Rainbow Parade Rainbow Bible

LGBTIQ Alternative Lifestyle Community

An Assembly of Faith (AOF) of the Advancing Noah Movement (ANM)

(The Rainbow Parade Rainbow Bible has been placed in the Public Domain as of Monday 10th ofApril 2017)










The 33 Principles of the Rainbow Parade Community - The Judgements of Daniel for this Community

Do not be Violent

Heterosexuals can be sensitive about Gay issues

Some Heterosexuals can have a difficult time with LGBTIQ subjects

Abraham interceded for Sodom and Gommorrah - with enough righteousness God lets Sodomites live their lives in peace

Pre-pubescent Sexual activity is pushing it a bit too much mate

Animal fucking is very bloody crude you know, mate

You shouldn't really be indulging in eating blood of animals

The LGBTIQ community can be just as sensitive as the straight community about their bodies and nakedness.

It is a good idea and godly to have some modesty in your dress code

Torah ideas don't think tatoos are the greatest of ideas, but if you must........

Kidnapping people is rude and unkind. It's against the law buddy

Do not steal

Resepct God - he probably does give you a break you know

Idolatry is a bit weird

Vibrant clothing is fine

Straights swear their asses of just as much as the LGBTIQ community

Business practices should be decent and comply with laws of your society

Be creative in your talents

The Advancing Noah Movement has concerns for the Rainbow Parade LGBTIQ community and wishes them well and prosperity for life

Extremely vagrant sexual activity can offend God, you know

LGBTIQs should not rape, just like Straights should not rape

Yep, being smutty with someone is ok if they appreciate it, but sexual harassment is never really kosher

The reputation for Gays being clean and tidy is actually quite a good name they have

Keeping your room tidy is usually a good idea

Wash your clothes and wash your body regularly

LGBTIQs should be just as educated as the straight community

In the end, it is probably easier for everyone with a bit of a separation between the straight and LGBTIQ community

The Rainbow Flag for the LGBTIQS? Sure, fine. Whatever.

Generally, try to be a decent and kind person

Obeying the traffic rules makes sense

Laws of society should be generally complied with when they are not corrupt

I guess, in the end, it's probably ok to be gay

God is Holy



The Advancing Noah Movement is Pro-Gay-Tolerant but not Pro-Gay

I, personally, am not pro-gay. I am pro-gay-tolerant. The difference is that I acknowledge the scriptures, and that the gay lifestyle is an aberration from the biblical norm for society. But, when within reason, as reform Judaism also usually agrees, if gay people are lawful enough in other respects, then it is ok enough for that to be tolerated. So Haven Noahide Fellowship is Pro-Gay-Tolerant, rather than Pro-Gay. In a sense, you see, we are not pro-gay, because we follow the bible, and don't really approve of that lifestyle much. But it is accepted, tolerated and not discriminated against by ourselves. So Pro-Gay tolerant, rather than Pro-Gay. See, we don't really think that it is 'Normal' in the end, and consider it a bit weird. But we tolerate practitioners who are decent enough, as they are fellow human beings, and have the rights to life and dignity also.


Same-Sex Civil Union Policy

This is the policy of the Rainbow Parade, but generally the same sort of ideas apply for 7DF in general and other AOF's (Assemblies of Faith)

* We allow civil unions between Same Sex couples

* We recognize in these unions

- a relationship of love, care, fidelity & respect can and does occur

- that the sexual behaviours in these unions can give pleasure and excitement

* We do not recognize any valid 'Sexual Union' between these couples. There is no sense of a One Flesh relationship in such relationshps recognized by us, as in the One Flesh relationship ordained in the Rainbow Torah between a man and his wife.

* We recognize that sexual activity does occur and we allow and tolerate this behaviour

- but we do not recgonize this behaviour as valid in any way as justifying a 'Sexual Union' or 'Mateship' of such a union

- having said that we recognize, allow and tolerate this sexual behavioiur (without discrimination) but do not recognize any valid unionship in terms of 'Mateship' in relation to this behaviour

* We recognize this union in terms of friendship, respect, committment, love, affection and kindness between the couple, but we do not sanction sexual union, yet we do recognize that sexual activity does occur. We do not sanction this sexual behaviour as something necessarily approved of – we are not pro-gay sex – but it is something we do not argue against or attempt to prohibit, thus conversely we do not discriminate against it.



Dear Jehovah God

Please establish, develop and bless the Internet. Please prune major porn websites of cruder elements such as bestiality, self-suck, farting, shitting & golden showers, rape, abuse & violence, extreme language and weird hentai subjects. Please bless social utility websites and develop the major ones for permanent social and strengthen the services they offer for practical use. Please develop advertising solutions on such utilities for affordable use which get real results. Please bless video websites, such as youtube, which offer monetization of video accounts to allow people to upload their own copyrighted videos to gain an income in a world where it is often difficult to find other employment. Please thwart hackers and hacktivists online activities, but do allow such individuals from groups like wikileaks and anonymous, who are attempting a form of social justice, to pursue their activities within reasonable scope of liberty. Please bless antivirus online web services, make them available for free use by citizens of the world, but prosper them with their advanced capabilities from citizens who can afford to pay. Please bless and safeguard online financial transactions and online banking services, making them safe, secure, reliable and understandable. Please censor the internet fairly, but do also allow a reasonable amount of freedom of speech and expression by people, mostly in appropriate places for such expression. I ask these things of you, Almighty God, by your grace.




Life Affirming Choices’

The fall of Adam and Eve teaches us many lessons. But one of the most important ones is this: immediately after declaring their punishment God made clothes of animal skin to ‘HIDE’ the nakedness of Adam and Eve. Because Adam and Eve, after eating the forbidden fruit, gained knowledge of good and evil, God gave them clothing to start teaching them the fundamental lesson that they needed to choose ‘Goodness’ when confronted with a situation in which good and evil were involved. They knew they were naked immediately, but God clothed them very quickly, and helped them in their ‘sinful state’. God shows he cares by doing this. You see, the fundamental lesson we can learn from this historical event is this: God knows we have already chosen to have knowledge of good and evil, but he sets us an example by clothing us to help us to choose the ‘GOOD’. God wants us to choose goodness as opposed to evil in ALL our life choices, and helped us to make that choice right there at the beginning by clothing us. Thus, in all our life circumstance were decisions are to be made which involve good and evil, God has already given us an example that he wants us to ‘Choose the GOOD’. We must make ‘GOOD’ and ‘POSITIVE’ and ‘LIFE AFFIRMING’ choices in every choice we make through our lives. God desired ‘GOOD’ and ‘HOLY’ people who make the ‘RIGHT’ Choices.


'Being Creative'

As coming from outside of the mainstream somewhat, an advantage the LGBTIQ community has is the potential for divergent, alternative and interesting and creative culture creation. The Alternative lifestyle has elements of Satanism involved with it, because it is a bit dark and sinful in its choices that it makes of its own volition. Being gay, you see, is generally ok, but a little bit sinful and evil to the judgements of God. But one thing it does have is potential for humour, sarcasm, and darker forms and cruder forms of entertainment and culture. It doesn't have to be at all. There is no reason why Gay's can't love the light, and be perfectly at home with very strict standards. But with that mixture of light and dark - good and evil - which all of us are prone to, straight, gay and whatever, the LGBTIQ has the potential within its ideology of greater liberty of practice of self will for interesting and entertaining cultural contribution. Freddie Mercury was a champion of entertaining pop and visually interesting videos. He had a unique style, and is celebrated in English culture to this day. Madonna also has her own way and style of doing things, from a slightly different perspective to the rest of us. For example, on Rebel Heart, when she sings 'Jesus likes my Pussy Best', that really is a bit of an abomination of a song lyric, which Sister Superior calls Whore Babylon itself, but it is also a bit of a laugh, quite crudely funny in its own way. LGBTIQ can be creative - and should be. Members of the Rainbow Parade Community are encouraged to use their talents - indeed, their God-given talents, and express themselves and their own hearts choices - breaking the rules they didn't make - and represent as they see fit and are inspired to do so.


'The Dangers of Sodomy'

I have had dreams. God sends dreams. They are entertainments for the most part, but also object lessons. In some dreams, from what I understand, God has shown me the type of homosexuals who would be classified as Sodomites. Such men were extremely fucking awful people. They would lie in wait to rob men and rape men, and ordinary blokes would have to avoid them in their journeys or risk being fucked up – literally. A sodomite is the kind of homosexual with very crude behaviour and mannerisms, and would rape an innocent man if he could. He is not really a godly type of person, and is really very nasty. They are the kind of people which the regular politically correct person who defends gay rights would probably, upon meeting them and seeing their works, not complain too much about the death penalty being applied to. Anal sex between men is not necessarily the end of the world. Lawful and loving enough gay blokes, well, I can live and let live with them. But sodomites, well, I approve of the Levitical death penalties for people like that. And, you know, regular gay people – I reckon they would too. Homosexuality can descend into depravity. It doesn't necessarily have to. And one of the core messages of the Rainbow Parade, in its acceptance of the gay lifestyle, is the warning not to descend into the depravity of crude sodomisticbehaviour. We have standards in the Rainbow Parade in the end, and if you slip too much to carnality of such depraved level's, don't be too surprised if you end up disfellowshipped. Ok. Ultimately, I still don't judge the Torah on the death penalty for a man laying with a man. I can't really say for sure where the judgment of God absolutely is on this issue. But the Rainbow Parade works with the system it has established, so, all I can say I guess is Such is Life.


'A Fine Line'

It's a fine line between pleasure and pain. Face it, the gay lifestyle isn't the most godly of choices. It's alternative, and it's pushing the mercy of God somewhat if you really expect eternal salvation while sodomizing your best buddy. But this hypocrisy some gay's choose to walk in, so we must do our best to tolerate and give them guidance on how to 'Get away with it'. Firstly, don't flaunt it too much. Keep your gay lifestyle affirmations private within your own gay community, and as I have said don't bother the mainstream too much. If your crudities are within a social circle that accepts them and likes them, it is far easier to live in civilization and eternal civilzation. Keeping the law of society, conforming, not being too outspoken on gay issues, and dressing conservatively always help as well. There is no reason at all whatsoever that a man or woman who like sexual relations with the same sex necessarily have to be all fruity and colourful. It doesn't have to follow that way at all. A conservative old poofter, who has respect for society, and walks in traditional ways, he is somewhat acceptable to rational human thinking on the issue. There are indeed gay men who I have looked at in society who I feel give a decent name for their homosexual community. A good name is important. People in the Rainbow Parade, ultimately, do actually want a good name with society. They want to be accepted, and this is possible if you are the kind of gay person who can talk to Moses with respect and say 'I am gay, but I won't offend you dear Lawgiver.' If Moses can give you a break, and the Torah priests aren't that offended by you and your lifestyle in the end, who are we to complain? The fine line can be chosen, and should be chosen, if you want eternal life. We're not trying to persuade you in the end to leave this lifestyle choice. We believe in your liberties and your rights to choose your own way in life. It is about getting along with the world, so that everyone can be happy and live the way they want to.

'The Power of Love'

Love can be a power which can unite the Rainbow Parade.  Frankly, in all honesty, a regular ANM member is not too worried about relying on the power of love that much.  We love our family and friends, but we aren’t caught up in an emotional hurlyburl.  But with the frustrations LGBTIQ people go through they need a lot of love just to cope with life.  Too much love will kill you just as sure as none at all Freddie Mercury reminds us, so remember in all that free loving you are often given over to in your sexual fantasies, push the envelope just one too many times, and sister VD will bite you on the arse, or Mster X will shove more than his cock up there.  And the results could be quite painful indeed.  So love a lot, pat you buddy on the ass as a sign of affection, rather than a grope and a quicky in the men’s toilet block.  And for the ladies, remember, if you want your love justified, better make sure it doesn’t piss off too many of the conservatives, as there is a lot to be said for keeping it in the closet.