The Angels Saga

Volume 52


Volume 1

Colours of the Sky



New Chicks on the Cock

Settling Down


'Billie Eilish. You are fat. Big tits, though,' said Cherubim Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly.

'I'm not fat asshole,' replied Billie. 'Why am I going on a date with you? Lucifer is far more interesting.'

'I've broken up with the Swift Chick. She's moved back to Joe Alwyn,' replied Daniel.

'Saw that coming,' said Billie Eilish. 'He tickles her tits the way she likes them.'

'I can tickle your tits if you like,' said Daniel. 'They are worth the effort as well.'

Billie stared at Daniel. Her glance suggested he was an idiot. The middle finger raised a moment later confirmed that.

'Can't blame a guy for trying,' said Daniel. Daniel pointed up to the sky. 'Lots of colours this evening.'

'Shit happens,' said Billie.

'Are you the unrivalled champion of depression poster kids?' asked Daniel.

'There is competition,' said Billie. 'They are crap at it though. Got the dark side mastered. Why Lucifer is more interesting than love bugs like you. Catholic in disguise I think.'

'Back there, yeah. But it's not me. The rainbow covenant is my central aspect.'

'If you need rules. Principles which are flexible work for me,' said Billie. 'Guiding lights which can bend with the wind when necessary. How I get by Danny.'

'Ok. You can call me Danny,' replied Daniel.

Billie leaned against Daniel on the bench in the garden, resting her head on his shoulder. 'I'll keep you busy for a while, rainbow boy. You've obviously moved on. I can't manage to keep my boyfriends. I end up killing them.'

'Humour,' said Daniel. 'Funny.'

'Yeh. Humour,' said Billie, looking the other way.

'I don't mind black widows,' said Daniel. 'One of my favourite songs.'

'I'll make sure I hide your body well,' said Billie.

'I think we'll make a good blend. You and me,' said Daniel. 'When we're blended together, a new flavour of coffee.'

'Or dark licorice syrup,' said Billie. 'With extra blood red colouring. And a pinch of whiskey. And tequila. And blood,' she said, emphasizing the word blood.

'I see the attraction in Lucifer. But you'll get used to the Danster. He has a bit more of a life plus account with the universe. You'll like it after a while. I never fail to impress.'

She kissed him on the cheek. 'I don't doubt you'll be fun. Danny boy.'

Daniel smiled. Billie was cool. They'd make a good blend for a while.

The End

New Chicks on the Cock

'Getting a bit are you old fart?' asked Callodyn.

'He's a dirty old man,' said Kayella.

'Taylor wasn't working out,' said Cherubim Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly. 'She had issues.'

'We all have issues,' said Kayella. 'You deal with them like any sane person does and resolve them.'

'Nah, dad like New Chicks on the Cock,' said Callodyn.

Kayella smirked. 'I suppose you could put it like that,' she replied, glancing at the cherubim.

'What? Checking him out?' asked Callodyn.

'I'm currently single,' said Kayella.

'Jesus. I'm out of here,' said Callodyn, leaving the Zaphon cafeteria. Awkward silence.

'You wanna fuck?' Kayella askede Daniel.

'Callophim, aren't you?' asked Daniel.

'Come on,' she said, taking his hand. They went upstairs and hired a room from one of Zaphon towers hotel rooms. After they had undressed and showered she took him to the bed.

'Lie down Daniel,' she said.

He lay down. She got on top of him, and massaged his chest a while, before moving down, and massaging his stomach. Then down to his groin. She grabbed his cock and massaged it a while.

'I'll fuck you,' she said, and guided the cock into her cunt. She rode him a while, then he groaned he was coming, and erupted his load into her vagina. She got off and started licking his dick, and stuck out her tongue, showing him his jism, before she swallowed it. Then she got back down and started fellatio. 20 minutes later he came again. Then she let him rest, and a little later she started massaging his dick and he got hard again. She got on all fours. 'Fuck me from behind,' she said. It took him half an hour but the orgasm was intense, and she was moaning heavily when he finally came.

'Fuck me regularly,' she said. 'I need a new lover Cherubim.'

'Yeah, ok,' he replied.

Later on that week when Billie Eilish was doing similar to things, New Chicks on the Cock sprang to mind. He was getting a bit at the moment. Not normal for him anymore. Those shenanigans had died down a lot in recent times. He looked out at the skies about Zaphona City, and noticed there were lots of colours recently. Things had changed in Heaven. Something new was going on. It was the foundation of a new era. It probably needed to start with some excitement, but he had already made up his mind on the issue. Taylor didn't really work out in his heart with him in the end. He'd give Billie Eilish a go, but wouldn't touch Kayella again. She was deadly. He'd stick with Billie for this Process if she didn't bugger off. He'd met her before on occasions, but now he would bother with a serious friendship if not relationship. He wouldn't be looking elsewhere. He already knew about settling down. Time to take that idea seriously.

The End

Settling Down

'I'll stick with her this process. I won't sleep around apart from her. I'll be very strict about it,' said Daniel.

Silence. 'Ok,' said Taylor. 'One process buddy. One process. Kapiche. Joe wants me for a while again anyway, so it's fine. Then we do a long time. Not really looking anymore Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly. And I know you've always liked Billie. So don't fuck around, and clean out your cock before you see me again.'

Taylor hung up the phone. Daniel put down his, and sat down on his couch in in Zaphona City address. Ok. New chick on the cock. Billie Eilish. She was what he liked also. Divas were his type a lot of the time. They wrote their heart into their song lyrics, and that spoke to Daniel, who did the same, but in preaching. She was a person who had deep thoughts, and was somewhat emotional. She would be a good person to simply know for a long while anyway. He looked up at the skies as he wandered out to the back yard prorch. Colours again. Colours most evening. Nearly always now. Something was going on with that. He opened his can of cola and sipped. He'd probably call up Billie in the morning and see if she could come over. Possibly move in. And there were plans to make. He had a sermon to prepare for Haven Noahide Fellowship, where he was preaching in Zaphona City in a few days. It was a sermon on stability in life, and his thoughts of settling down were being laced into what he had written so far. Gosh, he'd written it all before. But it needed to be done fresh every time. To stay real to the life which was happening at the moment. So he'd prepared his words carefully and was half way through the sermon, which was written out in full, but which he would use memory cards for key sentences to guide him from the pulpit. He sipped on his cola and looked at the skies. 'What are you up to Most High?' he said softly. A new thing, huh?' He looked at it for a while, sipped on his coke, and went inside to watch TV. In the morning he rang Billie who came over and they arranged for a suitcase to come into Daniel's home. Taylor had a cupboard full of clothes in the bedroom, which she had suggested had found their home, so Daniel had cleared out the bottom two drawers for Billie to use. She got her stuff put away, and headed to the kitchen. She ordered McDonalds for lunch, and they ate burgers, and spent the afternoon playing Sega games. She'd let him know she was a casual bitch. She did her concerts in heaven all over the place, and her albums sold well. She had heaps of cash, like Daniel, and she did what she wanted because of it. She didn't have a permanent squeeze though. Just best friends. It's all Billie Eilish is made of, she told him. Just a girl who sort of doesn't give a shit, and if a guy likes her enough, well fuck, that would do. And he liked her well enough, and so she agreed to hang around. And he talked about settling down for the rest of the current Process and she didn't mind, so that was that. Daniel had a new chick.

The End