Connor McLeod wants it all by Queen in Highlander Zeist Magic Vision. His dream from his Zeist birthheart reminds him an Immortal chases all the collectable glory to be the only one. But Lord Bulsara of Zeist is amused.

The Zeist Overlords in Service to Zeist have mapped out books of Potential Destiny for those Misfits who must battle to be Immortals. The Victor is worked into all their destinies, but there can be only one. The Highlander triumphs of course, and Zeist contacts him to refresh his understanding. The Zeist Candidates for Universal Glory have acquired well after time, and must take their earnings to Trantor to compete with the rest of the galaxies candidates for Immortality. They are all tested in the reckoning room, to see their substance and logic of their decisions, but this is just for the record, as only the wisdom of the goods acquired is reckoned. Frustrating procedures, but the Spanish Egyptian Peacock is proud and has the most valuable single selection, his sword collection, amongst his collection of things, but Highlander wins the day, as he had more time after the immortals died to prove his worth. It was just in him, was his conclusion, as he always liked to collect things naturally, as we see in Highlander the Movie, whereas the rest of the Immortal warriors who fought for the prize didn't remember this, nor did Highlander actually, but highlander just had good instincts.

Queen I want it all and AC DC who made who in Highlander: Zeist Magic Vision are in the soundtrack - the story of the Zeist Overlords and their guidance of the 'One' to acquire wealth and be glory for Zeist in the Battle of the Magical Galactic Immortal Princes of the Universe, battled on Trantor the Head of the Milky Way with the Earth based 'Watchers' watching on and counting the artefacts and valuing them in the intergalactic price guide to see who the most valuable and able Immortal really could be. Highlander wins naturally, but is bested by the Connery Peacock in all practical ways, still under his wisdom, and careful sword collection from Trantorian guild merchants.

Michael Jackson with Crazy Little Child by Alice Cooper in the soundtrack for Highlander: Zeist Magic Vision were Jackson, the thief acquirer legally of the Watchers of Trantor of the Accumulator & Price Guide Guild, who Judge the Immortals, has knicked the peacock connery's swords to value them, but returns them, and says they are very valuable, but he doesn't have enough credits to take the Highlander. More valuable then anything Highlander has, but not enough when the bundles each has are valued all together. Tough break Peacock. Highlander emerges as Zeist's Champion, but the debate ends in stalemate galactically as disputes are very severe, and price guide valuations are variable from day to day and there is just no clear victor over several days after basic values are determined. Peacock says he will live to fight again, and the Kurgen blasts Highlander and says He'll start collecting Conan the Barbarian collectables, which is his kind of glory. Highlander is amused.


Connor has ventured to the Citadel of Solace on planet Loganvale. The Citadel has the salvation project under control. Various factors of the dark players are slowly being strengthened, and they have acquired several thousand committed adherents in the last decade. The literature of the dark players has continued its progressive development, and the Zeist Council has been carefully making observations when dark players venture into their proximity. Notebooks are being slowly compiled – factual data records of words and deeds of the dark players. At the Citadel of Solace Connor is reviewing 'Protocols for legal galactic product acquisition.' It is a paperback book of 82 pages, and Connor reads is 17 times over six months. His days are spent speaking to Citadel clerics at meal times, enjoying the harp music of the nuns, and sitting by the stream near the Citadel, on a bench, feeding the birds bread, and watching the water flow on through time. He is carefully reviewing his thoughts on the next study program. Once 'Protocols for legal galactic product acquisition' is completed in his study course a copy of the paperback will be formally purchased, a record made by the Citadel of Solace on Connor obtaining a legally studied copy, and the work, Connor plans, on adding to his official library collection. There will be a formal ceremony for the presentation of the book and quiet words with one of the clerics. Afterwards Connor intends to venture into the nearby town and look at the markeplace he has been told about.

3 years later, after holidaying in the Caribbean, Connor ventures to 'Gualapo's Bookstore' and notices an old 2030s hardback copy of Asterix and the Golden Sickle for sale behind the counter. 'How much?' he asked Gualapo. 'Not cheap,' replies Gualapo. '5 Billion.' 'Stiff price,' replied Connor. He hands over his viscard. 'Swipe it'. The card is swiped, the transaction made, the book obtained, and quietly leaving the country, book stored in a brown paper bag, heading back to New York. Croissants with Duncan at a cafe, latte, and he shows the book. 'Eternya is available in 3 more decades,' he says to Duncan. 'This book's year's printing is just about ready to be done.' 'Golden Sickle is one of the best in the set,' said Duncan. 'No kidding,' replied Connor. 'It's a 2035 printing. Really, quite near foundation point. Already starting to rise well. Lot's of demand on our Gaulish friend,' replied Connor. Duncan opened it and looked at a few pages. 'Good work bro. Smooth.'

20 years pass. Kurgen has obtained a custom made copy of the Sword of Skelos limited edition set sword manufactured by Robert E. Howard Collectibles. There were 17 swords manufactured in the set, his is number 8, and it was the 4th set produced historically. He is practicing swordplay in Central Square Garden and Connor McLeod shows up with his blade. 'Number 2,' says McLeod. 'Long time no see Mother Russia'. 'Amusing,' replied the Kurgen. 'On guard,' says Connor. They circle and make a number of careful swipes. The aggression is not particularly present – precision in swordplay and aesthetics is. After a dozen or so plays, Kurgen throws away the sword and charges Connor who drops his sword and they wrestle for a while. Kurgen knees him a few times and Conner pulls Kurgen's hair a bit, and pulls his ear once. After a while they pull away. 'You buy the beer,' said Kurgen. 'If you buy the burgers,' replied McLeod. They drift off to a bar not far from Central Park, after purchasing some burgers, and sit, eating the burgers, drinking the beers, and talking shop on current online price guide values.


'Zeist is as Zeist does,' said Orlando Thunderheart. 'Immortals have a duty. To pursue the prize and pursue their agenda with the world. If the prize is achieved the luxury of empowering their own vision of things becomes apparent and enabled. At the top of the tree we have McLeod. Traditional swashbuckling hero. He's a Highlander with fierce pride, heroic in every way, able to overcome the dark Russian, and come out victorious. Probably quite a bit of the X Factor in bossman. Kurgen is one tough dude. Hell of a sense of humour. Very sarcastic. Naturally, they function under the blessings of Zeist. Zeist has worked aeons in the Milky Way Galaxy gathering its power and strength to achieve its desired objectives. Quite a lot of sensible choices planet Zeist has been making. Pretty good lifestyle offerings. We're down a few generations of immortals brethren. We have work to do in carving out our own piece of glory.'

'And how do we do that Lord Thunderheart?' asked Mikail Varhart.

'Well, skill, style, panache and a bit of logical thinking and some classical tradition. I've been making quiet observations in what the Highlander does. They pursue wealth acquisition. These collectibles steadily increase in demand from generation to generation. Sensible choices. Our keys to success are to apply some of those traditions and get on with the general functioning and way of life of the Immortals community.'

'We're in that for keeps, Thunderheart,' said Vanessa Spitfire, the English lady.

'Forever,' said Mikail.

'Right team,' said Orlando. 'Now we're the good guys. The A Team. The Main Team. But we got competition. There are dark players. Lots of them. And our job is to stay one step ahead of the dudes. Keep the bastards in their place.'

'Understood,' replied Vanessa Spitfire. 'I'll carry on with my pottery collecting I think. Might move into a few more movie posters and thing. The accumulations are going solidly well.'

'You've got that new archive in the Yorkshire Moors, haven't you sweetie,' said Mikail.

'Mind your own business, Mikky,' replied Vanessa.

'Heh heh heh,' said Orlando. 'Not stupid are we Vanessa.'

'I wasn't born yesterday, dude.'

'Right. Stay focused team. We've got big fish to fry.'

Later that day Orlando was in his Watford apartment, reviewing his collection. He checked online his current values for his pannapictagraphic collection, noticed the trends on some of his major keys, kept his eye on the news blurb on the values of the heavy gold, silver, bronze and modern keys, and sat there, thinking. How could he progress and wise up in the Pannapictagraphist community. Application of what knowledge principles and ethical standards would get him up higher? He reached for his Genesis 1 printout. Sat there quietly for a while, analyzing the structure of God's six day creative program. The monotheists of old had charted a lot out in the universal design made by God, but the new generation had their own ideas. Hell, every generation had its own ideas. Talking about my generation, as the Who sang. Like Jessie J sang, had to do it like it's never been done. Like dope Split Enz said. History never repeats. So the New Immortals had to craft out their way of doing things, craft the Zeist Magic Vision, and get on with the job. After all, they were born to be Princes of the Universe.