Chronicles of the

Children of Destiny

Volume Gamma



Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Copyright 6185 SC / 2022 CE


Wolfgang and the Heart of God

Wolfgang and the Heart of God

Wolfgang ventured further along the road.


Wolfgang continued on. He met up with 'Cyclotron Man'.

'Stop Theophany. You are not permitted beyond this point.'

The Theophany stopped. 'By whose decree?'

'The Decree of Cyclotron Man.'

'What power do you have to enforce your decree?' asked Wolfgang.

'The Power of Infinity,' replied Cyclotron Man. 'I have endless insults prepared to mock you if you tread further. And much harassment of your person. I will zapp you with my tazer for starters.'

'Sounds interesting. Could be worth the struggle,' said Wolfgang, looking at the Candy Rainbows in the field ahead.

'If you allow me to accompany you off to see the wizard, I will forego your punisment,' said Cyclotron Man.

'You may accompany me. Am I off to see the wizard?' asked Wolfgang.

'You are now. He's at the end of the Green Brick Road,' said Cyclotron man.

'I thought it was yellow,' replied Wolfgang.

'Copyright concerns. It's green,' said Cyclotron Man. 'Now eat your candy rainbows, and let's get on with this adventure.'

'Very well father,' replied Wolfgang.

'I PREFER CYCLOTRON MAN,' said the Eternal Spirit.

Wolfgang marched on they came to a bend.

'I'm Dorafina,' said the girl with blonde curls.

'I thought it was Dorothy,' said Wolfgang.

'Again, copyright concerns. We need to be careful in this heart of God what we borrow from the world. They could complain. We like to keep things original and all,' replied Dorafina.

'I understand,' replied Wolfgang.

Wolfgang marched on with Cyclotron Man and Dorafina.

'Are you in need of a heart, Cyclotron Man?' asked Wolfgang.

'The next guy needs a brain,' replied Cyclotron Man.

They carried on and Mikaelios the Angelic Warrior appeared.

'I am dumb,' said Mikaelios. Nobody understands me, and I don't understand them very well.'

'You keep it simple. But probably too simple,' said Wolfgang. 'People are dumb. But not that dumb. They get excited when they can solve problems and be smart. If it's too easy they don't respect you very much.'

'I need an upgrade,' said Mikaelios. 'A Knowledge Certificate.'

'Like I said, he needs a brain,' said Cyclotron Man. 'Stupid angel.'

'And you could use a heart,' retorted Mikaelios.

'That's what he's looking for,' said Wolfgang.

'Let us continue,' said Dorafina.

And they walked on down the road.

They came to the next hero.

'I am Zed. The last man,' said Zed.

'Isn't Y the last man?' asked Wolfgang.

'That – doesn't really make any sense. But you are right. Sorry, Sorry. Forgive me.'

'You need courage,' said Wolfgang.

'And that's how the story goes,' said Dorafina.

The wizard appeared.

'Daniel the Seraphim. I should have known,' said Wolfgang.

'I'm dreaming this dream too,' said Daniel.

Daniel the Seraphim, who was currently slumbering in the Realm of Eternity, murmured in his personal mind that that particular comment had been noted.

'Now, you obviously want to get back to Kentucky, Dorafina.'

'Something like that Wizard of Australia,' replied Dorafina.

'Call it Oz. Downunder. Something like that,' said Daniel. 'Click those shoes, and there's no place like Kentucky.'

Dorafina did so and disappeared.

'Mikaelios? Brain? Very challenging. Read this book. Morning Stars. Should help you out.'

'Looks good,' said Mikaelios, and clicked his shoes and disappeared with the book.

'Zed. You are a classic,' said Daniel.

'I feel better,' said Said Zed, and clicked his shoes, and was gone.

'Now, Cyclotron Man,' said Daniel. 'You will be picking up sticks and stones for a decade. It's your penance to learn humility. See these poor suckers,' said Daniel to the people suddenly appearing in the field, picking up sticks and stones. 'They're learning humility the hard way.'

'I feel sorry for them,' said Cyclotron Man. 'That would exhaust my circuits. But it's a heart I need.'

'And you just got one for showing some empathy,' said Daniel. 'Now click those stonkers.'

Cyclotron Man duly did so and disappeared.

'This has been fun,' said Wolfgang. 'But what am I in need of?'

'A hug,' said Daniel, and came around and hugged the old man. 'Keep at it old coot. See you in your dreams again some time.'

And Daniel clicked his shoes and disappeared.

All turned dark, and the corn started singing a croony song.

'END OF THE ADVENTURE,' Said the Spirit.

And Wolfgang's Tale in the Heart of God was done.

The End