahide Fellowships’ which are: 1) Haven Noahide Fellowship, 2) Assembly of the Divine Creator, 3) Universal Faith Assembly, 4) Assembly of the Living God, 5) Universal Truth Assembly, 6) Assembly of the Most High & 7) Haven Adamide Fellowship. The doctrinal basis for each of these 7 Karaite Noahide Fellowship is finished. The information for Haven and the 7 fellowships can be found at: in the various links.
These fellowships are intended to have UNCHANGING doctrine. They are intended to remain the same, eternally, unchangeable. Whatever truth they teach is meant to be just that – unchanging, and constant. Whatever people think of these religions, that is their own prerogative, but they are intended to never change. To be what they are.
The fictional spiritual literature of each of the 7 Divine Fellowships is still unfolding, but will be complete in time. I am writing this in the year 6175 SC which is the same year in the Christian Calendar as 2011 AD/CE. I will hopefully have the complete literature finished within 1 to 2 decades from now. And once it is complete, that is the end of it. The doctrine itself is already complete – only the literature needs to be finished off.
What these 7 Divine fellowships are meant to be is this – unchanging, eternally, fundamental, Noahide Karaite fellowships. If you like them – one of them could be for you. If you don’t, feel free to disregard. I am only trying to appeal to whom they naturally appeal to. If you want to join one of them, you are welcome. If you don’t, that is fine by me.
But they are meant to offer STABILITY. Unchanging viewpoints, viewpoints which don’t really care what era of mankind they are in, but remaining the same viewpoints forever. Unchanging religion. Stable religion. Happy religion.
God simply is. He is one. He existed before everything else. He will exist eternally. He has sovereign power and abilities. He acts justly and acknowledges the truth. He shows people grace, but will correct them when they are mistaken. He is slow to anger and longsuffering. He is merciful. If you provoke him, he can lean to judgement in time. God has a consistent nature. It is his natural state. He can’t really be anything other than himself. We should not expect God to be, either – he is who and what he is. Knowing God is the foundation for eternal life. Knowing the peace and love which comes from God gives life happiness. It makes life feel like it is worth living when God is in the centre of our lives. Jehovah God’s spirit is the deepest spirit of all. It is eternal. It is loving. It is peace. It is truth. God simply is.
In the end, complaints are supposed to be a good thing. They bring attention to peoples problems and concerns. In a dictatorship, thank God for the objectors and protesters who point out the evil and hypocrisy. Yes, we should feel free to complain and voice our opinions and right wrongs when we see them. Some people get carried away though and all they do is complain. But improvements in our lives and society don't come from people shutting up and saying nothing. Voice your concerns and voice them always. Remember it is often said 'Why didn't you tell me there was a problem.' There is no need to be harsh in delivering your point, but sometimes belting out your problem is the best way to get it heard. So let people bloody know if you have concerns. Now, thinking about it, if people obviously have issues, it stands to reason to be proactive and ask people if they have concerns before they feel a need to voice them. Concern yourself for the issues that may be bubbling up in a person's heart. Ask them to speak their mind, their opinion. But in all things, ultimately, moderation and calmness should prevail.
It pays a lot, you know. Being consistent. But consistency in pride, exceeding yourself all the time, leads to exhaustion. Conversely, consistence in slackness leads to slovenliness. Consistency, for good performances, and good results, needs to be tempered with moderation. Success is attained through perseverance. But the keys which make perseverance work are setting the right amount of work, and then being consistent and moderate in how that work is followed. Do you have a mountain of work ahead of you? Sit down, plan it out, work out the right amount of work you have to do in each session, and then remain consistent with that work. But make sure that work is the right amount – and the right amount is a moderate amount. Remember, too much leads to exhaustion, and too little and you can quit and devolve into boredom and other things. Consistency in moderation. It's the key to getting a lot done over a long time. Apply that truth.
Admit it, sweetheart. You married an idiot. There he goes, off on the fishing weekend, with the 4WD, and you are left with the tiny Daihatsu, and you have a heap of shopping, and lots to do, and endless cleaning. He's a great hub isn't he? And, again, there he goes, watching some porn with his mates, and bragging about his past conquests. You give him that look, and he shrugs, and continues on with his braggotry. What a catch, huh? And, yet again. There he is with the barbecue. The steaks are burned beyond mortal comprehension, more ravaged than the demons of hell itself, and he's says 'Yeh, they are nearly done.' Culinary skills of a Zombie right? Part of the reality for marriage when married to 'Him' is showing grace. As Marge Simpson does time and time again, she sighs and says 'I'm getting used to that,' which is all you can really do. Get used to it. It has been said by a wise man once, little girls grow up to be women, whereas boys just get bigger and bigger and bigger. How true. But, in the end, you married him, and the bleary eyes after the buck's night, and the police officer saying, 'It took a while to cut through the chains,' as he was chained naked to a post, with lipstick all over him should not dissuade you from the commitment you made. And while the lipstick you noticed on certain parts of his anatomy really made you question, he is only human after all. Life with the monster is full of challenges. It can be trying, demanding, frustrating, and just plain awful. But its when he finally remembers that anniversary, after years of forgetfulness, and brings you those chocolates love, those expensive ones, remember you must show grace when 90% of them have been eaten already, and he just grins and grins and grins at you. Heh heh heh.
In the end, you really need brilliant manoeuvring. To chart you around in life, with pleasure, you need to work out how to get from this to that, how to style yourself from this trend to that trend, how to adjust from this scene to that scene, how to think from that area of philosophy to that area of philosophy, and how to handle it all with that self-confident and enormously arrogantly sarcastic self-knowing that they are all, in general, dimwits, and not up to your superior level of knowledge and infinite grace and supreme wisdom. See, as you manoeuvre yourself around life, and you get better and better at handling difficult people and better and better at speaking in challenging situations, you will grow to realize just how fab you really are, and how far above mundania you have managed to exalt your ego. Aren't you special. They should have a day of the week named in your honour. Not only does the sun shine out of your arse, but the moon and stars themselves. Seriously, some people need to get a grip. They are living in the world of 'I Am Wonderful' and have forgotten about the bloke who sits at the toll booth collecting tolls and the sheila who works in the tuck shop dealing with difficult children all day long. The little people who make the big people big. If there really is any brilliant manoeuvring required in life it is about coming down from Mt Ego and confronting the seer of wisdom in the Temple of Knowledge who will remind you of just how frail and fragile your person really is and that your not that great and that not everyone likes you and that some people think you are an egomaniac and what the hell makes you so special? The Temple of Knowledge will humble you, get you back to the real world, and kick you in the bum and remind you that you haven't mastered holiness yet and that you haven't mastered grace yet and that you haven't mastered love just quite yet. Or are you the divine glory of God Almighty? AMEN.
Deliberately being Inclusive of the differing families of
mankind, in their different ethnic categories, is probably
acceptable, despite being a bit deliberate. It might be considered
that deliberately including someone of another race - eg the token
black guy - is a little bit racist in and of itself because they are
being chosen to fit in because they are a different race to show that
the interest at heart is not racist. I think there is something about
people creating culture usually in their own image, so that a white
author probably normally writes about white characters, because that
is what they are familiar with, and a black author probably normally
writes about black characters, because that is what they are normally
familiar with. I wrote the characters of the Chronicles of the
Children of Destiny, the majority being white, simply because its
sort of how I naturally created the characters ie after my own image
somewhat. But the books are intended to be for the Noahide community,
which has representatives of all mankind, so I have been advised by
God that it might be for the best if I am deliberately inclusive of
other races, for want of a better word, rather than just creating
whatever characters I fancy. Normally, personally, I would create
characters from other races, if that is something I wanted to write
about, but it would probably not happen much. But the for sake, and
perhaps importance, of being inclusive, despite its potential reverse
racism in a way, it might be for the best that I now create
characters from all the races and families of man in a deliberate and
thoughtful way. I am certainly in no way against having characters
from all the races, so hopefully inclusiveness, for want of a better
word, will be acceptable enough.
Cultural identification is a right of humans. To want to
prosper, first and foremost, our own family, and then beyond that
families of the same ethnic origin and cultural identity is a very
natural thing. People, by nature, are usually more comfortable
associating with, forming friendships with, marrying and having
community with their own kind and racial group. There seems to be
something natural enough about this idea. The histories of the
nations of the world, in their earlier pre-20th Century origins was
one in which a racial identity and, for want of a better word, a
'Colour' was a reality. This was how human society naturally formed.
God divided mankind at the tower of babel, and divided their
languages also, forming a natural culture for these linguistic
peoples. The English language is a language which has developed in
time, and has a natural people at the foundation of it, but the
Anglosphere has developed with peoples of all the races of mankind,
perhaps more than any other linguistic nation. However, within the
Anglosphere, there is still usually a preponderance to associate with
your own kind, and this is probably natural instinct. Cultural
appropriation, where you take the styles and paraphernalia from
another culture not your own, and apply it to your own person or
community, well, perhaps you should not really do that so much.
Coveting a culture item which a family or race has developed and
created is perhaps wrong. They have earned that thing through their
own creative endeavours, and perhaps it is just plain rude to assume
you can, simply because of your personal autonomy, appropriate a
cultural item into your own person and community. It happens, and
sometimes new things are not owned long enough by just one culture
(perhaps) for that culture to claim a complete ownership of it. In
this sense a racial, or perhaps more ethically a 'Cultural Identity'
in which you primarily identify and affiliate with your own kind is a
natural thing.
AOTDC - The English Fellowship
The Book of England
Verse One
Be Strong. Trust in the Lord Almighty. Seek his ways. Seek his wisdom. A True Heart must be a faithful and devoted friend, not given only to fair-weather friendship, but through all the seasons of life, enduring, giving love, charity, peace, a good word, a kind smile, and a kiss of affectionate friendship as life passes by. Seek to be a friend to all, kind and true, good in words and deeds, good in all manner of ways and life. Be Strong. Be a foundation of goodness for others to build upon, to rely on, to seek comfort and shelter from. Be true to yourself, your English virtue, your land of hope, glory, comfort and consolation. Be true to yourself. Be a tool of wonder and amazement in the worker of Glory’s grand machinations, admired by all, constantly devoted to truth, constantly devoted to the facts, constantly devoted to the right way of life, constantly devoted to God. Be Strong. Keep faith in he who sits on the heavenly throne, the Lord the Holy One on high. Keep faith in his existence, his centrality, his Almighty Nature, His Infinite Mind and purposes, His flawless truth, his Benevolent Loving Concern, his favour towards good children of English stock. Be Strong.
Verse Two
Walk in melody and harmony, sing quietly, sing joyfully. Be true to yourself and your own mind, but also be true to your nation and play your part and your role in England’s wonderful and eternal destiny in the MOST HIGH – the God of Ancient Britannia – The LORD of Glory. Be strong in courage. Do not waver towards those whose heart is set upon error. Do not waver towards those whose heart is set on chaos and destruction. Seek the calm and steady waters of England’s firm shores, undefeated and rejoice in the pleasure of knowing eternity, firm in the shelter of the Most High, our Glorious Shepherd upon High, firm in the love of his Messiah David, His Loved One Jesus, His Angel Michael, His Angel Gabriel. Be firm in Israel as a friend and compatriot throughout our eternal sojourn, knowing they too have long chosen the firm pathways of salvation. Work in harmony with the will and word and way of God the Almighty One – El Shaddai – the giver of the Covenants of Life – The Giver of the Spirit Truth. Sing Hallelujah with a humble heart, knowing that God cares for thee, that you have chosen the firm eternal pathways of truth and justice, and that Yahweh – that Jehovah – that Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh – will continue to guide and teach you in the ways of nobility, love, kindness, truth, chivalry, justice, godliness and every good thing.
Verse Three
Hey, yo, get with the times. Remember, an English soul was not born yesterday sonny jim. As the rockers say, keep on rocking, keep on bloody rolling, rapping and a humming, bopping and a rocking. Stay cool, son and daughter of glorious England, for you are an intelligent, modern, cool, hip, happening, and thinking man and woman, capable of adapting styles with skill, coolness and adroit understanding of the wisdom of the multi-faceted historical cultures afore us in the transversing of time in our eternal destinies. Stay ahead of the pack, set the trends, be culture current, be culturally advanced, yet never forget the wonderful heritage you are building upon, and the wise and faithful souls gone before you. Be spicy, have some chemistry, make sure the kids are alright, rock with that bloody DJ, and learn to be a better man. You are English, and there is more to you than meets the eye, son of the land of Rain and Green and Lovely Pastures. Oh, and one last thing – keep your eye on those Australians in the Cricket. Those ashes are going to be a perpetual field of combat for both of us, so keep the faith, stick to your guns, and keep the ale flowing. And don’t forget, boys, to check out that babe on page three.
Verse Four
And the future. Ahead of us. Shining gloriously, the eternal kingdom, wise and knowledgeable through gained experience, not conquered by sin, resisting stupid ways, still focusing on scripture in our heart, working onwards to establish the reign of the Kingdom of God among men, faithful to the truth, yet now challenging, now seeking, now charting our way to the stars and beyond. We seek planetary bodies, planets of settlement for the British Empire, for the Empire has only just begun, dear son of the United Kingdom, and we are not finished yet. God has made planets with life on them, and our share is before us, ready for us to seek them out and settle, to claim our glory and to continue our genealogies and to build our family legacies and to continue to broaden and increase our love, our faith, our life, our truth, our British and English and Scottish and Welsh and Irish and International heritages. England moves on, ever on, building on a firm foundation, taking our part in the grand design of the creator’s purpose for mankind to tread down even further on our eternal destiny, to settle this universe and to be at continued peace with mankind and show them the love, purity and truth and grace of the heart of our English ways. Keep our land on Earth, our beloved Britain, pure and true, keep it as our eternal foundation, as we build our Empire ever onwards, settling each new world with love, peace, purity and truth, building cities of hope and faith and love, cities of joy and goodness, cities of amazement and knowledge and fun and entertainment, cities of good work, happy consolation and eternal knowledges. Cities of God. So walk on, child of Britannia, into our fair and amazing destiny before us.
Verse Five
Love. Truth. Peace. Kindness. Joy. Happiness. Eternity. God.
England is an amazing nation, a nation of God, a nation of truth, a nation of virtue. Be joyful in your citizenship in an amazing country, serving God with repentance of past woes, and continued service of God for a glorious and blessed tomorrow. Hallelujah.
- The Australian Fellowship
The Book of Australia
The Empire is our Mother, and we are Australian. Sons of this fair sunburnt continent, this drought filled plain, this flood soaked soil, girt by sea, a true and proud land, of strange and dark natives, but of promise for advancement in every generation. Land of the southern cross, land of Eureka, and of convict blood proud and true. A land eternal, for all generations will call us the lucky ones, truly blessed by our providing heavenly father upon high.
Tie me kangaroo down sport. Ettamogah pub. Slim Dusty. Kylie Minogue. John Farnham. Jimmy Barnes. Cold Chisel. Inxs. And Acca bloody Dacca. True Blue. Vegemite. Cockatoo. Shane Bloody Warne. The Bradman still the King. AFL. Rugby League. Rugby Union and Football. Midnight Oil and the burning beds. Land Rights. Mabo. Saying sorry. And the Olympics. Floods. Cyclones. Thorpie having another go. A bright future ahead.
Still children of the Empire. No republic. Not necessary. England still at war with us on the cricket. Still an even contest. Still a hard fight. Improving standards continually in education, health, welfare, science, religion and medicine. Advancing still. Concerned with aboriginal heritage and their place in our nation. Reconciliation for past problems. Finding lasting solutions for a better world tomorrow. Britain still going strong with us in sports. America taking more of an interest in the cricket. New Zealand still fighting us at the Rugby. 2012 Olympics – what a contest. Looking to the stars. Matching NASA Setting also a goal for Mars. Being bold and aiming for Pluto and Charon. Working out with the British how to settle Mars, Venus and Mercury. A joint focus from both nations. People like William and Kate. God still popular in religious circles. The nation stating itself in its heart as abiding by the principles of monotheism. Accepting that God is there, as parliament shows through its prayers to him. Being sensible. Being careful. Society working on the religious truth problem. Trying to work it out properly. Colonizing the stars looks possible. Working out how to get beyond our solar system – a long term problem. But this solar stellar system is eminently colonisable and Australia wants its own share as well. Reaching out in love from Hillsong. Being strong in the faith. Enduring. Learning peace. Learning truth. Learning love. Learning faith. Showing mercy. Keeping the faith. Taking sensible risks. Exercising prudence and caution. Growing as a nation. Building as a nation. Staying true to our British and International roots. A Multicultural nation. Still Advancing.
Studying knowledge and building in our planets wise cities of knowledge of love, of knowledge of truth, of knowledge of faith, of knowledge of hope, of knowledge of God. Enjoying our culture, our ways of life, our destiny, our legacy. At peace in our heart. Full of health and vitality. A strong, vibrant and successful nation. A joy to be a proud Australian. Looking forwards, ever onwards. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie.
Some Modern Proverbs
A Fool and his life are soon parted
A Wise man acquires wealth which has long-life asset value associated with it
Coins are a better investment than stamps or comics – unfortunately paper damages easily and won’t last as long
Decent people of the world have hearts too and God loves them. So be friendly but exercise sensible caution
ANY land is an excellent long-term asset to invest in. Keep it forever and you will see what I mean
Bless your friends, but don’t spend a fortune on them, unless you really like them or can afford it
Give a small percentage of your income to charities, as this shows you care
Be wary of strangers – don’t give out trust automatically – let new people in your life earn your trust
They say don’t burn bridges – if the person is wicked demolish the bridge damn quickly
Invest in assets which last
Study maths, science, languages, geography, computers and HISTORY
Study can become a joy all of its own merit. When you grow in knowledge it often becomes just as much fun as computer games, and sometimes a lot more
Stay abreast with current affairs – watch the news in full regularly
Be grateful to your parents for bringing you into the world and raising you. Someone had to do it.
Confess all of your sins in every detail to God – don’t hide anything at all. And tell him your motivations for all your sins. Get it all off your chest
Ask God to guide you.
A wise person can learn how to guide themselves
An idiot needs to be disciplined by others. A sensible man disciplines himself
Tell the truth
Conceal your sins from a corrupt judge or person – often they will use it against you unfairly
As long as God knows your sins, that is the important thing
Keep communication channels to God open at all times
God will tell others about your sins if they need to know them
Lie to someone who you think will hurt you
God deludes the nations if they are hell-bent on sin – do the same if someone is out to harm you
Violent people are a waste of space
If people are gentle, allow them grace for their mistakes
Study autobiographies of successful people – why listen to last place?
If you are going to try properly – then work your bloody arse off
Being lazy is ok if mummy and daddy are rich or you have a secure income. You don’t always have to work hard for success. It mainly comes to those who are simply good.
Face reality – be practical, pragmatic, sensible and honest
Follow what really works – not airy fairy philosophy
Break a treaty if you bloody well have to – don’t go down with a sinking ship
After the glory days of an Empire, passivity and tranquillity are usually the fruits
A nation will continue to rise if it:
o Maintains its core goals and works to defeat opposing obstacles
o Revises its core goals if the obstacle is impossible
o Only takes on those challenges it knows it can accomplish
o Sets it as a primary goal to acquire wealth eternally
o Knows when to put in a solid, passionate effort – and knows when to relax and rest
o Avoids risks and takes secure pathways
Don’t listen to a braggart
Avoid stupid people
Rebuke violence in your children
Schools are often second rate, catering only for the average. Teach your children everything you know and encourage them constantly. Don’t just rely on the schooling system. Actually DO try and live your dreams through your children, because they will appreciate your teaching as they grow wise in years to come
Quiz your children constantly
Remember this fact – a lot of people don’t try that hard in the end – don’t be like the majority – be a spark in the dark and a passion unending
Seek in depth knowledge of as many useful subjects as you possibly can
Never stop studying
Be wiser than your opponent or they will rule over you
If someone is better than you at something, admit it, but don’t give up – practice harder, and then harder still, and look for intelligent ways of improving more than them
Exercise regularly
It is good to ask advice of sensible, wise and successful people – but a lot of the time, child of mine, you really need to look inside and use the God-given talents that the creator has already given just to you
It is not terribly wise to over-extend yourself - learn to live within your means.
Young people lack experience – a teacher they lack to guide them in their decision making.
Old people have experience – a teacher they often neglect because of pride in their decision making.
Experience is a great teacher – make sure you take note of the lessons it teaches you daily.
If Wisdom lies in a multitude of Counsellors it would be best to ensure you have a good assessment of the actual wisdom of these counsellors.
The Second Torah of Noah
(Canon for the Kingdom of Noah & the 7 Divine Fellowships)
The 247 Next Set of Rules for the Kingdom of Noah and Mankind
1) The prior set of rules remain binding, authoritative, and eternal
2) The prior set of rules are to be followed, in principle, with good intentions of being decent, moral and kind and lawful. They primarily apply to Haven Noahide Fellowship, but have relevance to the Assembly of the Divine Creator.
3) Any problematic principles within the prior set of rules can be modified in their obedience towards them if they are deemed immature, inappropriate or morally unacceptable
4) In general, it should still be assumed that there is a strong and reasonable basis in law for all the prior set of rules, and only careful consideration by an individual or society should set aside any particular rulings as morally unacceptable
5) You shall have appropriate food and hygiene rules for the manufacture of clean and wholesome foods, available for eating in private domiciles and for resale in the general marketplace
6) Health rules of your society should be generally observed
7) The laws of mankind, enshrined in their legal codes and constitutions, are to be generally considered applicable for observance. Be discerning, though. Not all of them are grounded in sane truth.
8) The legally authorised institutions of nations - a nation generally and usually defined by acceptance as a nation into the charter of nations of the United Nations as of 6175 SC - are intended to be viewed and accepted and followed as the institutions of society, and a functioning and real part of the lives of Noahides - members of Haven Noahide Fellowship and the 7 Divine Fellowships - and Mankind in general.
9) To reiterate, the laws of member nations of the United Nations are to be deemed applicable for observance by Noahides, members of the 7 Divine Fellowship and, under our divinely approved authority, by all members of mankind. As time progresses, future obedience the legal codes of law from member states of the United Nations is still encouraged, but caution over liberal elements is warned.
10) Study of the legal codes talked about in the prior rulings of this second kingdom of Noah Torah, in the next life - the world to come - is deemed as appropriate and important and should be ideally complied with by everyone.
11) Flexibility to individual behaviour, were society generally accepts this behaviour for you on a personal level, can be regulated and adapted to.
12) It is important to adapt to the particular lifestyle yearnings of other individuals within society where this does not compromise your own quality of life
13) Live and let live is an important principle of the Kingdom of Noah Torah
14) Being too flexible, conversely, is not wise
15) A complete reading of the Rainbow Bible in the world to come and in life on earth should be viewed as a work worthy of undertaking.
16) The fictional Pseudepigrapha - the 'Chronicles of the Children of Destiny' - should be deemed as appropriate reading material as an aid in the way of life of the Rainbow Bible and its teaching. It is the Advancing Noah Movement's spiritual culture.
17) Through revision of doctrinal understanding as corrected by the Spirit (as of 16th of July 6178 SC) it has now been deemed that the World to Come is generally understood as our heavenly reward upon physical death from the Earthly world. But this is not stated as absolute fact, because the possibility of a future resurrection is acknowledged, as well as the possibility of just living the life of trees in length, or long age.
18) What you acquire in life on earth you acquire in life for eternity.
19) It is important to be a good person, to love God and to get along with our fellow human beings.
20) There will be 272 rules of the Kingdom of Noah Torah in the third rainbow Bible, and the final 228 rules of the Kingdom of Noah Torah in the fourth Rainbow Bible. This will culminate the rules list at 1000 rules.
21) The more Rainbow Bible you read on earth, the greater your blessing becomes over time.
22) The Pseudepigrapha of the ‘Angels of Hope’ in the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny is an important accompaniment to the Second Section of the Rainbow Bible for the Assembly of the Divine Creator.
23) Repentance should be something you consider from time to time.
24) The Assembly of the Divine Creator is made up of individuals who voluntarily accept the teachings and rules of the Second Section of the Rainbow Bible. It is done so on a voluntary basis. We believe in the universalization of the entire 7 Rainbow Bibles.
25) Tithing to your pastor for the spiritual sermons and teachings and administration of Assemblies is an appropriate thing to be given in the Assembly of the Divine Creator. In general, we follow the principle of Full Members of ANM to tithe, associate members to give occasionally, and guests to give an offering perhaps if they choose.
26) Acquiring things in life for eternity should be a particular focus for your life, but you also have to live life in a regular way as well, remember.
27) Doing the will of God is important for Noahides.
28) Doing the will of God is important for Noahides. Following the leading of his holy spirit is important as the world works better following the wisdom of Almighty God.
29) The 1000 rules of the Kingdom of Noah Torah are not just simply rules - they are also principles, ordinances, words, statements, imperatives and proverbs.
30) Judgement on Salvation belongs to God Almighty.
31) We recognize the notion of Branches of Noahidism and the importance of each branch functioning as it is supposed to in the divine Tree of Life of God's faithful religion and adherents. We believe that other movements of Noahidism could arise if others were passionate enough and dedicated enough to the Rainbow Covenant tradition.
32) Practice Goodness.
33) Practice Kindness.
34) You should seek to be a law abiding and responsible citizen of mankind with a good and decent reputation.
35) Say sorry when you should. Perhaps mean it when you should.
36) The Assembly of the Divine Creator has a strong focus on the ‘Anglosphere’ and English, Scot, Irish and Welsh culture. But we don't ignore international culture either.
37) Hopefully people can find a second chance if they can acknowledge their mistakes.
38) Archangel Gabriel is hopefully a wonderful Angel.
39) Archangel Michael is hopefully a wonderful Angel.
40) May all the angels of God praise Yahweh forever, for he is a glorious God, creator of all things, and to him we owe our love, loyalty and eternal devotions. Praise the God of all mankind and all angelicdom, praise the creator of glory, praise the most high, the God of victory, prosperity, and abundant love. Praise his name forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. Amen. Alleluia. Amen.
41) There are rules at the beginning of the First Torah of Noah which may sound sarcastic. Rules about rock and roll and swearing and so forth. Yet, disguised in this sarcasm, are simple and pragmatic ideas that teach 'Keep the Peace' and don't let the party get out of hand. This is actually sound advice, despite the colourful language employed to belabor the point. Sometimes people use colourful language in life. There is, perhaps, a time for these things, and a time to refrain from these things. The first Torah of Noah employed it somewhat. There is far less in the second.
42) These Torah rules are, as well as principles and proverbs and so forth, ultimately commentary as well, and other things, on its own nature of the rules and principles of Karaite Noahide faith as well. The term Karaite means we follow this Kara - this Word - this Scripture - the Rainbow Bible. We are people of the Kara, the Word or teaching of God.
43) The Full Torah of Noah should be revised on occasions to correct improper legalisms, rulings, immaturities and inconsistencies. Ultimately, a final product is indeed the aim, which does not change its core morality or structure, and lasts eternally. For earthly purposes, upon my passing, the Torah of Noah is to remain unchanged from that point. In heavenly realities, the work is to be continued to be analysed and, were appropriate and necessary, corrected to bring forth a purer and better legal code for the administration of 7DF and whoever adheres to the principles of the Kingdom of Noah Torah. It is important that all prior copies of the code be preserved historically. It is also important that the work is continually modified until a satisfactory final product is realized. Further, the final product must, to a reasonable degree, reflect the intended decency and integrity of the original full Kingdom of Noah Torah and, upon completion, it must be stabilized and set without any further allowable change eternally. It should be 'Covenanted' upon all final amendments having been made. Ultimately it should be a 'True' work of theology.
44) Live and let Live. Live and let die. Which will ye choose? asketh I, asketh I?
45) Is there really any point to endless studies of doctrinal disputes which go on forever? Or reading endless arrays of spiritual tomes on living the enlightened life? Or praying endless prayers? Or going to service after endless spiritual service? Is it, as one might say, all chase after the wind? For the moral heart which has just enough religion may, in the end, seek to live its own life, and be the kind of person bible stories are written about, rather than being the kind of person who reads bible stories.
46) There is a way which seems right to a man, but in the end it is the way of death.
47) There is a way which seems right to a repentant man, and in the end it is the way of life.
48) Knowing God himself, and conversing with the Most High, if he would ever deem you worthy of this glory, could be the ultimate experience in a life hoped to be eternal. For why wouldn't you seek the hallways of eternity, to bask in the fiery glow of Torah's purest caress, and ride the wild stallion of dream, fantasy and adventure in the arms of a faithful companion who has chosen virtue and kindness to embellish the life you have chosen to live in a moral and decent way? For what prosperity is there in endless argument, of people who should know better by now, when so much more comes to those who put a little effort into their spirituality to seek a better way, a kinder way, a purer way, a happier way.
49) 7 Rests.
50) And then a celebration.
51) God has infinite knowledge. Perhaps you should take his advice.
52) The master of all creation delights in his work. And mankind is the pinnacle of earthly glories. You are important to God, and he loves you even more so when you repent of your wrongdoings, your crass ways, your insulting behaviours, and practice kindness and peace with your fellow man. Caring for the poor and disaffected, indeed true religion, and giving charity when you can, even if only a little, shows your heart cares and considers others, for no man is an island, and well all need to get along in this world with everyone else.
53) Respect for God. Respect for your neighbour. These are principles of Torah in a nutshell. Torah is the teaching of the Rainbow Bible. Torah means teaching.
54) Watching your tongue for the words it speaks is often very good advice, for a blasphemer must repent much to earn God's forgiveness.
55) Even in your sin, do not forsake the faith. For tomorrow is a day away, and you can repent later on at times and genuinely still really mean it, despite thinking you might be unforgivable. But do not take that for granted, for deliberate sins are gravely wrong to the Almighty one upon the throne of Glory.
56) Never defiantly say 'I am just going to sin,' for if God pricks your conscience because of it you could be in for a hell of a ride.
57) Forgive and let the grudge go if they are sorry enough and decent enough in their new behaviours.
58) Get along with people, but be cautious about new souls.
59) Reconciliation can often be a good idea, but wisdom needs to be applied to that idea.
60) Cleaning your body with water regularly and giving it a good scrub is a good sign of health and wellbeing.
61) We are of the view that in the future of mankind's history, ultimately, public domain ownership of copyrights should cease and products copyrights and patents (etc.) be given to the family/clan of the authors and creators of the work.
62) The resurrection of the dead in a future world would be an interesting idea, but heaven is the probable place of eternal dwelling when we die
63) The world to come is likely, in practical terms, the heavenly afterlife.
64) Heaven is your reward for service to God, and all should seek it.
65) God is good. So give him some respect.
66) Follow God and keep your religion pure.
67) Therefore, how much you want to please God is based on how much you actually want to please God. As a Noahide, your walk with God in holiness is in your own hands.
68) Genesis teaches that humans are made in the image of God. Because of that we all carry the divine spark - we are all bene elohim or children of God. As a child grows up it hits its turbulent teens and craves independence. So, also, in our relationship with God. We learn to take care of our own lives and deal with our own problems.
69) Tell the truth.
70) Avoid most arguments.
71) Find peace in nature.
72) Sabbath observance by a Karaite Noahide is purely voluntary. It is a practice you may choose or not choose to employ. Periods of Sabbath observance is also an acceptable option. It is up to the individual Karaite Noahide to decide for themselves.
73) Observe society law and culture.
74) What? Are you an idiot? Trying to disobey the laws of truth, peace and love of God & neighbour? Shame on you.
75) Eternity should be a focus in your life at times.
76) God is good. So you can probably trust him. Pray to him. Ask him to guide you. Seek out the problems in your life and try to amend them as per his spiritual leading.
77) The international law codes are often good ideas. Go study them. They are not always perfect though so exercise biblical caution.
78) The United Nations Charter of Human rights is judged as a good idea by the Advancing Noah Movement. Study that also.
79) Follow the way of peace.
80) For law guides our conduct and helps us to get along.
81) The Law of the Land applies in general.
82) This is a good saying and worthy of all acceptation: holy religion should involve charity, care for orphans, and concern for widows. Those disaffected in your society are those who need the most help. Love of brother, love of neighbour and love of God are the spokes of a society which will inevitably prosper. Wise sayings are the hallmark of the wise, but the hypocrite speaks one way yet acts contrary to his own words. More hope for a fool than him.
83) Those made in the image of God can find morality in their own hearts. The religiously bigoted believe the world owes them everything, that they invented morality, and that they are the centre of all wisdom. I know a people just like that.
84) The bigoted say 'Only we can interpret our holy book.'
85) Humility comes before Honour.
86) Pride comes before the fall.
87) Searching for spiritual truth might seem vague, but there is a time in life to ask the big questions.
88) Pray - Just to make it today
89) It is ok to be proud of yourself if you have earned it. But it must be humble pride. Unfortunately people can often end up believing, in their pride, they are greater than the truth really declares, and it leads to arrogance. It is arrogant pride which comes before the fall, as the saying goes.
90) So get a grip. Don't think yourself something you are not, and have a true recognition of your self worth, not an over inflated ego.
91) You can't take it with you when you die. The Psalms rightly teach this truth. Though heavenly copies of your belongings are put aside, for the Lord rewards a man according to his deeds. Ashes to ashes - dust to dust - the spirit remains forever. Sow to the spiritual realm, and pray to God to bless you in the world to come. Earn your blessing through seeking God's will. Ask for your heavenly reward in prayer and how you may earn the things you desire. Clear things with Almighty God.
92) A PSALM: Lord God, bless forever the Seven Sovereign Nations of The United Kingdom, Australia, Guyana, New Zealand, The Republic of Ireland. Canada and The United States of America, please. Amen.
93) A PRAYER: Lord God, bless forever the Anglosphere for all eternity. Amen.
94) The Chronicles of the Children of Destiny' is the primary 'PSEUDEPIGRAPHAL' work of the Kingdom of Noah and its religious documents. It is 'Scripture' but not authorized for doctrine in a binding or authoritative sense, instead, mainly in a practical and sensible sense. It is perfectly appropriate material for ANM sermons. It is to be utilized in harmony with study of the 'Rainbow Bible'.
95) The Kingdom of Noah acknowledges International Copyrights. We are NOT separatist from society, and take part in all the standard conventions of societal behaviour. Members of society who wish to study our material online without joining our assembly are free to do so. If you make it quite a long and detailed study, you know, we think it is kind of fair that you make a wee bit of a donation. Just in a decent fair way, ok.
96) I have decided that this second Torah of Noah will be the primary Torah of Study for the 2nd of the 7 Divine Fellowships 'The Assembly of the Divine Creator'. The Third Torah of Noah will be for the 3rd of the 7 Divine Fellowships 'The Universal Faith Assembly'. The 4th Divine Fellowship operates on the theological premise of the primary law it follows just being the 'Rainbow Torah Scripture' itself, which is Genesis 1 - 11:9. This is the 'Assembly of the Living God'. As such the fourth and final section of the Kingdom of Noah Torah will not be in the Fourth Rainbow Bible pertaining to the Assembly of the Living God, but instead delayed to the Fifth Rainbow Bible for the 'Universal Truth Assembly'.
97) The Assembly of the Divine Creator functions around 'Anglosphere' theology. The 7 Sovereign Nations are fundamental concepts of the Assembly of the Divine Creator. The 7SN theology promotes English as the Primary Language for the Anglosphere. It does NOT promote family-based racial concepts. It certainly DOES promote Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Cultural concepts to all citizens, whatever race, of the 7 Sovereign Nations. It is a cultural concept based on the English language at the heart of its purpose. In this sense it attempts to evangelize all citizens interested within the seven sovereign nations to uphold Anglo-Saxon-Celtic culture. All racial family groups within the 7 Sovereign nations are free to join the Assembly of the Divine Creator. There is no discrimination based on family racial origin, but it most definitely promotes Anglo-Saxon-Celtic culture and ideals. So we promote Anglo-Celtic culture freely to all members of mankind who have any interest. They are perfectly welcome with us, whatever their genetic race.
98) Pride comes before the fall. So if you fall, try humbling yourself and admitting your pigheadedness.
99) What we do in life echoes in eternity. Your rights on earth establish your rights in the new earth beyond death. It is what you get.
100) God is good. So he probably has concerns for you if you are also trying to be good.
101) Members of the Assembly of the Divine Creator should exercise Prudence, Caution and Wisdom.
102) A fundamental principle of this second Torah of Noah is that what you acquire on earth is what you acquire on earth, but that you also acquire that for eternity. God has said to me more than once the idea that 'You Bought the item.' You own it, you see. It's yours. You have already paid for it. That doesn't change when you die, which is just a continuation of this life anyway.
103) Pride pretends itself perfection long before it has really been genuinely earned.
104) Being a loving person never goes out of fashion.
105) Karaite Noahides should have a sense of community, togetherness and family. Having values which God teaches are an active part of Karaite Noahide faith.
106) God is good. So he probably has decent ideas for how life should work.
107) Try being kind with your family when you don't want to at times. Sometimes it's up to us to be the one who cares a lot, not just mum and dad.
108) God is good. So he probably has good ideas on lots of things, and even on what you could or should do with your life.
109) Serving God in this life and turning from sin is the secret to eternal prosperity. Sin has its pleasure for a season, but catches you out in the end.
110) The Assembly of the Divine Creator is also known as 2DF – Second Divine Fellowship of the Seven Divine Karaite Adamide-Noahide Fellowships.
111) God is good. So you, who are made in his image, probably can end up good with some concern and effort.
112) A sinful lifestyle is never a wise choice.
113) God is good. So he probably likes people who try to be decent in life.
114) It is true - God is a loving and giving and caring God. As Karaite Noahides we can expect God to make great personal sacrifices to us from his deepest heart to provide for us when we are in need. God will see to it to answer all our prayers, in great and magnificent ways, for he cares for us amazingly. If we need families and wives or husbands, if we need children, or jobs or other things in life, God will always be there, for all eternity, providing for us, for the blessing of Jehovah Jireh is amazing indeed.
115) For God is a great and wonderful and glorious and loving God. And he turns all our sarcastic life commentary into a blessing of unbelievable proportions. For God loves a soft heart, and a heart which loves God, despite its desperate straits, and still trusts in his amazing abilities to bless, even at the nadir of despair. For God is good, alleluia, amen, and amen.
116) Recycling things in life is sometimes a good idea. Often you build up things, and run out of room, so don't think you have to hold on to every bit of your wealth your whole earthly life. Let it go. Let it be. It will likely be there for you in eternity regardless. We encourage hoarders not to worry, to let possessions go, and start their hoarding again. We don't think hoarding is a problem, as long as you let the items go after a while, and trust that they will be their in eternity for you. Please, though, make sure you take enough of an interest in the items - make sure you genuinely and sincerely want that particular item, and it is not bought just for the heck of it. Want it, or God might not necessarily give it to you later. Take an interest in it, primarily. Keep it for a while - after a while, and having taken an interest, you can let it go and move on.
117) And God is Amazing by the way. A top guy. A good heart, a good soul, kind and considerate.
118) Really amazing. Someone worth knowing.
119) Really truly amazing. His wisdom is seen in creation, which has an amazing manifold array complexity in its various designs.
120) Be at peace.
121) God is a God of restoration. You might go through hell and lose it all, but sometimes you will gain it all back. Remember Job. He didn't like his suffering, but hopefully it was all worth it in the end.
122) God has always been answering your prayers. But it is always a good idea to make sure you really mean them, genuinely, and they are not childish impulsive wishes soon forgotten.
123) God is good. So goodness in your heart, and towards other people, should also be something you chip away at improving at.
124) Obey the Law. It usually means a more smoothly and happily running life.
125) For God is loving and graceful and kind.
126) God is good. So the Torah probably makes sense in the end.
127) Seek holiness. It improves your character.
129) Repent of sin. It does away with nasty aspects of life.
130) Obey God. He knows what he is talking about.
131) May the eternal blessings of God Almighty rest upon the 7 Divine Fellowships, keeping them impervious to every curse of man and angel, god and devil, beast and woman and other, for all eternity, free from harm and sin and evil device, free from wrongdoing, and sledge and every hurtful word. May God bless the 7 Divine Fellowships, his eternal servants, and bless them this time forth and henceforth for all eternity, forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever, AMEN and AMEN and AMEN.
132) God is good. So creation probably has a lot of merit to it.
133) God is good. So there is probably a lot of goodness you can find in your own life with some effort.
134) God is good. So there are probably good people in the world if we are all made in his image. Try finding some of them.
135) God, really, is very good.
136) God is kind as well.
137) God is smart. He made you, didn't he?
138) God is merciful. He puts up with you, doesn't he?
139) Practice Kindness. Life is usually the better for it.
140) There are 140 Seraphim angels in the Realm of Eternity, 70 male and 70 female, in the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny, which is Noahide Pseudepigrapha.
141) Semyaza is an angel name
142) God is good. So he probably is easy enough to get along with.
143) God is good. So you can rely on him, if you serve him, to help you out when troublesome times come along.
145) Sow seeds of friendship with your fellow man. They can reap a harvest.
146) Do Not Steal or Rob people. You wouldn't like being stolen from would you?
147) Do Not Commit Bestiality. It's really just kind of perverse in the end, you know.
148) Speak the truth. You will probably get more of it returned to you if you do, and it give you the reputation of honesty.
149) Do Not Eat Animal Blood. It's a biblical command as well.
150) Do Not Blaspheme God’s Holy Name. He's actually quite a decent God.
151) Respect God and show him devotion. He is genuinely worthy of it.
152) Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh is God. He is the great 'I AM WHO I AM'.
153) Yahweh is God. It's a way of saying his name.
154) Jehovah is God. It's another way of saying his name.
155) Elohim is God. Elohim is a Hebrew word which means 'God' in English.
156) Hashem is God. It means 'The Name', which is the holy name of God.
157) God is good. He helps people in mankind.
158) God is great. He has a sense of grand things in his creations.
159) God is fantastic. He is capable of doing a lot of things at once.
160) God is amazing. He knows a heck of a lot of how it all fits together.
161) Following the truth and speaking the truth is vital for a well flowing and orderly society. People in positions of authority, especially, should avoid lies.
162) Do not indulge in magic and the dark arts.
163) Smoking should not exceed sensible boundaries. Keep it under control, thanks.
164) Watch your alcohol intake. Too much is not good for the inner organs.
165) Try being kind and considerate with people. They will often like you better because of it.
166) Try empathising with people. They may often return the favour.
167) Try understanding the other sides perspective on things. It enlarges your world view.
168) You are important in the world, but so is your neighbour.
169) Try giving people love and respect. It shows you care when it all comes down to it.
170) Try arguing less with your family. Hey, they support you in the end.
172) Make sure you provide for your children. You had them for a reason, you know.
172) Treat your pets well and ensure they have access to vets when necessary.
173) Make sure your children get a good education. You want them to be successful in life don't you?
174) Make sure you clothe, feed, shelter, educate and entertain your children, and spend some quality time with them on a regular basis.
175) Jewish pride is very insulting towards Noahides, and Noahide pride is very insulting towards Jews. Keep bigotry, pride, prejudice and snobbery well under control.
176) Noah was perfect in his generations. That said he was still probably a regular type of guy.
177) Do not steal.
178) Do not rob.
179) Do not move boundary markers. Good records show honesty, and are the fact of the matter when it comes right down to it.
180) Stop having sex with your neighbours wife. Get your own.
181) Don’t have sex with pre-pubescent children. You will be mocked a long time if you do.
182) Honour God with your heart and devotion to rule of law.
183) Copyright laws and Patent laws are important and part of the eternal plans of God.
184) God is honourable. And he has a good reputation with a lot of people.
185) God is decent. He doesn't do things which are sick and twisted.
186) God is lawful. He has a good attitude on society and its morals.
187) God is holy. He is very decent in many ways.
188) Do not eat animal blood. The life of the creature is in it, and, for whatever reason that implies, you are not supposed to eat it because of that.
189) Do not commit violence against people.
190) Do not torture or maim people.
191) Torture in war, were necessary, can be justified to a limited degree. Do not make permanent damage, though. Make sure you have the right person.
192) Food and Health and Safety standards are a crucial recommendation to maintain eternally as advised by the Assembly of the Divine Creator.
193) We favour biological parents and their rights as, ultimately, superseding adoptive parent’s rights. But in some cases, were criminality is involved, adoptive parents might have to be the way to go.
194) We believe a raped woman who becomes pregnant should still give birth to the child, and love it as her own child.
195) We think abortion at any stage of the pregnancy is wrong.
196) Same sex marriage is just stupid. We do tolerate civil unions if the gay couple insist.
197) Marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman.
198) We do not believe in hassling gay people.
199) We do not believe in practising violence against gay people. When gayness reaches 'Sodomistic' levels of behaviour in terms of crudity, violence and sexual harassment, we do preach the death penalty as appropriate.
200) All lawful people should be treated with courtesy, love and respect. Sinners should be treated with caution, but we remember their human dignity.
201) Teaching people to repent of their sins is a good idea, but needs to be done sensitively and with care and forethought.
202) Worshipping idols is dumb. Worship Jehovah God.
203) Do not worship idols you fool. They are lifeless.
204) Follow the Truth.
205) Avoid arguments with other religious people. They can be very antagonistic towards our faith.
206) Let love rule. It breeds a better attitude in the world.
207) Love your mother. She gave birth to you.
208) Love your father. He usually works hard to provide for you.
209) Respect the Police and Judges and Lawyers in your community. They do hard work for society and its maintenance on core law issues.
210) Respect the Doctors and Nurses in your community. They take care of us all.
211) Respect the Public Servants and other workers in your society striving for a lawful and civilized world. It helps when we all care about the work of those trying to better our world.
212) Coveting your neighbours property is not wise. Work hard and gain your own property instead.
213) Do not murder people. They deserve to live out their days unmolested.
214) Do not tell lies. They only lead to confusion and often false accusations unknowingly and often embarrassingly.
215) False witness is dishonourable.
216) Working in a job for a living is a sensible way to go.
217) Raising a family is a sensible way to go. Work hard to do it wisely and with commitment.
218) Use your creative talents. They show your heart and spirit to the world.
219) Spend quality time with your family. They are often the biggest source of comfort in your life.
220) Being loving and kind to people builds a good heart and a good name.
221) Show people love. It can never really hurt.
222) Love people.
223) Love God.
224) Being kind never goes out of fashion.
225) Practising hospitality shows a good heart.
226) Be considerate of other people. They like to live happy lives as well.
227) Practice respect towards God, Man and Nature
228) The Font of Eternal Wisdom is to follow a Torah Code like the Second Torah of Noah.
229) Follow the way of Respect for your fellow man.
230) Respect the Kingdom of God
231) Respect the Kingdom of Noah
232) Avoid religious discussions on other religions. They only lead to confusion.
233) Noah is our father, and we love him so.
234) God is good. He has a heart of gold.
235) God is great. He has a grand vision for what could be.
236) God is awesome. He is able to get along with a lot of people really well.
237) God possibly has an ego.
238) But is probably too humble to admit it.
239) Heh, heh, heh. Just joking God.
240) Seriously.
241) Obeying the laws of your society and nation is a good idea.
242) Being an upright, decent and honest citizen is commendable.
243) Get some holiday time.
244) Get some great hobbies.
245) Collect a lot of enjoyable and fun things.
246) Collect a lot of enjoyable and fun things and use them.
247) Keep the Law.
Psalms of Assembly of the Divine Creator
Psalm 1
Dear God of Noah
Dear God of Lamech
Dear God of Methuselah
Hear my prayer
Bless forever the
Assembly of the Divine Creator
Bless forever this
Adamide-Noahide Fellowship
Teach it your wisdom
Teach it your truth
Teach it your kindness
Teach it your love
God of Noah
God of Lamech
God of Methuselah
Hear my prayer
Psalm 2
God of Adam my father
Hear my prayer I pray
Bring Eternal Salvation
Each and every day
Forever and ever
To the members of
Assembly of the Divine Creator
God of Adam
Hear my prayer I pray
Bring Eternal Wealth
Each and every day
Forever and ever
To the members of
Assembly of the Divine Creator
God of Adam my father
Hear my prayer I pray
Bring Eternal Love
Each and every day
Forever and ever
To the members of
Assembly of the Divine Creator
Thank you Divine Creator
For your manifold blessings
Each and every day
Psalm 3
Almighty Divine Creator of the Universe
God of Absolute Glory
Sovereign of Eternal Majesty
King of Radiant Magnificence
Pinnacle of Sublime Perfection
Judge of Unparalleled Wisdom
Lord of Knowledge Unfathomable
Holy Yahweh Most Supreme
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
We praise your name forever
Psalm 4
Lord God
We Pray
Bless the Seven Sovereign Nations
Bless the United Kingdom
Bless the Republic of Ireland
Bless the United States of America
Bless Canada
Bless Guyana
Bless New Zealand
Bless Australia
Forever and Ever
Psalm 5
Lord God
Bless the International World
With Deflation on an ongoing and eternal basis
Bless the Economies
Bring health
Bring prosperity
Bring wealth
Bring Spiritual Blessings
Now and Forever
Psalm 6
Lord God
My Heart needs spiritual nourishment.
I Call on your grace and love, God of Noah.
Fill my Heart with your spirit
And draw me into the comfort
Of your Everlasting Presence
And Glory.
Psalm 7
God is glorious
He is the giver of law
And the laws of the Assembly of the Divine Creator,
Part of the Torah of Noah,
Are his Greatest work
And Amen
Psalm 8
God - The Infinite One
More powerful than a billion burning Suns
Creator of the Glory of Man
Creator of the Glory of Woman
Creator of the Sun's, Stars and Moons
Creator of All Creation
The Intelligent
The Wise
The Majestic
The Glory of this Eternal Universe
The Glory of this Eternal Life
The Glory of this Eternal Love
Psalm 9
In Days of Old
When Dragon's Roamed the Earth
And the sons of men were wicked in their hearts
The Most High
Called upon the Son of Lamech
And chose him for eternal salvation
And because
The Fidelity of the Chosen One
Was true, strong - perfect
Mankind was born anew
Redeemed through its father Noah
To love God for All Eternity
To Witness the Rainbow as the Everlasting Covenant
And to Praise Yahweh
And Ever
And Ever
Psalm 10
In complete honesty
There are times I bloody hate God
Because all men are bastards
And I should know, being one
And as God is the biggest man of all
You do the math
But old Jehovah
Has some minor good points
On a good day
Psalm 11
And that is why
Because we speak our mind
In all honesty
The Rainbow Bibles
Speak the words of honesty and truth
Psalm 12
Of course
The irony
Is that I also really love God
And respect him
And admire him
And value and cherish him
And think he is the Lord of Creation
The Lord of Virtue
And the Lord of Salvation
And in these truths I can praise
And acknowledge
The Lord my God
My Saviour
Psalm 13
Lord God of Noah
Here my prayer I humbly ask you
Protect the Seven Divine Fellowships
Protect us Spiritually
Protect us Physically
Protect us Financially
Protect us Forever in these ways
Protect our word
Protect the Noahide Torah
Protect our pastors
Protect our flock
Protect our teaching
Protect our works
Protect our offspring
Protect our loved ones
God of Salvation, security and Protection
Hear our prayer for all eternity
We humbly pray
And bless our lives
With your constant protection
And Amen
Psalm 14
Lord God
Teach us to order our lives right
Teach us to prioritise appropriately
Teach us to prioritise wisely
Help us to choose the best occupations for our lives
Help us to choose our best career path
Bless our working lives
Bless our working efforts
Guide us to raise loving children
Guide us to raise a holy family
Be with us in the mornings
Be with us in the evenings
Be with us, now and evermore
Lord God
Be our God
We pray
And Amen
Psalm 15
Dearest Lord Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh
Bless England
Bless Ireland
Bless Scotland
Bless Wales
Bless Australia
Bless New Zealand
Bless Canada
Bless the United States of America
Bless Guyana
Bless Jamaica
Bless Barbados
Bless Antigua and Barbuda
Bless the Bahamas
Bless India
Bless the Glorious Noahide Nations of the World
Now and Evermore
We Ask of You
And Amen
Psalm 16
Dear God
Please bless abundantly
The food production in the Seven Sovereign Nations
Make it possible
For us to feed luxuriously
Perhaps even Quadrillions
Of Citizens, if possible
(And Quintillions would be interesting, if at all)
And bless them also
With Amazing material wealth
And Happiness
And Spirituality
Now and Evermore
Psalm 17
Dear God
Inebriate Us With Your Love
Fill us to the brim with the intoxicating love of your holy spirit
Embellish pure and unadulterated joy into the very fibre of our beings
Place happiness beyond measure into our heart and soul
And bless us with the fantasmagorical ecstasy of your most intimate presence
Be with us
Sovereign Lord of Intimate Heavenly Divine Pleasure
And let your grace, love, purity, holiness, joy, ecstasy and eternal peace
Dwell in us
Now and Forever more
And Amen
Psalm 18
Almighty God
Bless the 7 Rainbow Bibles
I humbly pray and ask of you
Bless it with your wisdom
Bless it with your truth
Bless it with your love
Bless it with your grace
Let people universally amongst the children of Men
Find therein the kind of teaching
Which motivates them to live happy, successful and meaningful lives
Let it be for your glory
Let it be for the glory of the Children of Noah
Let it be eternal
Let it be love
I humbly pray and ask of you
Psalm 19
To You Almighty God We bring our Prayer
To You Creator of the Universe We bring our Request
Bless the Economies of this World We Pray
Bless the Wealth Earning Systems
Provide work for those who desire it
Provide opportunities of advancement
Give Housing, Clothing, Food and Entertainment to your human family
Give Love, Kindness, Peace and Joy to the children of Adam and Eve
Have your hand upon us all to be lawful
Have your hand upon us all to be holy
Guide us throughout our earthly sojourn
Guide us throughout our eternal lives
Praise to you Lord God Almighty
Praise to you El Shaddai
Psalm 20
Almighty Father
Bless the creative talents of the Noahide community
Bless the creative talents of the Adamide fellowship
Lead us to write books, compose music and invent new things
Lead us to be actors, singers, poets, politicians, managers, administrators and Prime Ministers
Lead us to be plumbers, carpenters, electricians, accountants, lawyers, executives and Presidents
Bring truth in all our works
Bring faith in all our works
Bring joy in all our works
Bring love in all our works
We Praise Your Name Forever
We Praise Your Name Forever
We Praise Your Name Forever
We Praise Your Name Forever
We Praise Your Name Forever
Psalm 21
Lord God
Teach us the truth
Teach us Godly truth
Teach us holy truth to succeed in life
Teach us the truth in wisdom
Teach us righteous truth
Teach us the truth about love
Teach us spiritual truth
Teach us wholesome truth
Teach us scientific truth
Teach us the truth about kindness
Teach us beautiful truth
Teach us amazing truth to be blessed in life
Teach us societal truth
Teach us mathematical truth
Teach us linguistic truth
Teach us the truth about courtesy
Teach us the truth about nature
Teach us legal truth
Teach us medical truth
Teach us mechanical truth
Teach us the truth about hospitality
Teach us the truth in all acceptable areas of knowledge
Teach us the truth
Lord God
Psalm 22
Lord God
Rebuke me not when I sin
But correct me gently
And lead me against my evil inclinations
Have mercy on me
Forgive me for my weaknesses and shortcomings
And make me a better human
Even when my heart feels as if I have tried your patience too many times
Forgive me
And lead me again in the pathways of salvation
Help me to repent of sin
Help me to repent of wrongdoing
Help me to be loving, kind and merciful
Help me to forgive others even as I have been forgiven
Help me to walk with you forever
To call on the name of Yahweh
And to be found in your Kingdom
At the culmination of my life’s work
Psalm 23
Lord God
Teach me to love others
Teach me to have a generous heart, a kind heart, a caring heart
Help me to follow the leading of your holy spirit
Help me to do the right thing toward my fellow man
Develop within me a caring and lawful social conscience
Develop within me a respect for societal law
Guide my heart to obey your rules
Guide my heart to live righteously
I confess I am not perfect, and only human
I confess I have sinned at times, and let down the respect due to your name
Lord God, Help me to keep faith with you
Lord God, Help me to obey you
And trust in your holy name of 'Yahweh' forever and ever
Psalm 24
Lord God
I Pray
Bless Ireland
Bless Dublin
Bless Belfast
Bless Mullingar
Bless Sligo
Bless Tipperary
Bless Limerick
Bless the Counties
Bless the Villages
Bless the Country
Bless the City
Bless the Harvests
Bless the Markets
Bless the Flora
Bless the Fauna
Bless the People
Bless the Community
Lord God
Bless Ireland
Bless Her People
Now and Evermore
Psalm 25
Lord God Almighty
Have your hand upon Scotland
Teach her your rules
Teach her your ways
Teach her to love
Teach her to care
Help her economically
Help her spiritually
Lord God Almighty
Have your hand upon Scotland
Each and every day
Psalm 26
Lord God
Bless your Welsh Villages
Bless your Welsh Cities
Bless your Welsh Country
Bless your Welsh Towns
Bless your Welsh Commerce
Bless your Welsh Industries
Bless Wales
Bless Wales Heart
Bless their marriages
And Bless their families
Bless their Comings
And Bless their goings
Bless their little ones
And Bless their old ones
Bless the high
And Bless the low
Bless Wales
And gather them in your heart and arms
Each and every day
Now and Forever
Psalm 27
Lord God Almighty
Bless England's Competitive Spirit
Bless England's humble pride
Bless England's Sporting Endeavours
Bless England's Economic Agendas
Bless England's Virtue
Bless England's Spirit
Bless England at War
Bless England at Peace
Bless England with Truth
Bless England with Love
Bless England with Strength
Bless England with Sovereignty
Bless England in the Mornings
Bless England in the Evenings
Bless her People with food, clothing and shelter
Bless her People with Entertainment, Spirituality and Prosperity
Bless your English Daughter
Bless your English Son
Bless them each and every day
Bless them in your name
And Amen
Psalm 28
Lord God Almighty
Bless the Isle of Man
Bless the Manxians
Bless Douglas, Each and Every Day
Bless its economy
Bless its spirituality
Bless it with an amazing abundance of people
Bless its population fantasmagorically so
Bless it with Olympic success for the United Kingdom
Bless it with Commonwealth Games success
Bless the city of Douglas with one of the world's greatest populations
Bless the city of Douglas with amazing prosperity and wealth
Bless the Isle of Man and her happiness
Bless the Isle of Man and her love
Bless her each and every day
Now and Evermore
Psalm 29
Lord God Almighty
Bless the Falkland Islands
Bless her People
Grant her economic prosperity
Grant her economic wisdom
Bless her social atmosphere
Bless her camaraderie
Take care of her every day
Take care of her every week
Have your hand upon the Falklands
And do your will in this land
Bless her with your spirit
Bless her with your love
And lead her in the everlasting ways
Of God Almighty's Salvation and Truth
Bless her population
Bless it abundantly
And bless her in your name
Now and Evermore
And Amen
Psalm 30
Lord God
Grant us your peace
Grant us well-being of soul
Grant us goodness and pleasantness in our feelings and emotions
Grant us kind spiritual experiences and feelings of joy and love
Grant us kindness and charity and happiness
Grant us good days and good nights
Lord God
Be close to us now
Be close to us forever after
Be at one with our hearts
Be at one with our minds
Be at one with our souls
Lord God
Show us your love
And make us so very happy
Each and Every Day
We humbly ask of you
Psalm 31
God Almighty
I should be patient, and not judge so quickly
I should be calmer, and not judge so savagely
I should be prudent, and not judge so rashly
I should be faithful, and not judge so impulsively
God, I apologize for my casual words I have said
God, I apologize for my thoughtless words I have said
God, I apologize for my pride filled words I have said
God, I apologize for my nasty words I have said
God, I am thinking, perhaps selfishly, on my future
Because I don't want to lose opportunities in the faith
By my thoughtless words
By my lack of patience
By my lack of fidelity
God, I don't want to lose the opportunities you offer
So I need to repent of casual words, casual attitudes, casual mannerisms
But this is not easy
For I can be a passionate man, despite my often passive personality
Lord God, I desire wealth, success and prosperity in life
And it is best to be honest about this
I could wish for the nobility of Solomon
And only ask for virtue in judgement
Yet, my virtue, it must be honesty
For I can not deny my heart's desire for material success
And in my desire for success in life
I can use accusing words of your lack of concern for my material state
And this is not right
So perhaps you shouldn't forgive me
As If someone said I was just trying to use God, what could I really say?
How could I deny the charge that I want great success in life?
I couldn't. I can only tell the truth about that. Its just the way I am, I suppose.
Forgive me for my shortcomings.
Yet, if you will bless me, and If I must pray for this success,
Please allow me to focus my prayers of passion on such success
And forgive me for my shortcomings
For I am only Human
Psalm 32
May the Orient come before you Lord God Almighty
May the children of the Far East be in your heart
May you sanctify their soul, heart and spirit
May you teach them kindness, respect for other cultures and love of God
Have your hand upon China and North and South Korea Lord God
Have your hand upon Japan and Taiwan
Have your hand upon Laos, Myanmar, Nepal and Vietnam
Have your hand upon Mongolia, Tibet, Thailand and Malaysia
Touch all the orient, Lord God, with your gentle heart and gentle ways
And teach them pure and true love, love which will last forever.
Psalm 33
Lord of Creation, God Almighty, True Divine Creator of the Universe
You who are known as Yahweh Elohim,
You who are known as Ahura Mazda,
You who are known as Allah the Merciful,
hear our prayer, we beseech thee.
Bless and encourage, now and in each generation,
those who seek the truth of your knowledge,
and the knowledge of your Divine Creation.
Let all honour you with words of kindness, and deeds of love.
Bless those of the faith of Karaism
and those of the faith of Zoroastrianism
and those of the faith of Islam
with a desire to know the truths of your divine creation,
and to understand the wisdom of love, peace and unity
in the God and Lord who made the heavens and the earth.
By your mighty kindness and mercy we humbly ask this of thee.
Psalm 34
Lord God
May those of English Speaking amongst the Zoroastrian Community,
Find Peace and Friendliness delivered to them from the
Assembly of the Divine Creator.
May those of English Speaking amongst the Zoroastrian Community,
Find Joy and Love delivered to them from the
Assembly of the Divine Creator.
May those of English Speaking amongst the Zoroastrian Community,
Find Warmth and kindness delivered to them from the
Assembly of the Divine Creator.
Any may they share their own English Zoroastrian culture with us,
If they so choose, and further embellish the Anglospheric culture of the
Assembly of the Divine Creator,
Who loves the English Language
And delights in her wisdoms and eccentricities
And desires to share with all cultures of mankind her joys and wonders,
With all who freely choose to learn her ways and mysteries,
Of their own volition
And freedom of choice.
Blessed be the Lord God Forever.
Blessed be the Lord God of the Anglosphere of the Assembly of the Divine Creator.
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty.
Psalm 35
Dear Jehovah
The Anglosphere speaks English
This is our Language
And of this Language we have no shame
And speak it with Humility
And speak it with Pride
And speak it with Sense
And the language of the Assembly of the Divine Creator is English
This is our Language
And of this Language we have no shame
And speak it with Humility
And speak it with Pride
And speak it with Sense
And May all citizens of the Anglosphere,
Who speak the English Language
Come from all lands on Earth
From France
And from Sweden
From Malawi
And from Egypt
From Taiwan
And from Japan
From Iraq
And from Iran
From Ecuador
And from Argentina
From Australia
And from New Zealand
From Mexico
And from the United States of America
From any and all lands
Unite us all
In this our common tongue
And let the Lessons of the Tower of Babel
Encourage us to seek the hearts of gentle doves
Bless us all
Dear God grant us peace
And may the Assembly of God's people
Speak the wisdom of God within
Bless us all
Dear God of Mankind
Bless us all
And to us be kind
Psalm 36
Have Faith in God
Have Faith in Truth
Have Faith in Love
But have no Faith in Youth
For the life of a youngster
Is beset with Pride
And the life of a youngster
Often walks the dark side
God Almighty is good
God Almighty is the best
God Almighty is Royal
From the East to the West
Praise God forever
Praise Yah the King
Praise God the Lord
To him we all sing
Praise be to God
Father of Men
Psalm 37
Lord God, I beseech thee
Bless and add souls unto the Assembly of the Divine Creator
Bless and add souls unto us on this earth eternally so
Build our congregation, brick by human brick
Build our congregation, soul by human soul
Infuse this Assembly with your Holy Spirit
Infuse this Assembly with your Holy Presence
And bless, guide, teach and love us
The Assembly of the Divine Creator
The manifest beauty of your perfect will
Lord God, I beseech thee
Remember that hearts choose what they will
And its up to each of us to repent
And If we don't have your favour, we earn it still
But those who have your love, and do not repent with what they have
Will you begrudge us still our efforts of service
When we are not like those 'Supposedly Chosen' fat cats
They luxuriate with all their money
And pomp and pride in the Torah's they hold high
I've noticed the spiritual stink they carry
Is that Jehovah's greatest pride?
Perhaps if you did think again
And considered those who serve you better
You wouldn't be such a bloody snob
And acknowledge the truth of this very letter
Praise be to God
Praise the Father of Men
Praise be to God
May his Kingdom never End
I suppose Israel may have one or two good points
They're obedient, but that's about it
But in all honesty, if you asked me Lord
Well, quite frankly, they're a pile of shit
Us Noahides are wiser to me
We've learned how the world really works
While old Israel have their own particular ways
Really, they're just a bunch of jerks
You seem to think your infallible
Almighty God in all your ways
But Israel thinks they know it all
They pride themselves in Torah each day
They never admit it when they're wrong
They think they win every debate
Lord you don't yet understand
That the Jews a lot of us fucking hate
Your proud, Lord God
Your up your arse,
You always think your right and clever
You made us all, and so you think
You know it all, but your as thick as leather
It's Always God that matters most
He's said it time and time again
He doesn't care, or love us at all
Just come to God, I'll be your friend
But God NEVER goes the extra mile
He never gives much of a damn
He just wants the good things, all the servants
He never acknowledges our own plans
He's up himself, its the way it is
And he really thinks he's not a snob
But his arrogance has blinded him
He just justifies himself because he doesn't rob
He thinks he's perfect, God's fundamental flaw
He thinks he knows the truth of everything
But in the end, he has a lot of good points
And for his goodness to him I will praise and sing
But I've gotten older, gotten wiser
And now it seems this much is true
God ain't perfect, yet knowing this
Life goes on anyway, and I'll make it through
I don't need to be better than God
I don't need to be better than someone else
I'm happy being simple me
And resting in my simple self
Love for others, I've got to learn that
And forgive them still for their mistakes
Because I'm not perfect yet it seems
I still do have to go a long way
I am happy, I am content
I've found the answer in my own life
It's being good and being kind
And showing loyalty to my wife
It's time again sharing my faith
It's time again keeping faith in truth
For as I walked in days long ago
It's love and be happy till age from youth
Praise to God, Father of Men
Praise to God, Time and Again
Psalm 38
Lord God, I beseech thee
Bless Europe
Bless her nations
Bless Germany, Finland and Italy
Bless Spain, bless Portugal
Bless Andorra and France and Romania
Bless Luxembourg, bless Sweden
Bless Greece and the Netherlands
Bless dear Iceland, bless blessed Poland
And bless Hungary, Norway and Bulgaria
Lord bless Denmark and Bless Liechtenstein
Bless Russia and Georgia and Ukraine
Bless Albania, Bless Armenia
Bless Belarus and Azerbaijan and Austria
Bless Belgium, Bless Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bless dear Croatia and Cyprus and Estonia
Bless Czech Republic, bless Kazakhstan
Bless Latvia, Lithuania and Macedonia
Bless Malta, Bless Moldova
Bless dear Monaco, Montenegro and Serbia
Bless San Merino, Bless Slovakia
Bless Slovenia and Switzerland forever
Bless dear Turkey
Bless old Ireland
And for all eternity dear God bless the United Kingdom
And also dear God, because a nation it is technically
Even bless dear Jesus and his sacred Vatican City
Finally, bless Abkhazia
Bless Kosovo
Bless dear Nagorno-Karabakh
And bless Northern Cypress as well
Bless South Ossetia, a country now, you know
And lastly, bless Transnistria, Forever make it so
Psalm 39
Lord God Almighty
By your goodness and will and pleasure
May you bless the confraternity of the world of sports and pastimes
May you bless Cricket and develop her competitions internationally to every nation
May you bless Rugby League and develop her competitions internationally to every nation
May you bless Rugby Union and develop her competitions internationally to every nation
May you bless Soccer and develop her competitions internationally to every nation
May you bless the Commonwealth Games
May you bless the Olympic Games
May you bless the athletes and coaches and trainers and officials
May you bless volunteers in sport and doctors and medics who assist
May your hand of guidance teach them all fair play and proper conduct
And may you grant us thrill after thrill of entertainment and awe
As we compete in the greatest games of them all
In a spirit of fairplay, competition and human decency
Psalm 40
Dear God
May you bless the Noahide Covenant
May you bless the Noahide Faith
May you bless the Noahide people
May you bless the Noahide flock
May you bless the Noahide teaching
May you bless the Noahide truth
May you bless the Noahide Covenant
May you bless the Noahides for all eternity
Psalm 41
Dear God
Teach me the wisdom of understanding dreams
Teach me the wisdom of understanding schemes
Teach me the wisdom of understanding youths
Teach the wisdom of understanding truths
Teach me the wisdom of understanding stores
Teach me the wisdom of understanding lores
Teach me the wisdom of understanding charts
Teach me the wisdom of understanding hearts
Teach me the wisdom of understanding tumours
Teach me the wisdom of understanding humour
Teach the wisdom of understanding dogs
Teach me the wisdom of understanding Gods
Psalm 42
The Wisdom of Truth is an elusive thing
Praise unto God my heart doth sing
The Wisdom of Truth is hard to find
God is so loving and so very kind
The Wisdom of Truth is difficult to know
God teaches my heart wherever I roam
The Wisdom of Truth is what I want most
God is the lord of the heavenly host
If you my dear seeker want truths wisdom inside
Banish the evil from your heart and cast pride
Right into the deepest and darkest of hells
Never to reclaim that cruellest death knell
Pride thinks itself the true lord over men
Tells it this truth time and again
But pride is the enemy of all holy things
And the truth you believe in your pride, it hath wings
Of devil's and demons and fallen dark lords
Who would slay all your goodness with all their dark hordes
For they think themselves greater than the truth that they are
For the wisdom of truth sees all of your scars
Be humble, my friend, be humble forever
And truth will embrace you, a smell of pure heather
It resides with the lowly and meek and the mild
It resides with the gentle and purest young child
Praise God, our great saviour, the lord of all Truth
Who teaches the old and teaches the youth
But never will dwell in those full of conceit
So repent of your pride, and take the lowest seat
Praise unto God, saviour of men
Praise unto God, we sing it again
The saviour of man, the redeemer of hearts
Praise unto God, from whom we'll not depart
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Amen
Praise unto God, all my dear Friends.
Psalm 43
I have given to you Almighty God, yet you have not given to me
I have served you many years, yet you have not blessed me
And you have said to me 'I only accept from you what you give without hesitation,
and I make no promise at all of reciprocity.'
So as I have seen, vainly have I served you.
So as I have seen, with no blessing in my life, you are just a God who uses,
who has no decency, no soul. You are devoid of goodness and charity.
Fake is Jehovah. Fake is Yahweh. Fake is El Shaddai.
I gave you my all, hoping for a blessing, and you treated me poorly.
The goodness of God? What a fucking joke.
Psalm 44
Lord God. Alle Bloody Luia
You are an Asshole
But, in all honesty, you are in fact a decent enough and caring enough person
You summed it up when you said to me 'You think you're cool'.
Why should we, us humans, who have just started our eternal walk...
Why should we be so arrogant as to put on 'airs' of glory, and think so bloody
highly of ourselves? Holier than God are we? Can't we be real, huh? Can't we
relax and just be ourselves, huh? What, we have to get off on being superior
super gods, and think we are the 'Total Shit'? Perhaps we are total shit in that
attitude. Up ourselves. 'Holier than thou mentality.' You are an asshole. But
you defend your right to be an asshole. You want to also live a little, and let
it hang out a bit, and be a bit more normal. Take off the kit gloves with us
as we get older, and not always have to be on your ruddy best behaviour? Huh?
So, I guess God, you really are shit. But Holy Shit. Yes, God is Holy Shit. AMEN.
Psalm 45
Part One
Praise Jehovah, Praise the Divine Creator, Praise be to him who is very smart and clever
Praise Jehovah, Praise the Divine Creator, Praise be to him who has lived forever and ever
Thanks be to God, who puts up with all my crap
Thanks be to God, who tolerates this Noahide rap
Praise Jehovah, Praise him forever
A psalm of thanks to God, Mankind's heavenly treasure.
Part Two
Praise Jehovah, Praise the Divine Creator, Praise be to him who created the Badger and Beaver
Praise Jehovah, Praise the Divine Creator, Praise be to him who's taught wisdom for a long, long time
Thanks be to God, who likes it when it rhymes
Thanks be to God, who's heart is for us to live forever
Praise Jehovah, praise him forever
An ongoing psalm of thanks to God, the Badger and the Beaver's heavenly treasure.
Part Three
Praise Jehovah, Praise the Divine Creator, Praise be to him who created Mankind
Praise Jehovah, Not Praise to the one who he said 'Let Us Make Man in out Image' to
But no, only Praise to God, for no idol of Archangel shall I have before me
That is the stupidity of Israel, they need a King Like Michael
That is the stupidity of Israel, they need a King like David
As the Lord says in 1 Samuel, 'They have rejected me as King by wanting their own human lord'
As the Lord teaches those with ears to listen, 'David is just a human, who murders, and is fallible'
Jeremiah speaks the truth, a curse on those who trust in men
Jeremiah speaks the truth, a curse on those who rely on men
And while Michael thinks himself the splendor
The true wisdom of God supreme
He opposes those who are starting to gain glory
He is a Prince of jealousy
Michael is a dimwit
Gabriel knows this well
He's opposed me many, many times, and thinks I belong in hell
But God he shows me loyalty, and says Daniel is quite good
Michael seeks the pride and glory
But Daniel does the things he should
Daniel reads the Tanakh quite regularly, He prays the Chapters over lots of things
He reminds himself to stay humble, and not to think he's a glorious thing
But glory God has given him, with each and every step he makes
It's earned in fairness, diligently, and by repenting of each and every mistake
I am Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, I serve Jehovah the Heavenly King
I also call him Holy Yahweh, and El Shaddai unto whom I sing
He is Elohim, and Eloah, And El and El Shaddai to Me
He's pretty kind, and teaches me that I speak sometimes to earnestly
To justify my life and actions, to think myself in the right all the time
But he gives me hints that he's pondered things,
And thought about it many times
God's wisdom is in his experience, for he's considered well the world and its ways
He knows how to handle heterosexuals, and give the appropriate amount of grace to lawful enough gays
God is tolerant, and quite a nice person, you shouldn't assume he's that judgemental
But he takes the necessary stand to run a world, and sometimes he needs to be fundamental
But God wants you to be happy and have a good life
And enjoy yourself each and every day
So in the first place learn the scriptures
It's what he teaches and I agree with him in every way
Praise Jehovah, Praise him forever
An ongoing Psalm of thanks to God, Everybody's heavenly treasure
Part Four
Eat your breakfast, eat it all, and clean your hands at the tap
Ensure you have an income to provide the food you need to eat, and for your loved ones, the heart of this rap
Eat your lunch, eat it all, and clean your hands at the tap
Ensure you have some things to do, like books to read, for you and your loved ones, and lots of crap
Eat your dinner, eat it all, and clean your hands at the tap
Ensure you pray passages of the Tanakh over society, and for your loved ones, and then have a nap
Praise Jehovah, Praise him forever
An ongoing Psalm of Thanks to God, my own and family's heavenly treasure.
Part Five
Praise Jehovah, Praise the Divine Creator, Praise be to him who is old enough to know
Praise Jehovah, Praise the Divine Creator, Praise be to him who has seen it come and go
Thanks be to God, who puts up with all my madness
Thanks be to God, who helps me in my sadness
Praise Jehovah, Praise him forever
A psalm of thanks to God, Creation's Heavenly Treasure
Part Six
Praise Jehovah, Praise the Divine Creator, Praise be to him who is confident and strong
Praise Jehovah, Praise the Divine Creator, Praise be to him who has known the truth all along
Thanks be to God, who engages with the proud and overcomes them
Thanks be to God, who humbles the arrogant and knows how to defeat them
Praise Jehovah, Praise him forever
A psalm of thanks to God, the World's Heavenly Treasure
Part Seven
I am Daniel, I am Human, I was born in the Old UK
I am Daniel, I am English, And I'm straight my friend, and never gay
I am Daniel, I am a Daly, I've lived in Australia nearly all my life
I am Daniel, I am a Noahide, and one of these days I could use a wife
Be yourself, its who you are, and don't pretend to be Almighty God
Be yourself, its who you are, and if your a frog don't pretend to be a dog
Be yourself, you have a nature, its inscribed in your DNA
Be yourself, follow your instincts, each and every night and Day
Praise Jehovah, Praise him Forever
A psalm of thanks to God, our true self's heavenly treasure
Part Eight
God has told me, more than once or twice
God has told me, probably more man thrice
And it is written judgement takes 2 or 3 witnesses
And thus, this is from God, its his own witness
Pray a psalm of Torah 50 times,
For a request of yours, and in your earthly times
God will bless it endlessly, your blessing will be plain to see
But furthermore, as he has confirmed
Pray it 100 times to earn
A blessing which quite delightfully,
Last all of time eternally
And this much God has spoken true
That build the prayers strength beyond 100 to,
Gain a stronger better result
And your throne of Glory God will exult
But hark unto this final word
If you pray for something corrupt or quite absurd
God will not honour your prayer request
So consider carefully, before you pray with zest
Praise Jehovah, Praise him Forever
A psalm of thanks to God, our prayers heavenly treasure
Psalm 46
A Treaty with life, to live, to live
A Treaty with grace, when they're sorry, forgive
A Treaty with truth, honesty still
A Treaty with man, never to kill
A Treaty with Noah, honour the rainbow
A Treaty with peace, let your grudges go
A Treaty with sense, to keep your paths straight
A Treaty with God, to love and not hate
I honour the covenant, I follow the path
This Treaty I'll keep, this Treaty will last
Psalm 47
God he leads us
On and on
God he leads us
We needs be strong
The road it ends
Not quite yet
Lead me on Lord
My Path is set
Psalm 48
Part One
Wisdom comes with experience, may God guide us to experience
Wisdom comes with patience, may God guide us to patience
Wisdom comes with study, may God guide us to study
Wisdom comes with consideration, may God guide us to consider
God grant wisdom, grant me knowledge
God grant wisdom, grant me peace
Let wisdom shine in my daily life
And shine on the world from the West to the East
Part Two
Wisdom comes with studying the Torah, may God guide us to study the Torah
Wisdom comes with studying the Rainbow Bible, may God guide us to study the Rainbow Bible
Wisdom comes with learning from mum and dad, may God guide us to listen to our parents
Wisdom comes from being patient while you learn, may God grant us patience
God grant wisdom, grant me knowledge
God grant wisdom, grant me peace
Let wisdom shine in my daily life
And shine on the world from the West to the East
Psalm 49
Let truth be what I say and do
God guide me in truth when I confess to you
Let truth be what I hear and learn
God teach me pure knowledge, and how to discern
Let truth be the inner heart of me
God show me the way to love honestly
Let truth be my word and helmet and shield
Lord God defend me eternally
God, help me work, with devotion and skill
Help me speak honesty, for every day I live
God, help me love, and know when to forgive
God, help me work, with devotion and skill
Let truth be what I say and do
God guide me in truth when I confess to you
Let truth be what I hear and learn
God teach me pure knowledge, and how to discern
Let truth be the inner heart of me
God show me the way to love honestly
Let truth be my word and helmet and shield
Lord God defend me eternally
Life can be amazing, Lord teach me to be amazing
Life can be fun, Lord teach me to be fun
Life can last forever, Lord help me to last forever
Life can be glorious, Lord help me to be glorious
Life can be enchanting, Lord help me to be enchanting
Life can be superlative, Lord help me to be superlative
Life can be mysterious, Lord help me to be mysterious
Life can be loving, Lord help me to be loving
Let truth be what I say and do
God guide me in truth when I confess to you
Let truth be what I hear and learn
God teach me pure knowledge, and how to discern
Let truth be the inner heart of me
God show me the way to love honestly
Let truth be my word and helmet and shield
Lord God defend me eternally
Psalm 50
A Pentecostal celebration
50 Stars shine on our nation
50 Lores and 50 Truths
50 things for us to do
Yet, in truth, most manifest
Our blessings at this point don't rest
For God is faithful, ever true
May a Century be God's love for you
Yet if it be right here and now
That I do rest, I'll say it now
It has been the most truest pleasure
Finding this Word of Heaven's Treasure
Psalm 51
Use him up, spit him out
Get his talent, that's what its about
But we don't need loyalty in corporation 666
We suck the blood from our employees
And send them up the river Styx
Fidelity to God, now that's a joke to me
God is not the loyal kind to me, he just lives in vanity
Worship God Almighty? There is no point in that
I'd rather be Egyptian, and praise a bloody Cat
10 years have passed, and I'm middle aged
And I've learned a thing or two
Our company is fierce and strong, our reputation is we don't lose
But deep inside, there's not much heart,
Not that much soul to find
And while I claim it for my family, I'm no longer what I'd call kind
God's been calling, saying I'm a sinner, and need to get it right
The shit I'm in is rather empty, and my mother prays for me at night
There's a better way then selfish greed, and ruling everyone
It's earning it in fairness and giving charity to some
Take your time, the priest he said, when I did have a chat
Let your business build on sound principles
And not the spirit of a fat cat
It will not fail if you do guide by word of God and Love
You'll take your Name to all mankind if you're as pure as dove
So now, as I do age each day, I've seen the other side
Were there indeed is quite a point to heaven and its pride
For its pride is sense and wisdom true, it knows the heart of things
And coz of that, I'm no longer too proud, so unto God I Sing
Praise God Forever
Praise the Father of Men
I thank him for his guidance
And his word which never ends.
Psalm 52
Knowledge of Facts, know them well, study information, learn from many wells
Of knowledge of Truth, Of Knowledge divine, of how to grow grapes, and how to make wine
Of how to make bread, of how to make soup, of how to come in sync, of how to get in the loop
Of how to be up to date, of how to be always on time, of how to say its ok, and how to say nevermind
Of how to wear clothes with style, of how to eat and not give a damn, about your manners buddy, mate, coz I'm just human, so understand
Knowledge of Facts, I know them well, and why should I care about your posh passions
I'll live by my own standards of behaviour, and not give in to temporal fashions
Eternity is the hallmark of mine, I'll live a life by the Rainbow's truth
Its a fact that the Rainbow Ever Shines, Of the Noahide Covenant its living proof
Knowledge of Facts, know them well, study information, learn knowledge divine
It will keep health in your life and health in your heart, and guide you through most difficult times
Psalm 53
Trust in the truth, live your life by the facts
The Truth does not change, it never can
History does intervene, and society does change,
And while the future is unwritten,
The past will always stand
What's done has been done, and can never be undone
History told truly is eternal truth
But Pondering its past evil might not always be wise
Instead ponder the good, and those things true
Trust in the truth, live your life by the facts
The truth does not change, it never can
Let truth be in your innermost heart
Guiding you each day, upon which you make your Stand
Psalm 54
Lord God
When businesses would inflate the economy, deflate it in opposite and equal amounts
Let our Assemblies prayers for deflation primarily counter-oppose the inflationary impulse in the economy of the world
Essentially bring price stability
Bring price stabilization, on which proper economic plans can be made
On which proper savings plans and budgets can be made
Lord God we pray, do indeed bring price deflation to the economies of the world
But primarily to counter-oppose the inflationary impulse in the world economy
This we humbly beseech of thee
Psalm 55
Lord God of Creation. My words of truth are
gratitude. For what I have in life and how I have
been provided for to take care of my needs.
Lord God of Creation. Your world has many
things in it which give me sustenance, which are
my hearts and souls beneficience and needs.
Lord God of Creation. The society of people
in this world you created give me the support
in doing the things they do and help my needs.
I have needs Lord God, and they are satisfied
by your provision, and for this I am grateful
and the words I speak are true.
The Online Agenda - Core Principles
Resume Building
A Resume. You need one. And these days it has to be online. Use Linkedin. Highly recommended. Develop it carefully. It has to be honest, factual, truthful, balanced between concise and informative. Too short and you leave them guessing, too long and it just goes on and on. Find the right balance which suits you. A mobile phone is becoming mandatory, and so is an email address. And you need your Social Networks.
Web Presence
Web Presence. It is completely the way of the future. You rise and fall depending on your web presence. Online is how you interact with much of the future world. You live 'Locally' in your own world. Those social rules and norms are well established. In this brave new world of the 21st century and beyond, you need decent web presence. Archiving material of yours permanently is the way to go for future generations. Whatever you can lend out to the world of permanent free access should be done, such as storing blogs on google groups and so on - things which stay around and last. Need a website? Use a free one. Great chance of permanent archive beyond your death if its a free one. Try Angelfire or Wix or the like. Want success? Develop well groomed web presence, and use your talents in many fields. Youtube videos which you monetize through adsense are recommended. Facebook is a must, and usually Myspace, Twitter, Instagram and so on. Pray, with Torah passages, for your web presence to grow and maintain itself. Sanctify it through prayer. Pray with a bible, and KEEP your Bible. To keep the faith, and for your prayers to endure better, KEEP YOUR BIBLE. They are valuable things.
I have fucked up a lot online in my learning phase. But you don't make an omelette without breaking eggs. You need to learn the rules of the net. You need to learn the facebook rules and policies AND FOLLOW THEM. Facebook says One account. Don't have multiples. Close your excess ones. God will likely more honour you if you follow the rules of your web social network. Stay polite, flame in socially acceptable places, and stay within the law. Internet is young and randy at this stage, so beware the trolls, sharks, scammers, spammers and haters. Pray over your web presence. Follow the netiquette. It's the way to go.
Business Plan
You need a business plan for your physical organisations, but if you are seeking prosperity, you need one for your online life and web presence. Develop a business plan in traditional ways, and seek advice from trusted sources. A good business plan is a key and foundation of online success. Stay legal, keep those informed who need to be, especially tax people, and stick with it. If at first you don't succeed, try try again, and persevere. A niche is a great way to go, and stick with it. It can bear fruit eventually. Be patient.
The Online Agenda
It's the new world. The brave new world. As Desiree sings, you gotta be tough, you gotta be strong. Don't worry if you make mistakes. You are only human. But develop your talent online, even if it is only photos or blogging, but everyone can do an online resume and autobiography. And link to all your online presence at each of your sites. Get to it. There is work to be done.
AOTDC - The Scottish Fellowship
The Book of Scotland
Kilts. Bagpipes. Robert Louis-Stevenson. Loch Ness Monster. Haggis Golf. Presbyterians. Billy Connolly. Edinburgh. Glasgow. Andy Murray. Thriftiness. Eric Liddell. Highlanders. MacLeans. MacDonalds. MacAllisters. MacEverythings. Lochs. Wee Little Ones. Aye. Bravehearts. Savage Humour. Gaelic. Celtic. Clans. Shields. Mary Queen of Scots. Soccer. Stuff the English. Alexander Graham Bell. Electric Clock. Aberdeen. Princes Street. Tartan. Sean Connery. St Andrews. Edinburgh Military Tattoo Susan Boyle. Gretna green. The Clyde. Firth of Forth.
Hail, northern warrior. Praise to the God of creation. Scotland is old and Scotland is young. A country of natures glorious beauties. A country blessed by God. A fierce history. A proud history. Now with the United Kingdom, perhaps even now and forever. A future before us, of unknown blessings, yet the fidelity of God remains true eternally. I charge thee, children of the Scots, keep faith in Yahweh, for he is the God of creation, and those who forsake his graces dwell in halls of eternal misery at the end of their pride. Scotland is brave and Scotland is strong, and grasping the possibilities of the eternal future before us takes courage and faith. Be strong, fair Scotland. Keep the faith, fair Scotland.
The Challenge is 'The Truth'. The Challenge to sons and daughters of Scotland is 'What do you believe, why do you believe it and are you right? Maybe you don't care. Maybe you are satisfied with your religious or non-religious beliefs and do not desire any change. Perhaps that is working for you, so who cares, right? Why change? What would be the purpose in that? Our fellowship offers new life and new hope - as many religions claim to do - and while we are new, we are ancient as well, for we are the faith of Father Noah. The builder of the Ark. The Father of mankind's covenant. The Seven Divine Fellowships crave sons and daughters of Scotland in their ranks, as we crave all the children of Noah. Yet the challenge to you is this - we claim the truth. We claim the correct religion. We claim the right standing with God. If you disregard us in the end, demonstrate the worth of your beliefs in the eternal before us. For the challenge is 'The Truth'.
Glory to God. Glory to the maker of Scotland, the father and creator of Adam and Eve, the ancient ancestors of the people of this faire land. Glory to God. Maker of heaven and earth. May Scotland find the truth and keep it eternally. May it never be sold, and may this fair land cherish the ways of holiness taught by the father of creation, taught to last eternally. Praise be to God. Alleluia. Amen.
Religious Unity amongst Monotheistic Believers and Believers of other Faiths
7DF do not claim to have a solitary stranglehold on the truth. We do claim to be the closest representations of divine truth through our Karaite proclamation of faith, but do no claim exclusive knowledge of the fullness of every truth or fact under heaven. Goatama Buddha has challenged untold numbers to find truer meanings in this human sojourn on earth.
Coming together - uniting - getting along with each other is a far better answer than religious pride and bigotry. We all must cherish our religious identities and values, and we must each keep the faith as we see it. Yet we must also share this planet and accept each other and religious understanding and acceptance is a far better bridge of hope than separation, pride and prejudice.
And the heart of the Anglosphere culture which AOTDC represents is a culture which has love, unity, tolerance, respect and understanding of each other amongst our human race and family. It is not an Anglosphere for the English - it is an Anglosphere for everyone, and the 7 Rainbow Bibles and the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny come through the medium of the English Language and culture, and thus instinctively defend this culture, but march forth to all mankind with an international focus, and a message of hope and unity for all of us.
May we Sons and Daughters of Noah of all nations come together in love, fellowship and understanding
May we share our own visions of glory, may we share our own visions of peace
May we be united, may we accept and love each other, may we be as one
All Glory to God, all glory to the King of Creation
A Prayer Against Guns in the Seven Sovereign Nations
Lord Yahweh God Almighty
May you eradicate gun ownership in the Seven Sovereign Nations
May the people of the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Canada, the United States of America, Guyana, Australia & New Zealand, see the wisdom in refusing to own guns, and the damage that guns can do to the heart of their nation
May we all repent of the wicked violence of abusing gun ownership
May we all repent of our tolerance towards frivolity on this issue
May we all repent of our tacit acceptance of the wrath which guns cause on our society
Eradicate gun ownership I pray, Almighty God
Make people voluntarily destroy their guns, voluntarily give them up for destruction
Convict people for their use of guns in their homes for protection
And teach them there is a better way of life, a better way of innocence
Defeat the seduction of the Gun I pray, Lord God Almighty
Defeat this wicked beast, which tempts with the power over human life
Defeat it, slay it, destroy it forever
Remove it from our homes and our families
Destroy this devil
Defeat the power of cold hard metal
Remove guns from our Land I pray Lord God
Remove them forever
Let all see that they only cause harm and death, in the end
For people inevitably abuse the privileges of owning them
Destroy the power of killing instruments
And let us turn our weapons of war
Melted down
Into instruments of peace
I pray to you
Lord God Almighty
The Book of Wales
Dragons. Anthony Hopkins. Catherine Zeta-Jones. Cardiff. The Snowdonias. Coal mines. Men’s choirs. Leeks. Daffodils. Shirley Bassey. Tom Jones. Dylan Thomas. Swansea. Conway Castle. Soccer. Cricket. Rugby. Celts. God. Wales is a mighty nation before the Lord. Wales is a proud and true nation, of God-fearing people. Wales is a dynamic powerhouse of passion, truth and life. May God forever bless Wales. Child of Wales, seek God Most High, seek him long, seek him often, seek him from dawn till sunset, all the days of your lives, and seek his passions, his loves, his glories. Wales future is eternal, by the Grace of God Most High. Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia
The Book of Ireland
All I can say is ‘Mrs Browns Boys?’ Shite!! AMEN.