The Angels Saga

Volume 52


Volume 12

'Eden 7DF'


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Copyright 6184 SC / 2021 CE


Eden 7DF

University Blues 3

Daly Family

Erindale Forthright

Wild Times 3

Erindale Forthright 2

Erindale Forthright 3

Kalphon Days 5

Eden 7DF 2

Eden 7DF

Adam looked up at the sky. It was blue. Of course. It was always blue. Things in Eden in heaven were like that. Normal. Everything about Eden was everything about God's creation. Plants and animals – all were present. Of course, they would be. It was the beginning of things. And the sky was blue. Sure, at sunset a variety of colours. But for most of the day, solid blue. The way of the world. And he was used to that now. The way of the world. He sighed, and beckoned Eve, and she followed him inside their chapter of Eden 7DF in the heart of heaven. Time, again, for the Daly Foundation's Rainbow Covenant Ministries, which seemed to be the main Adamide-Noahide Assembly now with the zing in it. There were countless competitors, but the Daly's ran a strict ship, and nobody came close. The other's didn't have the doctrine. ANM and 7DF was well developed in doctrinal teaching, and was solid. It had been planned out in its foundation a long time, and consideration had been given to lots of life's fundamental issues. Daniel took care of that. Life's fundamental issues. They went inside, found their seat down the front, and sat down. Seth was here today, over in the music section, chatting with a singer. He waved at his parents, and they waved back. Soon enough the General 7DF assembly was filling up, and the pastor took his place on the dais, and the preaching began. Another wise insight into the meaning of life and Adam settled down to take it all in.

* * * * *

'Murder Inc.,' said Jack Dagger to Cain.

'Funny,' replied Cain, son of Adam and Eve. 'Suppose that's a joke about Abel.'

'Subtle like,' said Jack.

'Yeh, subtle,' replied Cain. 'I got the point.'

'Like Abel did,' replied Jack. 'But, no. Not really. Murder Inc. is a cosplay roleplaying organisation. It's run by the Way of the Eternal Dove. I'm on the board of the organisation. We want to run some events in Eden here and there, and we want you for some hosting work. Speaking in a really spooky voice. Like Vincent Price. Know what I mean?'

'I could imagine,' replied Cain. 'Sure. If the price is right.'

'We'll pay appropriate financial compensation,' replied Jack. Now, can you sign this?' Jack produced a copy of 'My Brother's Keeper' by Cain, and Cain signed it.

'Quite an early printing,' said Cain, looking at the publication details. 'It must have cost you a fortune.'

'I grabbed it early,' said Jack. 'It's in my field. Detective work and Murder and things.'

'That's right,' replied Cain, sitting down on the lounge of the 7DF Eden meeting hall he was currently involved with. 'You're a Ketravim. Early on the list. Eternity's Ketravim.'

'That's me,' replied Jack. 'Angel, technically. Bugger me sideways if I could ever work out what the good Lord saw in me, but I've been working that out over the years. I generally and pretty law abiding now. Just something I agreed on in my heart to generally improve on. Sort of see that God appreciates that.'

'Yes. He likes his rules followed,' said Cain, looking at his new daughter dressed in red vinyl chatting with a new man in the congregations. 'What is she up to?' Cain said.

Jack looked. 'Someone you know?' he asked.

'Elizabel. My daughter,' said Cain. 'She's not that old, but I suppose she's ready for men. But, you know. Can never let them go can we?'

Jack nodded. 'Anyway, I'll have the details forwarded to your address, and I'll see you on tour.'

'Fine,' replied Cain. He looked at Jack. 'Thank you Mr Dagger. It should prove a memorable experience.'

'Thank you Cain. My pleasure,' replied the Ketravim.

* * * * *

Seth and Abel were arguing. 'Of course, the firstborn has several duties of a royal nature.'

'And I make a suitable firstborn,' replied Abel.

'But naturally the role fell to me in the end,' replied Seth. 'As Cain did the right thing and knocked you off. Paving the way for the true glory.'

'But alack alas it was only temporary,' replied Abel. 'For heaven abounded early with progeny of Abel who established things with his father, and got the show up and running.'

'I'm ahead,' said Seth.

'Bullshit,' replied Abel.

'Your population statistics are flawed,' said Seth. 'Many you claim as your seed are in fact my own family lines.'

'We're accurate,' replied Abel. 'I check facts and figures carefully. We edge you.'

'I tend to doubt it. But whatever the case may be, your information and culture portfolio is lacklustre in comparison to the brilliance of Seth, father of Mankind. Our world in our nation is truly well developed. You hardly had an original thought outside of Adam's line of thinking,' said Seth.

'Critics often fail to comprehend glory,' replied Abel.

'You two are always arguing,' said Elizabel, coming away from the man she had been talking to. She looked at her father. 'That Jack Dagger has buggered off. Wonder what he wanted.'

'Who knows,' replied Seth. 'You looking to get hitched now Elizabel?'

'Nooo,' she replied. 'I was just talking with the dude.'

'Flirting I think,' said Abel. 'Just like you. Spitting image of your mother's shenanigans at times. She's always been feisty in that respect.'

'Leave Evelynn out of it,' said Elizabel. 'She was a spitfire in youth, but is well settled now she assures me.'

'Yes, time has moulded her,' said Seth. 'Lost her edge. Think Cain tamed the Jezebel. She had rough edges, believe me.'

'Just like Elizabel here,' said Abel.

'On that we can agree,' replied Seth.

'Stick you two,' said Elizabel, and poked her tongue at them, wandering off to the crowd coming out of the amphitheatre now that after service prayers were complete.

'You liking this 7DF thing?' Seth asked Abel.

'It's our most solid mainstream organisation,' replied Abel. 'The Daly Foundation keep it pretty solid. Very much traditionalists that mob. Probably what we want in the job. Keeps it steady regardless of the whims of the day.'

'My thoughts also,' agreed Seth. 'Come on. Let's catch up with the old man. See if we can talk him into Italian for the lunch.'

'Sounds good,' agreed Abel.

And the sons of Adam found their father soon enough, who was in the mood for flaffels instead, which was not that disappointing an alternative.

The End

University Blues 3

Alison put her satchel on the coat stand and came inside 29 Merriman. She was 22 now, getting on a bit in life.

'Hi mum,' she said to Taylor, who came out of the kitchen to greet her. 'What's for dinner?'

'A casserole,' said Taylor. 'Your father likes it on cold winter nights.'

'Sounds true,' replied Alison. 'Anyway, news.' Alison sat down and took off her gloves. 'I have an official appointment for a research book the university wants produced. The history of the world according to Adam and Eve. I am to be the chief researcher, and I am to do extensive interviews with Adam and Eve in Eden to record the work. It has all been arranged. I was chosen because of my connections. Obviously it wasn't too hard with my name to get the introduction.'

'Oh, that's wonderful,' replied Taylor. 'See, life is working out. Your young, and you don't know everything yet, but this is how we learn. Life throws us opportunities and we can show it that we know more than people often know when they are older. We forget things. Our passion and purpose a lot of the time. They get sacrificed on the alter of success and glory.'

'So you've told me,' replied Alison. 'Not sure. I'm an idealist I guess. It's part of me. But in recent years I've settled down with my university education. Faced the real world and it sobered me up. People are often very serious, especially the older ones.'

'We live in ancient society now, Alison. There is so much history and people have gone through so much, that we have become experienced and sensitive to it all.'

'What I've been finding,' replied Alison. 'Anyway, good news right?'

'It's wonderful. Your father will be well pleased.'

Alison told Daniel when he came in with Matthew about 20 minutes later, and he put his hand on her shoulder and smiled at her. They talked about it that evening, and Daniel informed her that Adam and Eve were currently attending Eden 7DF and monitoring one of the biggest Adamide-Noahide organisations.

'In fact, we are the biggest I think. Numbers and statistics in such an enormous universe are not easy to obtain, but our estimates put us at number one.'

'That's good,' replied Alison. 'Anyway, what is Adam like?'

'A regular man,' replied Daniel. 'And very, I don't think the word is basic, but he thinks about the fundamentals of life a lot. I suppose he would. It's his foundation. He worked a lot of things out the first time for humanity. He's number one after all.'

'His perspective should prove all the more interesting then,' replied Alison.

'I'm pleased for you Alison,' said Daniel.

'Yeh, good work sis,' said Matthew, eating his meal.

Later on Alison was in her room and grandma Mary came in, who was visiting, and they chatted quietly. Mary encouraged her to remain polite and respectful with Adam and Eve and let them tell their own story. Best for it to be honest, even if it was subjective. And Alison, thinking it over, didn't really disagree.

The End

Daly Family

Alison was sitting on the couch at 29 Merriman on New Terra. The front door opened and a man came in with a woman. The man was on his mobile and the woman was listening and making frustrating looks at the men. The woman sat down on the couch next to Alison and the man sat on the chair next to the back sliding door. They continued arguing. The door opened again and Uncle Matthew came in. Jayden Bridges was with him and they were arguing. Soon Cyril and Mary came in and Daniel and Taylor followed them. Cyril and Mary went to the kitchen and they were arguing. Daniel and Taylor were arguing. Taylor pushed Alison and sat down in the middle of the sofa. Alison had been working on a paper.

'Right,' said Alison. 'Hello Jayden,' she said.

'Yo,' said Jayden, and continued arguing with uncle Matthew. She looked at the lady on her right. She tilted her head at her father who said 'Jessica Daly. Andrew Daly's wife.' She pointed to the man who Jessica was talking to. 'Jessica Daly,' said Daniel. 'Seraphim Daniel's son.'

'Right,' said Alison.

'Oh, hi Alison,' said Andrew. 'You look like Jacinta and your mother.'

'I've been told that,' replied Alison.

Jessica turned to look at her. 'You're not a floozie are you? Your mother is one of the world's biggest. No idea what Daniel sees in her.'

'Thanks,' said Taylor, looking right ahead. 'Appreciated.'

'Mum is not a floozie,' said Alison.

'I've seen the nudie pics,' replied Jessica.

'You had to mention them, didncha,' said Taylor. 'You could have like, shut the fuck up on the issue, but you had to frikking mention her.'

'Language, Taylor,' said Mary from the kitchen.

'Jesus,' said Taylor.

'Your not a floozie mum,' said Alison, taking her mothers arm.

'Thanks,' replied Taylor. 'You're a gem.' She looked at Andrew. 'Anyway, don't you have a concubine or something? Hardly one to lecture.'

'Jesus. Who doesn't have a concubine in this family,' smirked Jessica.

'I don't have a concubine,' said Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly.

'Rich,' said Taylor.

'Which floozie haven't you done,' said Jessica.

'I suppose there isn't a floozie in all the world which Rabbi Daniel Daly hasn't slept with,' said Cyril, misquoting the Talmud.

'Not funny,' said Daniel.

'He's settling,' said Taylor. She looked at her husband with square eyes. 'Albeit slowly.'

'You have other children, don't you Daniel?' asked Alison.

'Callodyn is his son,' said Mary.

Alison looked at her father. 'Well?'

'It's all vicious rumour,' said Daniel. 'I am a Trinity. We three are one.'

'Funny,' said Taylor.

'Clones,' said Daniel. 'Ok, I'll come clean. They are my clones.'

'Isn't Chelle Bridges Callodyn's mother?' asked Alison.

'Fable,' replied Daniel. 'I hardly knew the girl. No, Callodyn just materialized from heaven one day. He came down in a cloud and said 'I am the Angel Callodyn.''

'He looks like you, my dear brother,' said Alison.

'Vaguely,' replied Daniel. Callodyn did actually resemble Daniel somewhat.

'He's possibly my son and Seraphim Daniel is possibly his,' said Daniel. 'But I can not confirm or deny with absolute authority. It's traditionally a divine mystery.'

'I know Seraphim Daniel is your father,' said Alison.

'You can take that for granted,' replied Jessica. 'He's as loose as Daniel at times as well.'

'Like your mother,' said Andrew, grinning at Alison.

'Asshole,' said Taylor.

'Just kidding,' said Andrew. 'I'm sure the Swifts are a clan of honour and virtue. I'm sure of it. Candidate for Sainthood. St Taylor the Merciful.'

'I'm not sure I qualify,' said Taylor. 'Too pro-homo for too many of the faithful. I think it should be accepted and supported as a lifestyle choice for human's. Theologically the church will never quite agree though.'

'No,' said Cyril. 'No. We believe in being merciful, but the divine writ does not change. Technically we have to charge them with behaviour unbecoming christian living. It's not really acceptable. It is a reality of our congregational lives, and we say go in peace and mean it. But we can't really openly acknowledge the lifestyle choice as acceptable or the divine will. Civic law likes to tolerate it, so we live in peace as a society. But it's not a doctrine of the Kingdom of God.'

'And I live for the time people learn acceptance,' said Taylor. 'When they realize we are all made in God's image, and not everyone has to be perfect.'

'Yet Christians and Catholics are called to be perfect like their father in heaven,' said Mary.

'I know,' said Taylor quietly. She patted Alison and went to the other room. Soon enough pizza had shown up and Taylor was in the front bedroom with her daughter and was combing her hair.

'Mum, it's good for you to have your own values and stick with them. But a thing like the church is set by the will of Jesus and God. They are never going to change their New Testament. It's a battle you will never win.'

'As long as I can make a difference,' replied Taylor. 'And that will be enough.'

'I guess that is all any of us can ever hope to do,' said Alison, and smiled in the mirror at her mother who continued combing her daughter's long and beautiful hair.

The End

Erindale Forthright

(Follow up to Ticket 674 on Noahide Videos Bible)

'So, the name of the city is Erindale Forthright,' said Marcus, having bought a map from the newsagency.

Daniel looked at it. Daniel and Marcu were in a city were Ambriel had invited them for a celebration. They had gone back for another visit, and were looking around. It was a Tuggeranong based city, were Erindale Forthright was the primary central district and name for the city at large. Bruce Willis was in town at the moment also, and had been at the even, were he had slightly better seats then Daniel and Marcus, but only slightly better. Ambriel had a sense of humour about getting Daniel back whenever he could. He didn't always like his subservience at Golden Fries and Burgers, but did agree it kept the virtue of humility under control in his life. Daniel, though, could learn some too as far as Ambriel was concerned, and Daniel didn't disagree in the end.

'It's a pretty spiffy place,' said Daniel. 'And a nice spirit. A little disorganized at times, but I think they do that on purpose. Lot of places have that theology now. Why the hell do we need to try so hard? It's a jewish thing I think. God likes a lot of that attitude. Why the hell should I give that much of a damn about things all the time? Who doesn't like things messed up a bit. People can find their way through the thing. Stuffit.'

'I know what you are saying,' replied Marcus. 'This map, for example, was at the bottom of a box at the newsagency, and the clerk told me to fish it out if I really wanted to buy it. Like customer service is an interesting idea if they could really give a damn.'

'Yep, that's what it's like in some places,' replied Daniel. 'Like society at large takes too much for granted from some people. But it's a nice enough looking place. People are friendly enough. Not exactly difficult, but awkward.'

'They don't really care,' said Marcus. 'But they have good hearts and like to talk to you well enough. But if they lose interest they are just like children. Short attention spans and they drift off to the next thing.'

'Yes, exactly,' said Daniel. 'Interesting. Honest, I guess. Not terribly organised, but it is honest. I don't think I mind it too much.'

'It has its appeal,' replied Marcus.

The two friends stayed in Erindale Forthright for a few days and toured around the city, and after talking to the inhabitants Daniel found that he liked them well enough, and at a dinner with Ambriel and Bruce, were they were in a restaurant, Ambriel said he loved this city and that it shone exactly some of the things he believed in. Daniel found that quite interesting.

The End

Wild Times 3

'As you can see,' said Subura Takahashi. 'My station is about R&D. It is about a new light for humanity. A new way. More enlightened thinking than the primitive society the United Galaxy advocates.'

The guests were on board Subura Takahashi's space station and had been shown around. What they had come into was a new world. A world of technology and science which was totally alien to them. A world made in the image of new thought and new advances. But it became more and more apparent, as they looked around, and the statues, busts and pictures of Subura everywhere seemed virtually ubiquitous, that there was only one man who would run this new empire. Subura himself.

'You're a free radical,' said Jenny Gilmore. 'There are many like you now. Moguls who think themselves the king.'

'I am simply a man with a vision,' replied Subura.

'Of Subura ruling the know universe,' stated Jan Kolby, looking at a picture of Subura on a throne with many submitting to him.

'Someone has to take charge,' said Subura, leading them into a chamber with seats and serving girls all around. 'Please. Sit. I will offer you refreshments.'

The company took their seats and the various serving girls presented them with fruit and fruit juices of various exotic kinds.

'Health nut?' queried Shanteera.

'Oh, I like to live when I wish to,' said Subura. 'But you have to be cautious with guests. Only so many foods are universally acceptable enough, fruit being amongst them.'

'You are wanted for questioning. We have a responsibility as guardians of the UG to take you in to answer questions pertaining to Aphar 7.'

'You have me at your disposal right now,' said Subura. 'What is wrong with right here?'

Jan's brow furrowed, but he turned to Chance. 'Go back to the station and bring the brown briefcase.'

'My girl will show you the way,' said Subura.

The group chatted, and soon enough Chance had returned. Jan took the briefcase, and opened it up. He looked through the files inside, and passed some papers to Subura. Subura looked at them briefly, and took a pen out of his pocket, and started filling them in. Music was playing in the background, some unknown classical composer, and Jan looked at the serving girls standing by the side, immobile, ready to do Subura's bidding at notice. Finally Subura finished and handed the forms back to Jan. Jan sat back in his chair, and took out a pack of cigarettes. 'You don't mind do you?' he asked.

Subura stood and went to the other side of the room, and took out a cigar, and lit it up. The rest of the group waited, and looked at Jan, unsure what exactly was going on. Finally Jan spoke.

'The details of the chemicals should ideally be provided. With the boxes you have ticked it is clear they are legal, but there are some problems, and the UG have a legal right to investigate them and study them. We can do this with our without your permission.'

Subura stood, and came over and signed a section of the form and said 'Very well. I will authorize legal study.'

'Pleasure,' said Jan, and stood.

Subura nodded to a servant, who indicated that the group should follow, and lead them back to their ship. Jan put the papers now signed back in the briefcase, and set the coordinates of the ship for a nearby planet.

'Can I check the papers,' said Jenny. Jan nodded.

'You mean that's it,' said Draven? 'That's blood it.'

'Space is international,' said Jan. 'Only so much can be legally claimed in the vicinity of most planets. Most federations are in agreement with the UG in this respect. He's stated his purposes and his intentions. They are legal.'

'And what are those intentions?' asked Draven.

'Legal private knowledge of the Takahashi corporation,' said Jan.


'For fuck's sake,' said Draven.

'Exactly,' replied Shanteera.

The End

Erindale Forthright 2

Bianca swung the porsche into the driveway. She sat there, with the bottle of champagne and chocolates on the seat next to her and looked at the garage door. This is life, isn't it, she mused to herself. It sort of – went on. It sort of had its adventures for a while and you thought you were sort of settled and sort of had found your eternity. And then it moved on. Sort of. Atticus was back in Catchfrost, busy with his adventuring, and she had just – moved on. She'd actually chased after Marcus, who had given her an email, and now she was in Erindale Forthright, in a new house she had bought and life had – moved on. She got out of the car, took the champagne and chocolates, and grabbed the bag of groceries from the back seat and went inside. She went to the kitchen, got dinner started, and went out and sat down with the chocolates and champagne, and decided to hook in now anyway, though they were meant for after dinner. She watched the evening news, and then turned off the dinner. She would actually leave it now for lunch for work tomorrow, in a plastic lunchbox, and returned to her liquor and chocolates, watching soaps on one of the soap channels. She sat there, eating a chocolate, staring at the screen, forgetting. Forgetting her past, and looking at the new options. Marcus didn't want her. That wasn't the reason she was chasing after him. It wasn't at all. She was chasing after Marcus because Marcus was a permanent friend of Daniel's and Daniel was a permanent Noahide. And Andrew and Jessica were also in that scene, but it wasn't that. She knew that Daniel dag deep into that bible, and she had this funny feeling. About eternity. Just this funny feeling which guided her. That, in the end, when people were finished with their duties in eternal life, to God and love and life and justice and all that jazz. When people were finished with that, they would move on. And it would be a foundation. But one thing she believed now. In her heart. They didn't really care in the end. They just didn't really care. Deep, deep down. Most people were over it. Really over caring about the gift of life. And at the end of the light, they probably would delight in the dark. And if she was in a world which delighted in the dark at the end of all its calling in life, it wouldn't work out. So she chased Marcus, because Marcus stack with Daniel, and she bid Catchfrost fairwell, and moved to a new place, which she would live in for a few millennia or so, and then, funnily enough, drift back to the Realm of Eternity, and look up this Danielphon abode, and inquire what it cost to get a job there, and things like that. Those were the things on Bianca's mind at the moment.

The End

Erindale Forthright 3

'It's not exactly cluttered with ideas and objectives,' said Bianca to Monkeyman.

'That would hardly be the objective,' replied the robot Monkey.

'No. Hardly,' said Jessica, Daniel's wife. 'They do what they do and they just do what they do because they don't really care about doing anything else or much of anything anyway.'

'Not uncaring,' said Bianc, sipping on her juice, and looking down at the Murrumbidgee river flow along at Pine Island in Erindale Forthright. 'Just totally not concerned. They are caring enough. But there is a complete lack of pizazz about the endeavour. The city lacks any focus on aiming high. On aiming at anything really.'

Daniel, in the back seat, photographing Marcus rummaging through the woods had a comment. 'They just don't give a shit. Ambriel on 'Fuck you all. I've had enough.' He is the popular dude here. It's not Messiah Ministries people even. Just Ambriel in chill out mode.'

'Indeed,' replied Jessica, Daniel's wife.

'What the hell are you looking for Marcus?' asked Bianca, turning her head to look at Marcus CCC.

'I'm collecting pine cones,' replied Marcus.

'Why?' asked Bianca.

'To make Christmas Tree decorations,' replied Marcus. 'I'm going to paint each bit a different colour and put them on the tree at your place this Christmas. They are big on Christmas here as something to chill out on.'

'My oath,' replied Daniel. 'And it's only early November.'

Marcus came back to the car with a sack of pine combs, and Monkey Man started the Porsche and drove them back to Bianca's place. They got out and went inside, and Bianca ordered Indian Curries for dinner.

'The postman sometimes comes around and says to me, you've got a parcel. I go collect it. It's been sitting there at the post office 4 months. They finall bothered telling me,' said Bianca.

'Sad but true,' replied Daniel. 'Something I've noticed about them also. Oh, they do their job. And usually according to the general way of things. But if there is something they are supposed to do, and they are in a mood to just do it when they could be bothered to, you can be in for an awfully patient wait.'

'Coz they have no passion,' said Jessica. 'Like the life has been snuffed out of them and they are now vaguely going with the flow and they say 'Will that do' as if their half arsed efforts should be enough but they know they are not.'

'They're not dull, though,' said Marcus. 'Or miserable at all.'

'No, not miserable,' said Bianca. 'Just so fucking sedate.'

'That's the word for it,' said Daniel. 'Sedate. I'll get to it mate is the attitude. Eventually.'

'Funny that,' said Bianca.

'I think they are having a go at the world,' said Daniel. 'Ambriel is deep down saying fuck you to everyone who expects the world of him. He set up a lot of this area in Earth. It's a huge chunk of Australian dominions all over this section, this country, what, 'Australtanteria' it's called isn't it. It just doesn't give a shit.'

'Let's paint those balls,' said Bianca to Marcus.

Marcus smiled, and got out the pine cones, while Bianca came back in after a moment with a paint set she had, and the others turned on TV, as the weekend morning passed by, a group of friends enjoying life in Erindale Forthright in a very casual Australtanteria.

The End

Kalphon Days 5

It was raining. Luladiel looked outside the window behind Saruviel's desk in his Kalphon office and sighed. Quiet day inside. Krystabel was knitting quietly and classical music was playing. Daraqel was dozing, and Kantriel was playing with a handheld video game. Luladiel sighed. She looked at Saruviel. He was studying a document.

'Saruviel,' said Luladiel.

'Yes, Luladiel,' he said after a while.

'Alexander. Alexander Darvanius the Second, isn't it?'

He looked up at her. 'My human moniker.'

'Darvanius? That's really Dardanius? Or Dardanus?' said Luladiel.

'Yes, that's the origin further back,' said Saruviel, returning his focus to his work.

'Right,' said Luladiel. 'The Kingdom of the Dardaniuns. Trojans somewhat and Balkans. Kosovo. Supposedly back to Dardanus son of Zeus and Electra.'

'Yes. All that jazz,' replied Alexander. 'We're a traditional family of the Kingdom of the Dardaniuns. In the 15th century someone put the V in instead of the D, and it stuck. Balkan family. Even Yugoslavian I suppose.'

'Right,' said Luladiel. 'European I guess.'

'Yes, we're European,' said Alexander, focusing on his papers.

'Mmm,' said Luladiel. She went quiet. She looked at Krystabel. 'Dardanus was the son of Zeus and Electra.'

'Yes,' murmurder Krystabel, continuing her knitting. Saruviel looked up.

'Mostly normal enough traditions further back in the family. We adopted the Church life soon enough in the early centuries, and by the time father had come along we were ecumenical in focus and strong on building wealth. It had been decided that Christ did not appear to object to reaping a hundredfold in his name, as he taught that in the Gospel, so the logic was if we take the gospel and church seriously we were supposedly to be greatly blessed as well, so we pursued economic endeavour.'

'I see,' said Katy. 'Yes, yes it teaches that in the gospel.'

'Yes,' said Alexander, looking at her a moment. He stood and went to his CD rack and pulled out a rare CD. It was in a foreign language that Katy had never bothered trying to understand. He put it on. Ancient folk music started playing. 'It's the Ancient music of the Dardanians,' said Alexander. 'Had this a long time.'

As the music played a quiet sedate calm came over the office and Kalphon seemingly. Alexander seemed to have a calmness on his as Luladiel studied him. A man in his own culture at it's roots. Fascinating.

The End

Eden 7DF 2

'It's about pride,' said Jesus, the Christ Child. 'And conquest. There is a point. Life is a competition, and it is up to us all to search within and find that divine spark which drives us to compete and be something in life. So many quench the divine spark of the spirit and lose their dreams on the wastelands of sin and comfort. But those who find discipline and purpose rise above and accomplish – miracles.'

The preaching went on from Jesus of Nazareth, and Cain sat there listening, but mostly keeping his eye on his new twin grand-daughters. Elizabel had married of late, and borne twins. Mystery & Enigma. They were 2 now, and playing softly down at his feet, Elizabel sitting next to him, watching Jesus preach.

'They are surprisingly well behaved,' Cain whispered to Elizabel.

'It's more their nature than anything else,' replied his daughter. 'They are gentle little girls who obey their parents and do as they are told. When they have permission they play around, but they are soft. Not very much fight in them.'

'I'd noticed,' replied Cain.

Jesus continued his preaching.

'It will come too late for many. Finally unearthing the dream of life. Others have come before them and grabbed the riches of heaven and developed a dream which they should have claimed. Should they have gotten out of their beds and repented of sluggardliness and gotten on with things. But, nay. They dreamed away their days and enjoyed the good life and, when the empires had come and gone and been built, they'd achieved naught but a decent home, a modest family, a few trinkets and not much else. Life is to be a bull which is taken by the horns, wrestled and conquered. Or you also ran in the race, but few remembered your name.'

'He's good to you?' Cain whispered to his daughter.

'He's polite. Well spoken. Caring. A little distant. Like his head is somewhere else. Possibly in the clouds, but I don't really know. Something might be on his mind.'

'Searching for meaning and answers, perhaps,' said Cain. 'We might see his blood in these girls. What's being going on there.'

'Perhaps,' replied Elizabel.

Jesus continued. 'So when mercy and the vision come upon you, resist it not. Have faith. Do not give into fear. Have faith and run with the fire of the holy spirit, and follow the dream. Or enjoy the mediocrity of the life of the servant who wishes for more but lacks the courage to do the hard things required.'

'He's not bad,' said Cain. 'The big thing from Nazareth. The Christ Child.'

'They make a fuss,' replied Elizabel. 'What tickles their fancy I guess.'

'I guess so,' replied Cain.

The preaching at 7DF Eden finished shortly thereafter, and Cain sat in the lounge out the front as his grand-daughters ran around and, when Jesus came over to them and picked one of them up, Cain was amused as the Christ Child poked his tongue at her, and smiled and patted her head, and put her down. Smooth. Like a politician. Well groomed. Apparently that's what success took in life. An interesting way to go.

* * * * *

Seth and Abel were arguing after service.

'Of course, the great landmarks of Seth the Incredible define heaven,' said Seth.

'I've always felt the staggering works of Abel the Magnificent are the true glory,' replied Abel.

'Seth. That's a name, say the people,' said Seth.

'Abel. The definition of cool, said by all and sundry,' replied Abel.

'Seth. The man for the hour,' said Seth.

'Abel. Always reliable and first class,' said Abel.

'Seth. Poet, mathematician. Philosopher. The greatest mind of our era,' said Seth.

'Abel. The greatest mind of every era,' replied Abel.

Seth sipped on his coffee.

Abel sipped on his tea.

'Whatever,' said Seth.

'Exactly,' replied the Son of Adam.

* * * * *

Alison was with Noah and Adam. Alison Daly.

'Of course, I am your grand-daughter also,' said Alison.

'Yes,' agreed Adam. 'So you want to know the history of the world from my perspective.'

'Yes,' replied Alison. 'It's a major project. Perhaps the major project.'

'I could imagine,' said Noah. 'Of course, it all begins with the glory of the Rainbow Covenant.'

'I would imagine the glory of the Garden of Eden precedes all things,' said Adam in reply.

'But it is the Rainbow Covenant were all things come into fruition,' said Noah.

'Yet the tree of life knows only Eden,' said Adam.

'I hope you are taking notes, Alison,' said Noah, and gave her a wink.

'Yes, little one. Remember this, for this misbegotten scoundrel has always been a braggart at heart.'

'Oh father,' said Noah. 'You misunderstand me. It's just a sense of humour.'

'Ain't that the truth,' finished Adam, husband of Eve, Father of humanity, and son of the Most High God.

The End


And so God's initial plans were complete. He had completed the destiny of his children in their first works, with codices and extra bits all now taken care of. But the future beckoned so, he surmised, whatever will be will be.......