Legends of the Angels Saga

Volume 1

In the Beginning


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Copyright 6184 SC / 2021 CE

Chapter One

'It all started with an egg,' said Adam. 'This gigantic mysterious egg sat in the centre of the universe. And one day – IT HATCHED!'

'What happened next?' asked Alison Daly, taking notes.

'Jumping Jehovah jumped out. He started roaming around the egg, and he was clucking like a hen to start with. But then he figured he was a rooster and went 'Cockle doodle doo.'

'Are you sure that's how the story goes?' asked Noah. 'I think Moses might have been drunk when this tale was being uttered.'

'Shut up,' said Adam to Noah. 'Who's telling this story? Anyway, Alison. As I was saying, he went cluck then cock and sat down inside the egg. All around him was a dark universe with nothing in it. All null and void. He had some planning to do. So he planned.'

'Obviously,' said Alison. 'What did he plan?'

'How to get even with the Devil,' said Adam. 'He had a plan to create a devil, a number of them actually, who he would allow to get the upper hand at times, and have to be paid a hell of a lot of dues because of it. But God intended to come out on top, so he would have to outsmart him in the long term. And so he came up with the Angels and the Demons and the Humans and the Magical ones. They were the main groups, and also there were animals, which were a lesser concern but important also. And into a world of worlds he would thrust all these characters. The wonderful realms of God. Now, there is a history of the world which is not really known, from a lot of other perspectives than the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny really records. And I will share that history with you Alison Daly. First and foremost, there will be a lot of genuine substance in it, but a lot of myth and magic and mayhem also. Creative story telling to make sure I tell a good story. So it's not all canonical factual sort of stuff. It's historical sort of and fiction sort of, so be prepared for a fun time. Don't take it all as gospel though, coz it sure as hell ain't.'

'That's fine be me. I'll make sure I explain well in the introduction,' said Alison. 'So, what happened next?'

'First of all God fashioned the realms in his heart. The heart of God. It was all in the Beginning in the Heart of God – the general themes and plans and motivations of God. And it still all is in there. Infinity and Eternity and a maelstrom of emotion and activity. Where God has his dreams and the source for our adventures in life. So it all began in his heart, but soon firmer sorts of realities came to be. The Geocities first of all then the Angelfire then Heaven and soon Infinity. And then a major project, eternity. Then we have Eternya and Zionistya and planetary bodies and other realms besides, some I will touch on in time. They were sort of fashioned and brought to be, and while you probably know a lot of the Realm of Eternity and its history, I doubt you know quite as so much of heaven for, as I recall, over these long years, we haven't shared that much with Daniel to give him the material he has often craved. But I'll share it now with you as our stories are well established in rights, and it's time to tell a tale or two.'

'Thank you,' said Alison.

'Call it the Chronicles of the Children of Heaven,' said Noah.

'I'm calling it Legends of the Angels Saga,' said Alison. 'It's a settled thing in the plans.'

'If that is what works for you,' replied Adam. 'Now, when Jumping Jehovah had made his plans, he looked at the egg. 'Could prove useful,' he said to himself. He examined its substance, and got to work. Taking the egg, which had all sorts of matter constructions in it, he began forming the spiritual universe. Realms and their foundation stone were put in place, and soon it was all going well. The geocities had a bit of a history and so did the angelfire, but we'll get to heaven now. There we were – the 70 children of heaven. And we'd come to be in heaven, and we were all together in a village of sorts, and had been given fantastical roles of splendour. And as we watched Eve fashioned Destiny, and we took notes of all the things which went on in the universe outside of our own. We had a basic library, but our story begins a number of years later, when the Realm of Eternity was young, and Zaphon had just been built. By then we had a larger library outside of our small home town. In heaven the greater, as we of the originals often called it. It was one fine day, I was on the steps of our major library, where I met her. Charlene.'

'Who is Charlene?' asked Alison.

'Trouble,' said Noah. 'Believe me. Trouble. Devil's are predictable. Charlene is too smart to be called a devil. Far too diabolical for such shenanigans.'

'Fortunately, nowhere near as evil,' said Adam. 'Not her style. But chilling. She's make the hair on your arms stand at attention and you would get goosebumps when she spoke.'

'Charlene was the grand-daughter of Delilah and Samson,' said Noah.

'Is, I suppose,' said Adam.

Noah looked at Adam. 'You reckon? Yeh, I guess so. What, it was a long time she was condemned, but that's over now I guess. I suppose she's up from Sheol. Out there somewhere. Probably living a quiet life. Learned her lesson I guess.'

'What, she was killed?' asked Alison.

'Sort of,' said Adam. 'But it was at the end of a long history with the Children of Heaven. She had a hell of a reputation in the end and, with her buddies, things really didn't work out for her. Her empire fell to pieces. It's not that it was evil. It wasn't really. It was just misaligned, I suppose, with the regularity of it all. Not quite in harmony with regular life. That's how a lot of things fail in the end. People average out in the end. To who they really are. In time Charlene probably will as well. But pride comes before the fall, and a Kingdom has to be ultimately born again in the truth if it really wants to last forever.'

'Born again,' said Alison. 'Interesting.'

'And not really again,' said Noah. 'But back to how it was originally formed. How we were all originally formed before the temptations took over. When we ultimately end up something we think we have risen to in life and claimed all our glory, it's gonna fade if it's not who we really are. The sands of time erode passions which aren't meant to be. It all falls down in the end, unless there is some truth of life present.'

Alison sipped on her now cold coffee and looked at Adam and Noah. 'Do you think our Noahide Foundation will last?'

'We've looked into changes from time to time,' said Noah. 'Cyril has arranged some things occasionally, and Daniel's exuberance is slowly coming into check. He should work things out ok gradually. You and your family will do fine, Alison.'

'That's a relief. Dad has a sense of humour about it all also. Grates on some people occasionally.'

'Now, as I was saying,' said Adam. 'Charlene. She showed up on the steps of the library and, in reality, propositioned me.'

'She what!' asked Alison.

'She propositioned me,' replied Adam.

'What? She asked you out?' asked Alison.

'Her exact words were, 'So how does one get in bed with number one,' replied Adam. 'I recall being flattered, as she is attractive, but I turned her down politely. But it didn't end there. I was working at that time with the city council, and she got herself into a position with the council as a scribe. I would see her regularly. She would not ask me out again, but she paid me a lot of attention. And then one day she said she wanted power in life, and could I help her?'

'What did you say?' asked Alison.

'Life's what you make it Charlene.'

'And then?' asked Alison.

'She seemed to take that to heart. She left the council soon afterwards, but it wasn't long. She was on TV not long thereafter, doing modelling work. It was the beginning of her empire. And, soon enough, feathers were being ruffled. Charlene, it seemed, was not exactly what people thought. Something else was going on. Something deep and deadly.'

'I see,' said Alison. 'Fascinating.'

'That will do for today,' said Adam. 'I have a luncheon to get to.' He waved at Seth and Abel, who came over, and Alison smiled.

'I have plenty to write up tonight,' she said.

Adam smiled at her. 'Have fun, Alison. With life. Have fun. No point in being miserable.'

'No. I guess not father,' she replied. And, with her notes, leaving Eden 7DF, it struck Alison that those words came from experience. And what she was now doing was gaining that. Experience to help her in life. To navigate eternity. And for that, to God, she was grateful. For that she was quite thankful.

Chapter Two

'So how you finding stacking shelves at Big W?' Alison asked her brother Matthew.

'Pay my dues. Jesus Christ!' said Matthew. 'I have to pay my dues. Society has expectations. Everybody has to pay their dues. I have unlimited wealth available to me in my family, yet daddy says 'Pay your dues and do some hard labour son, or they'll never respect you. So I'm paying my fricking dues and doing society's grunt labour for the foreseeable future.'

'Them's the breaks,' said Alison. 'You should have got a degree.'

'I'm not up for that yet,' replied Matthew. 'Not as quick off the blocks as you sis. Grades were passable in school, but no much else. Didn't even bother with tertiary because I wasn't ready for it. Finished year 11 and my money was spent. Too hard after that.'

'So you stack shelves and praise the Lord and eat at McDonalds coz it's all you can afford,' she replied smiling.

'Unless daddy give me my ruddy inheritance,' replied Matthew. 'Or mummy.'

'They have positions in society. They are unlikely to give you much of a break,' said Alison. 'We have to make our own breaks in life while we are young. Earn it ourselves if we want it anytime soon. But you always knew that.'

'Yeh, I know,' replied Matthew, and opened another can of beer.

'You shouldn't drink that stuff,' said Alison. 'Not good for your health.'

'Hardly,' replied Matthew. 'This is the zero percent alcohol stuff. Daddy doesn't like me drinking anything apart from zero percent. Not until I'm many centuries old.'

'Oh,' she replied, taking the can from her brother and looking at the label. 'I see,' she replied. 'Well, fine then.' She handed the can back to Matthew, who took a sip.

'So, how is the history of the world unfolding?' asked Matthew.

'So far so good. Had my first session. Interesting. I think he started with a joke about an egg by the looks of it. Promises to fill it with charming creative bits the retelling. But there's truth along the way, and it should be an interesting project.'

'Real work. And you'll get paid well,' said Matthew.

'Only when the job is complete will I get the major money. Just base payments till then.'

'Still, it must be better than my wages,' replied her brother.

Alison smiled. 'I guess. See ya,' she said, and wandered off to talk with her parents in the main living room.

'Father. Mother.' said Alison, sitting down on the couch next to her mother, watching the TV.

'Hey Alison,' said Taylor, and stroked her daughter's arm.

Daniel was looking at a magazine.

Alison watched the TV quietly for a while. It was Bargain Hunt.

'Why do you watch this?' she asked after a while. 'There is much superior TV than this. It is old fashioned, and entirely out of date. There are much more lively and active shows on collectibles.'

'Right,' nodded Taylor. She looked at her daughter. 'I suppose there is.'

'Yep, heaps of hot shit,' said Daniel. 'Right up a lot of peoples alley as well. Just what they are looking for.'

They continued watching.

'Then why watch this tiresome fiasco of a television program?' asked Alison.

'I've seen the other shows,' said Taylor, taking a sip on her can of creaming soda.

'You have?' asked Alison.

'Seen em all for the most part,' said Daniel.

'Then why watch this?' asked Alison. 'It's mostly boring. Little excitement in it.'

'We're old,' said Taylor.

'I know. Right at the beginning of things you two came from. What? Is this your actual buzz in life?'

'Not really,' replied Taylor. 'This is standard humdrum.'

'Humdrum?' replied Alison.

'Humdrum,' said Daniel. 'It paces things out well. Good pacing for life. Delivers satisfactory patience.'

'Satisfactory patience? And what is that supposed to mean?' asked Alison.

'Latter shows have more adrenaline. They don't take their time as much. Antiques roadshow is better than this, but this is more your mothers type of quaint. Escape to the Country also. We watch this stuff to stay focused on our core duties. It keeps us balanced.'

'Balanced?' replied Alison. 'How so?'

'It's bland, but has activity. I also listen to relaxation music once a month. Life is like that. When you have your fill of the toxic elements, you need detox to regain your mental balance in life. Sedate enough TV keeps you focused on the standard life plan for eternal life. Life is not always that exciting, and when it is you need to come back down to earth or you get lost in the thrill of it all. Especially if you have money and can afford the high life. You lose touch with reality if you disappear into Babylon too much.'

'So you watch Bargain Hunt?'

'It's approximately standard behaviour for humans. We have a bit of humor like the people on the show, and we go shopping for antiques and things regularly enough as human beings. This approximates life well. It stops me being schizophrenic. Why Daniel maintains a core of his culture digestion as standard. He got over most of his schizophrenic ways when he leveled out to regular.'

'Pretty much,' replied Daniel. 'Too much metal to start with'. Got into a lot of pop and regular music. I came under control in time.'

Alison sat there. Watching the show. 10 minutes later she was still watching.

'I think I understand what you are driving at? I'm still young, but history keeps me traditional I think.'

'It was a good choice,' replied her mother.

'Very,' said Daniel. 'History teachers have permanent work. Life will always have a use for you.'

'Right,' said Alison. 'Thanks for the lesson.'

Taylor kissed her daughter on the cheek. 'Your welcome Alley Cat.'

'Well, I'm going off to work on my notes from my first discussion with Adam,' said Alison. 'I'll be in my room.'

Alison left her parents, and went to the back room at 29 Merriman. She sat down at her small desk and looked at the laptop. Where to start? A man came in the room and looked at her bookcase. He picked out the ancient copy of 'Pride and Prejudice' of her father's, smiled at her, and left her room. Alison looked at him as he left, and got off her seat and went out to the living room. The man was seated next to Taylor, looking at the book. Cyril was now in the kitchen getting tea.

'Who are you?' asked Taylor.

The man looked at Cyril. 'White, two sugars,' he said. He looked at Alison. 'Frank,' he replied.

'Right,' said Alison. 'Frank. Frank who?'

'Daly. Frank Daly,' replied Frank Daly.

'Brother,' said Cyril.

'He's a brother?' queried Alison.

'My brother,' said Cyril.

'Oh. How many brothers do you have grandfather?' asked Alison.

'8 earth born brothers,' said Cyril. 'Frank is one of them.'

'Right,' said Alison. 'Great uncle Frank?'

'This is a pretty old copy,' said Frank to Daniel. 'What, you are 1972? You weren't that wealthy to start with. How did you get this?'

'Oh, it wasn't that much. $40 to $50 or so. Maybe a bit more. Somewhere circa 2020 it was purchased. They were still affordable enough at that stage. Got Vanity Fair. A copy from 1897 which didn't cost the world either. You could still get old stuff without having to pay too much. I had a bit of cash from my pension. Could afford some things.'

'Right,' replied Frank. 'Lucky. This stuff is beyond reach of nearly everyone these day.'

Alison looked at her uncle. 'It's not that old is it? I've never really looked.'

'It's an old copy,' said her uncle.

Alison sat down next to Frank. 'Did you know daddy when he was little?'

'Yes, actually,' replied Frank. 'He came up to Sydney with his dad a few times. Had a sense of humor from memory.'

'Yeh. I remember,' said Daniel. 'I was quick on the jokes a little even then.'

'Funny,' said Alison. 'You look like a Daly. Now your father is Peter Paul, isn't he? Where does he live?'

Frank looked at Cyril. 'Dad's in Sydney. On New Terra 50 something I think,' said Cyril. 'He's got a major property there. Owns a string of three pubs. Traditional scene for him. He worked as a cellarman a while, and pub work seemed to be the way to go when he settled down after a while. Wanted to work, also. Could have gone with shares. With share divisions he still could if he wanted to, but retirement is not for him. Needs to work. Hard man. Work is for him.'

'Right,' said Alison. 'You work, don't you grandfather?'

'Part time for Telecom,' said Cyril. 'This and that. Some technical work, and electronic maintenance and things.'

'I see,' said Alison. She looked at her father. 'You have a job in quarantine, don't you dad?'

'He does that rarely,' said Taylor.

'Oh, I get to the AQIS job for a few months every Mega or so,' replied Daniel. 'I have a permanent position there, and can work when I want to. There are duties which AQIS still handles on an ongoing basis. Most is automated, but there is stuff they do.'

'Any other serious work you do then, father of paying my dues?'

'Oh, she's funny,' said Taylor. 'He does a live set with his brother in Perth every millennia or so. Mostly music, but he does a little stand up at times. And he runs the Daly foundation with his father and the other Daniel's. That is a part time position. Gets to the office every year or so for a few days.'

'Right. But mostly on the cruise control?' queried Alison.

'I can afford it now,' replied Daniel. 'I do have a bit of overseer work also. A few other things. But mostly cruise control indeed.'

'Humph,' replied Alison.

'I – can afford it,' said Daniel. 'You will too in time.'

'Looking forward that,' replied Alison. 'Well, it was nice to meet you uncle Frank. I'm going back to my room.' And she kissed Frank on the cheek, and returned to the back room, sitting back down at her desk. She opened it up, took out her notes, and looked at the laptop. 'Well, here we go,' she said, and typed in Legends of the Angels saga, and things, as they say, got going.

Chapter Three

Talzudiel looked at the Mountain. Mt Impregnable. The Realm of Eternity's new highest peak. The most daunting of mountaineer challenges.

'You are a schmuck,' said Azrael.

'A brave schmuck,' said Cosadriel. 'But still a schmuck.'

'Bite me Scandinavian,' replied Talzudiel.

'Will he succeed?' queried Meludiel.

'South Americans have training, but lack brute strength on challenging things,' said Daniel.

'Bite me too Irishboy,' said Talzudiel to Daniel.

'He'll prove himself a man,' said Ambriel.

'Or a mouse,' said the Theophany.

'Are you a mouse?' Michael asked Talzudiel.

'Squeak,' replied Talzudiel, and looked at the mountaineering gear at his feet.

'Brave, but ultimately dead,' said Azrael.

'It's impregnable buddy,' said Cosadriel.

'I know its frikking name,' replied Talzudiel.

'Cindradel. Get the gravestone company alerted. We need a project for a Seraphim of ill repute.'

'Go to hell,' said Talzudiel to Daniel.

'I'll charge your account,' replied Cindradel to Daniel.

'No problemo,' replied Daniel.

'I will succeed where all you will only fail,' said Talzudiel.

'If I could be bothered with this minor challenge, I will half your time,' said Cosadriel.

'That, I'd like to see,' said Talzudiel, and picked up the gear. And he was off.

The gathered Seraphim settled down into their campsite, and that afternoon watched Talzudiel climb. They had binoculaors and telescopes and kept their eyes on him as he toiled. A few days later he was nearing the top and they were excited.

'Looks like the schmuck will do it,' said Azrael.

'Do you think so?' Alison Daly asked Daniel the Seraphim.

'He sure will,' replied Daniel to Alison.

Alison took some more pictures.

'Making a record of this are you?' Daniel asked Alison.

'The ANU has a major project going, as I've told you about. We're doing a comprehensive history of the world. I'm doing a lot of work with Adam the first man, but there are more things besides that we are looking into. The ancient Seraphim challenges is one of them which is why I was eager to join this affair when I heard about it.'

'Right,' replied Daniel, and smiled at Alison.

Soon enough Talzudiel had reached the summit and raised the flag of Columbia.

'Oh, he's proud,' said Azrael.

'He's proud alight,' replied Cosadriel.

The climb back down did not take as long and as the angel approached the group, he was walking dramatically, doing his best to look like Atlas or Zeus or some other divine figure.

'Well done son,' said the Theophany, tapping Talzudiel on the shoulder.

'Bah. Easy challenge,' said Azrael.

Talzudiel stretched his arms. 'For the mighty Talzudiel all in a day's work.'

Cosadriel looked up at the difficult and long climb's summit, and Alison took his picture. Cosadriel looked at her.

'The challenged Icelander,' said Alison. 'That's the heading.'

Cosadriel nodded. Maybe he was indeed challenged. It had been quite a show.

* * * * *