In the bible it says nobody despises a thief if he steals because he is hungry.  Fellow mankind know you have got to eat your grub to get by. Further, we know you need an opportunity to make something decent of your life and get some happiness in it all. In Australia, the law allows you to study education at a relatively affordable price to year 12.  Then tertiary options are available, hecs schemes in place for University degree costs.  An education is NOT impossible to get in Australia.  Currently, it is still not even that difficult to get. THE AMOUNT OF EFFORT YOU PUT INTO YOUR EDUCATION IS UP TO YOU. Further, if, at the end of your studies, you start looking for work, and you need money, Australia will make sure you fill in a job diary and apply for enough jobs, but I know the factual truth that with these diaries you can get all the job applications done in ONE DAY OF THE FORTNIGHT WITHOUT TOO MANY PROBLEMS AT ALL. HARDLY A BOTHER.


And then they give you, essentially, free enough money for applying for jobs.  The Jobsearch is not incredible wealth.  By no means.  But its enough to get by on. If you live with parents, its easier, if not you have to learn good manners and good cleanliness and hygiene rules, and live as a flatmate with someone else. This is not impossible to get if you have a good attitude.  AND life has a funny way of rewarding those people WITH a good attitude. There is NO reason, nor will be anytime soon, that you can't have a DECENT ENOUGH LIFE IN AUSTRALIA.



Dear Molken Music. 
I am angry.  I have been a fan of King's X since 1990.  I have the complete works of King's X on CD – NEARLY. I have the complete works of Ty Tabor on CD – NEARLY. I have the complete works of Jerry Gaskill on CD. I have the complete works of Dug Pinnick/Poundhound on CD. I have nearly all the side projects of the band members on CD, apart now from 3rd ear experience, which are next WHAT I LACK ON CD FROM KING'S X I HAVE ON MP3. WHAT I LACK FROM TY TABOR ON CD - WELL I HAVE HAD ENOUGHDo you know how much it pisses me of this effing MP3 only release. I don't bloody own anything with an MP3.Digital data?  Whoop dee fucking doo. And NO I won't just burn it onto a disc.  Because in 40 trillion years Ty Tabor will snigger at my burnt disc and bring up legalism and say 'Hey, are you sure that's legal danno?'.  And how do I know that?  I CAN JUST TELL.  WHEN THE HECK ARE THE MP3 ONLY RELEASES BEING RELASED ON CD? 
Yours very impatiently and sincerely
Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly 
Canberra, Australia


Dear Wally

I apologize for my angry words.  It is a bit frustrating, you see, from my personal perspective to put up with MP3.  I am 42 years old, and became a hard rock and heavy metal fan in the mid 1980s.

I was part of that scene of kids which were into bands like Bon Jovi and Def Leppard and Poison and Iron Maiden and Van Halen and so on.  In 1990 my family moved to Canberra in Australia,

and I got into 'King's X' at that stage, and at the school I was going to (Lake Tuggeranong College) there were a group of us who were into King's X and Queen a lot.  Later on in the mid 1990s when

I became a Pentecostal christian for a while, the canberra Potters House church I joined were also big fans of King's X, and the Christian Band we had in the church used to play King's X music with

alternative strongly christian lyrics used.  I have collected King's X Records, Tapes, Cd's and other paraphernalia since that time, and have had a long and deep interest in the band and their

associated solo and side projects over time.  As I said, I grew up in the 1980s in the hard rock scene, so records and tapes were big, and then CDs.  The MP3 revolution came along later on, but

I just couldn't get into it.  It, to me, is like not really owning anything - just a data file.  There are no lyric booklets or the booklet itself with an MP3, and there is nothing substantial that you actually own and while I myself keep my things forever, there is not really any tangible asset wealth of trasnferability with such an MP3.  It's not a collectable in any way.  Sure, I agree, you do get the music.  But you can listen to all that stuff on spotfiy and myspace and youtube anyway usuaully for no charge. I'm a little older fashioned.  Really, to me, excuse me, but MP3's just suck a bit.  And because I have everything available from King's X on CD format, as well as many records and tapes, it sort of gets frustrating that the new works from Zentaur by Ty Tabor, as well as Trip Magnet and some of the King's X stuff is only available on MP3.  It's just really frustrating. I would like, then, to make a vote to the band, if you are able to chat to them about it or something,

that it really would be great if those products could be released on CD some time in the future. I do realize financial constraints are an issue, but I really would appreciate any potential CD releases

of the said products. Anyway, King's X rock, and I will continue to by products of interest from Molken Music, and remain a loyal customer.

Yours sincerely.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia




Dear Greg

(Sent online 20th of February 2015)

I am going to post this letter into my autobiography. Well, I'm Danny Daly. Your bro.  We've known each other all our lives, pretty much.  I remember you back in Berridale.  I wanted to hold you, but mum let Brigid mainly, when you were a little tyke.  You were the new kid in the fam, and I was jealous of Brigid getting all your attention.  But I did get a chance I think.  Growing up with you as my bro was great.  Matt became kind of awkward as he grew, but you were always a cool bro. Cooma life, especially, was great.  I remember our times especially at Lambie gorge near the showground, going over the place, and exploring. To me it always looked like something a bit unexpected for Cooma - I was little shocked when I first saw it, because I didn't think something so cool could exist in Cooma.  When I lived in Cooma a few years ago I went up there walking once, and stood on the lookout tower, which I think is a more recent addition, and relived some of our memories there.  School for me wasn't that great, as I wasn't hugely popular, and I do appreciate your year putting up with my bullshit when we played hand tennis for a while in high school.  I did occasionally play hand tennis with the kids in my year, but was always a little put off by them.  They were often too much for me in many ways.  I loved when we would play with our army men

together, and have marble wars throwing the marble at the army men we had lined up to defeat each other.  I probably cheated lots of times, because I was overly zealous with my interpretations of fair play in those years, but believe me, with my rigorous educuation on spiritual things which happened from about 20 onwards I got over most of that crappy mindset.  I'm really not the kind of kid I was back then.  You might not really know me in many ways because we have been a bit stand offish for a few years now, but I've grown up for the most part.  I do know I pushed you a bit with the car to drive me around places when I was here in Canberra in the early years, but I'm a lot more cautious about asking favours now and taking people for granted too much.  I'm sorry for the way I came across at times in those early years.  I was focused a lot on my life and things I needed to have done for myself, and I should have given more consideration to how I was impacting with others in what I was asking of them.  I guess life and experience and reflection can be good teachers.  I'm pretty religious as you know, and while I would really have preferred in the end to have remained in the Catholic church, I just couldn't because of how I understood the truth myself.  I'm not really the kind of person, you know, who wants to go against their parents religion and upbringing.  I'm not.  I crave continuity and stability and tradition, but sometimes you just gotta do what you have gotta do, even if you don't like it. It's just the inner convictions some of us have.  I didn't like Matt's attitude for years, and found him very grouchy, but I was always trying hard to respect my older brother, even if that didn't come across too well.  I'm a bloody grotty sort of person around the house, and I damn well know it, and mum still complains a lot.  I am sort of still caught up in my own thing and working on my books and stories and collections of things, and I really don't give the time or consideration to more mundane matters, which I do know I should.  In the end I don't think I'm really actually lazy - more just not focused enough on practical things yet.  That will change though, in time, because I am aware of my problems and am working on them.  I must congratulate you on the choice of Christie for a wife, because she is extremely intelligent and of good humour and maturity. You have found a first class wife who you should always appreciate, and James is the best kid in Australia.  I think forgoing further education by yourself is, in the end, the wisest thing for the time being.  I would commend your music website, and encourage you to work on that idea further and get it well established.  The quality of the recording of Prince of the Blood was first class on the site.  Me - I wish I could get around to doing up a similar music site with my own recordings, but I just haven't had time for quite a while.  I've been very busy with the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny, and webhits continue to roll in and gradual popularity of the sites seems apparent at this stage.  So I'm busy enough, and things to do aplenty for the time being.  I'd love to be able to get with you and your recording music and get 'Dangerous Hearts' and some other of my song lyrics turned into songs, as I have ambitions also, and I think we work well together on that stuff.  Hopefully some time in the future.  My hope has always been that you move back to Canberra permanently, and I would recommend Macarthur nearby mum somewhere if you could afford it. LIfe's good for me at the moment, and things are going well enough, and I hope you make some good decisions in the next few months to guide your life towards a succesful and well earned retirement.

All the best.

Your bro

Danny Daly


Dear Greg

(Sent Online 21st of March 2015)

Remember those little red bibles we got in school?  Remember they were the new testament with also the books of psalms and proverbs. One of the things I do when I pray is use a psalm for a particular request and pray that psalm fully on behalf of the request. For example, in the last year and a bit I have prayed psalm 1 for the sanctification of Macarthur (our home suburb) over 1000 times now. I also have prayed various psalms for the success of the NRL Bulldogs over 100 times, and Psalm37 for yourself a growing number of times, psalm 67 for dad a growing number of times (well over 100) and psalm 57 for mum a growing number of times.  In fact, I am probably well over 10,000 prayers used with a full chapter of scripture used over the past 2 and a half years, for every request under the sun, on a whole host of subjects, including success for Great Britain at the olympics, success for the bulldogs and hawthorn, success for the Hull City Tigers, sanctification

of every suburb of Canberra now prayed for with at least 5 prayers of various psalms used for each suburb, and many tuggeranong ones well over 100 times now each.  But I also pray for DC comics to have success, various businesses in the world to be succesful and maintain good employment programs, as well as prayers for the sanctifcation and ecnomic blessing of many countries now.  I have offered the whole of the minor prophets of the bible in prayer for the sanctification of kingston upon hull, and all the book of proverbs for the sanctification of various towns of Yorkshire.  There have been so many prayers on so many subjects. My friend Justin who visits me a lot, who is sort of a Hebrew Noahide sort of fellow, noted to me how the spirit in Macarthur feels very positive  now and lawful, especially when compared to other places. PRAYER WITH SCRIPTURE WORKS ABUNDANTLY WELL. So, if you have the time, and are willing to pray to God, use psalms as a suggestion, which is the book of prayers, and pray for things like: family members well being success of favourite sporting teams good economic success for Australia and various countries of the world And any issue under the sun really. You see, the scripture sanctifies the prayer request, and the praryers are far more greatly answered because they are far more within the will

of God. try it out



Hey bro.  How are you.

(Sent Online 21st of May 2015)

Life has been good for me the last few weeks.  I have grown quite accustomed to living with mum, now, and until she passes I plan on remaining here at 29 Merriman Crescent.  I still hope to meet a girl and settle down one day, but that won't be for the time being.   I am taking green coffee bean again to help with the weight loss, but for someone my size it has become quite apparent I need quite a large dose of the stuff.  Mum is well, she is happy enough, and life between us is generally ok, but we do argue a bit.  But its usually under control and we tend to be forgiving with each other.  There is a girl in my mental health group called Genevieve who I have a little bit of an interest in.  She reads comics, especially Phantom comics (Like Colin Carpenter), and she is cuteish, and not too old.  I don't know if she likes me much, but if I can lose some significant weight who knows. My stories are coming along, but I'm on a little bit of a hiatus at the moment, but I'm doing a lot of basic art pieces with MS paint and putting them on my various facebook accounts.  I also have a growing number of videos on my youtube account, which I am finally bothering to have monetized.  I did that before with my old account, but it was going to take forever for me to earn the minimum 100 dollar payment because I didn't have much web traffic and views.  But now that I am promoting my new account well enough, it is starting to slowly get the kind of hits which makes having an adsense

account and monetization of videos realistic.  An adsense account can also go on your own private domain website, but you would need good webhits each day to make it worth getting.   (See www.adsense.com for more info) I'm not really looking forward to mum leaving soon, as 7 weeks is a while, but I'll live. Looking forward to seeing you soon enough, and good luck with the new plans of work and moving back to Forrestfield, which I personally think is the best idea.  Hopefully I'll visit again in a few years when you are well settled again back in Forrestfield, as I really like the house and really like Perth as well. Keep at it with the music and composition, and writing rock and roll songs is what you should keep on trying to do.

Take Care



Dear Greg

(Sent Online 16th of July 2015)

I have bought some interesting stuff online recently. I have nearly 80 different Megadrive cartridges now (77 approximately I think), as well as a handheld Megadrive console system with about 80 inbuilt games.  You can find them on ebay.  It has very similar games to the games on the Megadrive unit I have, with some differences.  It charges via a USB port into your PC.  A recent acquisition on the Megadrive was 'Galahad' which looks great, but I haven't played it yet.  I plan on just keeping on collecting megadrive games over the years until I either die first, or actually get them all.

I bought 2 secondhand Sega Master System cartridges, Teddy Boy and the Ninja, but haven't played them yet.  I still have that Master System which Matt had, but am not sure if it works.  Matthew also had a Sega Dreamcast CD console Game system, with some games, and I purchshed a Uefa Soccer game, Chicken Run and a Toy Racer game for the Dreamcast as well just recently.  I have 7 CD

games all up for Dreamcast, the 4 matt had, and my 3 new ones.

I have a new secondhand commodore 64 which runs, with a working disk drive, and I am thinking about buying some more cartridges for the C64, especially of those we never owned yet.  I have even found online an original cartridge for the TRS80/Coco3 Tandy computer Matthew owns, which is not one in that collection which Gerard gave us.  I am thinking about buying it if it remains online for a while.

Hope you are enjoying England



Dear Greg

(Sent online Sunday October 9th 2016 / 6179 SC)

Hey.  How is it going?  Well, it's been a busy year so far for me.  Done a lot of writing and video work for my youtube accounts.  The Angels Saga has over 2 Million words in it now, so it is quite well developed.  I'll possibly be going slow with it now, as it has enough for my general liking, but we will see.  Life with mum is quiet.  We watch a lot of the British TV shows like Bargain Hunt and so forth, and the quiz shows together a lot.  We read out words from the dictionary a bit to learn them occasionally as well.  I get my mental health injection once every 4 weeks, and I have only been hospitalized once since 2001 which was in 2008.  So 15 years without too many problems is a reasonably good effort now.  Still no romance for Daniel San, but I still have vague hopes for the future.  Reality is likely that when mum passes I'll buy a flat down in Cooma, but you never really know what the future holds for sure.  I've been a Karaite Noahide since 1999, and that is my stable religious faith now.  It's going well enough, and I have learned the ins and outs of it, and am comfortable with it.  I'm 43 now, don't really have any plans for employment again, and am living on the Centrelink Disability Support Pension.  With NDIS I also now get a fortnightly Taxi allowance of just over $90.  I've prayed thousands of prayers in the last few years using the book of Psalms mostly to sanctify my requests, and I'm hoping something may come of them in time.  God tells me that prayers take a while to answer and he gets around to them in time.  I'm mostly comfortable enough living at home at 29 Merriman here in Macarthur.  Me and mum get along well enough now, the arguments are quite light, and things are good in general.  I've mostly settled in life and am used to it and content enough.  I am currently getting the entire subscription of DC Comics standard superhero line of Comics, which is costing me around $400 a month.  Really, if I did have the cashola and the room to store them I'd been getting everything DC, Marvel, Dark Horse, Image, Zenescope, IDW and a number of other comic publishers products as well.

Very much into comics.  I buy CDs regularly and work to complete the entire catalogue of albums from my favourite artists.  One of my beliefs is that what we acquire in life we acquire in life for eternity - you get what you got - and that is one of the reasons I am so dedicated to collecting so many things.  Mum is in good enough health.  She had an operation recently, but it wasn't too problematic, and is fine now.  Brigid seems to be in good enough spirits with her work.  Jacinta is ok, and the rest are doing well enough.  Things are mostly good over here on the East coast.  Not perfect, but nothing ever is.  I am still looking forward to the future, and what might possibly eventuate, but for the time being I am content enough to go through the regular humdrum of it all, and see what happens next.  So what has been happening with you?

All the best

Daniel, Canberra


Dear Greg

(Sent online Monday October 10th 2016)

Living in the real world, with the plethora, as the three amigos would put it, of competitive authors trying to get

their book published, it is practically impossible.  Believe me.  I've submitted heaps, and only mild interest.

The Sentapol Wars potentially could get a publishing deal, but reality is that it might get a go in a SF Short Story collection,

but possibly nothing else.  Only TEMPORARY MONEY at best.

Now, IF you sit in front of a webcam and do the Sentapol Wars chapter by chapter with a new video, and dress ok for the

video and speak as formally as you can, with a nice introduction telling people who you are and what the book is basically

about, and you upload these videos to youtube, and using MS Paint with a nice SF public domain picture photograph/artwork

piece, or something you do yourself, and use this as the thubmnail for each video, Maybe with Sentapol Wars Chapter 1 for the

first video and so on, and ensure each video is MONETIZED - And then, if you bother to build a facebook friends list to the maximum

of 5000 friends by simply making friend requests, and then go on Linkedin where you can just keep on adding friends permanently

and do the ad there also, as you do on facebook, then gradually, with the SELF PROMOTION YOU DO YOURSELF AND WORK HARD ON,

the PERMANENT nature of the income from youtube should attract you, and you will have at least made some cashola in the long term

from you hard effort at producing your masterpiece.

Self publishing is perhaps a goer, but I wouldn't really recommend it.  Only for personal copies.  THE PERMANENT YOUTUBE AUDIBOOK

PROMOTED WELL is probably your best best.



Dear Greg

(Sent online Sunday 16th of October 2016)

You are doing great in your work so far on the Sentapol Wars Greg. Remember, keep at it. Take your time and do some brainstorming/plotting one of these weekend, and chart out 3 or 4 more chapters. Think about making it entertaining and something which people will enjoy reading. Sarcasm will probably work well for you, so some original jokes (strive for original new stuff) done well. Crude characters can work well but need to be balanced by saints. The heart of the story is conflict, people often say. Not necessarily physical conflict, but there is a problem which needs resolution. From my experience the first major work of fiction is definitely the hardest to complete, but it becomes a lot easier with the works from then on. This is still a learning experience for you, but you will find it a lot easier in future works. Obviously you know well that Science Fiction and Fantasy authors do a lot of works in developing series of the same foundational book. The Sentapol Universe is definitely suitable for this idea, and I wouldn't really bother working with terribly much else for a long time. Having said all that, yes, definitely keep at it, and keep on going. Audiobooks on youtube is probably your best bet, having them monetized. All the best. Daniel.


Dear Gregory

(Sent online Friday 17th of March 2017)

Hope you are well.  Life is quiet here.  Not much happening.  Still working on my videos. Did a new story in the Angels Saga - Melanie and Daniel 11.  Quiet times mostly. Mum is out at the moment - will be back later this afternoon.  Waiting on some mail. I heard you bought a comic.  Remember, 1 comic every 3 or 4 months.  Don't spend too much on it.  And maybe a birthday present mailed to me every couple of years, of a small amount of cash (Under $30).  I'm continuing to give you $10 every week to help out with your living expenses.  I'll keep this going permanently, as I want to support you and Christie and James.  Family is important to me as well.

All the best




Dear Gregory

(Sent online Wednesday 14th of June 2017)

When you decide to do a religious work of caring for someone, because you know you should care, you are lifegiving. When you decide to help that person who is going through a difficult time you know you are lifegiving. When you decide you may as well throw a few coins to that beggar on the street you are lifegiving. When you decide you may as well say sorry to that person you have held a grudge against for years you are lifegiving. When you visit someone in hospital is only vaguely a friend, but who appreciates it, you are lifegiving. When you decide not to write an email to somebody or text them, but actually bother writing them a letter on paper and mailing it yourself you are lifegiving. When you say to your neighbour that it is good to be alive you are lifegiving. And when you meet that perfect someone, and fall in love, and marry, and are faithful, and have children, you are lifegiving.



Dear Marcus and Greg

(Sent online 15th of October 2017 to Greg and Marcus Low)

God mentioned to me that accounts on youtube do better and better when there is more

content for people to take an interest in.  If an account has only a few videos people might

look at them a bit, but can tend to lose interest.  If, however, you have worked hard and produced

a few hundred videos, there is a lot more things for people to take an interest in, and subscribers

become more realistic.

I would strongly advise both of you, because each of you is nearing middle age, that now is a very

good time in life, as you are still both young enough, to work very hard on weekends and things, especially

free Sunday afternoons, to think hard, think creatively, think originally, and come up with at least half a dozen

new videos for that afternoon.  You can plan out in your thoughts throughout the week the kind of videos

you could do, write down ideas on notes, and do them.  People like to watch all sorts of things, you know.

It doesn't just have to be the biggest new hit from Taylor Swift to get some people's attention.  I would stress

you need to put effort into the ideas and be original, and creative, and present it well.  And if you have the patience

continue to work hard at it with discipline the same way you work at your jobs.

After a while videos tend to catch on with audiences, and if you work hard, by retirement age at 67ish you should

be in a position, about 20 odd years from now, to actually be earning potentially a decent side income apart from

your retirement plan income.

It is very much worth the effort at this stage in life for both of you.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Daly



Dear Greg

(Sent Online Thursday 26th of October 6180sc/2017ce)

Slow at the moment.  Not much happening.  Been quite a busy October for video production.  Getting towards 80 videos.  Reasonable chance of making 100 for the month.

Writing has picked up in the last few days, and I wrote another autobiographical entry the other day.  It reminds me I need to do the HNF World News update

for the year - I do one yearly now, after the Grand Finals so I can put the winner in for each.  Actually, will do that after this email.  I hope Christie and James

are doing well.  I am not 100% sure if I will come and visit you again in 2022.  I have that friendship with Emma Michel in Perth, but the trip via plane is just

too much fear for me to want to deal with.  The turbulence affects me negatively too much.  I just can't handle it.  The flight back wasn't too bad as the one

going over, and I was able to eat my meal this time, but it is still too much.  Its standard fear of flying - It's possibly a phobia.  I might know its not terribly rational

as I am not stupid, but it is just too much for me anyway.  Just can't handle it.  I will come over, though, via train, if, and only if, I have decent enough finances

at the time to afford to do so.  Train doesn't bother me at all.  Don't worry about fishing around for any more videos on the laptop, but if you come over again

it would be nice if you could bring it and then I can do that myself.  Mum is of good health, and making lots of dolls from wool at the moment. She made an

excellent doll of a nurse for Trish Kirby.  It was a first class effort, and I called it Nurse Mary, but mum gave it a different name.  I am settled in life for the most

part now.  The standard plan is to buy a place in Cooma after mum passes whenever that happens.  It won't be any surprises from Daniel, as I intend to keep the

family well informed of the decision I ultimately make and be not hard to find, going back to familiar places of habitation.  I am a conservative fellow who doesn't

like moving that much and sticking with the same routine.  I would not have left AQIS if I could have afforded to keep my job but, in all honesty, despite current

appearances, I think God had a career for me in writing.  It will all work out in the end.  Hope you can get job with computers, but if you can't, getting another job

doing aged care should be available, and a sensible choice.  Take care Greg.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia

Dear Greg

(Sent online Friday 1st of February 2019)

life is mostly going on as normal here at 29 Merriman.  I'm due my

monthly injection shortly, and have had reasonably good mental

health for a while now.  I listen to a lot of music on youtube and

have a new approach of far more regular and sedate sort of music

that I play.  I'm approaching life as of late with an attitude to attempt

to calm it down a lot more, with less tension and stressful sorts of

behaviour.  I don't go to the mental health group anymore, and quite

frankly I don't think they are the best kind of people to hang around

as they have a lot of problems, and not all of them attempt to deal

with their issues necessarily.  There are drug users in there and there

are regular arguments, and I think I am better off at home with mum

and with the family when they come and visit.  I still get my injection

with my new activities co-ordinator from the group, Dale, who replaced

Ian who replaced Adrian Chan.  Ian wasn't in the job very long.  Mum

is well enough and in good enough health.  She has ongoing problems

with her nerves in her feet, and finds it difficult to feel with them properly,

but mostly she's in good enough health, though she takes quite a lot

of pills each day.  Nathalia is growing I guess, and looks like her father

but I think I see her mother in her also.  She was here for a few days

recently with her mother, while Brigid I think was out of town with

work responsibilities or something.  I'm still collecting this and that.

CDs, comics, books, stamps, coins, magazines, toys and things.  DVDs

also.  Got most of the superhero movies that DC and Marvel have made

in my current collection.  Haven't seen them all yet, but am working through

them steadily.  Sometimes I watch movies in a spurt over a few weeks

or months, and then I don't watch for a while at times also.  Will probably

put on some new movies soon enough and do video reviews for them

for my youtube account.  Have you given any thought to the idea of

actually writing 'The Twilight Realm II' yourself?  Or perhaps you are just

too busy for such things.  I haven't written for a week or so now, mainly 

doing videos and religious writing, but will work on the Angels Saga soon

enough I'd imagine.  I'm actually gradually running out of computer memory

on my free accounts on angelfire, and a while ago they changed the system

so that new accounts don't have the file managers, so you can only use

the index page, which is not really any good for storing files on - you can

only have the page itself, which means that I really only have the 8 angelfire

accounts I have with 20 meg on them each to use.  There are a lot of old

files on them I no longer use, and with some rationalization I can update

and get a lot more memory.  For now the account I'm using still has a good

amount of memory, so for this year and probably next year there shouldn't

really be any problems in uploading the files for my stories.  But soon enough

I'm going to have to address that.  Of course, they are free accounts, and

can stay online when I've died, and I've prayed for them to be online

permanently, which is why I won't bother with paid accounts as I can't pay

for them when I'm dead.  So when the memory is up I'll either use Google

groups to keep my stories, or finish up completely.  I don't think I'll bother

trying to track down another free webhoster with a file manager, because

I don't really know if anything out there is going to last any more.  New

sites come and go at the drop of a hat these days, while angelfire has probved

stable for quite a while now.

Anyway, hope to hear back from you, and write back and tell me what's up

with the family and life.

All the best





Dear Aaron

My friend Justin Angold, whose father's surname is 'Holder' but mothers surname is Angold, is not really ever intending to convert to judaism.  He is uncircumcised and has made up his mind that he doesn't want to become an observant Jew.  We have been discussing the 'Assembly of the Covenant' idea, which is one of my earlier ideas of religion, which is focused on observance of the 10 commandments.  Justin wants to add to this observance of a code of law, some sort of common law, and we have agreed upon the criminal law code of Federal Australia as the basic ACT of law we will use.  He intends to ascribe each of the laws into one or more of the categories of the 10 Commandments, which he calls the Ancient Law.  Justin wants to be a 'Judge' of the law, very similar to 'Judge Dredd' ideas, with a small booklet, passport sized, which contains the law.  I shared with him Anthrax's 'I am the LAW' from the Among the Living album, which is all about Judge Dredd, and he has become a huge fan of the album.   Anyway, he has been coming over to 29 Merriman Crescent quite a lot in recent times now, and usually brings beer, which we sip out the back and chat for an hour or so.  He is prepared to commit generally well enough to the Assembly of the Covenant idea, so, seeing as I now have some sort of fellowship idea which might work with at least one guy, perhaps that might be the one you join in on us with and we can concentrate on promoting.  If you are able, just drop around here at 29 Merriman crescent after work or on the weekend some time.  We can chat and try to find a regular time with Justin for possible early discussion meetings. Does that sound good to you? Please let me know.


PS - Justin is about 30 years old, and quite knowledgeable on Torah.  The conversations have been great.



Please add:

 Star Wars from Marvel to my standing order.  If you have issues 1 & 2 still available, I need them.  Next thursday morning I will deposit $100 into your bank account, and the following fortnight I will raise this amount to $150 per fortnight, which will be my usual deposit amount from thereon. This email way of ordering works well enough, and the postage is low enough, that I probably won't bother with coming into the store much anymore.  These days I order most of my stuff from ebay anyway, and as I currently receive a disability support pension for my schizophrenic condition, I don't leave the house that much anyway now.  Life is so much easier with the Internet.  If 52 continues on as normal after convergence, I don't anticipate any change to my standing order. If they completely relaunch with all the convergence titles, I will add them all to my standing order. Otherwise just what I want to add for a while.  Battlestar Galactica:  the Death of Apollo number 4.  was ok.  Nothing spectacular.  There was nothing greatly original in the storyline, and I felt a lot of people could probably have written a story of similar quality if they tried.  As I said, nothing greatly original, but it read smoothly enough, and for a younger reader who isn't familiar with 70s and 80s shows and a long history of hollywood, it would be an ok enough addition.

 Grimm Fairy tales was cool, and the new issue of Wonderland was the quality I got again from the prior issue.  Zenescope is producing very decent quality comics of great reads, and I recommend these again.  I'll be reading the new Princess Leia soon, as well as the Lady death issue I got, and will let you know what I think of them.  I am greatly looking forward to reading the second issue of Spider Gwen, and will soon get stuck into all the back issues of Justice League 3000 I have built up (I ordered all the back issues from ebay, but started with issue 11 I think it is from you guys.  I have read issues 11 & 12 and the issue 1 out of the back issues I got.  I have the full set now, up to date with issue 15, and intend to read them all over the next while.  I haven't yet either got to reading the Lobo series, and have all 5 issues so far, so will tell you what I think when I do get to it.  Most of all, I am really looking forward to issue 2 of Silk, of which issue 1 was fantastic.

 All the best

 Daniel Daly

29 Merriman Crescent

Macarthur  ACT  2904


 I have attached 'A Day in the Life of the Justice League International'.  It's a 20 part series of short stories on the JLI with lots of new characters as well, written as fanfiction, by myself.  I am also working on a few other things comic related, but this little saga is complete, and if you find the time to read it and like it you could pass it on if you wanted to to any possibly interested parties.  Ta



Dear Invisible Republic Team

I've actually sent letters to a comic company before.  DC comics, a few times, back in the 1990s. I was lucky.  I had a poem published in the last issue of 'The Demon' in its 1990s run from DC.

They misspelled my name though - they wrote 'Daniel Dacy' instead of 'Daniel Daly'. Nevermind. Invisible Republic number one was a solid issue.  In fact, great.  I'm taking a risk on some new

issues at the moment, and my comic supplier in Canberra (Impact Comics) does previews in its email bulletin of some of their recommendations, which included your issue.  I thank them for

it. I'll start with the artwork.  The ocean scene, which takes up the majority of the issue, didn't have too much dialogue, but it flowed very neatly and professionally.  I was not confused in the flow

of the storyline (which I sometimes am these days with DC issues, which don't structure the panels with as smooth a flow from one panel to the next that I would like - often I am confused which one follows after the other, which should have been dealt with by DC a long time ago).  Because I was able to read the story effectively, the artwork worked better somehow - it became more interesting and more part of the story because of the flow and smoothness.  Just my opinion anyway.  The artwork itself was great, entirely appropriate to the story being told, and I wouldn't ever want it changed. Just keep on doing it like this. The story.  Arthur and Maia are obviously well thought out characters.  They are facing struggles in life because of the situation in 'Maidstone', finding it difficult to make a living.  Of course, so much of what they are living through is a common part of humanity's struggle anyway.  Maia's choice of nobility not to kill the female soldier and save her hand from the fish shows an integrity in her heart, even when her own life is on the line.  Arthur, though, faces the cold realities of life and realizes that the soldiers are nothing but trouble, and unless they get rid of them, more shit will come to them.  It contrasts the mindset between youth in Maia in some way, not yet entirely jaded by life, and still with the hope of youth, and Arthur,

more experienced, more used to the 'shitty' aspects of life and its grim realities and grim truths.  Perhaps, in future issues, this character contrast between her nobility and his grim reality could be illustrated more. The reporter seemed very real, and while it was dumb luck which led him to find those writings, perhaps a higher power was at work - destiny or something. Anyway, I won't go on forever, but I really enjoyed the first issue of 'Invisible Republic' very much, and look forward to further issues.  I have subscribed to it from my comic supplier, and look forward already to the

next issue.

Thank you very much for your great work

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia



(Sent via email 20th of October 2015)

6 Issues read.  What to say?  It's tight.  Proper storytelling, which should also be novelized as far as I am concerned. The Characters are engaging, but it’s weird for me personally.  You know how it is in comics.  They only come out once a month, usually, and some of the plot gets lost in memory a little bit.  You forget, especially as you get a little bit older.  It's not bogged down with too many plots or sub-plots.  It keeps mainly on the main narrative.  This can be good thing or a bad thing.  It's bad if the main narrative is underdone, but you have strong plotting and rich storytelling. There is plenty to read with the central focus.  The comic could potentially go on for a long time with the concepts presented.  Whether the readership hangs around is another matter.  They usually drop out after a while, but some titles do go a long distance.  I think this one deserves to but I know the hierarchy at Image, just like at Marvel, DC, IDW and Dark Horse, are all counting bottom dollars, and you live or die by the sword of sales figures. Hopefully the title will pull through for a while.  I love DC.  There, I said it.  And back in the 90s when Image debuted I wasn't, in all honesty, expecting much story talent from them.  It was glitzy artwork back in the day with Youngblood, Spawn, Brigade, etc.  I never really expected quality storytelling from Image.  Times change.  Invisible Republic is about as good as comics really do get.  Outdone yourselves in many ways. I will keep on buying - for the next 45 years if it keeps on coming out - as long as you keep on producing this title.  I'm hooked. Awesome work Image Comics.  Keep it up.

Daniel Daly




Hi. This is to the 'Justice League 3000' team.

I began reading comics from DC seriously in 1987, and soon encountered the Justice League. Blue Beetle and Booster Gold quickly became favourites, and those 60 issues of the giffen/dematteis/maguire run are some of the most treasured moments of my life. I have read DC on and off over the years, touching base every now and again. Formerly known as the Justice League was great and so was I can't believe its not the Justice League. All lovely stuff. But now you have a totally new concept, a totally new era to exploit and develop, and things are wonderful in Justice League 3000 and soon to be 3001 universe. I sense that the wonder twin will keep on resurrecting a plethora of old heroes and the like from the old days, and we soon could have a 31st century which is checking itself to see if it is really a thousand years older than it suspects it might be. The artwork is magnifique, and the strange designs of having walkways all over the place (presumably from the mind of Locus, who I adore), is brilliant. It's unique, its different, and Porter is a master. The humour works best for this team, with the heavy hitters on it, at a slightly softer level than the earlier stuff, and is working well as far as I am concerned. If possible, seeing some sort of elaboration on the human hosts from the 31st century who the league are based on might be a good idea, and having their personalities come into things a little would definitely work for me, but I guess not all of the readership possibly. Reading the first ten issues I felt like this war with the 5 would be going on forever, and it still indeed might, but I wasn't complaining, It's a great concept and should keep the ball rolling more many great adventures for much time to come. Locus, as I said, is brilliant - similar to Harley Quinn in some ways, but the demi-goddess she is is both cute and inevitably appealing to those of us who like a health dose of sarcasm which this comic faithfully delivers. The relationship between herself and Hal Jordan really needs to go on into perpetuity, and a big 'Date Night' at some future point, when Locus has started to hopefully be redeemed somewhat (as she really needs to be an antihero and not a villain, as she is wonderful), with Hal Jordan on the best restaurant in Cadmus World is definitely the way to go. I'm really looking forward to Justice League 3001 issue 1, and the introduction of Lois Lane is one of the best ideas yet. The comic is totally cosmic, deserves a far bigger readership, and DC shouldn't feel ashamed to plug it a lot, and maybe give us a cartoon series based on it.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia



Dear Action Reaction

(Letter sent online on 5th of May 2015)

Re: Action Comics 559 (September 1984).

I love this issue. I recently got this comic, amongst many others, in a back issue collecting episode, and decided to read it this afternoon. I have had quite a number of back issues of Action over the years, but have never owned or read Action 559. Yellow Peri, in story one, is an excellent character. I looked her up online and found her in the DC Database. She has appeared very rarely, but looking at her images on Google images, she looks very cool and very much a happening character. I wrote a short flash fiction DC Fanfiction involving Yellow Peri and the Super Buddies from JLI this afternoon, which went into my facebook DC fanfiction page, and all I can say is please DC, give me more of the character of 'Yellow Peri'. Loretta Grant is an 'innocent' character, naieve to the machinations of her husband Alvin, but Alvin, while having married her under false pretenses, seems to have remained loyal as a husband, and the house looked clean and in working order in Apple Creek, Oregon. Bob Rozakis has crafted out a fine story, and it was a great pleasure to read. That is one of the things I really enjoy about the old DC Comics - they usually always stand the test of time as first class entertainment, even decades later. Well Done DC. Please, let me ask again, please feature 'Yellow Peri' more prominently in future releases from DC, and if she could some how get into 'Justice League 3001' or 'Justice League 3002' and hang with Booster Gold (she was a pallbearer or something at his '52' funeral - I think that's right) and Blue Beetle, it really would make my day. Thank you DC for your long life as a company, and making me happy yet again with a character like 'Yellow Peri'.




Dear DC

(Letter sent online on 5th of May 2015)

New Fun Comics number 1 (DC's first comic from 1935) featured 'Oswald the Rabbit' in his Comics debut. He was a Disney character. For a number of years now I have had the idea that 'Oswald' could be a very cute name for a pet rabbit which 'Supergirl' owns. Just something which has stuck in my head for Supergirl and Oswald, as a pet rabbit, especially for an '80s' Supergirl.

All the best DC

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC Comics

(Letter sent online on 11th of June 2015)

This is for the Justice League 3000/Justice League 3001 team.

Dear Comic lovers. Thank you so very much for the brilliant Justice League 3000 series. It made my day. It ran for 15 issues. My hope and prayer to God and to DC Comics is that Justice League 3001 also run for 15 exact issues, and be replaced by Justice League 3002 to also run for exactly 15 issues. And then Justice League 3003 for exactly 15 issues, and so on and so forth, collecting each series in a Graphic Novel / Trade Paperback collection each time.

With 3002, I would also love to see the debut of the following comics, to also run for exactly 15 issues in the continuity (perfectly kept) of the 3002 era, and so on for subsequent eras:

Superman 3002

Batman 3002

Wonder Woman 3002

Cadmus World 3002

Blue Beetle 3002

Booster Gold 3002

Fire 3002

Ice 3002

Locus 3002

The Five 3002

Please, if sales warrant these titles, make it so.

Thank you DC forever.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC Comics

(Letter sent online on 16th of June 2015)

In Justice League International Quarterly Issue Number 5 from the early 1990s, there was an adventure starring 'The Hero Group' and the 'Global Guardians'. In 'The Hero Group' was a character introduced called 'Particle Man'. I have looked at particle man time and time again over the years, and think his costume is just spiffy, and he has so much potential as a 'comedy' character. His line would be 'Life's a Party' in conversations with Blue Beetle and Booster Gold. Please, if at all possible, reintroduce Particle Man to the DC Universe, and popularize this greatly neglected champion of a character.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Letter sent online on 8th of July 2015)

If the Multiverse is continuing after Convergence, what would really help is a symbol for each of the different universes, especially to be used on the cover of the comic to help the reader know which universe is which. At this stage I have no idea. Further, you guys should have some sort of avenue through which aspiring writers can at least get some sort of shot at working for DC. I write a lot of DC fanfiction, and would love a chance to submit work, but you guy's don't accept submissions. It is really frustrating. Another issue: I have an issue with some of your comic cover designs. They often use more than one element of contrasting scenes, and some of the ways you are putting all these elements together have become very predictable over the last few years. Just doing a standard scene would work much better. I would recommend Zenescope covers to your artists, as they actually do decent covers for their comics, and while I am DC 100% and have been since 1987, you guys haven't always been known as industry leaders on artwork and cover design. Where is that DC 'Cutting Edge' spirit which used to set them apart? I think it got old news when Superman sold a million, and they have been rehashing things ever since. Ha ha harrgh.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, Canberra, Australia.


Dear DC

(Letter sent online 9th of July 2015)

One of the things I would like to congratulate DC Comics for is their loyalty to older established characters. Sure, it is great and wonderful to have a new title, but I think that one of the things which the 'Splendour' of a new character often lacks is the established fanbase which the quality of the comic truly deserves, but which just hasn't been built up yet over the generations. Loyalty to newer characters and titles like 'Batman and the Outsiders' and 'Omega Men' and 'Infinity Inc' and 'Suicide Squad', as well as 'Booster Gold' and DCs take on 'Blue Beetle' (acquired from Charlton), as well as Jack Kirby's characters from the 1970s (ie New Gods, Mister Miracle, The Demon, Forever People etc), and working hard to establish traditions for these characters through persevering with them is what DC is all about, and the hallmark of a great comic company. Please stick with those characters, and the idea of a DC database on the history of those characters and their adventures (which I assume you guys probably have to some degree) is a great idea to establish and propogate their genuineness. Of course, it makes sense commercially also, as the bottom dollar has to come into the factoring of every new title. I, personally, would like to see titles like 'The Darkstars' and 'Green Lantern: Mosaic' and 'Damage' and 'The Ray' and 'Anima' and 'Valor' be rebirthed, and 'Sovereign Seven' as well as a new 'Lucifer' from Vertigo would be a great idea. Continuing to utilise established characters and building traditions of them is the hallmark of DC Comics, actually does make sense commercially, and builds up a loyal fanbase to these characters from readers who like to see their characters return, reborn, from time to time. It is a very good part of why DC is a great American comic company. DC titles - really, all of them when it comes down to it, should return from time to time, and remain an enduring part of the DC Comics tradition. It makes DC a pleasure to read from generation to generation, and is a sign of stability, continuity and perseverance, excellent qualities for superhero comics to exemplify. Keep up the great work DC.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Macarthur, Tuggeranong, Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Letter sent online 25th of July 2015)

I have been reading through some of my comic store subscriptions. Loving Lobo Number 8 - I have every issue so far. It has a wonderful SciFi feel to it, and the action is intense. I know Lobo is an anti-hero, but if you could give him a few redeeming qualities it would be great, especially loyalty to those who enfriend him, and ongoing loyalty to his contracts. Justice League 3001 was awesome, and I am really looking forward to the Starro war. Giffen and DeMatteis are doing an outstanding job, and Porter and HiFi should never leave the team. One thing DC gave away years ago was the Letters column in their comics. But with my vote I would ask for the letters column to be restored because it brings more fan interactivity into DC Comics, which I think is a good thing. I know you guys like to do endless crossovers from various comic series to other ones, but I personally find it frustrating as I like to collect a series and be able to read the storyline of the series complete in its own title, without having to worry about going off to collect half a dozen issues from various other titles. For example the Superman Doomed storyline crossed over into Superman Wonder Woman which I collect, but I didn't get half of the story because I only collect Superman Wonder Woman of the various Superman titles. I know its a way of promoting other titles, but it just leaves a reader like me frustrated, and I would appreciate if it was only done sparingly. As a request I wouldn't mind seeing volume 3 of the mid 1980s Justice League run coming out as a TPB. I have 'Justice League: A New Beginning', 'The Secret Gospel of Maxwell Lord', and would love to see a third volume to I can continue my TPB collection of the series (yes, I already have issues 1 to 113 individually as well of the series). A complete one volume edition of 'Blue Beetle' and 'Booster Gold' for each series in TPB of their 1980s series would be a welcome addition. Though you might need to do them in 2 or 3 volumes. Of all the new characters in Justice League 3000, I enjoy 'Locus' most of all, and would love to see a Locus 3002 series debut next year, especially with her crush on Hal Jordan emphasized. Finally, I have subscribed to 'Black Canary', 'Martian Manhunter', 'Prez', 'The Omega Men', 'Cyborg', and various others of the new titles, and am really looking forward to the new 'Lucifer' from Vertigo.

Keep up the awesome work DC.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online 30th of July 2015)

The DC gods have been speaking with me and they have their concerns. Superman has informed me that 'Completed Series' are generally what is in vogue, and the way to go. The kids like to complete their collection of a series, and after the early ages of comics when they passed issue 500 their pride was intact enough for all eternity. So Superman has requested that the current 52 titles which have continued running since their inception finish up at issue 100, and they need a rest of a minimum of a sabbatical year, before gradually being relaunched, indeed starting with Action Comics number 1 again. In the bridging period they have suggested such gap bridging titles as: 'Superman: Man of Action', 'Batman: The World's Greatest Detective' & 'Diana Prince: Wonder Woman' and so on. But they definitely need their sabbatical year's rest for the big titles, and collectors need to have some back issue time without having to worry about the new issue all the time. With the new 'Action Comics Number 1' (Volume 3) Superman has requested a small rectangle in the bottom right corner with 'Action Comics Issue Number XXXX' (being the cumulative total of comics of each series of Action Comics till that date, but only for the first issue, and Batman and the rest have requested that also, but only for the first issue of each new series of the core titles). Finally, they don't want to relaunch all in the same month with their established titles, but a little bit of a break in between the launches please. So if you could make that so it would be much appreciated. And, until then, up, up and away DC.




Dear DC

(Sent online 30th of July 2015)

Initially I also wanted the line of 52 to go on into perpetuity, and that appears to be what Dan Didio is suggesting DC is all about. Personally I think there is a lot of merit in completing series for the 'Collector' of comics, because they often want to complete a series and move on with something new. Your ongoing comic market is of buyers who often do not collect everything into perpetuity, and when a title builds up a long run, new readers often find it frustrating to have to go back and buy all the back issues, and I really do think this puts a lot of them off buying into established runs on the major titles. Relaunches and reinventions are a natural part of the comic industry and it is how it stays fresh and renewed from time to time. Sure, we love the idea of a comic going on into perpetuity, but is Action Comics Volume 2 issue number 25,366 a realistic proposition? Relaunches tend to revitalise the comic industry, and give new readers a place they can latch on to and collect from. It is admirable for DC to want to establish its titles and have no further relaunches, but I don't think, in the end, this is what the market really wants. When I started collecting in 1987, Crisis had just finished recently, and there was a fresh new spirit at DC. Do you really want to deny each successive comic buying generation their own new start? Problems with continuity, remembering the database of back issues, and trying to get a handle on the overall big saga going on becomes complicated with time, and it just doesn't work very well. Yet restructuring, having a new 'Crisis' from time to time, and a fresh new relaunch gives the newer readers something of a starting point. Weekly 52 series comic events are a great idea to have every few years, to act as a fresh starting point, and, in the end, comics history breaks down into 'Ages' and 'Eras'. DCs ideas of establishing these titles and never relaunching are definitely admirable - but I don't think they are terribly realistic in the end, and probably not what the market actually wants or needs. Relaunches give the old heroes - and creative teams - a fresh chance to start again with new ideas, and not be bogged down in years of back issue history which gets harder and harder to remember. Great idea DC, but I don't think it is the future of comics, and I think you might be left behind a bit by Marvel who constantly relaunch their titles, which, in the end, is the best way to go.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Daly



Dear DC

(Sent online 8th of August 2015)

The recent burst of new titles has been great. I have subscribed to most of them with my comic store (Impact Comics in Canberra, Australia), and am enjoying them. Green Lantern: Lost Army looks really good, and Black Canary number 1 was a stonker. Please keep at it with Lobo, who deserves a long run. I'm not a fan of the new Lobo attempting to usurp the old Lobo's legitamacy in any way, coz the new guy just aint the 'Main Man'. But he rocks none the less, and he has his own style. Great look as well. Justice League 3001 started with a bang, and keep it up. Now, an issue. I know you are probably doing it because of multicultural sensitivity, because they really need a black member, but Cyborg is a 'Titan' and should be in the 'Titans' title. Black Lighting was in Justice League for a while, and I think he belongs there somewhat, but is probably better suited to the Outsiders - depends on which team he was first a part of though, because I started reading DC in 1987, and am not completely sure of some of the earlier history. Yes, the Justice League should have a black member, and ideally a Hispanic and Asian as well, but I'm big on a superhero and his or her loyalty to their 'First Team'. The first cut is the deepest, as Sheryl Crow sings, so it would be better to find an African American superhero who first debuts in a superteam which IS the justice League. Cyborg belongs in the Titans, as I have said. Speaking of the Titans, the best roll call for me is: Nightwing, Troia, Starfire, Changeling, Terra, Arsenal, Aqualad, Cyborg, Raven and Jericho (Reborn), as well as 'Impulse' (who fits in the Kid Flash role) or an equivalent. Peronsally I think Supergirl and Superboy also fit in the Titans, and a title like 'Young Justice' is just competing with the Teen Titans and is not necessary. And, finally, while it looks like you killed of 'Anima', please bring her back if possible. I miss her. And thanks for relaunching Lucifer at Vertigo, and I am especially happy that you are keeping the same Lucifer logo from the old series, as I am not a fan of DC changing it's superhero team logos (even if you want to modernize), and I also would prefer the DC Bullet logo from the 1980s and 1990s to be restored, as I think that was your best logo. Till next time, make mine DC.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia



(Sent online 20th of August 2015)

I thought I'd give you some more feedback. I am currently collecting most of the brand new titles you have relaunched. The gay scene in Midnighter number one put me off, so I cancelled that. I don't mind a gay character, but it was too explicit for my tastes. We are Robin is great reading. Black Canary is a cut above. All Star Section Eight needs an ongoing series after the mini series is complete. Starfire covers are phenomenal. The recent Lobo covers are excellent, and what I expect now. Green Lantern: The Lost Army continues to excite after 2 issues. The Omega Men has held my interest since the first issue - it will be interesting to see what you do with Kyle Rayner in the series. Lobo debuted in the original Omega Men issue 3 (I think) so he should be featured. Please revitalise the old LOBO and put him also into the Lobo Comic in the 'War of the Lobo's' storyline, then give him his own title. Suggested storyline - 'Superman: Insanity Streak'. Superman goes crazy and tries to kill everyone in the DC Universe. Green Lantern keeps him in check. Now, I really think DC needs to move with the times and relaunch its tier titles every half a dozen years or so with a new number one. 52 was a good idea for a while, but there are always new readers in the comics world, as they older ones, funnily enough, die in the end, so you need to CATER FOR THE NEW READER WHO DOESN'T HAVE 4 DECADES OF CONTINUITY IN HIS OR HER HEAD ALREADY MAPPED OUT. KAPICHE!!!. A new readere LIKES A NEW NUMBER ONE TO START HIS COLLECTION WITH. Funny that. People like to start at the beginning. Sure, they like to collect back issues as well. That's part of comic collecting, but a lot of the time they just want to start with a number one, collect for a while, and move on. So main advice: Run your series for about 40 to 45 to 50 issues, and then start again with a new number one. It's what Marvel are doing. It is what the industry wants and needs. And it will work for the best. Generally DC are doing most things correctly, and the people are happy. Finally, comic suggestion. Do 'Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice' as a comic series and run it for about 30 to 50 issues. It will collect readers who are familiar with the movie, who might not want to stay around forever, but are happy to collect that for a while. Make mine DC.



Dear DC

(Sent online 28th of August 2015)

It's time for the Box Sets of the Movies on DVD/Blu Ray, released through Diamonds Previews Catalogue to Comic Stores.

Superman Box Set: Includes: Superman, Superman II, Superman Returns, Superman III, Superman IV, Supergirl, Steel

Batman Box Set: Includes: Batman (1960s TV Movie), Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman and Robin, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, Catwoman

DC Heroes Box Set: Includes: 2 swamp thing movies, Flash Series Movie-length Pilot, Constantine, Hitman, Green Lantern, And Forthcoming: Superman Versus Batman-Dawn of Justice, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Suicide Squad, Green Lantern, Justice League, Justice League 2, Man of Steel 2, Future Batman Movies etc


I'm not sure if I've missed some

And we need 'Superboy', 'Omega Men', 'Darkstars' & a 'Lobo' movie also




Dear DC

(Sent online 11th of September 2015)

I've had a think about it, and I need to go back on my thoughts to what I originally thought was best.

Action Comics ran from 1938 from issue 1 to issue 904 with a zero, or something like that. And the current run is up to issue 40 something. Dan Didio is claiming that DC has had enough of reboots, and I think I agree now. It's just a pain in neck.

My best thought is that, like Marvel did briefly, please add in the new issues of Action to the old issues, and

give us the real issue number, which is number 950 or thereabouts, with the zeroes and million issues taken into consideration.

And do this for EVERY title from DC which has used the exact same title in its history. So there are hundreds of 'Wonder Woman', 'Green Lantern,' 'Flash' etc etc. And, finally, if a comic must cease for a while, please only resucitate it with the 'Continuation' of the old issue numbering preserved. Naturally 'Hawkworld' must count as 'Hawkworld' and not 'Hawkman' and 'Adventures of Superman' number 423 or thereabout where it started was really 'Adventures of Superman number 1'.

It will provide a good and healthy boast for DCs superheroes, and if you can't stand reboots all the times, please just stick to your bloody guns DC, and just continue on the real numberings permanently.

And I think that is the best idea for the future.

Daniel Daly



Dear DC.

(Sent online 29th of September 2015)

In case you are listening, I think a heck of a lot of the time there are series you start which attract just a small tiny core of readers who will probably commit, and keep on committing, to buying each issue of the series. It might just initially have a tiny audience, which may only grow slowly. Maybe a step at a time. Something like the new Lobo, for example, which is up for cancellation (which I have every issue of so far), is a brilliant comic, but hasn't been able to get the kind of numbers DC wants for permanent ongoing release. I don't know - you guys are the comic company, and generally know how to run the show. And I know the comic store itself can usually only house so many comics. But sometimes I feel you should take a risk, and wait a heck of a lot longer on some series, just like the new Lobo, and the new Omega Men, and wait and see if that tiny initial audience, which is usually the case for many new comics, doesn't work out how great a product they have and gradually, even slowly, grow, and perhaps, after 5 or 6 years of small sales, starts really catching on. Sometimes things just take some time, you know. (In other words, persevere with the doll and she will be huge. She just needs time to grow her audience. Just persevere with her).

Daniel, Canberra.


Dear DC

(Sent online 7th of October 2015)

I know you guys probably do appreciate feedback because it gives you a good idea of what fans like and are interested in. Recently I have increased my standing order at Impact Comics in Canberra, who send me out my comics in the mail, to include nearly every regular DC Multiverse title. I'm not going to chase down all the Vertigo titles, apart from Lucifer, because my budget just doesn't allow. First, I would like to see DC maintain a certain amount, maybe 3 or 4 regular comics per month, of humor/dark/black humour / comedy titles. Things like Justice League 3000/3001, Lobo & All Star Section Eight, and even Bizarro. These sorts of titles are usually my favourites from DC, and I can ironically call my comics 'Comics' because of it. No need to overdo it, but a 3 or 4 titles out of the 60 or so comics you do each month would be appreciated. I'm a big fan of Garth Ennis and John McRea. I'm also a big fan of Keith Giffen and Kevin Maguire, as well as Alan Grant. Cully Hamner and Stuart Immonen are amongst my favourite artists, and Mike Carey's work on Lucifer was some of my favourite comic of all time. Characters I would like to see popularised in the DC Multiverse include: Particle Man from Justice League Quarterly Number Five. Harbinger from Millennium. Anima, who is apparently dead, and had a series in the 90s, being a new blood, but I would love to see her reintroduced. Yellow Peri. Jack T Chance the Green Lantern. The Original Lobo to remain showing up from time to time (and I do like the new guy a lot as well), as well as Booster Gold and (Ted Kord) Blue Beetle to remain an enduring part of the DC Multiverse. I'm big fans of you guys, and do appreciate all the good and hard work you are doing for our entertainment. Thanks.

Daniel Daly, Canberra, Australia.


Dear DC

(Sent online 21st of October 2015)

Look, I really think I need to speak my mind and go back to what I said in the first place. It's like, there you go, a few years back, and 900 + issues of Action Comics. But who the heck can collect them all? How the heck do you get every issue? Where does the ruddy story begin and where does the ruddy story end? It just goes on forever. I think it is admirable, noble and very good of DC to be so committed to core titles that they continue producing them with numbers which, seemingly, go on ad infinitum, but its just not practical or realistic anymore. Some of us - a lot of us comic buyers - are collectors, and we like to collect whole series of things. We like every issue if we can get it. And a lot of your market is just that DC. But these days, it is just damn awkward to have to chase down endless back issues of a series which, if you leave off collecting it for a few years, has a tonne of back issues to collect in no time. It's not practical, and I just don't think it is terribly commercial or sensible anymore in this current comic era. Long runs really should be a thing of the past. 20 to 30, a maximum of about 50 issues, should be the call for each comic series of an ongoing nature from DC and, really, it should have something of a storyline, told in story ARCs, and a decent culmination to the series. But then you go off on a new title and a new direction with the character. Some collectors are there for life. Some only for a short time. And the short time ones, which is a big part of the industry, want to often collect for a while, but move on in life. They don't want an endless list to collect - but they probably would be happy to finish up when the series finishes at a suitable and reasonable number of issues. Marvel relaunches all the time. I think that really is the way to go. There is just too much ruddy back issue to collect otherwise, and often people want to chop and change on characters and comic titles anyway. It's noble, its great DC, to commit to Action and Detective and Wonder Woman etc, going on for a long time. But I think that era of longevity has come and gone. Really, time to let the epic runs go. Shorter, more realistic lengths, more mini-series, and decent story culminations to end a series. That's the way to go DC.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent Online 27th of October 2015)

I thought I'd write in and give you a vote of confidence. Yes, I AM a satisfied customer with what you are doing at the moment. I read online so many criticisms about what DC is doing wrong, and it really annoys me. The stories are better than ever, and I like the titles, and what you are doing with them. I'm collecting a heap of DC comics at the moment (been at it on and off since the mid 1980s), and I think you guys are doing a terrific job. I would like to see characters such as 'Ted-Kord Blue Beetle', 'Booster Gold', 'Fire (Green Flame), 'Ice (Ice Maiden)', 'Particle Man from the Hero Group' and 'The Conglomerate' and 'The Global Guardians' reborn at DC in a big way, and would buy lots of such comics. Keith Giffen, Mike Carey, Garth Ennis, Alan Grant, Gerard Jones & the 90s writers of the 'Anima' series are probably my favourite DC Authors. So my personal vote is for those writers to write for DC. Artists I like include 'Stuart Immonen', 'John McCrea', 'Cully Hamner', 'Dan Vado', 'Travis Charest', 'Kevin Maguire' & 'Rob Liefeld'. So, just to reiterate, you are doing a great job DC, I will continue buying your comics, and I think everything is running along well enough. Not perfectly, as I have said in prior emails, but well enough.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online 6th of November 2015)

I have what I think is a good idea. People are sort of aware of the DC Multiverse, but one thing which us fan's don't necessarily get right away is which comic features which universe. My suggestion, thus, is this: in the top right hand corner of your comics, using a logo about the same size of the DC logo itself on the left hand side, do an original logo for each of the 52 DC Universes. This way fans can quickly and clearly identify which universe of the multiverse each comic is part of. Further, I would suggest developing a line within your numbers devoted to ongoing mini-series from each of the 52 universes, one after another, in no particular order, to develop more the history and chronology and culture of each of the 52 universes. It may sound simple, but collectors also might like to collect a particular universe of titles, as they can't necessarily always afford the entire DC line by any means. What do you think? Is that a good idea?

I hope you like this idea.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent Online 7th of November 2015)

So, not counting zero issues, million issues, and decimal point issues, I just got my Action Comics number 45 and Detective comics 45, and so on. Uncanny X-Men 600 from Marvel? A new number one soon enough, though, on that title. So, DC. Action - first run - issue number 904 (There was a million issue and a zero for that also). So, how about this. In the bottom of the current comic, in a lightish colour, which softly stands out from the rest of the cover (only softly mind you) how about, for Action, putting Action Comics Issue Number 954 - for the current series upcoming issue number 50. Naturally keep the 50 issue number in the standard place, but softly, down the bottom 'Action Comics Issue Number 954) and then so on for all subsequent future issues. And, in your comic issue details on the last page of the comic, in brackets, after the current volume issue number, put Action Comics Issue Number 954 and so on. But make sure it is in brackets.





Dear DC.

(Sent online Thursday 19th of November 2015)

I have a request. New Fun Comics Number 1 from 1935 is your first comic. Could you please re-release this as a DC Essential comic. Also, Oswald the Rabbit appeared in New Fun Comics Number 1. For a long time I have had dreams of Oswald appearing in Supergirl Comics. He should appear in her dreams, and says 'I'm Old Supergirl'. And, in the spirit of Teen Titans Go, and the recent Bizarro series, could you PRETTY PLEASE do a 4 issue Oswald the Rabbit mini series - a junior readers comic. He is in the very first DC Comic, and I 100% know DC is faithful to its characters. Could he PLEASE have a mini series in the junior style of comics from DC. PLEASE. He has waited a very long time.

Yours Sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Sunday 6th of December 2015)

Hey, don't lose your cool. I've read stuff online about October's sales figures for DC. Actually, everything was normal. Your standard sales were selling the regular amount. There are NO problems from us fans on what you are producing - we LIKE what we are getting. Please DON'T go reinventing the wheel. Please keep moderation in mind on these PLANS I have heard you are making. Before October Marvel were spillunking a heap of their big 'SUPER TITLES' like Secret Wars and Civil Wars and all that jazz. And now they have a launch of all new number ones at the moment. The popularity of Marvel, just at this moment, is NOT surprising. Guess what? It will wane VERY soon. They can't release a new Amazing Spider Man every month, and expect the market to get that excited. They have cashed in a bit - DC did it a bit when 52 was launched - but if they do it too much at marvel, it will just sink down to regular sales figures anyway, as the Marvel Zombie will stop giving too much of a concern. Go to the well too many times, it will run dry on that idea. Figures will look normal in a few months again DC - don't let the current situation worry you or go to your head. EVERYTHING IS NORMAL IN THE DC MULTIVERSE.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Tuesday 8th of December 6178 SC/2015)

Here are some suggested mini-series titles I would love to see in print from DC.

Batman& Nightwing




Batman& Robin the Dynamic Duo

Batman the Caped Crusader

Batman: Dark Fury

Secret Seven

Xenobrood: Xenocide

Primal Force: Natural Elements

Blood Pack: Plasma, the Fifth Element

Extreme Justice: Power Politics

Anima Reborn

Jack T Chance: A Lantern's gotta do...........

Superman: The Vision of Jor El

Wonder Woman: Amazing Amazons

As you can see there are a lot of early 90s heroes.

Hope you can do them all.

Your eternal fan

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Tuesday 8th of December 2015)

Some more suggested Mini-Series titles:

Riddler: Riddle Me This

Riddler: Riddle Me That

Riddler: Who's Afraid of the Big Black Bat

Riddler Vs Joker

Doom Patrol: Karma & Lodestone

Mr Mxyzptlk (Kids)

Wild Dog 2

Spectre: The Living Dead

Particle Man (JLIQ 5)

Hawk& Dove: Soaring with Kestrel

Triumph: Overcoming Adversity

Tempus Fugitive 2

Gotham Daze

Tailgunner Jo: Parallax Dreams

Camelot 3000: Merlin's Legacy

Blue& Gold: The Adventures of Blue Beetle and Booster Gold

Fire& Ice: The Adventures of Green Flame and Ice Maiden

The Conglomerate: Corporations War

Global Guardians: The Dome Revisited

Impulse: The Speed of Sound

Kid Flash: Faster than Light

Aqualad: Undercurrents


Maxima: Maximum Attraction

Superman: Men of Steel

Clark Kent: Reporter for the Daily Planet

Bruce Wayne: Playboy Extraordinaire

Lana Lang: The Flame

Shadowdragon: Behind Enemy Lines

Invasion II

Milennium Crisis

Legends II

Ultimate Crisis: Splitting Infinity

Bizarro: Sdrawkcab (Kids)

Lexcorp at War

Kord Industries

Hope you like those titles

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Tuesday 15th of December 2015)

I just saw some very decent Jason Momoa Aquaman comic artwork online (on facebook actually). Hate to say it, but if DC did a Multiverse Earth 2 Aquaman (or similar idea) with a Jason Mamoa Aquaman, it might be a good idea. Dark hair, with blonde streaks, and the Pacific Islander looks. On another point, hopefully new Blue Beetle and Booster Gold series are just around the corner. And make sure Lobo doesn't stay away too long.

Kind regards

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC Comics

(Sent online Wednesday 6th of January 2016 / 6th of January 6179 SC)

I have a request. Please keep the current logo for the comics PERMANENTLY on DC Comics. However, for the logo used from the late 70s, for the 1980s, for the 1990s and for the early 2000s, could you please introduce a 'DC Classics' line of comics of about 5 titles, and feature titles used from the period of this logo, changing the titles from time to time, and letting this classic 80s 90s logo be the logo used for these classic titles. So that you will know I am currently subscribed at Impact Comics in Canberra to every DC titles from the standard Multiverse (but only Lucifer from the Vertigo line, because of finances). I pray, please do introduce the 80s and 90s logo with a DC Classics line using the logo, and features the comics, styles and characters used from this truly Golden Age of DC Comics.

Yours most sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent Online 31st of January 2016)

I have heard about Rebirth. Company wide relaunch with new number 1s the whole line. 52 to run for 52 issues. Excellent. In the end, the general way to go. I applaud you. I look forward to collecting the entire rebirth era. Hopefully the current relaunch from Marvel will follow a similar 'Era' idea. And that is the thing, I think. 'Era's'. Comic collectors often hang around for a long time, but often they don't. And as you have done for ages, finishing up a run with a certain number of issues gives a very good and decent opportunity for collectors to collect the entire run. You guys know this now. What I would like to see, if possible, is 'RUN PLANNING AND PLOTTING' were you practically specify the number of issues and plot out a sort of overall story, in arcs, for the entire run. Things which are introduced in earlier issues of the run and resolved by the end. A sort of overall plot and idea for the series. Now, Rebirth should ideally run from 50 to 100 issues, and, quite frankly, a new logo might be a good idea. When the Rebirth era culminates (which is my suggestion) then go on to something like 'Reset' and then run that for 50 to 100 issues. And then run something like 'Recharge' for 50 or 100 issues. Then something like 'New Beginnings' for 50 or 100 issues. then something like 'Restart' for 50 or 100 issues. Then something like 'DC Century' for 100 issues (ie A century of issues - 100 of them). Then something like 'DC Empire' for 100 issues. Then something like 'DC Multiversity' for 100 issues, and so on and so forth. Just a suggestion. As always, make mine DC.

Daniel, Canberra


Dear DC

(Sent Online 31st of January 2016)

Here are some suggestions for future titles

The Adventures of Wonder Woman and Supergirl



Lobo and the Darkstars

Green Lantern: Guardian of Sector 2814

The Demon: Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be

Anima: The Power of Animus

Titanic Teenagers

Legionairres of the 31st Century



Just Us Leaguers (Keith Giffen humour stuff)

The Sinister Adventures of Sinestro and Darkseid

Forever Men and Women

Old Legends of New Gods

The Doomsday Patrol

Suicide Squadron

The Blue Beetle Corps

Daniel, Canberra


Dear DC

(Sent online 31st of January 2016)

I have another suggestion. Quality ideas are hard to get. Try as you might, sometimes it can be a challenge to come up with a decent plot. I know very well that DC has wide resources available to them in literary fiction writers, but you should really be plotting ahead decades now, and even centuries. DC is here forever by the looks of it. My suggestion is this - use the talent pool out there who are happy to submit story plots, ideas, and even written stories. Take this information, pay them reasonable amount for it, and put it into a reservoir of 'Future Titles'. These future titles are to be slowly (very slowly) worked upon, tweaked, refined and rewritten by your professional team of writers until a decent final product is ready. You don't have to release it yet - it might be decades - even centuries depending on the quantity of submissions you get - before you can release the title. But, again, key ideas are hard to get, and there are only so many original plots and stories in the realm of knowledge anyway. English has only so much original syntax after all. Personally, I think this investment in story ideas and plots is worth considering for DC - planning ahead for the future market is always a good idea - and while you might have plenty available at the moment, it never hurts and always ahead to think very long term ahead, and plan way ahead into the distance. Get all the good ideas now and you won't have to worry further down the track when a future Story Editor says 'What do we do now?' This is just a suggestion. I've got stuff i'd like to submit if you ever did do this, so please consider the idea. Loving DC Forever.

Daniel, Canberra


Dear DC

(Sent online 12th of February 2016)

In Superman 45, first series back in the 40s, Lois Lane became 'Superwoman'. Superman's mate is Superwoman. There you go. Time to rebirth that idea. Batman's mate is Batwoman. Time for Bruce to conquer her lesbian ways. Lex Luthor probably needs a Lana Lang or a Lucy Lane or a Lori Lemaris (a mermaid - how weird). Superboy needs a Supergirl. Robin probably needs a Sparrow. Starfire needs a Nightwing (Stars at Night). Hawkman needs a Hawkwoman. Green Lantern needs a Red Lantern. Wonder Woman needs a Wonder Man (Hopefully Marvel will eventually sell the rights to ya). Flash needs a Ray. Hawk needs a Dove. Thunder needs a Lightning. Fire needs a Flame. Ice needs a Frost. Czarnian bounty hunters get lonely. Martians need to find the other sole survivor. etc etc etc




Dear DC. About 2050, whe you get over it, remember:

Justice League 1-6 from 1987 are the first 6 issues of Justice League

Justice League International 7-about 25 from about 1988 to about 1990 I think are the first of those issues of Justice League International

Justice League America 26 to about 113 from about 1990 to about 1995 are the first issues of Justice League America

Justice League of America from the 1960s are the first issues of those runs




And that specificaly Superman is the 'Superman' titles, with the first old run added with the 1987 new number 1 run and recent runs

And for every DC title

And you get the idea

And when you finish a run for a while

And you relaunch that exact title again later



But only after you have had your fill of these blessed and lovely relaunches with new number 1s

So when the rebirth era is finished, add up all the Wonder Woman titles with that exact title, and that is her number of issues, and the same for 'Batman' and the same for 'Superman'. Blue Beetle might have to have charlton comics considerations. That might be ok to use them as the original numbers. please consider it.




Dear DC Comics

(Sent online 27th of February 2016)

I would like to reiterate a suggestion I have made. I have thought it over and think it is generally the best way to go. From about issue 18 of the new rebirth era DC should return ALL titles to their original numbering. And this should be done for the exactly specific title of the comic. For example, Justice League is different to Justice League America which is different again to Justice League of America. So only the EXACT comic title should be the compilation of all issues under that exact comic title to determine the numbering. Blue Beetle began at Charlton and I feel those issues of Charlton should be also part of the exact numbering sequence for the total number of Blue Beetle comics. The 80s/90s Justice League titles had Justice League 1-6/Justice League International 7-24 (I think) and Justice League America 25 - 113 (or thereabouts). Those exact titles should be part of the total of the numbering sequence. Further, when you reintroduce an old title please re-continue the numbering sequence already established, and use something like 'First Issue of a Brand New Era' but with the continued on number on the cover. That idea was done for a Legion of Superheroes issue once in the 90s. You guys would know that many titles have about 12 issues in their lifespan, so gearing up a title with the same creative talent, and expecting it to finish then is probably a standard way of doing business. For example, something like 'Martian Manhunter' or 'The Spectre' or 'New Gods' has probably 12 issues on any relaunch, so continue the built up numberings, use the same creative team for all issues, and then on to another title for that slot again. I really think continuity and building up of the numberings for 'EXACT TITLES' would be the best business policy, and further strengthen the idea at DC at the moment of character 'Legacy'. Please consider these ideas. I really would prefer it as a long-term DC comics collector.

All the best from Australia

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly


Dear DC

(Sent online Sunday 27th of March 2016)

Times change. I wasn't born yesterday (1972 actually) so I do know styles, tastes and cultures change. And even superheroes develop and change somewhat. I suppose that's an inevitable thing as we move forward constantly. But one thing which was true for a long time was that heroes like Superman and Batman didn't really kill - and Batman didn't use guns. I remember a comic I read from about 20 years ago called 'Batman: Seduction of the Gun'. I think certain DC movie scriptwriters could do a wise thing by looking through such a tome. Certainly, there was a thing for a while that the world of Batman needed to get Grim and Gritty to deal with the kind of scum he had to face. And that is what has happened. But while I'll never be far from buying a DC comic from a shop or online, I'm not 100% sure if the whole DC gang has quite worked out the legacy or the ethos of its cardinal heroes. The good guys get the bad guys arrested in the end - they don't blow them away. Sure, everyone understands how the punisher works, and that's the way it is for Frank Castle. But Batman is not the Punisher. And Batman doesn't NEED to be the Punisher. He's the Dark Knight - but he's a KNIGHT. And his ethics on guns and how they are USED to kill people is well established. Batman DOESN'T kill. The Super Friend I grew up with back in Berridale in the late 1970s DOESN'T kill. And that Batman on the silver screen in 1989 DOESN'T kill. I hope you remember that DC.

Daniel Daly


Dear DC

(Sent online Wednesday 30th of March 2016)

I have four story requests. Firstly, could you bring back 'The Grey Man' and 'The Lords of Order and Chaos' from the 'Justice League' series of 1987, in the first half a dozen issues. Please bring him back in a future Justice League comic, and do more on this character. The second is please bring back the 'Anima' character from the 90s, and perhaps put her in a Teen Titans comic. Thirdly, could you please bring back 'Dr Stratos' from Adventures of Superman 431 from 1987. This was one of my first DC comics read, and Dr Stratos swore revenge on Superman at the end of the issue, which has never been addressed since. Finally, could you please use 'Yellow Peri' in a future Superman comic, and develop her character a bit more. She is one of my favourite characters from DC, as well as the 'Harbinger' character from Millennium.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Wednesday 13th of April 2016)

How about doing a 'Servants of the Justice League' mini-series, about the people who work behind the scenes in running the Justice League Watchtower and buildings etc. All the tech people who repair and run everything, the administrators, the cleaners, the accountants etc. A look at the 'Real Life' behind the justice league. Just an idea.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Sunday 17th of April 2016)

I'm going to have a winge.

Cyborg is really a Titan. Katana is really an Outsider. Fire and Ice are not JLI but Global Guardians (that goes back a bit). Nightwing is really a Robin. Sinestro is really a villain. Superman HAS a secret identity. It's the Justice League OF America. Lux Luthor is the bad guy. Batwoman was originally straight.

Retcon is not always that cool.


Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online)

Here are some suggestions for future series.

Katana& Zatanna: Sword and Sorcery

Deadshot&Deathstroke: Lethal Agendas

Monolith the Majestic Monster of Mayhem

Metal Maniacs

Legion of Super Zeroes

Valor and Liberty

Fallen Starman

Seven Sovereigns

Hawkworlds at War

Hawk and Dove: Devil's Brood


Bat& Cat: Havin' a Chat

The Claws of Batwoman

Batman: The Caped Crusader

Justice League Galactica

Robin the Rich


Daniel, Canberra


Dear DC

(Sent online Sunday 24th of April 2016)

I think the Multiverse of 52 universes is definitely the way to go for DC. Milestone needs to be one of the universes, and it might be easier in a practical way if you had a LGBTI universe, where 'Midnighter' could fit, and other LGBTI characters. It might be a more practical and sensible solution, which people might be more comfortable with once they get used to it. Further, having an Icon for each universe in the top right hand corner of the comic would be the best way to go. To clearly identify each of the universes. There would be the Milestone Logo, a logo for the LGBTI universe, and one for the Earth 2 universe, and so on. Also, the older DC Logos should be used and have a universe of their own which feature the primary comics and characters used in that era of the DC universe history. I think we are up to about our 8th DC logo used so far, so it would be for the best if you brought them back to be used in the top right hand corner of the comic to be the logo for that particular universe. The left hand corner would be were the current DC logo remains.

Hopefully these are practical suggestions which you might think about.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Tuesday 3rd of May 2016)

Scott Kolins work on Justice League 3001 is great. But its the colouring from HI FI which has made sure they have a kick ass team to do the art for my favourite comic. I really miss Howard Porter, who was brilliant, but Scott Kolins is cool. However, it is the new girl I am liking in the 'Ariel Masters and Lois Lane' stories at the end, Colleen Doran. She is excellent, smooth as silk, and very, very good for doing Science Fiction work of cityscapes and techy drawing. I think she would be wonderful on a relaunched 'Legion of Superheroes' book or some other Sci Fi work from DC, something which involves space ships and techy city designs. I'm currently subscribed at my local comic store to the entire DC Multiverse of comics, apart from the Vertigo ones, of which I only get Lucifer. I get some others also from Marvel and Image and elsewhere, but I make sure I get EVERYTHING from the standard DC Universe line. I'm really looking forward to 'Scooby Apocalypse' with Giffen apparently writing it, and yes, I do collect the standard Scooby Doo and Looney Tunes comics as well. I'd actually like to see you guys do 'Animaniacs' again. Daffy Duck is my favourite looney tunes character. One last thing, It would be great if you could use the characters from the first DC comic produced, New Fun Comics number 1, back in the 1930s.

All the best

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dearest DC

(Sent online Thursday 19th of May 2016)

EXCELLENT!!!! Please stick with the new logo permanently. It is similar enough to the first logo from 1940, and has the kind of balance in tradition and modernity and futurism which can make it last forever. It's perfect for permanent use by DC. Well done on the design. Please keep it forever.

Daniel Daly



Dear DC

(Sent online Thursday 19th of May 2016)

Cyborg is a 'Titan' - NOT a member of the Justice League. The 8 members of the Justice League of America are

1) Superman, 2) Batman, 3) Wonder Woman, 4) The Flash, 5) Green Lantern, 6) Hawkman, 7) Aquaman & 8) Martian Manhunter.

Katana indeed looks cool in the new Suicide Squad movie, BUT she is AN OUTSIDER. Please fatten up Amanda Waller a little bit. Not as big as she was to start with, but please fatten her up some. It's just not authentic otherwise. Black Lightning is an outsider, and bring them back soon please. Green Flame (Fire) and Ice Maiden (Ice) are GLOBAL GUARDIANS. Please also bring Booster Gold and (Ted Kord) Blue Beetle into the Global Guardians. They are now ready to join the team. And Captain Atom also belongs in the Global Guardians, as does Crimson Fox. Metamorpho is an Outsider. Elongated Man fits in the Global Guardians. Please see if Chris Claremont will do Sovereign Seven again, Darkstars needs another run, Anima needs to be brought back from the dead, and Lobo needs another run soon. Blood Pack, Xenobrood, Primal Force& Infinity Inc need to return soon with their original lineup. Gunfire and Anima need to go into Blood Pack.

On your 'Who's Who' section on the front of you main index page on the website, you need the 7th member of Hawkman.

Hawkman is supposed to be in the Justice League of America, as well as Martian Manhunter.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Thursday 19th of May 2016)

Shade the Changing Man needs to return to Vertigo soon. Sandman needs to start again at Vertigo very soon. If you can't get Neil Gaiman, try Mike Carey. If not Holly Black would be great. Kamandi needs a new series in the DC Universe very soon. We need a new 6 issue kids mini series 'Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane' followed be a 6 issue kids mini series 'Superman's pal Jimmy Olsen' (and it would be a good idea to include bizarro with Jimmy again). A 7 issue series 'Clark Kent: Reporter for the Daily Planet' would be a good idea, We need a 12 issue Maxi series 'Brave and the Bold' again. Showcase 2018 (12 issues for the year) is a must, and if it does well enough 2019 also. DK IV needs to be in the works for the long term. 12 issues of 'The Watchmen Return' is a good idea. 8 issues of 'Slash Maraud: Hell's on Fire' is a great idea, and 'Tailgunner Jo' has been very patient (I love that one). The original 70s Starfire needs to show up with the Titan Starfire, and The Warlord needs a new mini soon enough. Tradition is the heart of DC Comics. Please don't forget.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Tuesday 31st of May 2016)

Debuting in Blue Beetle VERY SOON - 'The Christmas Beetle'. She tells very bad jokes, dresses like a Christmas Beetle, has a tendency to go to seedy bars and try to pick up sleazy looking fellas, and is very fond of Ted Kord. She has long strawberry blonde hair, is quite attractive, of medium build, ample breastage, and single and looking. She workd for Kord Industries, and was motivated by Ted Kord to become a superhero. She's everything a Blue Beetle needs and more.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Wednesay 1st of June 2016)

My favourite Super Hero is Blue Beetle (Ted Kord), but I love all the Blue Beetles. I've been praying for the Beetle, and one of my hopes for the new series is to see the original Blue Beetle 'Daniel Garrett' resurface. I've written my own fanfiction on 'The Blue Beetle Corps', which was answerable to a Guardian from Oa, which has been fun, but it would be great if you could do a Blue Beetle Corps in the Blue Beetle Comic. I would love to see the classic villain 'Overthrow' return to the Blue Beetle series, as well as Carapax, and also with more adventures on 'Pago Island'. I'm currently subscribed to the complete line of DC Comics, including the kids comics, but only Lucifer from Vertigo. I'd get everything DC produces, but I can't quite afford that in my budget, but the new price of $2.99 for most comics now sounds great, and I might be able to get the Vertigo line soon enough. Finally, a 'Blue and Gold' comic series featuring Ted Kord Blue Beetle and Booster Gold is long overdue, as is a 'Fire & Ice' comic series starring Ice Maiden and Green Flame.

Keep up the exceptional work.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Wednesday 1st of June 2016)

I thought I'd give a shoutout to some of my favourite artists and writers I'd like to see again and again at DC.

Travis Charest

Rob Liefeld

Cully Hamner

Mike Deodato

John McCrea

Gerard Jones

Keith Giffen

Kevin Maguire

Stuart Immonen

Mike Carey

Neil Gaiman

Garth Enniss

Alan Grant

Chuck Dickson

Dan Jurgens

M& T Bierbaum

Coleen Doran

Howard Porter

Ruben Diaz


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia



Dearest DC

(Sent online Wednesday 1st of June 2016)

(Sweet Talking Time). Please, please please;

Do 'Blue & Gold' (Ted Kord Blue Beetle & Booster Gold), with Keith Giffen writing and Todd McFarlane on art. Batman said Booster wasn't worthy of his cape years ago, but have Batman give Booster his cape back at the end of the first issue, after an heroic struggle with the bad guys. Have dramatic cape imagery with Booster from then on. Have it involve Lucifer (from Vertigo) and the Demon Etrigan, Wizards, Zombies, Werewolves and Vampires (all the currently hot stuff), and have Fire and Ice looking very hot feature also. High octane intense action comedy. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.

Thanking you in advance.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Wednesday 8th of June 2016)

I think, generally, it is the best way to go at the current time to run 'Era's' in comics. To me the '52' era has been a success. For most of the issues it had its own original DC logo, which was great. But with 'Rebirth' we have the new logo, which is a traditional looking one. 52 issues - long enough for an era, and it offers collectors of back issues the opportunity to realistically 'Complete' that era of comics. That is probably important. The ability of a fan to collect their era of comics if they choose, and not necessarily have to go on collecting more into the future, but having all the comics they wanted, and be happy with that. But naturally some will go on collecting. Rebirth is a wonderful idea, but before it has even begun properly, if I were running DC I would be making plans for its ending. Probably about 60 issues for the main core titles which go the distance. I know the Rebirth was not technically called a 'Relaunch' by yourselves (from what I read online), but in a practical sense, yes it definitely IS a relaunch. And realistically, about 60 issues from now, you need to do the exact same thing again. A complete (or 90% so) company wide relaunch with new number 1s, with a revitaiization of the line which, by then, is starting to get old a little bit. Not that that is a bad thing at all - it isn't. But as you know with television shows they often run a few seasons, then people invariably want something new. I've offered some suggested titles for the next relaunch before, but how about 'DC The New Agenda' as one of the possible relaunch titles at a future date. A new logo, naturally, and I would consider a variant of the late 70s, 80s, 90s early 00s logo. Not quite the same, but a variant, as tradition is important. You would probably want to then continue the number of Action and Detective uninterrupted, like you have wisely chosen to restore for Rebirth. For the next relaunch (if you choose to do one) a long planned essential 'Plot' which is woven through the entire run of the universe over the span of the era might be an idea to consider. Some central themes which underpin the whole era. Was it julius Scwhartz who said DC needs a cleansing every decade or so? Yes, to me, a long term fan and collector since 1987, relaunches are now a great idea. A bit of pride may insist that you doggedly stick to your guns and run the series with the new numberings permanently, but Action and Detective probably suffices on that. You guys are doing excellent work. All the best from Canberra, Australia.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly



Dear DC

(Sent online Thursday 9th of June 2016)

Some suggested future titles:

Jack T Chance: Green Lantern of Sector 666

Wrath of the Demon Etrigan

Lobo: Attack of the Killer Lobotomizers

Batman: Chow Down in China Town

Supergirl: Last Daughter of Krypton

Wonder Women

Aquaman: Lost in Atlantis

Hawkman: Soaring the Seven Heavens

Cyborg: Cybernetic Engineering

The Olde Fashioned Great and Grande American League of Justice

All the best




Dear DC

(Sent online Thursday 16th of June 2016)

I've already prayed over these ideas. If possible:

* Establish the Impact Comics universe as one of the 52 Multiverse Universes

* Establish the Milestone Comics universe as one of the 52 Multiverse Universes

* Make Scooby Apocalypse set in the same Universe as Justice League 3000 & Justice League 3001, sat at a date a bit later after the deaths of the Superheroes as discussed in Justice League 3001, and please have that history of the death of those superheroes discussed by Velma in a history lesson for the crew.

* Integrate the Flintstones and Future Quest in also in the 'Hanna Barbera' Universe of the Multiverse.

* Establish the Looney Tunes universe as one of the 52 Multiverse Universes - as you already use Captain Carrot this shouldn't be a problem, right?

* Establish a 'Mad' universe, and use Alfred E. Neuman as one of the chief crazy characters in this universe, with Lighter Side of Life adventures and Spy Vs Spy adventures and so on.

* Bring the Vertigo characters into the main DC universe, especially Lucifer, Elaine Belloch and YHWH (the old man (God) in the bowler hat)

* FINALLY, please establish a 'Logo' for each of the Mutliverses, and place this at the top right of the Comic, with the DC Logo on the top left.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Saturday 18th of June 2016)

Asterix does it. So does Tintin. But, in truth, their catalogue is not huge. But I would suggest DC does its ENTIRE back catalogue of comics as Trade Paperbacks. ALL the way from the Golden Age onwards. Further, they should all be for sale in DC Mega Stores. Large cities could home a DC Mega Store. New York could probably home 2 or 3 DC Mega Stores, the same for Los Angeles. Sydney and Melbourne here in Australia could also use a DC Megastore.

Hope you like the suggestion.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Sunday 26th of June 2016)

I want to commend the Superman team for the recent 'Vandal Savage' story arc which ran across various Superman comics. I didn't read every issue in the storyline, but did read a few, and it was a very dramatic, intense and extremely cool and well done storyline. It definitely deserves a TPB of its own. Regarding supervillains, it would be cool to see 'Doomsday II'. Another Doomsday creature, not the same as the first one, slightly bigger, slightly harder, and slightly nastier. He fights Superman again (doesn't kill him this time) and Superman says 'This time I'm not going down without a damn hard fight'. Don't kill off this Doomsday, though. Keep him as a permanent part of the DC Universe. DC needs a permanent Doomsday. He just needs to be around. I do like the way DC establishes characters and keeps them going permanently. I have read the first 3 stories in DC's Legends of Tomorrow so far, and the Metamorpho and Sugar and Spike stories were very cool. Hats of to Keith Giffen for writing Sugar and Spike with style. I loved it. I was a little concerned that Sugar had actually killed the Killer Moth's henchmen so casually, but then it was revealed they were tranquilizer darts. Thanks DC for not going towards the killing of people so casually way. I know Deathstroke does what Deathstroke does (same for Deadshot and Lobo and others), but your more regular characters have a sense of ethic about that, and I appreciate that.

Great Work DC

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia

( My Website: http://noahidebooks.angelfire.com)


Dear DC

(Sent online Wednesday 29th of June 2016)

I'm not 100% sure how its been selling for you guys, but I'm reading 'Legends of Tomorrow' and hoping it kinda goes on for a while. I've noticed its gotten up to issue six, and it doesn't seem to be part of the September solicitations, which may mean the end of the series, which would be a shame. I understand if the sales aren't really there you can't really justify the title and have to move on, but I'm committed to the title however long it lasts. The best two, for me, are Sugar and Spike (which is great) and Metamorpho, which is almost as good. Keith Giffen is probably my favourite comics writer when all is said and done, so it might not be a surprise that I like Sugar and Spike as much as I do. I wouldn't mind seeing a romance between them akin to 'Moonlighting'. Thanks DC for remembering the little guys in the DC universe, and as soon as I get the new Blue Beetle issues, I'll let you know what I think.

All the best.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Friday 2nd of September 2016)

DC was a New York company. It was East Coast. It was in a world were the spirit of America is older than its West Coast rival. They moved to the west coast, but DC AREN'T West Coast. They are EAST coast. They are older America. LA has too much glitz and glamour. It's too wild west in its spirit. Ask John Constantine if you don't believe me. My vote is that in a few years, maybe a decade, DC move permanently and eternally back to the West Coast, and make Washington DC their permanent eternal base of operations. DC are National Comics. And they are DC comics. That equals the nations capital of Washington DC. They symbolism and credibility of DC is all about old World West Coast, and they will do it best at Washington DC. My vote is, in time, please move permanent and eternal base of operations to Washington DC. I have also prayed to God Almighty about this, and will continue to pray for this to happen.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Wednesday 7the of September 2016)

REQUESTS: Please, for upcoming Mega Crossover Events, over time, release:

Crisis on Infinite Earths: Issues 13 to 24

Legends: Issues 7 to 12

Millennium: Issues 9 to 16

Invasion: Issues 4 to 6

And continue to develop the stories and ideas developed from the foundational issues.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Wednesday 14th of September 2016)

It is time for 'DCTV'. A free to air DC Comics Television Network. You have done heaps of movies an television series practically since the dawn of DC comics back in the 1930s, and the way it is going in society, with the continued and growing demand for Comics related shows, there is no reason it can't develop and get bigger and bigger. Don't be wussy and put it on paytv - go straight to free to air. Plenty of free advertising for the comics also, obviously, and lots of new shows, shows on comics, and comic conventions, and new superhero and other shows, not forgetting Vertigo and Milestone and the rest. Please, also, get around to a Blue Beetle cartoon and a Booster Gold cartoon, and a Lobo, Darkstars, JLI, Anima and Red Lanterns cartoon also, as well as All Star section Eight. The future is now - DC Comics forever.

All the best.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia



Dear DC

(Sent online Tuesday 20th of September 2016)

Well, Rebirth has been a phenomenal success. Well done DC Entertainment. I would like to take this moment to reflect on what I think has been a wisdom of DC in the last 5 or so years. It began with 52 being completely relaunched with new number ones, and then coming to a successful enough conclusion of things. There were criticisms of 52 - everyone knows that, but that is probably inevitable. But one thing it did, with its unique logo for the era for the most part, was create an 'Era' of comics. This is very important, I believe, for a very fundamental reason for serious comic collectors. It gives people who were in many ways 'Born' on that era of comics a very realistic opportunity to collect that complete era of comics. Not just for the diehards who want many, and sometimes even all, but for the standard sort of collector who may only collect one to a few series. This is not new - series have completed on and off since comics began. But it is a more organised thing now, and with the logo and title used for this era, and that it all fits in the same era, I think this becomes naturally attractive. Now, with that said, Rebirth is doing stonkers, but things do cool down. So my suggestion is as I have previously suggested, and should be planned (If you run with the idea) as soon as possible, being that at about issue 60 of Rebirth you relaunch the entire DC Universe yet again, creating a new 'Era' with a new logo also. It should be the necessary revitalization for DC at that time, and give yet another opportunity for new collectors to enter in. The current spate of about 20 odd DC movies coming up, in my mind, reflect the Rebirth era. New things beyond 2020 should possibly be factored into the next era of DC comics. My primary suggested title is 'Recharge'. This is my suggestion - naturally you make your own decisions at DC comics, but I do know you listen to feedback, and for many reasons I think its the best way to go.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Sunday 25th of September 2016)

Please marry Joker to Harley Quinn in Detective Comics 1000, and have them have three boy triplets, who grow up to become supervillains called 'Rude', 'Crude' and 'Lewd'.




Dear DC

(Sent online Sunday 25th of September 2016)

You are going well at the moment. Some things will fail VERY soon though without changes. Suggestions: Run Green Lanterns to issue 20 and change it to Green Lantern Corps, the same for Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps, which you should change back to Green Lantern. Cancel Deathstroke and put him in Teen Titans. Bring back New Gods, The Outsiders and Omega Men, but lose all the pseudo-spirituality for Omega Men, and return it to its 80s characters, uniforms and superhero stylings, and put the new Lobo into it. Bring back Darkstars. Cancel 'New Superman' at issue 20 (it won't work in the long term), and put him as a recurring character in Action Comics. Harley Quinn can afford ONE permanent title. Supergirl series should be called Supergirl, and the same for Superboy, which just run while sales are strong. Legion of Superheroes should be called exactly that and run permanently, even in low sales times. Red Hood and the Outlaws is just currently popular but won't be in the long term, but would work well in an ongoing Robin Title as a supporting character. Bring back Hawkman which should be run permanently, even in low sales period times. Nightwing is strong enough to run solo permanently. Only keep Batman and Detective comics for ongoing Batman, but relaunch Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight and Batman: Shadow of the Bat. Relaunch Superman: Man of Steel and Adventures of Superman. Wonder Woman, the Flash, Aquaman & Green Arrow should just run permanently as is. In a few years run a Martian Manhunter series for about 15 issues. Justice League of America and Justice League International. They are the core Justice League Titles - the rest are redundant. Occasionally titles like Extreme Justice and Justice League Europe and Justice League Task Force for mini-series, and the basic title 'Justice League' doesn't really need to run at all. Justice Society of America should be run in an occasional 4 issue mini series. Darkstars can afford a permanent ongoing. You should run a Justice League International Quarterly for about 18 issues, and a Green Lantern Corps Quarterly for about 12 issues (Featuring Jack T Chance). Infinity Inc should return for a 12 issue Maxi Series, Watchmen should run for a regular ongoing, and Hellblazer belongs in Vertigo. See if you can get a decent Sandman writer for 75 more issues of Sandman. Other than that, business as usual. Do all that and you will get over all the new junk, which won't have the legs in the long term.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Tuesday 27th of September 2016)

Very soon it will be time for the relaunch of Justice League International. The team of creators is 'Giffen', 'DeMatteis' and 'Maguire'. The roster of heroes should be: Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Fire, Ice, Guy Gardner, Mr Miracle, Big Barda, Oberon, Maxwell Lord, Martian Manhunter, Dr Light (Female), Shazam, Rocket Red, Black Canary, Dr Fate, Crimson Fox & Maya.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Monday 10th of October 2016)

Some Ideas: Bring back Doomsday, and put him in a suit. Have him be a noble savage, sort of like Vandal Savage, and have him educated, and can speak, and give him a sarcastic charm and sense of humor. Remember those old 60s issues of Action Comics when they say 'The world does not need you Superman' and 'Who needs Superman' and so on? Well have an issue like that with Doomsday on the cover, sitting on a crude rock throne in front of the Daily Planet, with Doomsday saying 'Go Home Superman. I'm in charge now.' So make Doomsday popular, and an antihero like Lobo, and give him a crude sense of humor and fun. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.

Your eternally faithful fan

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Wednesday 12th of October 2016)

I have previously suggested an idea for a sequel to your crossover megaevent Genesis called Exodus. I have an idea now which, ironically, might work on the third book of 'Leviticus'. Poking a little bit of fun at the book of Leviticus, it is about 'The Lawgiver' who is an alien overlord in the employ of Darkseid, who Darkseid uses to bring 'Order' to the Galaxy. It is a dictatorial system, of cruel overlordship, and the heroes rise up in a spirit of 'Freedom' to end the reign of terror. The fourth in the series is obviously Numbers, and I don't have an idea for that yet, but you could have the return of the Lawgiver in Deueteronomy (which means second law) which is his second attempt at a universal dictatorship. You would use wisecracking sarcasm about the bible, but not too heavily naturally, just a bit of fun, and explore ideas about law and freedom and the balance between these two opposing paradigms.

Hope you use the idea.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Wednesday 12th of October 2016)

I read that DC legend Julius Scwhartz said that DC needs a revitilzation every 10 years or so. Personally I think the concept of 52 worked well enough in the end, and that Rebirth should continue with that idea and run for about 60 issues. Then a new revitilzation in the Julius Scwhartz tradition of a new 'Era' of comics. I suggest 'Recharge' followed in a future era by 'Restart' which concludes that trilogy of 'Re' ideas. Then onto DC Century which the main volumes run for 100 issues. New eras, which in practical reality are in fact Relaunches which Rebirth really was in truth (you are not fooling anyone Geoff Johns), are an excellent starting point for new readers to join the DC collector community. They are a good opportunity for some new number ones from new titles also, and a fresh start as always. Attention spans in this 21st century of the modern era are a little bit shorter than the 20th century, and I think about 5 years is enough time for a revitilzation now. They also allow the opportunity for back issue collectors to collect their entire runs without having to worry about issue numbers over 100 which can take a lot of effort to track down (believe me). Eras are the way to go.

DC forever.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent onnline Monday 24th of October 2016)

Running Rebrith era to 50 issues sounds best, then start again with a new era and a new logo.

Suggested new titles for then:

Black Canary and the Birds of Prey

Kyle Rayner and the Green Lantern Corps

Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight (Continuing the old numbering from where it left off)

The Fire of Hellblazer


World of Krypton

Clark Kent: Reporter for the Daily Planet


The Darkstars

Sovereign Seven

The Outsiders

Infinity Inc

All the best

Daniel, Canberra


Dear DC

(Sent online Friday 18th of November 2016)

I recall you guys having a bit of a go at Manga style comics a while back. It didn't really quite catch on then, but I think this is one of those examples where if you persevere with the idea it will probably work in time. Especially in romance comics, which I think DC Manga Romance style comics could probably do very very well after a while. DC have done a lot of romance comics over the years, and I really love a lot of the Manga romance stuff myself. A Justice League title done Manga style would probably catch on after a while. I am pretty sure there is a permanent audience for Manga from DC - it just needs some time.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Monday 21st of November 2016)

I would like to restate again an idea I have suggested. Julius scwarz taught that DC needs a complete cleaning out and reboot every ten years. At this time, with the current strong interest in comics, I think it is about 5 years. Rebirth is doing well, and DC were the top company on the charts for 3 months, but Marvel retook the top spot in October. Rebirth should run 5 years, probably to about issue 60 for the series which go the distance, and then you need another relaunch/reboot. I suggest the title, again, of 'Recharge'. It could potentially involve the Green Lantern Corps and being, akin to the recharging of the rings, a recharge of the DC universe involving the Guardians of Oa in a storyline perhaps similar to the Millennium series of the late 1980s. Whatever it is called, I do think you will inevitably need another start again in about 5 years. 52 ran for about 4 to 5 years, and honestly I think this is about the natural legs Rebirth will have before a restart is needed. Comic collectors come and go, and I really think some readers will want to hop off at the end of Rebirth, whereas a host will want a good opportunity to hop on to DC at a suitable starting point. The popularity of the early Rebirth comics in terms of their prices as back issues is testimony to this fact. Please consider the Recharge idea DC - I think it is in the company and comics best interests.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Friday 2nd of December 2016)

FAN FEEDBACK. I really like the DC Superhero Girls graphic novels. I would love it if DC continue to publish new ones of these on an ongoing basis, using the same logo, the same format, the same writer and the same illustrator. Currently I am subscribed to from Impact Comics in Canberra to the entire regular superhero universe of DC comics, including Annuals, mini series and specials. On my budget I can't afford the DC Young Animals imprint (although Shade the Changing Girl looks great), and I can no longer afford the younger readers titles or the Hanna Barbera titles. I only get Lucifer from Vertigo. My favourite recent titles were: The New Lobo, Justice League 3000& 3001, All Star Section Eight, Starfire, Legends of Tomorrow, and I thought the Batgirl series by Brendan Fletcher was incredible. I'm a big fan of Brendan Fletcher, but Keith Giffen is my favourite writer.

All the best

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Thursday 8th of December 2016)

Most of the big titles bi-monthly??? They'll be up to issue 50 each in less than 2 years from now. Does this mean that DC have worked out that the attention spans of many comic readers is often now quite short, and that they need something brand new with a brand new number 1 often very quickly or they get bored with a title and move on to something else? Is a company wide relaunch now due again in 2 years? I think it should be. Call it 'Recharge' and give all the heroes their own special 'Recharge Rings' with suitable individualized powers from the Guardians of Oa. Keep on going with bimonthly, and then relaunch again after another 40 issues. Call that 'DC Century' and run it for 100 issues. Suggestions of course. But if DC really intend to run their titles permanently now, as the fuss around the rebirth seemed to suggest was going on, I wouldn't mind hearing about it from a DC announcment or something. I'm on many DC Facebook groups, and word gets around what's going on. I'll have to get DC Direct Currents to make sure I stay informed. Either frequent revitalizations with relaunches company wide or permancy of numbering with the same titles is the way to go. One or other course of action, I think, should be decided upon for sure and made known by DC to their fanbase - if possible.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Thursday 8th of December 2016)

Please do some:


Paradox Press








Comic specials or mini series soon enough. Not a relaunch. Just a few specials and a mini-series or two to keep the faith

with those ideas. If possible DC. Spread over a few years. You didn't need Young Animal. The old Imprint ideas were fine to use.




Dear DC

(Sent online Friday 9th of December 2016)

REQUESTS. Please put Bronze Tiger and Cheshire back in Suicide Squad. Further, please create a comic, call it 'Spaceway Shenanigans' or 'Intergalactic Troublemakers' or something similar, and put the new Lobo in it (as the old one is now in Justice Leauge), as well as Locus from Justice League 3000, Jack T Chance from Green Lantern Corps Quarterly and Sinestro. Keith Giffen should write, and Howard Porter on art. Would love to see such a comic. Locus is brilliant.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent Online Wednesday 14th of December 2016)


New Batman

New Wonder Woman

(Note: New Superman has low sales, but New Batman will probably do ok actually, and I think, now that you have bothered pushing the New Superman title for a while, you may as well run with the 'New Universe' ideas properly, and do the other two members of the Trinity.)


Jack T Chance: Green Lantern Extraordinaire

Inside the Outsiders

Booster Gold

Metamorphism (Transforming Metamorpho into a new destiny)

Omega Women

Xenobrood: Down in the Dumps (Mini)

Primal Force: Forces of Nature (Mini)

Extreme Justice (The 90s Team)

Sugar and Spike

The Five (From Justice League 3000)

Clark Kent: Reporter for the Daily Planet (Maxi Series)

Bruce Wayne: Playboy of Gotham (Maxi Series)

Diana Prince: A Woman's Work is Never Done

Eternity Inc.

All the Best

Daniel Daly



Dear DC

(Sent online Thursday 22nd of December 2016)


Call them DC Extras in the previews catalogue.

Please, if possible, continue on the 1980s Green Lantern Corps with issue 225 and onwards, with the same logo from that time. Do 3 or 4 issues. Also Extreme Justice from the 1990s with issue 19 and onwards, with the same logo from that time. Do 3 or 4 new issues. And so on and so forth, with the original storylines and similar artwork, and the same writers if you can get them, from heaps of titles in your back catalogue. Same original DC logo for each as well.

In the early days comic companies, including DC, would often continue on comic numberings of series, even after a number of years had lapsed.


I've been collecting DC comics regularly since 1987. Obviously I'd like old series continued on with after a while also. Don't let the final issue blurb on the cover put you off. I think it's a great idea. Please consider it.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Thursday 5th of January 2016)

I thought I'd let you know, I'm quite a religioius person, a biblical creationist, and torah values. But I am tolerant.

That said, I really do like the 'God' character from Lucifer in Vertigo, and his grand-daughter Elaine Belloc.

A God mini-series would be great. I'm a big fan of old Yahweh.

Daniel Daly



Dear DC

(Sent online Thursday 5th of January 2016)

Just thought I'd say again, Sugar and Spike from Legends of Tomorrow was excellent. I know the series was a low seller, which is a shame, as I thought it was wonderful. The firestorm and Metal Men stories were ok, standard stuff really, but Sugar and Spike was awesome. The Metamorpho storyline was quite strong. Good read. Not a top tier character, but the writer and artist did the character justice. I know you can't do these characters too often, but I'll vote for them, whatever that is worth.



Dear DC

(Sent online Friday 13th of January 2017)

Some ideas/titles for you to consider.

Guy Gardner and G'nort take on the Galloreon Hoarde. Story by Dan Jurgens and Art by Frank Miller. Prestige format 3 issues.

The Adventures of Cyborg and Hawkman. 4 Issue mini series.

Return of the Doom Force. (from the 1992 Special). One shot special.

Shadowdragon Attacks. (Superman character). 3 issue mini series.

The Sarcasm of Corporal Punishment (Recent Batgirl Character). 2 issue mini series.

Jim Gordon: Gotham Crime. Potentially a series.

Nightwing and Robin. Mini.

Huntress on the Prowl. Mini.

The Dark Side of Apokolips. Mini.

Midnighter: The Witching Hour. Mini.

Batwoman and the Outsiders. Series.

Aquaman: Renegades of Atlantis. Mini.

Flash: Quicker than a Heartbeat. Mini.

Harley Quinn: A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Story arc.

Hope you like the ideas

Daniel Daly



Dear DC

(Sent online Friday 13th of January 2017)

You probably have about enough permanent ongoing titles. They are selling well. I've just seen the December top 50 on previews. They are doing ok. You know, if the titles are selling well, and the market is happy with the number of titles you are doing, you don't technically have to release a new series each month. In earlier years it wasn't always done. Many titles come and go, but many of them also get a bit of a fanbase. Personally, for the annuals, I think it would be best if you didn't do numbered annuals, but did the annuals with the year of publication. For example 2017 Booster Gold Annual. They also don't necessarily need to be done each year, as long as you just put the year the annual comes out on. I think instead of trying to relaunch past titles, which is a hit and miss affair, it might be just easier to do an annual from time to time for them. You could do a few annuals each month this way. Making them 80 page giants might be a good idea as well. Rebirth could run for 50 issues easily. You don't really have to do another relaunch - I think you could just persevere with them and aim to get them up to 1000 issues if you wanted to over the long term. I am not sure if relaunches are really necessary that much anymore with the success of the titles now. The first runs from the Golden Age ran to big numbers as you know. Maybe some patience, now, DC, and no cashing in, and concentrate on quality stories and artwork to sell the comic rather than a 'collectors' new number 1 issue. Usually, in the end, the comic will sell if it is quality.




Dear DC Comics

(Sent online Monday 16th of January 2017)

The "Doom Force" special from 1992 is 25 years old this year. At the end of the special you asked DC readers if they wanted to see more of the Doom Force. I would like to assent to that and ask, if possible, can we see "Doom Force Special 2" this year. The same creative team would be great.

All the best

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Sunday 5th of February 2017)

I have no idea what DC plans for the future. Ideas I have: Maybe a relaunch after 60 issues of Rebirth. I've suggested titles - here is some more. Ground Zero, following on after the Rebirth. 'Life Begins', following on with life in the DC Universe after its Rebirth. Or, if Rebirth is a period of infancy, maybe follow that with 'The Age of Innocence' about childhood youth period, and perhaps follow that with 'Coming of Age' or something similar. Just ideas DC. Commercially the comic market would probably welcome another relaunch after 60 issues of rebirth. Apart from Action and Detective, the heroes don't need huge issue number runs anymore. Eras are much easier to collect.




Dear DC

(Sent online Sunday 5th of February 2017)

Requests for new series of older characters and some newer ones:

Anima (with her original 90s costume)

Sovereign Seven by Chris Claremont




Infinity Inc


Young All-Stars

The Darkstars



Harley Quinn & The Joker: Mad Lovers

The Witching Hour

Starfire (Original 70s lass)


Kong the Untamed


Star Hunters

Lords of the Ultra Realm

Cosmic Boy

The Phantom Stranger

Wild Dog


Tailgunner Jo

Camelot 3000

Sonic Disruptors

Cinder& Ashe



Arion: Lord of Atlantis


V for Vendetta

Superman the Man of Steel

Batman: Shadow of the Bat

Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight

The Adventures of Superman


Alpha Centauri

Justice League International

Justice League Europe

Extreme Justice

Justice League Task Force

Mini Series or Specials or Annuals would be sufficient

Daniel Daly



Dear DC

(Sent online Tuesday 7th of February 2017ce/6180sc)

I'm a fan of the 'Main Man' Lobo and the new 52 era Lobo. Both are cool. Please keep both, and develop an 'Interesting' understanding of the relationship between them, and develop a role for each of them. The Multiverse is still the way to go. Further, can we get a Keith Giffen Justice League International type 6 issue mini series soon enough. Perhaps 6 issues of Justice League 3002. Finally, a Camelot 3000 / Robin 3000 (its a one shot from years ago from memory) / Justice League 3000 / Legion of Superheroes 3000 series called 'MULTIVERSE 3000' or something similar would make a cool mini series.




Dear DC

(Sent online Wednesday 8th of February 2017ce/6180sc)

I am currently collecting the new 52 series 'Hawk and Dove' online from ebay. I have noted it has Rob Liefeld as artist. Rob was on the original Hawk and Dove 5 issue mini series from the 1980s. I collected that when it first came out. I started collecting DC Comics in 1987. Thank you for using Rob as the artist on Hawk and Dove again. If possible, could we have another Hawk and Dove series, with Rob Liefeld as the artist, in a few years. A 5 or 6 issue mini series would be fine. Again, I would like to request that you do mini series of older series from the 1980s and 1990s, and that you remain faithful to these creations. I will continue to buy such products from DC Comics. I am a very satisfied DC Comics customer. I thought the comics of the 52 era were great, and Rebirth looks fantastic.

All the best

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Tuesday 14th of February 2017ce/6180sc)

There is a superhero cartoon on TV called 'Ladybug and Cat Noir'. It's very cool. I think if DC did a 'Hawk and Dove' cartoon in a similar style to 'Ladybug and Cat Noir' it would probably do very well. Also 'The Darkstars' (The 90s comic from DC) would make an excellent cartoon. That said, you guys have a whole host of products which would make excellent cartoons and TV shows and movies.

All the best

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Sunday 26th of February 2017ce/6180sc)

Could you please end 'Blue Beetle' at issue 20 and replace it with

'Blue & Gold' starring (Ted Kord as) Blue Beetle and Booster Gold.

Art by Kevin Maguire, story by Keith Giffen and Dan Jurgens.


Daniel Daly


Sent Online 27th of April 2017 to DC Comics

Got an idea:

What if Batman was a B-Grade Superhero?

Batman Movie: 'Batman: Chow Down in China Town'

Follow the adventures of the Caped Crusades as he tracks down 'Fu Man Chu' in China Town

to retrieve 'The Scroll of Wisdom' stolen from Gotham Museum.

He has problems climbing buildings (Uses his grappling hook which crashes through windows and gets arrested)

He has problems landing the Batplane (The edge of the plane scrapes along the concrete, and Batman says 'I've always

had trouble flying this thing')

He has problems fighting villains in china town, kung fu warriors (Robin is left fighting them as Batman takes an important

call, waves at Robin as he is being beaten up, and shakes his head over Robin when the fight is over, who is lying

beaten up and bleeding on the ground and says to him 'Hopeless')

And further comical scenes of the B Grade Defender of Gotham City

What do you think? I'm sure Keaton is available.



Dear DC

Sent Online 16th of May 2017 to DC Comics

I have a request. If you are not still doing it, and if the authority is still functioning, could you consider resuming having your comics approved by the Comics Code Authority, and having their logo placed on the front of the comic. Personally I think it is a sign of quality and respect, and something DC Entertainment should adhere to. If you could respond to this letter and give me information regarding this subject it would be appreciated.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

Sent Online 26th of May 2017 to DC Comics

I have a legal and moral question for DC Comics. I represent Karaite Noahide faith and the Advancing Noah Movement. As the founder of the religion I would like to ask if my religious community has the legal and moral rights with DC Comics to purchase DC Comics, to read them, and to inculcate DC Comics culture into our religious community life, not so much for anything religious, but just in the normal way humans enjoy comic culture. Please respond to me via email.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

Sent online June 10th 2017 to DC Comics

Booster Gold started with a cape. Batman didn't think he had earned a cape.

At the end of a dramatic storyline, where Booster emerges triumphant, Batman

hands him his cape back. Please - MAKE IT SO.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online June 21st 2017 to DC Comics)

There have been multiple printings of Action Comics Number 1 from 1938 over the years. These back issues sell well, and tend to be collected and rise in value. Could you please, though, release a 'True' new printing of Action Comics 1, not any special markings on the cover at all, or anything like that, no special millennium edition or anything, just the standard original cover with the current DC logo at the regular price, and put the printing number, which should be, according to the following information, the sixth printing:

Beginning in the mid-1970s, DC reissued several of its most popular Golden Age comics as "Famous First Editions", including Action Comics #1, published in 1974. These reprints were oversized, roughly double the size of the original editions, and had a cardboard-like cover. The interior, however, was an exact reprint of the original comic, right down to the ads. As a result, the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide has since the 1970s published a warning advising that attempts have been made to pass off the reprint, stripped of its Famous First Edition cardboard cover, as an actual #1. However, the Guide does not cite any actual instances of this.[31][32]

DC reprinted Action Comics #1 in 1988 as part of the 50th anniversary celebration of Superman that year. This edition reprinted only the Superman story, with a 50¢ U.S.A. cover price.

The complete issue was reprinted in 1998 with an additional half-cover featuring the Superman stamp from the U.S. Postal Service's "Celebrate the Century" commemorative stamp series along with a "First Day of Issue" cancellation. It was sold by the U.S. Postal Service, shrinkwrapped, for $7.95.

The complete issue, save for the inside front, inside back, and outside back cover, was reprinted in 2000 as part of DC Comics' Millennium Edition series of reprints of famous DC comics.

It should be noted that the 1988, 1998 and 2000 reprints were published to the page-size standard of the 1988-2000 period, and not the larger page size utilized by Action Comics in 1938.

So please give us the sixth printing, as a regular issue, with the current normal comic price for Action Comics, and the current logo, and please do not make this in any way a special edition, just a standard printing.

Further, over the next year after number ones new print, please release the second printings of Action Comics 2 to 12 from the 1930s, simply and purely as second printings, no special editions at all, because as a comic collector I just want the standard comic, with just the new printing, and please PLEASE put the printing number in the comic details publisher section at the bottom of the page inside the comic were it usually goes (currently near the end of the comic).

I am willing to buy these early printings of Action Comics for my collection. It is as simple as that, and I am 100% sure many other collectors want them as well. I JUST WANT TO COMPLETE MY DC COLLECTION DEAREST DC.

And Detective and Batman and Wonder Woman and so on from the early days, the second printings, would be great.


Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent Online June 24th 2017)

If possible, and I understand that it is up to you guys, but if possible it would be nice to see 1970s DC cartoons on youtube, monetized under the youtube arrangements, and available to watch in full at the DC Entertainment page on Youtube. I'm talking Super Friends and the Batman cartoons and so on. I know they are nowhere near public domain material yet, still years to go on that, but they are 40 years old now, and perhaps they should be available for us general public to watch on youtube? Is that a reasonable request? And can the Superman movie go on there in 2028 when the movie turns 50 years old? Are they unreasonable requests?

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Monday 26th of June 2017)

I know the ideas are lame, and you'll never do it, but how about finishing Superman's run in Action Comics 1000 and starting with Lobo instead for issue 1001 onwards. The same with Detective comics. Keep Batman till issue 1027 and then put in Wild Dog. But of course the ideas are lame, and you'll never do it.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Tuesday 27th of June 2017)

Been thinking about it. To start with core titles at DC ran into the several hundreds. In the end, it might be best now to do this

again, and take the current volume runs seriously. DC Rebirth should, in my current opinion, run into several hundred issues

before any potential relaunch. With the new movies I think rebirth probably has long enough legs in it to justify just keeping on

going with the current run numbers. Batman, you see, complained to me that 52 issues of the new 52 was cool enough as a

concept for his second volume, but the third volume better not be a joke because 'He's a tough bat'.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Tuesday 27th of June 2017)

You did it with Action Comics and Detective Comics.

So how about doing 'Rebirth-Restoration', and have a plot restoring the characters to more traditional continuity yet again, and

then restoring the proper number count for the titles, adding up all the back issues of that specific title, and carrying on with the REAL ISSUE NUMBER PERMANENTLY/



Wonder Woman

Justice League of America

The Flash

Teen Titans





Green Arrow

Harley Quinn

Suicide Squad

Blue Beetle




But you don't need to bother with Cyborg and Batwoman yet, as they are too new to worry

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC


Action Comics - go back to issue 900 odd, whatever it was, which started the current return to numbering continuity of the title, and then, 6 issues at a time, done in story arcs, only on an ad hoc basis, utiilizing the current DC logo at the beggning of the run, release the prior 6 issue numbers that began at issue 957 (just checked) so I'd release new stories of issue 951 through to 956 with the current logo. And then, maybe a year or so later release issue 945 to 950, again with that current company and title logo, telling the prior adventures of action comics in that continuity with the same current logo.

Further, I'd go back to the new 52 Action Comics series, and with the same company and title logo used for issue 52 I'd continue on with issue 53 for 6 issues at a time, released on an ad hoc basis.

Then for the first run I'd continue on with issue 905 with the company logo and title logo exactly the same, and run that six issues at a time on an ad hoc basis.

But then you need to go back to issue 644 I think it is, because Action Comics Weekly ran from issue 601 to issue 643, and you would need to 'PURIFY' the run and release the issues of 643 on the third run back to issue 1.

For the second run of Action Comics weekly you need to do the prior 600 issues, again using the title and company logo of the first 601 issue back to issue 1, 6 issues at a time, to complete and purify the run. And you could continue on with issue 644 of Action Comics weekly 6 issues at a time also, on an ad hoc basis.

FINALLY for the original PURE run of 600 comics, use the title and logo from issue 600 and just soldier on with that.

They have to be released only sporadically on an ad hoc basis. The purpose is to PURIFY THE RUNS AND THE COMICS TO ERADICATE ALL THE CREATIVE DC MANAGEMENT BULLSHIT.

And you do the same with all the other titles.

Now, you also just continue on with the titles from the various eras which have seen the EXACT SAME TITLE re-released as a new volume later, and just continue on from the last issue of the title, with THE SAME COMPANY AND TITLE LOGO and just do new issues at an ad hoc sporadic basis.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australa


Dear DC

(Sent Online 24th of October 2017)

Good to see Justice League 3001 in Blue Beetle. Very satisfying. More please. In all honesty Rebirth looks about the best DC have done over the years. The covers edge out previous generation covers, which is the clincher for me, as the remainder is not too dissimilar to recent times.

When I was young I bought the 'Dr Who Technical Manual'. It was more than just the DR Who magazine, and had technical aspects of Dr Who to it. Personally a Technical Manual of Metropolis and a Technical Manual of Gotham, with things like plan layout for the Daily Planer and its roster of workers, and major landmarks of Gotham city, or the external monitoring capabilities of the Bat Computer, well, that could be interesting stuff to Canonise by DC.

Love the work.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent Online Saturday 28th of October 2017/6180sc)

(I Have prayed about this)

Please arrange for Taylor Swift to star as Supergirl and Katy Perry to star as Zatanna

in the next Suicide Squad movie, as well as Ellie Goulding and Ed Sheeran as Sugar and Spike

who are part of the movie also.

Please make it so DC

Yours faithfully

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent Online Saturday 28th of October 6180sc/2017ce)

Re: last email

There should be a scene at the end of Suicide Squad 2 when they are at a beach in the Caribbean, and Harley Quinn is impressing Deadshot and Rick Flag in her bikini and then the song 'Just Like Paradise' by David Lee Roth comes on, and Supergirl (Taylor Swift), Zatanna (Katy Perry) and Sugar (Ellie Goulding) appear in bikinis, looking stunning.  Deadshot lowers his sunglasses and goes 'Damn', and Rick Flag's jaw drops and says 'Baby'.  Harley looks at Deadshot and Flag and says 'Unbelievable' after they had just been flirting with her and aying she was number one.




Dear DC

(Sent online on the 18th of June 6181 SC / 18th of June 2018 CE)

After years of considering the issue, I have this current conclusion. Endless supplies of new number ones for established titles, just to garner sales, is a bit fake. The current spate of Marvel number 1s will last a while, but they'll do it again soon enough. Totally fake. Ok, the 52 concept ran for 52 issues - fair enough. But the Batman volume 3 is now past 52 and taken volume 2, so, when it comes right down to it, for my own buying power vote I would really prefer if you just continued with the standard numbering of where the title is currently up to. I would probably lose interest in collecting new DC Comics if there was a relaunch down the track, mainly to just complete my collection and finish up with comics. But if the numbering continues I will maintain a spits and spurts approach to building my new issues collection, working on the missing ones as back issues. This is how my Aussie dollars would be spent on DC Comics. I've been on two minds on the issue for a long time, but in the end I would probably rather have the same title with a large sequence number run which just keeps on going, so I can keep on collecting it steadily and building that run. A long run is what serious comic collectors probably want in the end anyway.

Daniel – Canberra



Dear DC

(Sent online on the 29th of June 6181 SC / 29th of June 2018 CE)

How about:

'Second Millennium: Revenge of the Manhunters'

As a sequel to the Millennium series





Dear DC

(Sent online on the 29th of June 6181 SC / 29th of June 2018 CE)

Requested Sequels/Follow ups/characters.




Green Lantern: Mosaic

Blue and Gold


Doom Force

Particle Man (from JLIQ 5)

The Conglomerate

Global Guardians

Justice League 3002


Ben 10

Fire and Ice: The Adventures of Green Flame and Ice Maiden

Black Canary


Camelot 3000

Tailgunner Jo

Arak Son of Thunder

Arion Lord of Atlantis


The Darkstars

Chronicles of Oa

Hellcops of Thanagar

Cult Lords of Rann

Czarnia Reborn

The Ice Caverns of Mars (Frozen Martians found of Jonn Jonzz species)


Daniel Daly




Dear DC

(Sent online 10th of July 2018)

Honestly, I would much prefer the 1 to 10, 1 to 25 and 1 to 100 ratio variant covers system from a few years back.  For the 'simply a variant' cover, the variant is not particularly collectable in any sense of being particularly rarer than the standard cover.  I don't normally bother chasing up variant covers because of this.  Yet I was a huge fan of the rarer variants based on the ratio.  For my vote, please return to the prior system.  Just on my own vote as a collector and purchases or current DC Comics.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia



Dear DC

(Sent Online 18th of July 2018)

The 'Real Heroes' imprint.

All heroes are humans with no magical or meta-human powers.  Only real humans - no aliens.

They're are lots of heroes like Batman and lots of anti-heroes like Deadshot and Wild Dog.

The key to success of the imprint is 'Reality' and dealing with issues from Real Life and putting

heroes in stark situations that humans can find themselves in.

Reality based Super heroes.

You could kick ass DC if you do it right.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia



New counter-partners

(Sent Online 24th of July 2018)


Batboy or Batkid

Wonder Guy


Gay Gardner the Green Lantern (Woman)

Plastic Woman



Beast Girl


The Aquamarine Beetle

Lexina Luthor (female cousin of Lex)

The Timewalking Titans

That's all





Just looked at Augusts hitlist.

(Sent online 26th of July 2018)

Don't you cater for Justice League International style comics anymore?  Where is Blue Beetle? Where is Booster Gold?

Where is anything which is fun?  I suppose I could give Harley Quinn a go, but she's inundated with the kind of fans

which aren't DC fans - they're 'popular comics' fans.

August looks like muscleclad we're all frikking gods comics from DC.  There is not much heart there.  Don't think I want

to order, and why couldn't you keep Lucifer's logo the same?

Well, no matter.  Still plenty of older series to complete in back issue collecting.  I'm 45 and times change I guess.

Comics aren't very cool any more.  They are for egos.



Dear DC

(Sent online 26th of July 2018)

I know Blue Beetle doesn't have a huge fanbase.  Certainly not big enough to warrant permanent ongoing status, but just recurring like many of the titles.  But he is quite old as you know, and as he is my favourite alongside Booster Gold, it would be appreciated for his next run if you could introduce a sidekick.  Perhaps 'Megabug' or something similar and appropriate, who is younger and whom the Blue Beetle trains and advises.  Further, could you please go through the back issues for the series in a future series development (whenever it comes along) and develop a proper and lasting pantheon of arch-enemies.  Superman and Batman have their traditional foes, as do most of the major super-heroes.  If possible could you use villains from Blue Beetle's past (especially the 1980s series, with villains like Catalyst, Carapax and Firefist) and make them permanent adversaries of the Blue Beetle.  Please develop him, albeit slowly, into a similar franchise like Batman and Superman, with traditional themes and adversaries and sidekicks.  It would be appreciated whenever the next series comes along.

Yours Sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia



Dear DC

(Sent online 26th of July 2018)

I collect the full run of DC titles (apart from Vertigo, excepting Lucifer).  I collect in spurts of a few issues usually.  I've been collecting Rebirth since the beginning, and have about half of the issues so far of the entire load.  I have been very curious to see if there is title propogation beyond issue 52.  There has been.  If it is the general plan of DC to continue the numbering of the titles, which seems to be the purpose of Rebirth, into a modicum of perpetuity, around November this year, when I return to my full budget after a loan repayment scheme concludes, I will likely be deciding to go every month permanently, and getting all the back issues missed online (which are occasionally collected that way anyway, to slowly fill in the sequences.)  After some thought my ultimate conclusion, for my vote, is that I would prefer DC continue the standard numbering on its current titles in a more permanent framework.  Marvel make a joke of it with a new number 1 for their main titles constantly.  DC does this too, but is not as hypocritical.  If you go to permanence - which equals credibility and not a cashing in mentality (selling out) a true DC collector like myself will favour you and collect permanently.  This is just my vote.  Letting you know.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia



Dear DC

(Sent online 26th of July 2018)

 If you want a comic which actually sells try 'The Wonder Twins' from the 1970s Super Friend, with metallic foil and psychedelic backgrounds on the covers, with the same design of cartoon image for the wonder twins from the series.  Not every frkking

body wants grim and gritty super intense all the time DC. We want cool, relaxed and light hearted comics, and a lot of nostalgia

as well.  Remember many of us comic BUYERS like our nostalgia.  Want to sell comics?  Don't forget the old heroes and styles

of doing things.  There is a group on facebook called 'Old Guys who like old comics'.  They use 1986 as the cutoff date.  Start

marketing for these guys also, and you'll actually take that number 1 slot from Marvel.

Think about it.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia



Dear DC

(Sent Online 31st of July 2018 CE)

After the new Superman series hits issue 20, please, if possible, restore 'Superman', 'Batman' and 'Wonder Woman' exact titles to their actual numbered issues in accordance with the same principles applied for 'Action Comics' and 'Detective Comics'.  And, if possible, do the same for 'Flash' and 'Green Lantern' (Not including either Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps or Green Lanterns in the numbering, as they are different titles).  And Justice League from 1987 is 'Justice League'.  It is NOT Justice League of America.  In more recent years we had 'Justice League' runs as well.  Now 'Justice League of America' has had more runs also.  So get the point once you get over the BS.  Please be 'Title Specific' but 'The Flash' is still 'Flash' etc.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia



Dear DC

(Sent Online 4th of August 2018)

A new Superman number 1 defeated the point of Superman Rebirth. If you do it to Batman it will kill the whole Rebirth concept, and your line will have gotten to the point where the investor/speculator will have had enough. If you follow the Marvel policy and just continue to relaunch your titles with new number ones, in the end it is a good thing, but your sales will halve. All the reasonable volume numbers are gone - Batman volume 1, 2 and 3 numbers 1s have come and gone. The new superman number 1 is like volume 5 or 6 or something, and it just doesn't mean anything as a number 1 any more. Frankly, who cares. It doesn't have any collectable value or status anymore. It doesn't mean anything like that any more. Sticking with the Rebirth numbering will have value on those rebirth number 1s if you get them up to issue 120 and beyond and keep on going with them, demonstrating that rebirth wasn't a joke. Their volume number credibility will have some credibility then. But if its a semi or piece by piece relaunch, then the speculator investor is probably finished with comics. That doesn't matter though - your readership will halve, which it is currently doing on the sales chart, but it will survive with the core readership who 'Read' the comics and collect them because they like comics, and don't care about all the 'Hot' number ones and 'Key Issues' and all the other bullshit. I began collecting DC comics in 1987, before the hype of the Batman movie pushed up the back issue price of Batman comics into the stratosphere. DC was pretty dead at that time, and only genuine readers were hanging around. I've gone through the eras collecting comics since then, because I like comics. But a lot of your readership don't give a damn, and look for hot artwork and special issues. New number 1s I don't think will impress those with decent comic lore knowledge any more, and apart from attracting young readers a bit, which is a good think when it comes down to it, unless you persevere with the rebirth numbering, expect sales to plummet. That is what is happening on Superman, as you would know. Nobody cares about volume X of superman. Big deal. He's lost some credibility with a number 1 cash in. Get over it DC.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent Online 20th of August 2018)

It always helps to pay homage to past traditions and things which built DC Comics.  They've had good ideas at National and DC since the 1930s.  It's always good to remember that legacy, and forge ahead with new stories and adventures from well loved favourite characters.  People often form attachments to minor characters also, and a DC database of past characters which are re-used from time to time, especially characters which managed to secure a 'Title' for a time, is essential to reinvigorate these characters in the DC universe as the years pass by.  You certainly need to stay abreast of the times, and especially SF related ideas, which is often a benchmark for superhero comics these days, but you also should preserve the integrity of the history of DC, and be a company which is not simply about making money, which is always the bottom dollar in the end, but which also cares about its overall fanbase, its readership, and the love the readership has for the company and its characters traditions.  You can't let this tradition and affection interfere with sales though, so only so much nostalgia is acceptable, as you need to still move forwards, and move with the times, and create 'Cutting Edge' stories and characters which the emerging new generation of comic readers will find appealing.  Some times, in honesty, I think DC's cutting edge is a few years behind other go-getters in the industry, choosing sensible things from what they have seen work here and there.  But to be number one DC has to be the house of ideas, and take the risks, and do things the other guys haven't had the inspiration or courage to do yet.  Take the bull by the horns DC - go out there and be brave and bold like one of your flagship titles says you will be.  Dare to challenge convention and produce some rip-roaring epic comic superhero escapades.  Let's not get too predictable DC.  Superman still has a thirst for being 'The Man of Steel'.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

Please use the logo you used from the late 70s to the early 2000s as your next logo for 5 years, please.

PLEASE DUDES. And then use the logo that followed that again for a while.





Dear DC

(Sent online 26th of August 2018)

How about a 'Super Buddies' 5 issue mini series by Giffen & DeMatteis & Maguire


Blue Beetle

Booster Gold

Guy Gardner



Harley Quinn

& Yellow Peri


Locus from JL 3000

Daniel Daly

Canberra Australia


P.S.  Thanks for the new Batman and the Outsiders



Dear DC

(Sent online 29th of August 2018)


Use the original logo from 1940 to Publish Justiice Society of America in the older style.

Use the logo from 1941 to 1948 to publish Sensation Comics in the older style.

Use the logo from 1949 to 1970 to publish Showcase, continue the original numbering, and feature comics from that logo era in mini's.

Use the Logo from 1970 to 1971 to publish Brave and the Bold stories.

Use the logo from 1972 to 1973 to publish Adventure Comics stories.

Use the logo from 1974 to 1975 to publish House of Mystery stories.

Use the logo from 1975 to 2004 to publish DC Comics Presents and feature titles from that era as minis.

Use the logo from 2005 to 2011 to publish DC 100 Page Spectacular Titles and feature titles from that era as minis.

Use the logo from 2012 to 2015 to publish Multiversity and feature Multiverse titles from that era.


Yours Sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Hello DC Comics.

(Sent online 30th of August 2018)

I'm Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly from Canberra in Australia. I have been collecting DC Comics seriously since 1987. Currently I have over 1000 DC Comics in my collection, including a decent bunch of silver and bronze age issues, amongst a lot of modern agers. My favourite titles include Justice League International, Anima, Green Lantrn: Mosaic, Lobo, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, The Demon, Starfire, Lucifer & Black Canary. I'm 45 years old, born in 1972. I write DC Comics fanfiction which i feature at my Noahide Books website. I suffer schizophrenia, and receive a government disability support pension. I am single, straight, and live with my mother Mary in a home she owns outright. I mostly collect DC Comics, but also some Marvel and Indies. I have owned all the DC and Marvel official live action films on either VHS or DVD (from the wikipedia list of DC and Marvel films), up to date with Avengers Infinity War.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online 1st of September 2018)

How about doing Justice League of America as the second Justice League movie, and bring in Shazam.

And Justice League International as the third in the trilogy, introducing a bit of comedy with Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Fire & Ice & Guy Gardner.

And you could use the line:  The Only Thing Greater than the Justice League of America is the Justice League International in the promo trailer.

Think about it


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


 Dear DC

(Sent Online 9th of August 2018)

How about a team up of Ching Lung the Yellow Peril (from Detective number 1 and reintroduced in New Superman) and the sorceress the Yellow Peri from New Adventures of Superboy 34, taking on Superman with magic (which he can't cope with) in a story called 'Yellow Peril's Under a Yellow Sun' run through Action Comics for 7 issues?


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly



Dear DC

(Sent Online 11h of August 2018)

Do a Ching Lung mini-series with sarcasm.  Make him a sarcastic character who cracks crude jokes.  Get Keith Giffen to write it and have Batman appear locking heads with him.  Have Ching say to him, 'Nay, Batman.  I think I am the greatest Detective of them all.'  Ming the Merciless is his role model.

Enough Said




Dear DC

(Sent Online 11h of August 2018)

Jack Woods appeared on the first issue of New Fun Comics (No 1) in 1935.  That was your first comic.  He appeared on the cover.  He appeared in Adventure Comics 39 to 42. BRING HIM BACK.  He's the number ONE character at DC.  Older than Ching Lung.  Put him in Suicide Squad.




 Dear DC

(Sent online 15th of September 2018)

3 Suggested 4 issue mini-series run over a year, with distinct stoyrlines which connect together to form an overall story. A trilogy.

1) Superman and the Justice League of America

2) Batman and the Justice League of America

3) Wonder Woman and the Justice League of America

That's my idea

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly



Dear DC

(Sent online 17th of September 2018 CE)

An atlernative Multiverse Universe Jason Mamoa Aquaman is the way to go.

And the 'black' Starfrie in Teen Titans TV series should also be used in an

alternative multiverse. You can't change the traditional characters ethnicity,

as that just wouldn't be right in the end, but you can do different versions of the

heroes as different ethnicities in the multivrerse. If DC does it in the movies it

would be best for the comics to reflect this also, to justify what is done in the

movies and for the character in the movies to not be fake. If you do this for

Jason Momoa Aquaman he would be 'Real' as a genuine fullblood DC character

and not just a halfblood.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC


Justice League International Roll Call

Martian Manhunter




Booster Gold

Blue Beetle



Guy Gardner Warrior

Mr Miracle

Big Barda


Maxwell Lord

Black Canary

Rocket Red

Crimson Fox

Dr Light (Female)






Dear DC

A 52 part one year long weekly maxi-series is due soon. Generally the next major thing

since convergence.


New Millennium

Krypton Reborn

The Omega Solution

Crisis of the Fallen Ones

The Technology Cult

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia



Dear DC

(Sent online Tuesday 16th of October 2018)

In the early 1990s I had some plastic playing cards. They were plastic and flexible, but could split

easily enough with the nature of plastics then. 15 or so years later I bought some cheap plastic

cards again. This time they were a lot more pliant and flexible, but would not crack or split at all

hardly. Very durable and long-lasting stuff.

Some sort of mylat/plastic comic sheets for doing printed comics on could be done. With the right

sort of material used you could produce comics which would never wear away so quickly like paper

and which could last thousands and thousands of years with proper care and storage. Far, far more

durable stuff. The staples could also be made of some sort of hardened rubber/mylar/plastic substance

and made to last.

These are comics which would be around in the "Long Term" and a far more attractive option for the

comic collector who wants a long term investment, especially dynasty comic collectors.

Think about it




Dear DC

(Sent Online Sunday 28th of October 2018)

I was looking at the JLA 80 page giant no 2 from November 1999. At the end it tells things the Executive Editor does, which includes making sure the universe - the DC Universe - moves forward. So obviously you have to advance with the eras, and stay current, but also set the pace in the comic world at times. Indies do a lot of that - setting the pace with new ideas and innovations. But the big 2 really should be doing their share of the work in this respect also. A title like 'Naomi', from my perspective, having looked at the blurb on Previews, seems to be setting a bit of new ground for DC. The idea of using a first name as a comic title is somewhat original, and comes across well. In a forward thinking DC Universe I would suggest that is a good idea. We can have all the cool titles under the sun, with superheroes who are superly cosmic, but I think Naomi, a simple name for a comic, is actually, perhaps, very forward thinking. But maybe more than that. It's a name. A real person's name in a sense. And a popular one. And it is that idea, coming into the real world in a sense, which is perhaps more than just forward thinking, but eternally constant thinking. It's an idea which can remain in every generation - a comic called Naomi. Superman does his thing, and the moniker will probably remain popular, but cottoning onto things which naturally endure, like a comic called 'Naomi' is probably a very good idea. Maybe DC could consider going on with traditions in society in future comic titles of things which resonate, not just with this current era, but with every era. Interesting.

Keep at it DC. Luv ya stuff.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

The Multiverse can not but help yearn for what is once had, and WHAT IT MUST BE.


Coming soon from DC Comics





Dear DC

(Sent online Friday 16th of November 2018)

Back in the 1990s DC did more than just Annuals and Monthlies.  They also did quarterlies.  There was Justice League International Quarterly and Green Lantern Corps Quarterly.  The Annuals come out once a year and the monthlies come out once a month.  The quarterlies are also natural enough ideas coming out each of the 4 seasons.  They had Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring used in their little info box on the quarterly also.  I would suggest this is perhaps a normal idea for main tier comic titles, and encourage the possibility of DC considering doing quarterlies once more.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia



Dear DC

(Sent online Friday 16th of November 2018)

Now that you have recontinued the original numbering for Action and Detective I have a request.

Please keep crossovers with other Superman and Batman comics AWAY from Action and Detective

and further please provide them with mostly standalone issues.  I would like to see the integrity of the

overall runs of Action and Detective maintained from all their history and not get them confused with

having to connect to storylines from various eras of DC comics with titles of Superman and Batman

comics which are here today and gone tomorrow or restarted today and tomorrow.  It becomes very

confusing when you do this  Please keep these two prermiere titles separate in a large sense,

and usually with standalone stories.  That would work best for me and I think for the integrity of the titles.

Further it would give the reader and collector a sense of being able to buy a Superman or Batman

comic knowing it is part of a larger legacy and not getting tied into confusing story arcs from various

eras of 52 and rebirth and post crisis and pre crisis and you name it forftuture eras.  Keep their integrity

within their title and mainly standalone stories.


Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia




Dear DC

(Sent online Saturday 17th of November 2018)


The Lords of Order and the Lords of Chaos have a problem -


Overmind has fears - Zero-Infinity is approaching, where the DC Universe

will reduce to Nothing then Expand to the Infinite - And he is comfortable

with things the way they are, so is winging to the Lords of Order and Chaos

to sort things out: So -


Zero Infinity Crisis


Followed by


Crisis of Infinite Worlds






Dear DC

(Sent Online Tuesday 20th of November 2018)


Hawkgirl sits in her nest high in the Dessalark mountain ranges in northern Thanagar. She has gone enviornmental, as these are troubling times on Thanagar, with sanctions against Thanagar put in place by many planets because of a current spate of Thanagarian propganda by 'Thanagar Glory' an elitist and racist right-wing Thanagarian movement promoting the Thanagars natural rights of power in the galaxy. Because of the sanctions Thanagar has had to revert to fossil fuels and the like to find power, as the big fusion companies of 'Intergalaga Energy' have pulled their companies and intellectual property out of Thanagar because of the anger in the local region over 'Thanagar Glory'. Wandering into her crypt one day comes a young male Thanagarian, who has been beaten up, but tells her of a plot of Thanagar Glory to start war with the local stellar systems and claim Thanagarian Sovereignty over the region. Hawkgirl gets very angry, and rises to power in Thanagar on what becomes the opposition, and in a story of freedom redeems Thanagar for the 5 year tyranny of reign by 'Thanagar Glory', restoring peace in the local space sector.


What do you think? Cully Hamner on Art and Neil Gaiman to write.


Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia




Dear DC

(Sent online Wednesday 21st of November 2018)

I just paid off a months supply of your entire standard line at my local comic store.

I order a full load of comics every now and then, and gradually buy back issues online

to fill my holes.


I suppose you guys average maybe 50,000 comics per month ordered over you full line.

Don't really know for sure.


But as a purchases of your comics, and quite a lot over any given year, I have a tiny percentage

of voting power on what I'd like to see.


Firstly, for my tiny voting power I would like to see current titles committed to and continued with.

Things like Martian Manhunter and Mr Miracle and Raven and very, very many others do indeed

work best as mini-series of varying lengths. They invariably get cancelled as oingoing series as the

demand just does not seem to be there for permanency, and I think you guys have figured that out

after all these years, and that there is sufficient demand from the fanbases of these characters for

an occasional mini/maxi series, but probably not more than that any time soon. So that is the way

to go for the majority of your characters. On that being the case, I would like to vote for a new

Justice League International / Justice League 3000/3001 maxi series as soon as possible, by the

usual team, as well as a Blue Beetle Maxi Series, a Booster Gold Maxi Series, a Lobo Maxi Series

and, if possible, a Fire and Ice Mini Series with Ice Maiden and Green Flame, and it doesn't have to

be by Keith Giffen, which would be wonderful though, yet can be more serious if you like. Also, I read

all of the Black Canary series from a couple of years back, and that was great.


So with my meagre voting powers I would encourage you to maintain big tier titles which can carry

month to month sales, from now on, permanently, WITH NO RESTARTS WHICH ANNOYS ME, and

just continue the practice of releasing mini/maxi series for lesser titles.


I would really like to build this current Batman volume run and the other titles which started at

rebirth and are still running, well into the future - a good few decades personally.


All the best


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia



Dear DC

(Sent online 2nd of December 2018)

Ted Kord should appear as the older Blue Beetle, now as a mentor

to Jaimie Reyes, in the upcoming movie.  That is my vote.  I'm a

big Ted Kord fan, but don't mind at all Jamie getting the glory for

the movie.  One way or another we are getting a Blue Beetle move

and that is VERY satisfying DC.


Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online 2nd of December 2018)

I wholeheartedly support TPB GN collections of DC Comics.

They are very collectable in my book.  Early printings are definitely

desirable and I value such collections.  A first print of Sandman

volume 1 is definitely a collectable and worthy money to me.

A first print of 'I can't believe it's not the Justice League' TPB

is also valued by myself.  I am very happy to ascribe from me

personally value and worth in collectability to TPB GNs, especially

early printings.  The printing edition on a comic or TPB GN is

very important to me.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia




Dear DC

(Sent online Friday 7th of December 2018)

Honestly, after the success of Deadpool, giving Ryan Reynolds and his current

popularity another go at Green Lantern might be a wise decision. The first

movie was ok, but doing Green Lantern Corps with Ryan Reynolds, and tieing

it into the DCEU would make a wise financial decision. The franchise could be

rescued with a carefully written plot, and choosing sensible roles for John Stewart,

Arisia, Guy Gardner and Kilowog.


Daniel Daly

Canberra Australia




Dear DC

(Sent Online Friday 7th of December 2018)

I don't know if there is a Batman cast in the upcoming Joker movie,

but if there isn't, how about doing a follow up to this Joker movie

and do 'The Killing Joke' and use George Clooney as Batman again.

Joaquin Phoenix is the right sort of age to tie to George Clooney's

Batman. A separate chonology to the DCEU is absolutely fine ok, but

sequels and developing it as its own idea would be the way to go.

Basing in the 'Batman and Robin' movie chronology universe could

be a great idea.


Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia



Dear DC

(Sent online Sunday 9th of December 2018)

Title suggestions again:

The Brash and the Beautiful Big Barda

Black Canary in the Aviary of Screams

The Darkseid of Bizarro (Darkseid Bizarro)

Mr Mxyzptlk and Lori Lemaris take Hollywood

Plastic Man: The Stretch Effect

Raven and the Crows of Gotham City

Fun and Games with the Joker the Clown Prince of Crime

Harley Quinn Likes Ice Cream, but Loves Loaded Guns

Superwoman in Sector 2813

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia



Dear DC

(Sent online Wednesday 12th of December 2018)

Can we please have 19 issues (of a regular series - running for 19 issues, unless it catches on, then more)

of a Dan Jurgens (stability) written and drawn Superwoman Series. Could it please continue on from

the last series and do its best to be consistent and tidy up loose ends of the first series, while adding

in new adventure with the characters and storylines of the first series. Please let it be tried and tested

Dan Jurgens to write the entire series (he will reliably give Superwoman a good reputation and

consistency), and finish it at issue 19 planned in advance, unless sales warrant further extension.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Saturday 14th of December 2018)

Could we pleae have a new:

Wild Dog Mini Series

Phantom Stranger Mini Series

Hawk & Dove Mini Series

Doom Force Special

Xenobrood Mini Series

Anima Mini Series

Harbinger Mini Series

Terra Mini Series

Guy Gardner Mini Series

Blue & Gold Mini Series

& Finally a Lori Lemaris Mini Series


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent Online Tuesday 18th of December 2018)

Title integrity.  It's important.  So is character integrity.  It's not a ruddy comic law, but

generally people attach often to one shots and mini series and ongoing series of

comic characters and titles.  There are probably fans of 'Lords of the Ultra Realm'

from DC from the 1980s who wouldn't mind seeing a sequel one day.

What I am saying is that, in time, as you can get around to things, all those Brave and Bold

1960s characters and Showcase 1960 characters, and new titles from the 70s and 80s

mini series and so on throughout your history - there ARE fans of minor things also - NOT

JUST THE MAJORS.  Obviously, you can't get to them all every year, or necessarly every

decade even, but it is important to have fidelity to your past titles, and eventually get

the characters out there again in a one shot or mini or temporary ongoing.  We don't always

need NEW stuff, you know DC.  You have a rich history to draw from and plenty of characters

and storylines already established in the past which CAN be developed and SHOULD

be developed.  DC is about making money.  I'm not stupid.  But it can afford to also make

some cashola on minor titles and characters from time to time, so please get around to the

various back issue catalogue of DC and bring the forgotten back into vogue from time to

time.  It would be eternally appreciated.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear DC

(Sent online Tuesday 18th of December 2018)

Daniel Pennyworth, Alfred's long lost grandson, is always

getting into trouble.  Hopellessly klutzy, he can't help

but make a fool of himself, his sister, and his parents

whever the 8 year old goes.  But Daniel has dreams - he

wants to fight crime in Gotham City as the

Brilliant 'BATBOY', earning the respect o Batman, who can

see just how talented this kid, who makes Beast Boy look

like a master, really is.

Batboy Number 1.

Coming soon from DC Comics

Daniel Daly


Dear DC

(Sent online Thursday 20th of December 2018)

Suggestion: Reveal Batma's Secret Identity to the DC Universe

in Detective Comics 1027.



Dear DC

(Sent online Saturday 22nd of December 2018)

I was impressed with the January catalogue of DC titles (seen on previews world online).

I ordered from my local comic shop (Impact Comics in Civic in Canberra) the entire

catalogue of DC Titles - no extra variant copies - just one copy of each title - excluding

the MR titles and Looney Tunes and Scooby Doo titles (mainly because of budgeting

reasons). My current habit is to order the complete line of DC titles, apart from those titles

usually, every few months, and pay in some money to my comic shop online every couple

of weeks, to have enough for the full order. For the gap issues, the policy I have is to

gradually buy them from online sources such as eBay and Mycomicshop.com and other

sources if necessary, but those two normally suffice. I was mainly impressed because DC

decided to maintain its core titles without actually releasing a new number 1 at all, apart

from the regular mini-series titles. It's only my opinion naturally, and I know there are other

opinions on the issue, but I hope the current titles honour their numbering runs and just

keep on running with the volume they are part of now that they are becoming established

somewhat. I think it shows integrity to the volume and is not 'Cashing in' with a new launch

of number 1s, which Marvel just does way too much to have real title credibility as far as

I am concerned. I do know it's a sensible commercial decision to relaunch from time to time,

but I do prefer long runs personally.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia

Dear DC

(Sent online Saturday 22nd of December 2018)

After Tom King has finished his Batman run

can Batman please get back to his original

numbering from the Golden Age foundation,

and the same for Superman at that time.

Also, seeing as you have character title

integrity for the specific title, can you do the

same for all the 'Wonder Woman' and

'Flash'' and 'Green Arrow' and 'Hawkman'

and 'Justice League' and 'Catwoman' titles

also, and anything which has the specific

numbering - can you please add up all the

numbers of that title with the specific

title and give use the factual and correct

number of issues for that title. This is to be

the new phase of DC following DC Universe

and you should call it something appropriate


Yours Sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia

Dear DC

(Sent online Saturday 22nd of December 2018)

The idea is you do Wild Dog No 5 and run it till number 8 - 4 more issues

with that exact title. A story arc. And you have a note in the catalogue

that 'Future Issues of title will be released periodically' or 'Future issues

of title will be released from time to time'. And you do the same for

'Justice League America' (Not Justice League OF America' but Justice

League America from the 1990s run, which the first issue of is number

25/6/7 (can't remember which number exactly following JLI's run.

But you use its first issue as the number 1 of the sequence and after the

final issues which was numbered 113 I think (which is actually officially

number 92 or thereabouts) you release 6 issues starting with number 93

and you only use the characters from that era of Justice League America,

and you run the six issues, and you have a note in the catalogue that

'Futures issues of title will be released periodically' or 'Future issues

of title will be released from time to time'. And so on and so forth for

EVERY DC COMIC, noting specific title integrity, and you ALWAYS


4 to 6 to 9 to 12 issues (depending on demand), and you release that as

a trade paperback a little later, and that way YOU DON'T SUCK and


selling out all the frikking time just to make a buck, and making readers

happy knowing that they have some time to gradually get back issues

before having to purchase the next run in a few years or so.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia

Dear DC

(Sent online Tuesday 26th of December 2018)


Opening Scene

Superman (Henry Cavill) puts on sunglasses. He is dressed in black leather.

Batman (Ben Affleck) is in tanned leather jacked and jeans.

Both of them get on their Harley Davidson's.

'Born to Be Wild' by Steppenwolf starts playing.

The Worlds Finest start crusing down the california highway.

Gal Gadot is further along the highway. She puts out her thumb as a hitcher.

Batman picks her up.

Black Canary is further along the highway. She puts out her thumb as a hitcher.

Superman picks her up.

Aquaman joins them in a bike with a side attachment, looking tough and cool.

They continue driving along the highway.

Flash (Ezra Miller) puts out his hand.

The three bikes stop.

Flash looks at the side attachment on Aquaman's bike.

Aquaman gives him one of those 'That's all we got buddy' looks.

The next scene is Flash with his hands in the air, as the three cycles drive off down the

highway, and the music continues.


Is all about a celebration of Americana.


Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia

Dear DC

(Sent online Saturday 26th of January 6182 SC / 2019 CE)

A big part of DC in 2020 will be doing what Asterix does - popularizing already established comics.

Quite frankly, there are probably enough back issues of decent enough story and artwork for any

typical fan to consume in a regular lifetime now produced by DC Comics. I think a part of the future

of DC is less on new titles, and more concentration on what you are doing well - the back issue collections.

That I think is where a lof of your sales could and should come from. Honestly, getting into bookstores -

not comic stores - with well defined collections could be a major focus for the future. There are always

new readers, and, personally, why not entertain them with the 1990s 'Anima' series, rather than insisting

on 'Naomi'. If you popularize the back issues steadily through promotion their sales will gradually catch

on and that is where most of your future market could come from. Inevitably perhaps the new issue market

will dwindle, and instead the 'Back Issue TPB / GN collections will be where the fans come to know and love

DC Comics from.

Food for thought anyway.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia

Dear DC

(Sent online Tuesday 5th of February 2019 CE)

"Aquaman of Earth Gamma" or some equivalent.

Earth Gamma can be a new Multiverse Earth.

You use the Jason Mamoa Aquaman from the

movie as the Aquaman of this Earth. I may as

well say it, Jason is not quite the European

style Aquaman of the comics, but it was a cool

idea to use him in the movies, and I think DC

would do well to justify this Aquaman and give

him a place in the comics. Please consider

the idea seriously DC.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia

Dear DC

(Sent Online 7th of February 2019)


Watched the Green Lantern movie with Ryan Reynolds for the first time in full last night.

Well done DC. It was a proper Green Lantern movie in every way. It felt exactly like

a good Green Lantern movie should feel and look. It was also a grown up movie with

a decent and strong storyline. I could understand some of the criticism against it, because

it is not, in all honesty, particularly catered for the younger audience as much as an older

one. But for someone like me - brilliant effort. A solid, watchable and enjoyable flick.


Daniel Daly


Dear DC

(Sent online 7th of February 2019)

Marvel borrowed Ryan Reynolds and Michael Keaton.

DC borrowed Ben Affleck.

Can we even the score and borrow Hugh Jackman

and do the 'Slash Maraud' movies. (the 80s mini)



Dear DC

(Sent online 7th of February 2019)

How about a 'Green Lantern Encyclopaedia' in hardback?

One thing it could have, apart from the history of the Guardians

and the Green Lantern Corp, is a list of the first 3600 Green Lanterns

and the Sector they represent, and how those sectors are parcelled

out in the universe. Is Oa the central point of a 360 degrees spherical

circle sort of thing, were each degree is divided into 100 parts? I don't

actually know.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear Marvel

(Sent online Tuesday 8th of December 2015)

I have some suggestions for titles you could do as series or mini-series:

Captain Australia

Black Cat: The Kitten's Got Claws

Paladin: Crossing the Threshold

Cloak& Dagger: Done with Mirrors

Web of Spider-Gwen

Scarlet Silk

Spiderman: The Spider and the Fly

X-Men: Homo Inferior

Magneto: Poles Apart

Magneto: Pole Position


X-Men Versus Galactic Guardians

Hulk: It's Not Easy Being Green

Fantastic Forty

Iron Man: Death Metal

Hobgoblin, Green Goblin and a Very Upset Spider-Man


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear Marvel

(Sent online Tuesday 20th of September 2016)

Follow me:

Warner Brothers - Merry Melodies - Loony Tunes - Acquires DC Comics - DC Movies produced by Warner Brothers - Stable supporting Company

Now Hypothetically

Disney - Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck & Friends - Acquires Marvel Comics who also print Star Wars comics, which Disney now own the movie rights for - Marvel comes under the wing of Disney, stable home for Marvel characters

and supporting company and stable home for movie production.  Marvel characters become part of Disney land and Disney world.

Thus the practical duopoly, which Americans and the world ARE appreciating, has a stable home for its works


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear Spidey Team

(Sent Online 29th of August 2018)

I do know that in bottom dollar market realities you have to relaunch a new Amazing Spider-Man number 1 from time to time.  I've gotten used to this as an observer.  If possible how about putting the actual issues of ASM in the publishing details with an aka Amazing Spider-Man 884 etc, so the full number of issues you are up to is always registered in the comic itself.  Just that little aka note at the end of the publishing details blurb.  It would bring a tad of integrity back to the title.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear Marvel

Subject: Deadpool Shorts

(Sent online 14th of October 2018)

Have Deadpool in shorts on the cover, drinking a cocktail, with his mask on. It is 130 minutes of 5 to 10 minutes shorts of Deadpool talking to the audience and going through his crazy life and crazy adventures. One idea is Deadpool discussing the rating of the various Marvel movies and paying out on Ant Man and its PG rating. Deadpool sort of in the real world kind of stuff. A movie before Deadpool 3. Make sure Wolverine gets it a lot.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Daly




Dear anti-semitism.net. Please remove my video link for karaite adamide faith. Our movement is not anti-semitic and upholds the rights of Israelites to live in the holy land of Israel and follow the covenant of Israel in this land. We uphold the 'Tanakh' as the scriptures from God. We do not accept orthodox Judaism's claim that the talmud is inspired by God. Calling us anti-semitic because of our disbelief in that cultic teaching is a joke. Please remove our video link, and we are deeply offended by suggestions of any racial discrimination towards Israel, who we view as having a covenant of land and law in the middle east section given to them by God. Thanks.



Personally, I don't object to 'Civil Unions' between same sex couples, because I do recognize 1) Love can exist between them 2) An established relationship of trust and mutual respect and friendship can exist between them 3) An excitement over each other's presence in a way of intimacy 4) Sufficient trust for the establishment of a relationship were the legal concerns of the other are generally met. However, Marriage, for my way of thinking, is established in the natural order between A Man and a Woman For the purposes of creating a Union of Love between them and a family And usually, but not always, as a sign of a procreative partnership - the siring of children. I see NO reason that same sex couples should insist on calling themselves 'Married' in the eyes of the law when a 'Civil Union' garners the required legal status, and should be sufficient enough in the respect society affords such a union. On these grounds, out the tradition of marriage in society as it has long been established, I vote against same sex marriage. Finally, I am fond of the labour party, have voted for them previously, but currently vote for the Palmer United Party and the Bullet Train party because I have a fundamental difference of agreement with this very policy of Labour on Gay Marriage ideology.


Daniel Daly

Citizen of Tuggeranong, Canberra

Phone:  02 6291 4414

Address:  29 Merriman Crescent

Macarthur  ACT  2904


Dual Citizen of the United Kingdom and Australia

Born on the 20th of November 1972




Abraham Pleads for Sodom
16 Then the men left and went to a place where they could look down at Sodom, and Abraham went with them to send them on their way. 17 And the Lord said to himself, “I will not hide from Abraham what I am going to do. 18 His descendants will become a great and mighty nation, and through him I will bless all the nations.[b] 19 I have chosen him in order that he may command his sons and his descendants to obey me and to do what is right and just. If they do, I will do everything for him that I have promised.”

20 Then the Lord said to Abraham, “There are terrible accusations against Sodom and Gomorrah, and their sin is very great. 21 I must go down to find out whether or not the accusations which I have heard are true.”

22 Then the two men left and went on toward Sodom, but the Lord remained with Abraham. 23 Abraham approached the Lord and asked, “Are you really going to destroy the innocent with the guilty? 24 If there are fifty innocent people in the city, will you destroy the whole city? Won't you spare it in order to save the fifty? 25 Surely you won't kill the innocent with the guilty. That's impossible! You can't do that. If you did, the innocent would be punished along with the guilty. That is impossible. The judge of all the earth has to act justly.”

26 The Lord answered, “If I find fifty innocent people in Sodom, I will spare the whole city for their sake.”

27 Abraham spoke again: “Please forgive my boldness in continuing to speak to you, Lord. I am only a man and have no right to say anything. 28 But perhaps there will be only forty-five innocent people instead of fifty. Will you destroy the whole city because there are five too few?”

The Lord answered, “I will not destroy the city if I find forty-five innocent people.”

29 Abraham spoke again: “Perhaps there will be only forty.”

He replied, “I will not destroy it if there are forty.”

30 Abraham said, “Please don't be angry, Lord, but I must speak again. What if there are only thirty?”

He said, “I will not do it if I find thirty.”

31 Abraham said, “Please forgive my boldness in continuing to speak to you, Lord. Suppose that only twenty are found?”

He said, “I will not destroy the city if I find twenty.”

32 Abraham said, “Please don't be angry, Lord, and I will speak only once more. What if only ten are found?”

He said, “I will not destroy it if there are ten.” 33 After he had finished speaking with Abraham, the Lord went away, and Abraham returned home.




I don't recall stating I advocated homosexuality.  I did not state it as something I promoted.  Nor did I advocate gay marriages, but rather civil unions.  If you recall the prior email, I took a stance AGAINST the allowance of gay marriages, but did allow Civil Unions.  The book of Romans passage is not relevant to myself. The type of behaviour involved in sexuality of homosexuality is not as offensive amongst those practitioners who are more reasonably lawful in most other respects in their lifestyle practices.  The simple practice of homosexual behaviour, without the corresponding types of carnal behaviour the men of sodom displayed, would warrant God forgoing the death penalty.  Israel does not 'willy nilly' condemn someone to death for merely being 'gay'.  Your interpretation of leviticus, quoting the rule itself in isolation without the whole sense of judgement shown in the entirety of the Hebrew Bible shows a lack of understanding on how God judges these issues. For example, a 'Deliberate' sin is not forgiveable in the eyes of early Leviticus.  Inadvertent sins may be forgiven through a sin sacrifice, yet deliberate sins usually warrant the death penalty.  However, if we read Isaiah chapter 1 it becomes clear that Israel was guilty of practicing all sorts of sinful behaviours quite deliberately, and God was still prepared to forgive such people should their 'Scarlet sins become white as snow'.  Ezekiel 18 also teaches this principle. In essence, the sin of homosexual activity alone in a 'gay' individual is not sufficient grounds for God putting the individual to death.  A death penalty would only occur when the kind of lifestyle practices of such an individual or community/nation equates with that of Egypt or Canaan, which the Ends of Leviticus 18 & 20 illustrate, this meaning that a variety of ungodly practice would be committed before Judgement fell. The death penalty CAN apply, but only in cases were sufficient enough 'Hedonistic and wicked' behavioiur is practiced by an individual.  Being gay alone and practicing like that when all other lifestyle practices are reasonably and lawful would not warrant such a judgement. As such they may be tolerated a degree of liberty and the freedom to form civil unions, based on the ideas I stipulated in the prior email, could be judged reasonable.



I'd like to get one thing straight. In my religion, the Advancing Noah Movement, it has been my judgement that we allow Civil Unions (not marriages) for same sex couples, when and where in most other respects they are leading godly lives with decent lawfulness associated with those lives. But I want to clear something up, while this is a concession and an allowance 7DF makes for same sex couples, I personally do not really approve of such ideas in any way at all. To me homosexual behaviour is quite perverse, and the idea of marrying the same sex is like a child who is adding up sums wrong all the time - it doesn't quite work. Same sex activity to me is kind of weird, and I don't really approve of it or think it a great idea at all. But, for the sake of getting along, for my religious movement I have founded, should anyone wish to join, we do allow Same Sex civil unions, but don't allow same sex marriages.



Dear friends

I have a favour to ask.

Jesus taught 'Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven'.

And he also taught about 'Talent's' and making sure the churches Lord received a proper return on his investment in his church.

If you would, make this prayer to God the Father.

Dear God

When I die and go to heaven, please accept my life's offering of all my earthly goods acquired in life

as an offering to heaven also.  I understand that when I die these things will be returned to me for

my heavenly life, and that other citizens of heaven can be blessed by the blessing I offer up to you,

dear God, with this prayer.


(Hi Chris.  Hope you are ok.)

P.S.  Don't pray the prayer if it bothers you.





The Christian gospel advocates a notion of living by 'Grace' where sins are easily forgiven by the blood of Jesus. This perpetuates the notion that you don't have to take a lawful lifestyle terribly seriously or repent of ones sinful behaviours because the cross will see you right. It is both a misleading, deceiving and false doctrine, and it is only due to the popularity of the Christian religion since its inception that this false paradigm has endured. Torah is about lawful behaviour.  The kingdom of God of the world to come is a place where proponents of the Christian notion of morality will be seriously challenged.  The idolatry of worship of Jesus as a deity is a grave offence, and is only the beginning of woes that the 'Jesus People' will find upon the judgement of their soul.

Israel has maintained its witness for 2000 years since this upstart Christian religion came along, and will maintain it as long as this misfit religion endures. Torah is eternal. Manmade gospels aren't.


Dear Marcus

(Sent Online 16th of October 2017)

Life is not necessarily easy.  That is the way the cookie crumbles.  When Marcus Low was created in

the womb of his mother by the grand creator and designer of the universe, he was soon born and cast

into the world, a world were people are strange, and don't always agree with each other.  Where people have

millions of divergent agendas, and, so it seems, everybody wants a piece of the pie, in the sky, uh huh.

What is poor Marcus to do?  He didn't quite work it out straight away.  He conformed, like most of us, to

our parents wishes, and did his schooling and faced the world, full of uncertainty, and not sure if the world

can really relate to how Marcus, who thinks for himself, sees things.  He is outspoken because of it and

finds it difficult to get along in a world which doesn't recognize him very much, or appreciate his knowledge

and talents very much.  What's a shmo to do?  First, he needs to recognize that Babylon public and private

sector business initiatives look for very well groomed conformists, who dress extremely well, and say all the right

things, and give the correct lip service.  Marcus finds this difficult - he has a brain.  No, the gray believers

manufacturing assembly has little use for this misfit.  Aiken Drum would be proud of him.  What lesson can

Marcus learn from this?  Life has no rules for success is the primary one.  It is just WHATEVER WORKS.  It is that

X Factor, which makes some people kings and some people slaves.  And it is about taking on the challenge of working

out the X Factor if success is still Marcus Low's prime directive.


The basic opportunities that work.

Big Issue.  Hard work, but it pays a bit.

Nightfill at a supermarket, Maccas and Cleaning work. The grunt work is usually available for most people if they work hard at it.


The best bet is things like youtube video production, an ebay store were you sell products you either manufacture personally or

source from cheap suppliers and resell at a profit, or a very careful refinement of writing talent to conform with the

extremely exacting standards a publishing agent is looking for before he or she will take you on and submit

your work to publishers.

Nothing is guaranteed much.  One thing is true, from my perspective, is that if he honours the Lord God enough it

will work out in the end.  That is the dilemma of Marcus Low.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia



(Sent Online 11th of September 2018)

I create good vibes about the bible.  People like Marcus are sensitive, though, and expect biblicalism to conform to their own ideology.  I doubt that God really objects to Marcus Low's personal choice to be vegan.  No Non-Jewish people are required to eat meat - Jews have to eat the passover lamb, and priests have duties.  But Noahides, for want of a better word, are perfectly free to abstain from eating meat, and sharing that view with others if they so choose.  It's when it becomes militant and left wing that it goes against the biblical rights of humans to eat meat.  Facebook is like humanity - it has its fair share of winners and losers.  Just the way it goes.


Try looking up sermons on youtube on Ezekiel 17 & 19.  It is always good for someone with a bit of respect for biblical things to specialize in a few chapters of the scripture.  Having a decent thought on those two chapters will give you some biblical doctrine and guidance for life, and give you food for both creative writings and advice and ideology to share with others.  Scripture obviously grains on you to some degree, but if you conquer Ezekiel 17 & 19 you can stand up to God and let him know your doctrine, and he will likely give you some decent blessing in life.  It always help to study out some things in depth, and they are my own suggestions for doctrinal passages which I think you might enjoy on an ongoing basis.


Veganism suits many people.  It's not for everyone.  Finally, the vlog/blog diaries on youtube of your views are a better way to go than mytimes (I'd do up all your mytimes as vlog videos).  They have the potential of earning an income for you.  Love of money is the root of all 'KINDS' of evil.  Not all evil.  Money needs to be understood as a medium of exchange. Obsessing over money is fruitless.  It's a good attitude to work hard and earn well so as to prosper - God prospers the righteous - and the money exchange is society's fairest way of dividing up the spoils in life.  Other systems, while lovely think they are beautifully altruistic, just don't work in the real world.  Communism just doesn't motivate the people that much in the end.  It was only enforced be fear in the end.  It's idealism, but the way people are made is that they primarily look to the material concerns of their own self and then family first and foremost, and this is generally what we are supposed to do.  Capitalism is guided by God if you really must know, and God is a God who DOES reward hard work to prosper your life.  It's nice to think we should all hold each other's hands and be lovely and sweet and sharing everything, but it doesn't work in reality, and it is up to each of us to show the entrepreneurial spirit, go off and get life, and build our own life reward. You are doing that anyway - your youtube account should be a blessing for you in the long term.  In socialism world, they probably wouldn't allow you to even say your viewpoints, let alone allow you to prosper for them.  Think again leftie - the right is not stupid. America is freedom - social green stupidity ends up very conformist, and gives an illusion of utopia which is never realized in the real world.





Dear Marcus

Remember, God is not going to judge you for eating meat.  He approves.  So while you

like to be ethical and considerate towards animals, very few of them receive eternal

salvation so God does not mind them being eaten, because they were designed to

be edible once cooked.  Look at Lions - they naturally eat meat.  Human's also eat meat -

we are omnivores.

Faith in life means faith in truth.  Get your facts right and straight.  When you discuss

an issue with someone, make sure if you quote things which are supposed to be true,

ensure you have the factual information.  Best to study a lot of stuff on the internet

and even compare sources at times to verify if things are the case.  Some times you have

to do the ground work for yourself and check the thing being discussed yourself, especially

relating to a product or item which you can verify factually things about.  Accurate information

and knowledge is the best way to go for a society.  The more truth you have in your knowledge

of life and factual information about the infrastructures of this world, the better equipped

you will be to navigate your way through life.  A lot of the time we can get caught up in philosophies

and ideas which don't necessarily have that much practical application.  Concern yourself

with real world knowledge and information which can be genuinely used and applied in

life.  And as an advice concern yourself with timeless knowledge - things in human culture

and society which remain true regardless of the generation you are in.  If you can gather

information which is timeless and relevant in every generation you are better equipped to

handle life's challenges.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

19th of September 2018

Canberra, Australia




Dear Marcus.

I have a suggestion for a youtube video you can do.  Ensure you get a digital camera.

Plan out a 3 day trip to Townsville.  Go by train.  Stay in an affordable hotel.  The following

day go to the city centre and take many photos.  Talk to a busker or two if you have the courage

and ask them a few questions.  Buskers might not object to a few innocent questions.  Return

to your hotel.  Come home the following day on the train.  Take lots of photos.

Then do up a written document highlighting all the things which happened, record your video,

inserting pictures of what you did along the way, and give salient and poignant thoughts on the life

of Townsville, and the scenery outside the window of the train.  Train voyage knowledge is very

interesting knowledge.

And repeat this for various places within reasonable travel distance of Brisbane.  An ongoing series

of videos on the subject.  It should be well received.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

19th of September 2018

Canberra, Australia



(Sent via email Sunday 9th of December 2018)

The thing about the bible is it doesn't change its message.

1 year from now - no change.

10 years from now - no change.

100 years from now - no change.

1000 years from now - no change.

1 million years from now - no change.

And it was completed quite a while ago.

The thing about philosophies of men who build their own

ideology separate to scriptural thought is that society changes

its values with the seasons, and that their works and ideologies

pass by before you can even blink.  So many great inspirational thinkers

of liberty have plied their trade, but are now redundant, and considered


Biblical thinking, though, while the libertarian constantly calls it outdated,

remains, endures, and picks up new 'Converts' every day of the year.

While ideologies come and go like the changing sands of the Sahara, as

Isaiah teaches 'The Word of the LORD endures forever.'

You might not be able to adapt to biblical thinking.  It's your life Marcus.

But your views, like those great thinkers before you, admired and esteemed,

will too pass away, while the scriptural tradition will endure eternally.

God exists.  He preserves his word.

And if you want a permanent life which despite the criticisms thrown against it

endures throughout the years, biblical belief goes on, as does biblical life.

We have a promise of eternity - a promise of eternal life from the creator.

No matter what great vegan philosopher preaches as the ultimate meaning

to not chowing down on a steak, they too will pass away, their words forgotten,

and the butcher will go on plying his trade well into eternity.






Dear Commonwealth Games Committee

It's about time we went from the Commonwealth Games to

The World Games

And invited the rest of the world outside of the Commonwealth to participate in

The First World Games


Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia



Local Issues

Yes, I am in favour of Light Rail

Issues of most concern numbered 1 to 4

1)  Tackling Crime in our community

2) Securing Australia's Borders

3) Support for Local Education

4) Protecting our local Environment

In Parliament - One Issue

I would like to see the Introduction of 'Law Studies'

into the Schooling Curriculum of Every year of study

from Kindie to Year 12 as its own subject.  I think

Australian Citizens should be taught the laws of

Australia in our schooling years.  That is very

important to me.

Our Community - One Problem Fixed

I'm pretty happy with most things, but I would

like to see a slight increase in the GST to 12.5%

to help cover a Government Payment to superannuation

for all workers, as well as the initiation of a superannuation

scheme for Centrelink welfare recipients.  I think some people

if they have super put aside form them when they can claim

it would have a better chance of home or flat ownership with

a decent lump sum payment.  It is very important to take

care of our older years, especially in an ageing society, and I

think an increase in the GST of a full 2.5% to 12.5% is justified.

About Politics

Normally I vote for the Bullet Train and Clive Palmer, but I used

to vote labour and the Australian Democrats.  But the way society

has continued to shift to the left in general on moral issues I am

starting to become more comfortable with the liberal party, which

currently might sit well with an 80s/90s labour party, which I am fond of.

I'll probably vote for the bullet train and cliver palmer at the next election

(I'm a big fan of VFT ideas and Huge Works eg Snowy scheme etc), but

I will consider the liberals.  Labour is too far to the left these days.

My Details

Mr Daniel Daly

29 Merriman Crescent

Macarthur  ACT  2904

Phone 6291 4414

Son of Mary Daly who attends Corpus Christi parish at Holy Family in Gowrie

(Zed has been to our house chatting with mum not long ago)

My Work

I currently receive the Disability Support pension, but am developing an online

religious books website, which I hope to have an income from in time.



Yeh, it doesn't violate copyright. I wrote the thing. It's fanfiction, which is legal enough online - see www.fanfiction.net for example. There is heaps of Harry Potter fanfiction, stacks of Twilight, and oodles of various superhero stuff, amongst shitloads of other fanfiction. Legally it can't be published for profit until the work its based upon enters into the public domain, which for Aus and US is 70 years after either the Authors death or the date of publication, whichever is the latter. Kapiche? Look up that website.  You should look up Australian Public Domain law - that is knowledge the Fletch should own. For example wikipedia articles are public domain - anybody can use them and publish them in any way they choose. www.gutenberg.org is full of old works which have entered the public domain, and they add to it virtually every day. You should check the site. You can publish anything on that site if you wished to. For example, Peter Fletcher Publications could publish Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' and sell it for profit if he wished to. So70 years after J K Rowling's death, you could probably expect a shitload of Harry Potter stories and movies to flood the market. But, sooner than that, we will probably be in for an avalanche of tolkien stuff in about 30 years, which will be 70 years after his death. I mean, where do you think new stories like 'Hook' and the recent 'Alice in Wonderland' and various things which are reinterpreations of the original come from? If copyright remained into perpetuity you wouldn't get any new stuff on those ideas at all. One other thing, its the same for music. Anybody can release their own Mozart or Beethoven recordings if they wished to. Got to find a market, but perfectly legal to do so.



Dear Aaron (and others)

It is important that a human, made in the image of God, listen to their conscience.  Law - the bible - is a good guide, but we can't always remember every chapter and verse, can we.  Instead, it is that unwritten law, which our heart dictates to us every living moment, the conscience inside, which feels both goodness for doing the right thing, and guilt for doing the wrong thing, which is what must guide us through this life we live.  We all know the basics of what Noah, or great penultimate grand father, would teach.  Don't be the kind of person God wants to drown in a flood, for example.  Think you can steal?  Check your conscience.  Think you can kill?  Check your conscience. Think you can sodomize that dead donkey?  Check your conscience.  Consciences - useful things to have - cornerstones of our guide for a life filled with morality.  And a human, made in the image of God, who wants prosperity in life, won't get eternal prosperity without eternal morality.  It's just the way it works.  So waffling off on a million theological statements - sure its great - but the biggest statement of all is listen to your heart and conscience, because that's the best guide of getting you through it all.  AMEN.




Yeh, it doesn't violate copyright. I wrote the thing. It's fanfiction, which is legal enough online - see www.fanfiction.net for example. There is heaps of Harry Potter fanfiction, stacks of Twilight, and oodles of various superhero stuff, amongst shitloads of other fanfiction. Legally it can't be published for profit until the work its based upon enters into the public domain, which for Aus and US is 70 years after either the Authors death or the date of publication, whichever is the latter. Kapiche? Look up that website.

Yeh, we are all entitled to our opinions Stepahine. I respect yours and thank you for sharing it with me.

I don't think I've ever really been corrected on my language. Perhaps mum and dad a bit growing up, but in Australia, apart from at church, nobody really gives much of a 'darn' if you swear a bit. In my Christian fundamentalist years I rarely swore at all, and rebuked myself when I did, and perhaps that is your tradition Stephanie. But in my personal religion of Karaite Noahide faith 'colourful' language is a natural expression of our frustrations and our sense of sarcasm. But I note your objections. I might possibly consider a more cautious approach in the future.

That particular work of mine is meant to be 'colourful'. The majority of my writings have very little of such language.

Sensible advice Stephanie. I'll be more cautious in the future.

ell I really hope so Daniel because it clearly states that on Facebooks terms if you read them right because you could be reported or blocked and i wouldn't want to really see you or anyone get in trouble so be very careful of what you say in the future on fb.

I'll be on my best for a while.

I have my own religion Stephanie - I am a Noahide. Noah's Covenant (Genesis 1:1 - 11:9). The religion of Noah. I used to be a Christian, but am not any more.

I know what you are saying Stephanie. It is very important to ensure our faith and beliefs are true. Nobody wants to get it wrong before the throne of God Almighty's judgement. Yet I have studied the bible for around 20 years now thoroughly, have examined scriptural doctrines and teachings, and am quite satisfied that the covenant of Noah - which scripture teaches is an everlasting covenant - is indeed an everlasting covenant, and valid to this day. The sign of Noah's covenant is the rainbow, and that sign still appears in the clouds, so the religion of Noah remains eternal in my opinion. Essentially I try and follow the same religion Noah followed in his relationship with Almighty God.

There are quite a lot of '7 Laws of Noah' Noahide movements you know. If you type 'Noahide' into google you will find many websites on Noahide faith, aka Noahidism. Also on youtube there are hundreds, if not thousands now, of Noahide videos.

Peter is an old friend of mine Stephanie. We used to attend Pentecostal churches together back in the 1990s. He has read a fair bit of the bible in his time. He has a sense of sarcastic humour though. You just need to get to know him well.

We went to 'Potters House Christian Fellowship Ministries' together for a while, and also the 'United Pentecostal Church', and we lived together in a church group house for a while.

I don't actually pray to Noah. I pray to God. I don't idolize Noah either. He is the father of our faith, a figure of righteousness and modern humanity after the flood is descended from him, which is why we use the term 'Noahide' to describe the modern post-flood tribe or family of Noah. I also use the term 'Adamide' to describe my descent from the first man 'Adam'. The reason I don't accept Jesus is that he doesn't fulfill the prophecies of the Hebrew Bible pertaining to the role of the Messiah, especially emphasized in Isaiah chapter 11. The people of Israel regarded Jesus as a teacher of religious ideas - a gospel teacher - but on the whole did not agree with his claims that he was their messiah, and still don't. My opinion is that the people of Israel are right and that Jesus is not the Messiah. Actually, studying the bible and getting it right is the testimony of true faith. All of these supposed encounters and revelations in Christianity fall short because they do not measure up to the Teaching of the Hebrew Bible - the Torah - when it talks about what the Messiah is supposed to do. The Messiah is supposed to regather the people of Israel after the exile, and Jesus never did that. In fact, the suffering servant of Isaiah 53 is Israel itself. If you read Isaiah 40 through to 52 God calls Israel his servant many times. That passage of scripture is known as the 'Servant Song'. So the idea that Jesus would be rejected as Messiah has no basis in the Hebrew Bible. The messiah was not to be rejected by Israel, but accepted and lauded as King. Because Jesus was rejected by Israel he was not their Messiah, nor the messiah in general.

And why on earth are you attacking me and my faith? I am not deriding your or your belief in Jesus and your relationship with God. I have not attacked you personally at all. I really don't appreciate the personal hurlings that my faith is somehow wrong or incomplete without Jesus. I don't appreciate that at all you know. Sure, you believe in Jesus - no need for condemning me for not being part of your club.

No Stephanie. I don't 'Know' you are right. I 'Know' you are wrong. I am perfectly secure in my faith. I question whether you are in yours, with your need to try and correct my own to justify yourself. You should read the comments I have made below on my witness of my own walk with God and my encounter with the truth.



Yet I think, Susan, that every year has a 'Winter' in it as well, so a 'Winter of discontent' is a time for 'Keeping the Faith' and reviewing all the things in it which maybe didn't work so well.  It's a time when things die, is winter, the leaves are gone, and its all cold and miserable.  A time when we cool down from our spiritual 'Hype' and face up to the truths of our life.  Those things which are good, although, are inevitably reborn in spring, and then, no sooner, is it 'Summer Solstice' again and we can rejoice in the Lord.

I particularly like the idea of 'Getting Back to Square One', the Summer Solstice, which is the heartland of our personal faith, that time in the Summer of our newborn religious fervour, where we find God, and everything is new again, especially, as it was for me, after a life which had gone down the path of unbelief from early childhood faith, yet found life again, and a new beginning.  Brilliant song, and I'll love it forever.



It is always great to have new beginnings David.  Noah was chosen by God from amongst humanity to rebirth humanity.  So, in a sense, the Noahide movement also represents new birth.  New birth away from the kind of behaviours which, in the end, just end in a deluge of a flood and destruction.  Humanity is, of course, given grace - we will never see another universal flood - but we should never take that for granted.  When we have a fresh beginning in life we need to always reaffirm our commitments to God, and remember the kind of lifestyles we are turning away from, so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past and the mistakes of those who choose not to serve Almighty God.  We are not really quite the same as Israel.  We are similar in many ways, but it is an older covenant which is our foundation stone.  So, in this sense, the faith which comes into our lives and hearts from these new beginnings we go through is well founded, well established, and ancient in its endurance - and that endurance is everlasting, as we know the covenant of Noah - the rainbow Covenant - is everlasting.  With such a well rounded and grounded covenant we have great grace and promise with Almighty God and are very lucky to find the truth, witnessed in nature by the Rainbow, and witnessed on our hearts in our consciences, which is a fundamental truth of Noahide faith.  Congratulations and thank you for all the wonderful videos you are doing in the name of Noahide faith.  I very much appreciate your efforts and wish you abundant success in life.

Daniel Daly, Canberra, Australia



You know, what I like about Christianity is the 99% of christians who listen to their priest or pastor's sermons about Jesus teaching you to return the talents he invested in you who simply are too lazy to bother to use their mind and brains and produce anything decent. Especially computer programmers, well trained, who could probably produce quite a number of decent, thoughtful and challenging games for the PC, who sit there, twiddle their thumbs working for comsuper, and wonder why life sux and is boring.  Other ones I admire are Catholic redheaded boys who have actual decent talent at music, but who level out at grade 4 because its just too challenging beyond that, and they couldn't be bothered to produce that many compositions when it comes down to it.  Those people are wonderful you know.  Bill Gates and Mozart love them, because they represent no competition whatsoever.  But what is best of all are Torah students, who've read the Tanakh, and produce zero amount of theological writings or books on spirituality or fiction of any kind for that matter. THEY JUST MAKE MY DAY




Dear Onyx Team
Great first issue!  I got the subscription cover C from my comic store for pre-ordering, so was happy with that, but almost have the desire to go off and hunt down some of the others.  They look great.  First things first - a great read.   Usually I judge a comic by how well it reads, for I am more literary than visual, so if it passes the reading test then I will often continue on with it.  Onyx Number One did that.  It was thoughtful, well developed and credible 'Future Fiction' to enjoy.  The concept of a future world were resources are diminishing is a reality that so many of us in this early 21st century world have on our mind, and it's an idea which certainly should be written about.  Here is an article I wrote with my thoughts on how a future world could function:
The idea of Mega-Cities is to put aside a suburb of about a square kilometre. You build huge skyscrapers in the suburb – 2 dozen or so – going up 3 or 4 miles or even more. One of the scrapers is a food production scraper. You have a sewerage system in the basement, you use a series of mirrors to reflect the natural light from outside on each level, you have solar powered sheets on the walls of the scraper for energy, and wind turbine energy generator on the roof. On the hundreds of levels you have aquaculture, horticulture and farming industry. Use soil – the world has plenty of it – and place earth and grow grass on the soil within each level. The natural lighting from the mirrors helps it grow and with the energy from the solar and wind generators you can use additional lighting if necessary. There needs to be appropriate air conditioning and appropriate water recycling systems used for the food tower. In the remaining scrapers you simply house people. With the huge height of the mega city scrapers we can now build, potentially millions of people or more could fit in a standard suburban mega city.

The Action was enjoyable, and well paced, and not overdone.  There was a good balance between differing elements of storytelling, and you didn't overdo any particular aspect too much.  Perhaps 1 or 2 too many characters were introduced in the first issue, as I would have kept it down a bit, but it worked well enough in the end and if the characters introduced last then it will all work out.  I do hope you get more than 4 issues of sales, as I am committing to subscribing to this comic for however long it lasts.  I have also started collecting Judge Dredd from IDW (2 copies, 1 for a friend), and Onyx is a very cool addition to the IDW name.  I remember seeing Rom in the comic stores in earlier years.  I never really bothered with it, but may consider hunting it down to see sources of early inspiration.  Mostly I'm a DC kid, and I am really enjoying their 'Lobo' series at the moment, but this work from IDW is fantastic, and will keep me happy on lonely nights when I need something to do.

Great job guys.  Keep up the good work.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia



Dear Guys

It is no great secret in life.  How to have success and prosperity and growth in life. God has made it clear to me that for either a Christian Church or a Torah Assembly to grow, or for personal growth in your own life, it is as simple as Scripture, Scripture, Scripture.   For a small spiritual assembly to grow, to continue to grow and gain strength, purpose and influence in life, God really requires a HECK of a lot of study and knowledge of scripture to be in that particular movement.  And the same principle applies for personal blessing in life by God.  You need to get into the bible regularly, or attend a spiritual fellowship, and just dig deep wells into the word of God. My own movement, the Advancing Noah Movement, will not grow yet until I have sufficient scripture and stability in life to afford this reality.  So I stick with it, pray, and study, and learn. God will give me a wife in time, but only when I have a strong enough spiritual foundation. Anybody who is committed to God and prepared to turn away from the sinners lifestyle can grow a spiritual assembly - it just requires permanent and ongoing commitment and determination, and a lot of hard work in the prayer room and in the bible.  Just keep at it and in time your decadence and sinfulness is eroded away and a new person is born and your movement will have the kind of spiritual strength God can use and build with. It is no great secret in foundations - just keep on reading the bible and praying to God. AS SIMPLE AS THAT




Dear Shaper Crew

Well, 5 issues, all now read, just finished issue 5 moments ago, and what to say? In the end I probably enjoyed issue 1 most of all. The Earth introduced was akin to many other Sci Fi earths you get here and there, but this one had a lovely 'Feel' to it. It reminded me of a 'Manga' universe in some ways, but it wasn't anything to do with the artwork, just the general psychology, I guess, of the environment. Loved it. Loved that earth. Would love to see more of it in a hopeful permanent ongoing Shaper series. Really, the story had a lot to tell from its conceptions, and 5 issues just didn't do it justice. Could easily have been spaced out to 30 or 40 issues or even more, and gradually built to the climax, but I realize you have a story to tell, a limited appeal to the comics market very often who a lot of the time hang around for a few issues and move on, so what are you gonna do, huh? Shaper is classic sci fi, with good and strong ideas, interesting characters, and great story reading. All the elements for a great comic are in this series, and I also would love to see a movie made from it. I think, personally, from the first issue to the last issue Spry 'Matured' perhaps a little too quickly, but harsh life and challenge often brings out the best in people. Solace is a world with a great name which could be developed more so. For me, if there were to be an ongoing permanent series, I would like the main idea to be for the shaper community to eventually find recognition and standing with the Caliphate and acceptance in the galaxy. Many trial's and tribulations to get there, and plots and counterplots, but that is where I would like to see the story develop. In the end a cracker of a story, a great read, and one of the reasons at 42 I am still into reading and collecting comics, and even venturing into the world of publishers like IDW, Zenescope and the now old Dark Horse. Good work guys, and I hope to see more of 'Shaper' somewhere down the road. Thanks.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia



Dear Sis

How are you?  Well, I'm Danny Daly, your big little brother, and I'm 43 now, and life, as they say, goes on. Life has been pretty quiet with mum gone.  My best friend is Pepper the cat, who sleeps in the spare room where I have the internet, and pukes up his food every few days, which leaves a terrible mess for me to clean.  My friend Justin Angold comes around every few days, and brings me a bottle of beer in exchange for a comic I give him regularly (Judge Dredd).  He says its something of an economy we have going on between us.  Rob Preston came around yesterday, and we smoked a couple of ciggies in the back yard and chatted for a while.  Rob's daughter, Rachel, has married a fella and is expecting their first child between them, but she had an earlier child in an earlier fling in life.  I still go to group activities, and get something of a thrill out of it, but it's the same old same old in many ways, and perhaps I'm a little jaded with the whole scene, but it does give me something to do.  Adrian Chan is a very good friend, with a calm demeanour who is able to put people at ease, and a good sense of humour.  I get the luxury of the front seat these days, as I don't fit in the back seats with the seatbelts terribly easily.  I know, I know - lose weight Daniel. Or as Matthew would say 'Mass.  It's mass.'  Speaking of Matt, its been a while now since he's been gone, and

I should say I miss him, but in all honesty it was a bit of a relief.  He had an atrocious argument with mum just before he died, which mum might not have mentioned, and would probably deny if you mentioned it to her and has probably forgotten it anyway, but he was actually worse than usual, and quite nasty.  I am grateful, though that Matthew had a good job when he died, and was likely going to stay employed in it till he retired.  In some ways life eventually worked out for Matt, but just didn't last forever.  I'm glad Jayden is employed now, and he doesn't really appear the kind of guy who (as of yet) wants to study.  He is probably smart enough to do it, but just doesn't care at all.  Let's hope he works hard and makes something of his life.  Hopefully Maddie is getting over her split with her boyfriend, and life can return to normal for her.  I'm sure she'll find the right guy for her in time, as she's a sweet girl, and you'll be a grandmother before you know it.  And Georgi is always adorable - let's hope life has good plans for her.  Well, there is no romance in my life as of yet, and nothing appearing on the horizon.  Don't get me wrong, I would love to meet the right girl and settle down, but it's no longer looking terribly realistic.  But maybe life still has some surprises in store for me yet.  Well, hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday and I will chat to you when you get home.

All the best




Dear Madalene

I thought I would write you a letter of encouragement. Just for you.

Life is what you make it. I agree with whatever choices you make in your life for you, and as your loving uncle support you in your decisions. If you want to marry, that is a good idea. I think gay is a bit weird personally, and assume you are straight, but if you ever wanted to shack up with a lesbian lover, I wouldn't object. It's your life.

If you want to be lazy, and not do much with your life, that's your choice. I support you in that also.

If you want a series of basic jobs, which never amount to too much, I support you in that also.


Those who make something of this life learned some lessons. Look at your idol - Taylor Swift. Sure, she is talented, but all of us have some talents. What, do you think Taylor Swift just rocked up to number one by accident?

She worked her ass off. She worked her talent's ass off. She was unassuming, didn't pride herself in her own good looks or success, and stayed humble.

You have a lot of talent. If you never use it, I support you in that.

If you use it, I think you have finally wised up, realized that the 21st century has amazing opportunities for success, and gotten the point you need to hook into several web social utilities, connect to literally a million people, develop a website were you can expose your talent, and applied yourself to the nth bloody degree.

Or you can winge at Brigid about when dinner is ready for the next 30 years, sit in front of Foxtel, and slowly get old, a little fatter in the thighs each year, and wonder why the boys look less and less as times passes by.

It's up to you. And I support you in whatever decision you make.

Your loving Uncle

Uncle Dan



Dear Bahai of Australia

(Email sent online 24th of December 6178 SC)

I receive the 'Australian Bahai Report' which is mailed out to me.  I would like to take this opportunity to say that

I am very impressed with the maturity and faith of the Bahai community.  I am not a Bahai believer, and believe that

Bahaullah was motivated by the Bab, who was equally motivated, to establish genuine monotheistic justice in the world,

but did so at their own initiative.  God may have had his hand on them somewhat, because God is in control, but they were

not divine messengers - just inspired men who saw a need and filled it.  Yet, regardless of that, I believe a man or woman

made in the image of God CAN USE INITIATIVE and establish religious teaching and new monotheistic thinking through their

own inspiration of of idea and faith in God and justice and what has come before them in society.  I view Mohammed and

Jesus in exactly the same way - motivated by their own faith and ideas - as I see the divine revelation of God largely in

Karaite faith.  I myself am a Karaite Noahide ( http://karaitenoahide.angelfire.com ), and see the Jewish Bible as the primary

witness of God's religion, and the Noahide Covenant of Genesis 9 as the universal Covenant for all mankind.  This I believe

is the central religious truth for mankind.  BUT, as I have said, I believe a man or woman made in the image of God CAN and

sometimes SHOULD be motivated to propogate new religious ideals and teachings, and ADVANCE with the eras.  The Bab

and Bahaullah did this, and I applaud the Kingdom of Spirituality they have left as a legacy to us, as your religion and adherents

 are equally Godly, mature and kindhearted.  In a strange way I am very proud of the witness you fellows give for Almighty God.

Thank you very much for sending me the Australian Bahai report, and I read the articles in their and find sustenance from them

and cherish them.  You are greatly admired.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia



Dear Lord Xanthony

(Sent online Friday 30th of September 2016 to Piers Anthony)

Your humble Xanth Fan Number 3,675 formally requests the initiation of 'Project Xanth'.

Project Xanth Encyclopaedia  involves the usage of the Xanth Lexicon, together with carefully typed

computer documents using a word processor on the 'History and Timeline of Xanth',

a compilation of 'Maps of Xanth', 'Vocabulary of Xanth', 'Trade Secrets of Good Magician Humfrey',

'Proverbs of Good King Trent', 'The Secret Wisdom of Ivy', 'Laws and Customs of the Land of Xanth',

the Treatise 'Understanding the Magic of Xanth' by Bink, 'Lore of the Golems' by Grundy the Golem,

'Hidden Passages of Castle Roogna' and so on and so forth, till, verily, a full volume of magnificent

glory has been accomplished.

Yours faithfully

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear Mr Anthony

(Sent Online 26th of July 2017)

Perhaps one day soon, Mr Tolkien, Mr Lewis and Mr Green will take you aside, and have a chat about entry

requirements in the heavenly association of 'The Inkling's', and you will sit there quietly in the university

library, bemoaning the average intellect of the American Patriot, realizing that eternity in britannia in heaven

is probably 'A Far Better Option'.

Or maybe not.

I purchased a copy of 'Isle of View' on ebay just now.  Xanth book 13 now acquired, working on getting the full run

now as most other must haves have now been checked off the list.

Thank you for your writing devotions.

Daniel Daly



Dear Mr Anthony

(Sent Online August 4th 2017)

Life goes on.  In your early 80s you are obviously not finished with life on Terra Firma yet.

My hope is that your thinking there is not a heaven is the result of thought which has not

yet considered all the possibilities of the nebulous concept of truth.  Perhaps a query to the

universe or to the power or to the old 'God' could be a consideration of whether more might

possibly lie beyond the grave.  It couldn't hurt.  Regardless, I am your devoted fan of much of

your work, and have some soft requests:

Incarnations of Immortality Volume 9:  The Life of the Universe

It involves Adam's first wife Lilith, and her battle with Satan to find the formative principles

of life which are the foundation of each of the Incarnations of Immortality.  What makes the

incarnations so special, she asks the devil, who replies to her, God probably has a sense of humor.

Lilith travels through heaven and visits various ancient organisations and associates, before meeting

the 'Architects of Fantasy', who were commissioned by God to mock mankind.

And 'A Second Spell for Chameleon' would be a great novel in the Xanth series to consider.

All the best Mr Anthony

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia



Dear Mr Anthony

(Sent Online August 13th 2017)

I watched your interview with E.A.A. Wilson on youtube.

I like what you said.  Life can have harsh and difficult bits in it.

In my writing on the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny I

keep it in mind to be entertaining.  As a monotheistic believer

I also try and teach religious concepts, but I work hard to try and

teach original and interesting religious concepts which are palatable

and entertain deep cogitation if possible.  You probably know as

well as I do that religion can be offputting to a lot of people, as

religious people can often judge harshly.  If my Chronicles of the

Children of Destiny didn't entertain, provoke, and make people happy

I wouldn't be doing my job as an aspiring author properly.

I am currently collecting the rest of the Xanth novels.  When I was

younger I read Spell for Chameleon through to Golem in the Gears.

Soon enough Vale of the Vole will be, with effort, worked through, as

I find it challenging to complete new novels these days, lacking much

of the patience I had in the 1980s and early 1990s growing up in

Cooma town in New South Wales Australia.  I won't say if I will commit

to collecting your entire catalogue of works yet, but I have read

Incarnations of Immortality 1 through 7 and have book 8 in my room,

read all Battle Circle, and the Xanth books.  I'm keen on Julian May writings,

Robert Silveberg, Ben Bova, David Eddings, Raymond E Feist, Hugh Cook's

Chronicles of an Age of Darkness a great deal, Jack Vance, Isaac Asimov,

Tad Williams, Clifford D Simak (reading Time is the Simplest Thing, which

I am loving), Michael Moorcock, Christopher Carpenter, Stephen Donaldson,

C J Cherryh, and a whole host of DC Comics, including Lucifer from the Vertigo

line.  Thank you again for your contribution to the field of creative fiction.

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia



(Sent online 16th of February 2016)

Hi Ben. It's been on my mind for a few years now, but with Internet search engine's and their fantastic capabilities, I finally looked up today the book I'd been trying to remember for years. I read it back in Cooma in NSW south of Canberr in Australia back in the 80s. I read heaps of Fantasy and Sci Fi, but this book crept into the centre of my heart. It was about a guy who had very close relationship with a catlike creature. I could never remember much more than that. But I looked up your bibliography, and the Winds of Altair seemed the right sort of title and date, and that was the one. It was so dear to me - I remember feeling so much happiness reading it. It was wonderful science fiction. I tried writing a fantasy novel in year 9 - I wrote a dozen or so pages, but gave up. I had a few goes over the years, but in 2000, working in Australian Quarantine, I began my novel 'Morning Stars' about Angels. It became part of the 'Angels Saga'. There are nearly 2 million words in that saga now, on my website link I have provided. Maybe there is a bit of my love of Winds of Altair in there. I hope there is. It was a library book. I'm planning on getting it to read it again. Thanks for the wonderful story. All the best. Daniel from Canberra.



Dear Prime Minister

(Sent online 28th of February 2016)

I agree 100% with ideas of peace and nuclear non-proliferation. They are admirable ideas. But we live in the real world - and sometimes conflicts happen. It has just been the way of warring mankind for so long. I feel, as deterrents, it is in the long-term best interests of the Commonwealth of Australia to discuss matters with Great Britain, America, Russia, China and France, and become part of the 'Nuclear Club'. I feel our rich inheritance of Uranium is a subtle sign this is the way to go. In the future, which is unwritten, it would be best if a mature and responsible 'Council of Nuclear Defense' was established, with members of the Executive, Parliament, The Army, Navy and Airforce, all serving on the Council, which would discuss and vote should there ever be the dire need to use nuclear weapons. God forbid that there ever would be, yet we must also live in reality. I would hate to see Nuclear Weapons ever used again on Earth, but I feel, in my heart, having them available for Australia's defense, and letting the world know this, is probably in our best long terms interests.

Yours faithfully

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Resident and Citizen of Canberra



Dear Channel 9

(Sent online Wednesday 9th of March 2016)

Quite frankly, I don't think this apparent relaunch of Hey Hey its Saturday will last terribly much longer than

the previous relaunch.  Why?  The Australian psyche has changed a fair bit from the 70s, 80s, 90s mindset it once

had.  People are more demanding now, they want slightly more intelligent and sophisticated Television, and the

whackiness and goofiness of Hey Hey is not going to work quite as well as it once did.  The kids will mostly

call it lame.  I would suggest a number of changes.  Firstly, retitle it to 'Saturday Night Variety' which is far less

goofy than the 80s style title it has.  I would move away from Daryl behind the desk, and have him in a seat

opposite a row of seats.  The guests sit in the seats, and they talk more formally, and I would drop a lot of the humour.

Faustina "Fuzzy" Agolle from Channel V would make a great host for discussing the music segment of the show (as Molly's style

is too outdated), and she would sit between Daryl and the guests.  Celebrity head could still be done with the guests, but tone down

the goofiness, and those funny drawing needs to be limited to the plucka duck section, which will still work, because Plucka is cool

and remains cool.  Daryl needs to be more formal with the guests, but the lightheartedness can still remain.  Pre-Filmed skits with the cast

are the best way to do the comedy, and that works well, probably even an ongoing soap/comedy skit.  About 5 minutes long.

The live music should continue as normal as its done fine on the show.  Please - LOSE the desk, as that won't work as well anymore,

and tone right down the goofiness.  Red Symonds in the band will work well, as Australian males enjoy his sarcasm, and that is fine.

Rusell is cool for the audience, but mainly use him in the pre-filmed skits.  If you make these changes to a more sophisticated, formal

and slightly more intelligent show, and lose a lot of the goofiness, it will do much much better and last.  If you don't, I'm pretty sure it

might rate well briefly, but will be gone before you know it.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia



Dear BBC.

(Sent online Tuesday 15th of March 2016/6179 SC)

Dr Who has 12 regenerations, so 13 Doctors. Johh Heard was a missing doctor, so Peter Capaldi is the 13th and FINAL DOCTOR. Instead of Dr Who, please do a new series called either 'The Timelords' or 'The Timelords of Galifrey', and make it about differing travelling Timelords.

Yours sincerely, Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, Canberra, Australia



Dear Aaron.

(Sent online Wednesday 4th of May 2016. Sent to friend Aaron Goodsell)

God actually still likes his bible being written out.  He has talked to me on this issue.  I won't be doing the Torah, but I have written

out Genesis 1:1 - 2:4a, as well as about a dozen psalms and the first 2 chapters of the book of Daniel.  That is what I have done so far.

I will probably eventually finish off the book of Daniel, and many more psalms.

My personal suggestion is that you obtain a notebook of substantial size, and handwrite out an entire book of the bible.   Obadiah is just

one chapter, which would be a really crappy effort, Ruth is 4 chapters, which is a start I guess, but something like Ezra or Nehemia or

Hosea would be a great effort.  Malachi is only 4 chapters, but its solid theology.

Give it a go.




Dear Friends

(Sent online Tuesday 24th of May 2016 to the Orthogay Community – orthogays.org)

You have probably noticed the scathing commentary from various religious sources.  How can you expect to

be gay and be considered acceptable to God?  Progressive Judaism teaches that if the gay person is lawful

enough in most respects, then their homosexual behaviour will be tolerated.

Let us look at Genesis 18

Genesis 1821st Century King James Version (KJ21)

18 And the Lord appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre, as he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day.

2 And he lifted up his eyes and looked, and lo, three men stood by him. And when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground

3 and said, My lord, if now I have found favor in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant.

4 Let a little water, I pray you, be fetched, and wash your feet and rest yourselves under the tree;

5 and I will fetch a morsel of bread and comfort ye your hearts. After that ye shall pass on, for therefor are ye come to your servant.” And they said, So do, as thou hast said.

6 And Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah, and said, Make ready quickly three measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes upon the hearth.

7 And Abraham ran unto the herd and fetched a calf, tender and good, and gave it unto a young man, and he hastened to dress it.

8 And he took butter and milk and the calf which he had dressed, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they ate.

9 And they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife?” And he said, Behold, in the tent.

10 And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son.” And Sarah heard it from the tent door, which was behind him.

11 Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age, and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women.

12 Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I have waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?

13 And the Lord said unto Abraham, Why did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, who am old?

14 Is any thing too hard for the Lord? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.

15 Then Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not,” for she was afraid. And He said, Nay, but thou didst laugh.

16 And the men rose up from thence, and looked toward Sodom; and Abraham went with them to bring them on the way.

17 And the Lord said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do,

18 seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?

19 For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment, that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which He hath spoken of him.

20 And the Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous,

21 I will go down now and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which has come unto Me; and if not, I will know.

22 And the men turned their faces from thence, and went toward Sodom; but Abraham stood yet before the Lord.

23 And Abraham drew near and said, Wilt Thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked?

24 Perhaps there be fifty righteous within the city; wilt Thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein?

25 That be far from Thee to do in this manner — to slay the righteous with the wicked; and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from Thee! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?

26 And the Lord said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.

27 And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, I, who am but dust and ashes.

28 Perhaps there shall lack five of the fifty righteous; wilt Thou destroy all the city for lack of five?” And He said, If I find there forty and five, I will not destroy it.

29 And he spoke unto Him yet again and said, Perhaps there shall be forty found there?” And He said, I will not do it for fortys sake.

30 And he said unto Him, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak: Perhaps there shall thirty be found there.” And He said, I will not do it if I find thirty there.

31 And he said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord: Perhaps there shall be twenty found there.” And He said, I will not destroy it for twentys sake.

32 And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Perhaps ten shall be found there.” And He said, I will not destroy it for tens sake.

33 And the Lord went His way, as soon as He had finished communing with Abraham; and Abraham returned unto his place.

So the Lord would not destroy the men of Sodom if enough righteous were amongst them.  There WASN'T then.  But, today, there probably is plenty of decent and lawful behaviour amongst the LGBTI community worldwide.  I think God probably accepts the Orthogays for the most part (in my own opinion). The Advancing Noah Movement has a 'Rainbow Parade' Assembly of faith for LGBTI people who wish to serve God in Noahide faith.  It is found

in the links in the Haven Noahide Fellowship Rainbow Bible on our webpage - which is:  http://noahidebooks.angelfire.com

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia



Dear Bulldogs.

(Sent to the NRL Bulldogs on 30th June 2016 Online)

I'm a bulldogs fan, and I found your contact details easily enough, so felt I'd forward this on to

you for the NRL to hopefully consider.  You guys probably have heard the suggestions before, but I would like to vote

to support the idea of 2 divisions, with a promotion and relegation system for the top two teams

from the bottom division and the bottom two teams from the top division.  New clubs should be

admitted, which would seem to logically include:

Perth/Western Australia




It would create a stronger competition in the top division, more competitive and entertaining football, and all clubs

would genuinely compete to get into and remain in the top division.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Long term Bulldogs Fan since the late 1970s

Canberra, Australia



Dear Encyclopaedia Britannica

(Sent online to Encyclopaedia Britannica UK on Monday 5th of September 2016)

This is a suggestion.  There is plenty of material available historically to research.

Perhaps the organisation could research, and attempt to build Encyclopaedias for

every year prior to 1768, going back as far as reasonable records will allow.

It could possibly be called the 'Ancient Britannica Series' or some such, recording the

information and culture of society from the pre 1768 era.

I do hope you consider the idea.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Citizen of the United Kingdom and Australia

Canberra, Australia



Dear Andrew Wall MLA

(Sent online Monday 5th of September 2016)

Thank you for the recent card letter in the mail regarding the decisions of the liberals to choose education over funding the tram.

I would never disagree that education is a top priority.  It is excellent and welcome to see the liberals concerned on this issue.

I would say, though, as an independent voter, that I do appreciate capital investment at times in the community, and that sometimes

major expenditure is a good idea to deliver projects which develop the infrastructure and community of Canberra.  I know it is expensive,

but I personally think the tram idea is actually a good idea for Canberra.  It would be a great asset to our community, help with traffic

congestion, and be an attractive part of the Canberra lifestyle, and maybe even be a thing which draws tourists somewhat.  I would ask

you if you and your fellow liberals could possibly consider changing your mind on this issue, and back the tram for Canberra, as it would

be a wonderful thing so see further sensibly developed infrastructure.  Yes, it is expensive, I know.  Sometimes we have to bite the bullet

and invest for the future.  I do hope you would be willing to consider changing your mind on this issue.  Backflips in politics sometimes occur,

and bipartisanship is sometimes a good thing for the community, as it shows the politicians are united.  I do hope you consider this.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Citizen of Macarthur, Tuggeranong




(Sent online Wednesday 14th of September 2016 to www.noahidenations.com)

I had a look just then at your website.  Overloaded with subjects from Jewish teachers and Judaism.

I mean, fair enough, you guys adhere to the Talmud as the basis for your 7 laws of Noah system, but all

this religion that you are teaching has nothing to do with Noah's covenant.  Its judaism.  If that is what you

want to teach, fair enough.  It is your religious right before God to take in as much of the Light of Israel

as you choose.  I don't discourage it either - it is completely up to you guys.  But why do you really even

bother claiming to be Noahides at all in the end anyway?  Your not.  Your just followers of the Jews, and not

independent Noahide Nations standing on your own covenant with God.  The 7 laws are not even historical

to the time of Adam through Noah - it is an invention of the early Pharisee movement.  Genesis 1:1 - 11:9 is

what teaches the ancient faith of Adam through to Noah, and all your additional teaching is barely even Noahide

in spirit anyway - it is just the spirit of Israel, and nothing.  But as I said - that is up to you guys - that is your right.

But I, for one, will never really consider you true Noahides or representative of the Noahide nations in any

truthful way.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia




Dear ACT Ministers

(Sent online Sunday 2nd of October 6179 SC)

Canberra and the citizens of the Australian Capital Territory are far too sophisticated and advanced

to remain in the culture of Australia.  Australian's are slow, dimwitted, ocker and primitive.  Let us

wise up, secede from this common muck of Australian life, let the billabong brothers rule their

own land of Oz, and become the progressive, advanced, modern and futuristic metropolis of



Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Macarthur - Tuggeranong - BRINDABELLA


Dear Ministers

(Sent online Monday 3rd of October 6179 SC)

It is an excellent advance for Canberra to have the new green waste bins.  Certainly a good idea.

I would like to address another issue of concern.  In the end I feel it is best if it handled by

Government rather than individuals and the private sector, and what I am talking about is the

disposal of things like Mattresses, furniture, Computers, TVs, large electrical and other large items.  These

things are normally the responsibility of citizens to take to landfills and pay sums of money to have

disposed of.  Really, while people are used to this, I honestly think it is justified increasing Government

spending to have these materials more properly disposed of by the Government.  Often we find such

items dumped here and there, which is never a good thing.  If we had, say a quarterly round, where

each suburb has a timetable within the year, were a pickup van came around and collected your items

which are left near the kerb, the Government could more properly recycle or dispose of such items.

It is one of those issues, in the way we separate certain services in society into the public sector and

certain services in society into the private sector which I feel, in all honestly, would be better served

by proper administration from the public sector.  It would probably work for the best, and it is genuinely

something which can be provided universally, like healthcare, as ALL Australians benefit from this service.

Please consider the idea

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Macarthur, Tuggeranong



(Sent online Saturday 4th of December 2016 / 6179 SC)

Suggestion of a capital work for Sydney. Perhaps extending the bay on which the opera house is located another 100 metres or so, and have built, in a counterpoint design with rooves of ochre orange a National Indigenous Museum. The point would be to make it iconic like other classic sydney landscape attractions, and there is certainly a mood in Australia in recent times for reconcilliation.



(Sent online Saturday 4th of February 2017/6180sc)

Dear Rabbi

I have been a Noahide since 1999 and met you early on in Melbourne. One of my concerns is youtube Noahide videos, and there are a lot of concerns from Christians and beheadings of Christians under the Noahide laws. If you have the time, if you could make a video and put it on youtube addressing this issue, it would be appreciated.

All the best

Daniel Daly




(Sent online Monday 6th of Feburary 2017/6180sc)

Dear Church

I am no longer a Christian. I used to attend the United Pentecostal Church in the 1990s. Personally, I don't think the Oneness movement should be divided into denominations. The Churches are not supposed to be divided. The ALJC should really be having constant discussions with the United Pentecostal Church about joining together and becoming one church. Doctrinal differences should be examined and resolved. I don't believe in the Oneness, naturally, but your churches should be united in the faith they present to the world.

All the best

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia



(Sent online Monday 27th of February 2017/6180sc)


I would like to voice my support in favour of the establishment of the plastic to fuel facility.  Gaining new

avenues for the demand for fuel in society is always an important issue, and plastic wastage is generally

going to be around forever, so this is a sustainable industry.  Further it will provide jobs for the local

area.  I would encourage that environmental impact information be properly considered regarding the

project, as this is an important issue in ACT society.  I am a resident of Macarthur in East Tuggeranong, and

am hoping this provides good work for the local region.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

29 Merriman Crescent




(Sent online Monday 27th of February 2017/6180sc)

Dear Representative

Unfortunately we still have homeless in society. I have an idea for the Tuggeranong town centre. The establishment of a large viewing screen, perhaps situated above the main entrance to the hyperdome, which has a clock in one corner, and television which runs from maybe 6 in the morning till maybe 7:30 in the evening. One of the canberra based Freeview channels would probably be best. It could also be used to feature government messages on various issues of interest to public life in society. Homeless people could sit across the street and watch TV at times, which would give them some relief from their struggles, and naturally the rest of us would watch it as well. That location is ideal, but may or may not be practical in many ways. In the bbq area near Tuggeranong pool might be a possible alternative. Government should still care for those in dire straits in society, and something which may cost a little somewhat to initially establish, but would be relatively affordable to maintain, could be considered. I'm hoping this suggestion has merit.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

29 Merriman Crescent


Phone: 02 6291 4414



(Sent online Tuesday 11th of December 2018)

Dear Labor and Liberal Parties


Quite frankly, we are going to have to update the toilets of Australia

with a third section, alongside the men's and women's toilets.

This option is available for everyone to use, but in reality it is meant

to cater for people of Transgender/Transsexual orientation or status.

Many citizens of Australia, especially men, will not be comfortable with

a transgendered formerly female using the men's toilet.  And the same

for women who will not be comfortable with a former man using their

own toilet.  Nature delineates between a man and a woman and we have

always had separate men and women's toilets.  The reality is we need

a new option for citizens of differing choices on this issue.  Citizens or

Unisex or Person's toilet, with an appropriate symbol, could be used.

We can't afford endless toilets for all the potential orientations coming

through in society, but a third option is affordable, so we generally should

probably engage with this.  In larger organsiations they should be able to

afford a number of toilets for the various orientations, but a universal

toilet should be introduced, as it likely already has here and there, and put

in place more and more.


Yours sincerely


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

29 Merriman Crescent






(Sent online Sunday 19th of March 2017/6180sc)

Dear CTM

I am sure you guys know the popularity of your toys.  I really think you are missing an actual commercial

opportunity - and you guys are a business.  The toys look wonderful, and I don't doubt they will sell

on the actual commercial market.  The ads are excellent.  I know there is a comic on the CTM meerkats

and I really think a movie should be considered.  PLEASE, if possible, make the meerkat toys available

for sale in general toy stores and supermarkets.  They are very popular, and not everyone wants insurance.

Besides, they will sell on their own merit without any problems whatsoever.

Yours Sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia



(Sent online 2nd of September 2017)

Dear Mike

My Religious/Spirituality Angel Fiction saga title 'The Angels Saga' is ready enough to go for printing.

If you have the time and would like to review some of the work it can be read at:


I call it 'Another Divine Comedy'.

I was born in Kingston upon Hull on the 20th of November 1972 at Hull Maternity Hospital.

I am a patriot of Hull, supporting the Hull City Tigers, Hull FC and Hull Kingston Rovers.

I reside in Australia, where I have done so nearly my entire life, but my loyalty to England,

especially in sporting events, has never ceased.  I have visited Hull on Google Earth and

scrolled around the city.  I don't really want to publish at any other publisher apart from

a Hull company.  I am interested in seeing Hull develop its wealth and prosperity.

If you would like to take a chance on my writings it would be great.  If not, I perfectly understand.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia



(Sent online 5th of October 2017)

Dear BJP

I am a subscriber to BJP.  I recently subscribed.  My father, back in the 1960s and 1970s (and earlier in fact) collected the Annuals of BJP.  He passed away

in 2007, but I inherited around 10 old copies of annuals.  I have since been adding in missing years through online purchases, and have now subscribed to

the magazine itself.  Very good work.

The format, currently, is ideal in as much as the magazine goes neatly on my bookshelf next to the annuals.  So I would like to make a passive vote that for

while the magazine continues in print that you retain the current format as long as possible.  It is very neat on my bookshelf, and I am very pleased to have

the new additional magazines for my overall collection.  I intend to gradually collect as many of the old annuals I can get, even the old book size green

hardback editions, which I have a small number of copies of.  I am also interested in gradually collecting back issues of the regular monthly magazine to

continue to build on my father's collection.

Your work is greatly appreciated.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia

5th of October 2017

Letters to God

(Usually in the Google alt.god Group)

Dear God
One of the Arguments from Spirit made
If my life restores the Goods of My Early Years Where My Heart
had devotion and Interest in Such Goods - and the Restoration
is Complete Enough - Then Such a Society Encompassing and
surrounding such A Restored Life has to Likewise be restored.

This is because of your argument that this Life is Now Working
out properly according to the plan.
Lives have not worked out yet according to the plan because
people have not done what they are supposed to do by keeping
their possessions and maintaining them eternally. When people
keep their life intact eternally and permanently the society they
are part of has 'Worked Out' and is thus supposed to go on and
endure permanently.

The divine has made this argument with me a number of times.

February 2022

Biblical Criticism is Valid
It contains impetus in it from God
The exact formation of the Bible is influence from God and
the work of Primarily Israel
It is probably untenable the argument that God is the architect
of the whole written word of the Bible
The Impression I get is that the Bible is supposed to be
regarded as Scripture by mankind anyway
It is supposed to be the Good Book
That is how it seems to me

A Human Being is Capable of using a Biblical Psalm to Pray
to God for the Sanctification, Salvation, Prosperity & Preservation
of their Address and all its associated Paraphernalia.
I live at 29 Merriman Crescent, Macarthur, Tuggeranong, Canberra, Australia
I use Psalm 29 from the Bible to Pray for the sanctification, salvation,
prosperity and preservation of 29 Merriman Crescent and all its associated
paraphernalia, which I have defined to God in prayer as the address, the
land, the house (abode) all the contents, assets and belongings of the house
and all the residents (Including pet). Essentially everything associated
with 29 Merriman Crescent.
I have prayed this prayer thousands of times now.

Stop being Pathetic God and excusing yourself
Mankind's natural habitat is Planet Earth
Stop knocking off human's to take them to heaven
Stop excusing yourself and being Pathetic
Establish Eternal Life on earth for Humankind
Do what you are supposed to do

In an Expanding World
Thousands of Times the Size of Asia

In an Expanding World

Dear God
So if the world's population extant is supposed to rise in numbers
eternally - the total living number of souls on the planet always increasing -
then the world will have to expand to fit the people in at a certain point
which we are soon encroaching upon. So if this is the plan God then
you will have to start expanding it soon. So that's the way it goes.

I don't believe in sledging you God, but I am DAMN SURE I'll keep you
honest to Karaite Noahide faith. It is your bloody covenant with mankind
and I expect you to honour your biblical covenant with Mankind and
ensure there is an ongoing movement who are Keepers of the Covenant
or Biblical Noahides or 'Creed of Noah' people or something else
appropriate. It is BS to argue that the 7 Law accurately reflect
a legal code given from Adam to Noah - you admit that yourself - so
it is not good enough to claim the Talmudic Noahide community is
a solid enough Noahide Witness. It is somewhat tolerable, but only
somewhat, but now that you know, and now that you have an official
Karaite Noahide community, you bloody well better make sure you
maintain an eternal Karaite Noahide Community and witness to mankind.
You have no excuses - you are completely informed in this matter - the
issue has been elaborated to you, so PLEASE FRIKKING ENSURE you
maintain this community. My harsh words have always been justifiable
and also the harsh words for lack of fidelity to my prayers is also reasonably
justifiable as you have had ample time to answer them and seem to
be being slack. But, regardless, there is no deliberate sledging or
blasphemy intended - it is most definitely a case of my pursuing you
to keep you HONEST TO THE COVENANT. KAPICHE? So I respect your
name and your person, acknowledge you appear to be a Lawful God and
there is probably Majesty and Holiness associated with you - this appears
to be the case - but make sure you keep faith with the Karaite Noahide
community. Maintain this as the case and you will be tolerated for
the record of my harsh words, in time, being stricken from the official
Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly
Canberra, Australia
January 2022
January 6185 SC

(Posted in February 2022)

Dear God
The ride through reading all 10 volumes of the Chronicles of an
Age of Darkness by Hugh Cook is filled with a lot of adventure,
sarcasm, wit, drama, action and a sense of the epic at times. It's
not always the most wholesome of experiences admittedly, and it's
not necessarily the kind of series in fantasy that everyone will like
that much. But some people probably would if they read the whole
dekalogy. It's solid enough literature and a pretty captivating experience
for the most part, never really terribly boring as it were.
Male Tweens usually are the kind of audience it probably caters for
but some females would probably like it also.
If you answer prayers and push people into reading books because
they have prayer demand or some sort of demand for an audience - if
you do do that - then I have hundreds of prayers using psalm 15 for
the sanctification, salvation, prosperity and preservation of Hugh
Cook's work, and would request you prosper it through the increase
of a newish sort of audience on a regular and, if such volume of prayers
truly do merit it, an eternal basis.
Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly
Canberra, Australia
2nd of February 2022 CE
2nd of February 6185 SC

Dear God
In recent weeks a lot of the book of genesis from the bible has
been playing on youtube on the smart TV and on my laptop
here at 29 Merriman Crescent, Macarthur, Tuggeranong, Canberra,
A.C.T, Australia, Planet Earth. It plays most days guess and I am
generally intending to keep it playing for a while yet. There appears
to be the notion going on from what I hear said to me that the
utterances of this scripture is sanctifying 29 Merriman and its contents
and is also apparently sanctifying the spiritual history, including the
prayers, of the address.
Daniel Daly
2nd of February 2022 CE

Dear God
There is interconnection between the ANM Prayer Campaign,
29 Merriman Crescent Macarthur Canberra & the ANM Library
at 29 Merriman Crescent.
The ANM Prayer Campaign should ideally work with your capabilities
as the God of the ANM with your Prayer Organisational Skills. Quite
obviously you know how the natural world functions and is organised.
Genesis 1:1 - 2:4a testifies to this. Thus, in answering the Prayer
Campaign of the ANM you would likewise, one would imagine, have
an organisational system capable of growing cosmically, as you created
the cosmos.
Daniel Daly
29 Merriman
4th February 2022 CE/6185 SC

Dear God.
Apparently at 50 years of age - service completion age
to God in Torah - I get my reward and retirement package
for all my service.
*Prayers Answered?
*Youtube Cool Playlist Blessings?
*Beginnings of Family?
*Success starting to 'Finally' happen?
You seem to have suggested this is the case.
This will happen?
Daniel Daly
Canberra, Australia

March 2022

Dear God
My Resurrection Prayer utilizing Daniel Chapter 12 from
the Bible has been prayed over 700 times. Seeing as I have
a right to my parents presence to support me in my
eternal life on Earth, it will have to be used to raise my
brother Matthew from the dead. Prayers for my siblings
Greg, Jacinta & Brigid should be well established now as
over 700 biblical chapter prayers, so seeing as they have
enough time in life to work these prayers and eternal life
salvation on earth out, I am expecting you to do the work to
establish their eternal presence on planet earth. Now, after
Matthew will have to come Uncle Gerald as the prayers
eventually move on once their purpose is accomplished, which
you have informed me takes a very long time, but does happen
Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly
Canberra, Australia
23/3/2022 CE

Dear God
You guarantee at 1000 Youtube Views for a Video
a permanent audience. And at every deci indexation
an increase. So that at 10,000 views an increase in the
rate and at 100,000 views and an increase in the rate
of growth and at 1,000,000 views an increase in the rate
of viewer growth and so on. Apparently you guarantee
these things? This is the case? It would be great if it
was. Something reliable in life which can help with income
in time.
Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly
26/3/2022 CE
Canberra, Australia

Dear God
I do agree and acknowledge that recent 2010s and
2020s Religion and Spirituality from Mankind is not
as Holy as in Prior Generations. We have a lot of
sodomy now and the abominations of LGBTIQ+ ideas
and tolerances of a lot of deviations. That's mankind
isn't it? Full of a lot of sins. But I do have time served
on my prayers, and a decent amount of effort and
concentrated works into generally legally based Torah
prayers. They are genuine and sincere. I mean them
quite truthfully. In your capacity as Almighty God responsible
for answering the prayers of Mankind, I feel it is your duty
to acknowledge my prayers and answer them. This should
also be based on my consistency in how I am keeping
the faith, and my behaviours should not be ignored
in this respect nor my loyalty. But, in the end, they are
supposed to be answered as you are a God who is
supposed to answer prayers. That's your job.
So, whether you like it or not, my kosher prayers for the
sanctification, salvation, prosperity and preservation of
various individuals and other things are supposed to
be positively affirmed and answered and this logically
means eternal life in the here and now on the planetary
body of Earth.

Yours faithfully

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly
29 Merriman Crescent

April 2022

Letter to Greg & Christie

A Knock at the Door
Greg: Henry, the critters have done their work. Time has passed and I have become 'Enviro-Man'.
The Scene shows James on the Couch then flashes to Greg in a colour Green Outfit, grinning like a Cheshire Cat. Greg Says. 'I have a Mission Henry. And I need Your Help. The Critters have a Job, now. To rule the world. And Enviro-Man needs a sidekick. And you are the chosen one, Henry. You are the Chosen One.' Focus on James: 'I'd rather repair my broken light-saber. Where is that thing anyway?'
Christie: Doing dishes in the kitchen. 'Enviro Man. We are out of groceries. Go down to Enviro shop and do some shopping.'
Greg: 'I need some cash, Enviro wife.'
Christie: 'Use your card, enviro man. It saves the environment by being reusable.'
Greg: 'The Critters shall approve. Come on faithful sidekick of many adventures. We're going to the shops.'
James: 'Blasted Critters. And Fitzroy Smith was coming over as well.'

April 2022