Chronicles of an

Age of Darkness

Volume 13 Era

The Weird and the Warped

Jonty Acquires the Paron Gash Telephone


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Copyright 6184 SC (2021 CE)

Deep inside Gloria Darkshadow was, indeed, a dark shadow. A bitch in some ways. But she'd been gang raped at 15 by a troublesome gang of youths from a rival town to Paron Gash. Gloria hated them and wished them dead and one day the power of her 666 Pendant would vanquish those fowl youths. Jonty was gone again, this time down south, chasing the sundrenched skinned lady, Nuana Nanalako, who he'd escorted across the sunlight sea, and then come home talking about information she'd passed on about the dread sea captain Dreldragon of Ling. He'd started a network of devices which were apparently from the ancient Nexus technology, and Jonty had braved the ocean in a small yacht, which he'd spent two years building, to sail down and meet Dreldragon. Gloria was not sure if she would ever see her beloved again, but 3 months had passed, and he'd returned stating it was a lonely voyage. He'd gotten as far as Sung and had spent some time in D'Waith for a few days, before returning home. And now Gloria was with him and they were nearing East Ravlish again, and Jonty's spirits were high, him feeling the excitement of quest.

'She could have been leading you up the garden path,' said Gloria.

'I doubt it. In fact I know she was not,' replied Jonty. 'In D'Waith a telephony device is located in one of the main markets. I spoke to someone from Chi'Ash'Lan in it. A dread wizard by the name of Kalphor, feared for questing with a Wyvern in Argan and fighting the swarms. I engaged to meet him at a future point to discuss various things.'

'I see,' said Gloria. 'Fascinating. Always have an answer don't you. For your warped ways.'

'No more warped than you Darkshadow,' replied Jonty.

They sailed on and two nights following made it to D'Waith. They harboured their yacht, and went into the town to seek lodgings, passing by a yard full of men lifting heavy weights for some reason or another.

'Bodybuilders,' said Gloria. 'I have heard about this new strange pastime. It is catching on throughout Tameran. Helps build muscles. Like training for war.'

'Well we have no time for war games,' replied Jonty. And on the duo went. They found lodgings at a suitable enough tavern, and paid the copper coins, settling into their beds for the evening. They classified themselves as living partners, for they were not yet married and, ironically, from the mood of the tavern, amongst the religious there were now many who dared make judgement on such issues, especially from their enemies, the Watchtower.

'People can be such prudes,' said Jonty.

'Don't I know it,' replied Gloria.

They were passionate that night, and inquired the following day about Lord Dreldragon of Ling.

'He is fearsome. Sailed these waters many years now. Him and Jon Arabin. They are a deadly pair,' said the scurvy dog. 'He had a thing going with the telephones. Some are still active mind you, one down at the markets. But most are unsubscribed now. The industry was costing him too much to maintain and the technology was not easy to understand. The old witchcraft is like that. Electronical devices. Can't trust them.'

'Few know their ways properly,' said Jonty. 'Batteries can be useful. Lithium ones, the computer says. But I've exhausted my search for them, and these pendants,' said Jonty, pointing to the pendant on his neck which said 666 every so often, 'is solar powered.'

'How can the sun power that thing?' asked the scurvy dog. 'We're inside a muck ridden tavern.'

'A mystery to me. I have surmised it stores the energy, alike burning oil, and uses it piecemeal.'

'Mysteries of the ancients,' said the buccaneer. 'Now I'll have my copper, for I know ought more.'

Jonty paid the man, who went off to the bar for another drink, and sat down with Gloria. 'As much as I can work out the network is now dysfunctional. Too expensive to maintain. But I'll have myself one of the devices regardless, and ensure payment is made.'

'I am sure Paron Gash will support your wild dream,' replied Gloria.

'Do not lie redhaired wonder. We both know the council is on two minds with our community. But they will be convinced. Or they haven't heard the last of Jonty Bearhugger.'

'Funny,' she replied. 'Well, let's get going then. On we go fearsome leader.'

And they returned to the yacht, after buying some provisions, and continued on sailing southwards, headed for the Ling Empire of the Lord Dreldragon.

* * * * *

Dreldragon did not normally entertain voyaging scum, but when he said he had 50 gold pieces to pay for a Telephone Device, he admitted the scoundrel into his presence.

'I wish to obtain a telephony device to station in Paron Gash, my home town in south Tameran.'

'The network seems to maintain itself, but the running of it is expensive,' said Dreldragon. 'Customers do not always pay their bills, and scams abound. In reality I have disbanded most of the network for the time being and taken possession of the devices to inquire into other potential devices – elsewhere.'

'I see,' replied Jonty.

'You have extant customers,' stated Gloria. 'We wish to be part of this network. Paron Gash wants to be on the map, and we can commit to paying our bills.'

'That pendant. Around your neck,' said Dreldragon. 'You wear it do you?'

'Why wouldn't I,' replied Gloria, sensitively touching her pendant. 'It is a relic Jonty unearthed for us. It beeps three 6s periodically.'

'I know. I have a similar one in my suite,' replied Dreldragon. 'No matter. You can pay your bills regularly?'

'Faithfully and it will be forwarded to your nearest collection agency.'

'We have a stiff contract with Chi Ash Lan and D'waith,' replied Dreldragon. 'Tameran is in our range of realistic service. We will arrange things.'

And so it was arranged, and the purchase was made, and Dreldragon entertained them the rest of the afternoon, not just once commenting on the pendant around both their necks, something which quite amused him by the looks of it. Soon enough they returned to their yacht, and it was agreed they would sail south to the narrowest part of Argan, and travel across it and avoid the Swarms as best they could. Jonty would need to seen Nuana once more, for her words had struck home in his quest for knowledge of Bera Shambala and, at this time in the life of Jonty Bearhugger, it was an issue he simply was not going to let go of till he had all the answers he was looking for.

The End