The Duat Cycle: Return of the Tanu and Firvulag

by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Copyright 2023 CE / 6186 SC

'A long time ago in a galaxy far away, a galaxy known as the Duat Galaxy, were the Tanu and the Firvulag. But they became persecuted, a group of them, and fled to Earth. And then Duat was visited and Lylmik came to this galaxy, and after a while the Galactic Milieu was formed. We have worked,' said Atoning Unifex, ' to achieve peace, prosperity and unity for this galaxy. The mind is an incredible thing, and the mind accesses the heart of God's creation. Applying logic and knowledge into inquiry of how the cosmos functions. We are more than mere flesh and blood. When man found radio waves and other waves which function in this universe, it must have appeared magic. And all of it is that – magic. But there is science behind it all, and there is reason. And while not everyone appreciates ESP, it is in everyone, latent to some degree, or prominent.' Atoning Unifex was speaking at the Galactic Milieu Conference for the furtherance of Galactic Civilization. 'This galaxy is made up of an extraordinary array of races, creatures and species. All have their way of life and way of being and way of understanding and way of acting. And in this grand diversity we must find ways to accommodate each other and work out a galactic civilzation. This is our challenge, and the galactic milieu was formed to meet this challenge, amongst other purposes. But while we have made progress, there is still more to do. Unity has been the climax of the will of creation in unifying our mental universe. But we are not alone in the Universe. We have never been alone. Galaxies beyond counting abound in the cosmos and, I am afraid, an old refugee has now returned. And their intentions are more than settling and forming a peaceful society. This time the Tanu and the Firvulag have come. And come to rule. For there are a growing amount of galactic empires and federations emerging in this cosmos we are part of, and some seek dominion and authority. And Duat now intends us to be in their service. Whether we like it or not.'

The audience was silent. Presidents, prime ministers, executives, monarchs and sovereigns stared at Atoning Unifex. 'And we can not allow this,' finished Atoning Unifex. 'We will resist.' And those gathered murmured agreement.

The End

Return of the Tanu and Firvulag 2

'Blasted Tanu and Firvulag,' said Rogatien Remillard. 'That's right, isn't it Zandias.'

Zandias the cat just purred.

'Here they are, blasted Duat Battle Cruisers, roaming around the Milky Way as if they own the damn thing already. They don't you know. I know, cat. They've started making inroads into the Milieu, conquering worlds. But we've got a lot of them. And the resistance is coming.'

'A metapsychic resistance,' said the family ghost.

'Most likely that too,' said Rogatien.

'You might be called up to service,' said Marc.

'Unlikely for this old clown,' replied Rogatien. 'I've seen better days, believe me. The good Lord of Zion himself could not get me up in one of our battle cruisers to take on the enemy. And why he doesn't act is beyond me.'

'The good lord mainly returned to set the record straight, and declare one God for mankind, and that was our heavenly father of creation.'

'And now he's retired, observing the world, entertaining popes and cardinals, and having a jolly good time I would imagine. I might need the Simbiari Saviour to grant me some alien wisdom I think.'

'There are a numbe of them, aren't there,' replied Marc.

'Bahai would likely call all of them manifestations. Been reading their literature. Don't think old Bahaulla was necessarily that far off things, actually. And I'm a steadfast Roman Catholic.'

'Indeed,' replied Marc.

Rogatien looked at Atoning Unifex the Lylmik. 'We will win this fight, won't we?'

'Duat is a size and our galaxy is a size. In the end I don't think they have the resources to quite enslave us all completely. They lack the manpower, putting it bluntly. I feel we'll drive them out in time.'

'My hunch too,' replied Rogatien. 'But if they get as far as earth, by heaven's gate, I will get up in one of those Battle Cruisers, so help me God.'

'A sight to see Uncle Rogi,' said Marc.

'Now wouldn't it be,' finished Rogatien.

Rogi poured Marc out some tea, and as they sat eating biscuits, drinking their beverage, Zandias the cat jumped up onto the table and roamed around.

'I've got a new store,' said Rogatien. 'Down in Vancouver. A franchise now. I'm on my way.'

'You have good employees?'

'Softly a partnership,' replied Rogatien. 'But I have the main share of things and they run under my business name. And with all the fuss in the last few months, SF War Stories are selling through the roof.'

'I could imagine,' said Marc.

'I'm not worried. Not really. I've seen trouble all my long days. This will come and this will go and life will go on.'

'As much as it always has,' replied Marc.

'The way of things. Even for a Metapsychic,' said Rogatien.

'For all of us,' agreed Marc.

'Now were is that darn catfood, or Zandias will never shut up.

Marc smiled as Rogatien fed the cat, enjoying time with his beloved uncle in these troublesome times of conflict for the galactic milieu.

The End

Return of the Tanu and Firvulag 3

'It is troublesome, but necessary,' said Jesus of Nazareth to Atoning Unifex. They were in Zion, in the third Temple, were King David ruled Israel, Jesus of Nazareth ruled the Church, Mohammed ruled Islam and Bahaulla ruled the Bahai faith. 'These times are troublesome, but they are a necessary part of cosmological citizenship. There are other galaxies besides Duat, and fortunately Andromeda, who they have left be, will come to our aid shortly. Many galactic federations follow the mentality of the Star Trek creation. Peaceful, explorers, to learn understanding and provide civilization. The Tanu and the Firvulag know this and, in reality, are flexing their muscles. They have an intention of getting along, ultimately, with the Milky Way, and are particularly fond of humanity. They are going to be bossy for a while, and break many egg shells. But they will settle, because this galaxy, in the cosmos, is also to their liking.'

'I see,' replied Atoning Unifex. 'And how do you know this?'

'The father of Glory rules the whole cosmos. He is King of the Universe if you really must know. He teaches me at times, and assures me what is coming is meant to be.'

'They are still attacking us,' said Marc. 'We will need to resist.'

'I am sure you will do as you will do. But other powers will gradually continue to intervene as we join a larger community than the milieu. The Cosmological Community.'

'Exciting times then,' said Marc.

'They have long been exciting times. And wonderful times to live. I suppose, to quote that Star Trek show, let us go boldly were no man has gone before.'

Marc looked around at Jesus room. 'How long do you intend staying? Will you one day return to heaven?'

'Traditionally there was a millennium of things. There is another issue, though. Wrath the Demon will return, and have words with you. The Tanu and the Firvulag smell to him. And the spirits which accompany them he is not fond of. A bizarre ally he may be at this time.'

'If you could ever trust hell,' said Marc.

'Indeed,' finished the Carpenter from Nazareth. 'Now, the extra sensory perceptions are gifts, Marc. To understand much of the inner psyche of the fabric of our universe. I would stress to you this point. Many feel all should embrace these things, but there is a nature in man which is more physically oriented. He believes in what he can see, touch and feel. Beyond that it is often called myth and fairytale. In your ministry remember that. There have long been groups opposed to Metapsychic unity, and those groups persist to this day. I say they are neither right nor wrong in their attitudes, but that they have a right to live in the way which suits them. Do not ever think that all is Unity. All is not. There are other realities and other perceptions of how this world works. And Metapsychics, in time, will meet growing power in opponents who have a different perspective on these issues.'

'I understand,' replied Marc. 'Well, thank you. This little chat has been most illuminating.'

'Go with God,' said Jesus of Nazareth, and touched his shoulder. Marc smiled up at the Lord of the Church, and left the room, some new answers to cogitate upon.

The End

Return of the Tanu and Firvulag 4

As the decade passed, the war with the Tanu and Firvulag did not go well. But the milieu managed to build a wall – and it was called that, 'The Wall', a line of Stellar Federations where the Milieu had armed itself as well as possible to keep the Tanu and Firvulag at bay and, for the last 3 years of the conflict, the wall had been holding. From Atoning Unifex's observations, Jesus was correct as well as Uncle Rogi. The Tanu and Firvulag did not have endless resources to invade the Milky Way, and were challenged keep what they now controlled under control. Resistance was strong. But while Andromeda, and other nearby Galaxies, were cordial enough to the Duat, aid came to the Milky Way from what they knew as Caldwell Galaxy, or Caldwell 70 in science terminology. It lay in the Sculptor Consteallation. The issue at hand, though, was while it was further away than Andromeda and other nearby galaxies to the Milky Way, they had what Atoning Unifex had been taught, a growing Federation within what was commonly known as the Cosmological Community. And it was Reebok Tailwind who spoke to Atoning Unifex.

'Duat has a sense of humour, Marc. Not much more than that. They are really just getting your attention.'

'Blowing up our battle cruisers is their way of getting attention? Charmed,' replied Marc.

'Oh, life has its ups and downs, and on the galactic level of things this is a small concern to Duat. We've watched them for a long time now, as they've recovered their power in the cosmos. And now they are pushing at more than their own galaxy. They want to form a much bigger dominion. They've wooed us a number of times, and we have some treaties in place, but they are here in the Milky Way to shove you guys around a bit and, in their plans, force you into their dominion. Whether you like it or not.'

'Not exactly democracy,' said Marc.

'Not every citizen of the galaxies values that much freedom,' replied Reebok. 'Look, in the long term they are not trying to colonize you that much. Just integrate with you. There are a lot of peaceful powers and a lot of warring powers in the cosmos, and they intend to hold their own. What you call the Caldwell Galaxy has come here to ultimately help you negotiate with them. We're old acquaintances now. They know us well, and will understand the negotiations.'

'I see,' said Atoning Unifex. 'Forced into the Cosmological community whether we like it or not.'

'The bird always leaves the nest in the end,' said Reebok.

Marc saw the wisdom in that statement.

'So fret not my Lylmik friend. We'll be with you and while these will be turbulent negotiations, they should work out,' said Reebok.

'Growing pains,' said Marc.

'I see your point,' replied the Caldwellian.

The End