The Advancing Noah Movement

An Assembly of Faith

The Way of the Eternal Dove

Spiritual Religion Founded by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly


The 70 Divine Principles of Peace

The Rainbow Torah

The Theological Writings

Doves Amongst Men Saga

The 70 Divine Principles of Peace


Let Peace be found in the Centre of your Soul and Let it radiate calmly and flow in natural harmony


Let Peace be found in the Centre of your Heart and let it beat eternally and project in natural chemistry


Let Peace be found in the Centre of your Spirit and let it think mercifully and judge in natural sanity


Make Peace the blueprint of your life, the plan of your adventure, the object of your mission and the star of your story


The Dove is the Symbol of Peace we utilize. Let its grace and nobility inspire you to be a beautiful, gentle and humble servant of Yahweh


Work can not go on without measure, for if you must work six days in a row, let it be the maximum, and on the seventh day you shall find your peaceful rest


Noah's Dove returned to the Ark each time for its salvation, but eventually the dove found its own way in the world when the world was reborn. The Way of the Eternal Dove is born within the Assembly of the Divine Creator, and while they will always be their home, Eternal Dove's are ultimate free to fly away and begin their own Kingdom.


Make Peace your salvation, and turn from strife, and you will have a happy life


Let the peace of God fill you to the brim and let it flow from you to guide others away from tension, chaos and harm


Do not Kill. Peaceful people do not like violence or tension or the way of misrule.


Carnality is not in bed with peace.


Gentle music, gentle love, gentle peace, gentle dove


Worshipping Statues of Doves is idolatry. But statues of doves as symbols of nobility can be inspiring.


A peaceful soul is usually a lawful soul


Doves are sacrificial creatures. Let your peace be a sacrifice to the worlds anxieties.


Support the pastoral chooks who run the fellowship. Not necessarily tithing, but every man and woman must pay their dues and their fair share.


A Child stays with its parents until it is ready to spread its wings, fly away, and make a home of its home. But sometimes a child may be to fearful to leave the nest and even when it does, it makes its home just on the next peak. Often, though, the wisest dove stays with its parents, builds on their foundation, and never leaves the old faithful home, which it perpetuates in its seed as its eternal legacy. PRAY, once you own your home and have progeny, for them to own your home through their seed eternally.


Let your name be known as a name of peace, and let this be the hallmark of virtue you are best remembered for.


Peaceful people are inevitably polite people and with such good manners, and through the wise grooming of the parents or spouse, a sensible dovechild can go into the world and make a name for itself and build an economic foundation stone upon which its family can rely.


The wisest dove is the wisest dove because it has never stopped studying and learned from many sources of lore and wisdom and truth. Study hard in your schooling years, and later you can fly to the stars.


A peaceful family is a joy to the heart, and a salvation rock in your life you can praise Yahweh for forever and ever.


God is the father of all mankind, and the way of the Eternal Dove is dedicated to God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, and all that therein is.


The Rainbow Torah Scriptures are the Bedrock of Scripture which the Way of the Eternal Dove can fall back upon. In a very real sense, this is what the Assembly of the Divine Creator, the General Assembly, represents to us.


Godianity is one of the other Denominations in the Assembly of the Divine Creator. It preceded us, and is an older denominational brother.


Choose the ways of Peace and you choose the ways of salvation. Make it your home, and stay at home nearly all the time, going out only to conduct whatever affairs you must, but taking all the peace with you that you can keep in the strength of your character.


Shaking hands has always been a sign of peace, and this is a good thing. But wearing gloves is also a very sensible way of preventing the spreading of germs and diseases.


Shower or bathe every day, and when you have gotten dirty, extra cleaning is often required.


Don't be stubborn and proud – listen to your mother or father's advice on your life when you know in your heart they are teaching you the right thing to do and the right ways to behave, even if you think they may be somewhat fussy.


Don't Kidnap people, because it really builds up hatred and strife from those families affected by the situation and if you are doing it, what kind of peace is really in your heart anyway? Learn the ways of peace, not the ways of lawlessness, and the income you desire from life will then start to manifest. Don't kid yourself though – God doesn't bless the unrepentant sinner.


The reward for a filthy lucre life, never repented of till death, is an eternity which doesn't have a happy ending. So remember, Crime does not pay.


2 male doves don't procreate a baby dove. 2 female doves don't procreate a baby dove. 1 male and 1 female dove DO procreate a baby dove.


Surrender to peace, and you always knew when you were doing it you were making the right decision. Backing down takes a stronger spirit, that can stomach humility and its pride being assaulted, in the end, only by one whose pride has turned them bestial.


In your work, always be known for your calmness and peaceful ways, and people will always like working with you and like enjoying your presence.


Think about it – if its traditionally called a sin, then it may end up causing peace to be ripped apart. In the Way of the Eternal Dove, our adherents chose this faith because they really wanted to find peace of Soul, Heart and Spirit. Sinning, when your conscience says to you 'Should I really be doing this,' or 'Should I really be hanging around here', is never going to be the right thing to do. Avoiding sin is what builds your peace.


A peaceful soul may not necessarily be the greatest of passionate lovers or the greatest of charitable souls, or the greatest and most generous person there is. These things will usually find a home with peace, but when its really peace of self you need, don't think you have to fork over a tithe to necessarily gain it. Concentrate on the ways of peace, and you will get your reward.


New Age Relaxation Music is probably quite ideal for our fellowship. Most of that sort of stuff, from panpipes, to celtic music, to new age keyboard sounds, to even pagan things, can probably be appropriate kinds of music for us to listen to. So, also, music from Indigenous and Native and Pagan and Eastern spiritualities as well as folk music and gentle forms of music, as well as classical, are all probably ok for us. Gospel music is really mainly for the church, and Jewish Music is mainly for the Jewish people, and is their private spiritual salvations. We are able to utilize some of these things, but need to keep it limited and very respectful if we do.


A woman of peace uses her own money to obtain wealth in life, so that tension and strife from police and other law officers do not interrupt her life and send her to jail for theft. Constant pinching only breeds guilt, and you never really find peace of heart in doing it.


A peaceful saturday afternoon, where board games are played by happy and calm children and grandparents snooze soundly in their armchairs............


A lazy sunday afternoon, where queen albums have been playing all afternoon, and your watching the rugby or tennis, getting a little fatter, and enjoying your peace of mind...........


The Way of the Eternal Dove is just that – Eternal. Enshrine its wisdom into your heart, soul and spirit and let it be the Halakah you live by all the days of your eternity.


The Angels of Hope Literature is the Primary Pseudepigraphal Haggadah for the Way of the Eternal Dove.


Followers of the Way of the Eternal Dove can develop this denomination even further with their own writings on spirituality based within its teachings, and it is entirely appropriate for members to develop 'Angels of Hope' fanfiction.


Membership in the Way of the Eternal Dove is through an Affirmation of Faith to the Pastoral Council first and then the Assembly you are joining, which was preceded by a year of study and learning.


When making important decisions think, will this result in ways of peace. If it won't, question whether it is the right decision to make.


Be Peace in the Hearts of Men


Public Servants of all kinds are ideal jobs which we can sow seeds of peace in. International and National Fast food, Supermarkets and other public companies, and mainstream private companies, are also the ideal kinds of jobs where we can sow seeds of peace and make this a better world. If you want to be a Superstar, this can be a lot of tension and strife, and not always the option of a peace-lovers heart, but it can be if you choose the route of peace in such a choice. But the road is difficult, and must be chosen as young as possible, giving God plenty of advance notice, and being completely prepared and committed to doing the kinds of things he will require of you to justify such glories.


A warrior of peace will defend his nation if it is required to keep the peace. But we do not proactively go to war, usually, otherwise. Empire building dictatorships need to be a thing of the past for those who choose the ways of peace, but rising up against those attempting such things is an acceptable 'Way of the Peaceful Warrior'.


You won't find peace in your heart by insulting God on an ongoing basis. Repent, and leave God alone, as you shouldn't backbite against the greatest source of peace in existence.


Neither will you find peace in your heart in desiring everything of your fellow neighbours who has prospered, for it can lead to theft and stealing and jealousy and envy, and there is little peace in such things.


Imagine a neighbour of beauty and peace, who makes you feel wonderful a lot. What a horrible thing it would be to lie about such a neighbour and spread rumours about him or her, even in a court of law. Lies are never good, and only little white ones to Aunt Lily, from who you pinched a chocolate, can ever be acceptable. Peace will stay in your heart if you keep these things in mind and practice them.


Vampire movies are cool, but the Cullens are undead because of their addiction to blood. Blood is the life of a creature, as scripture decrees. And while we may eat its meat, the blood should be drained back into mother nature from whence it came. A gory, bloody appetite, never brings peace of heart.


A peaceful world will flourish when the environment is green and healthy and mother nautre is taken care of and looked after. A dirty river never brings peace to those who need its life giving water, and an eroded field never brings joy to its owner who can not farm it for food. A healthy, green and taken care of planet will bring peace of heart to everyone.


Be careful who you sleep with, because incestuous acts can often bring anxiety and tension later on in life, and peace can be hard to find.


A conscience which is free from guilt is a conscience which has found peace.


Dressed in white, like a dove, a maiden on her wedding day, when the colour traditionally symbolizes virginity..............


Doves are living creatures, and they live and do things with their lives. Do things with your life and don't necessarily hang around the nest all day long. Have some fun, and make sure you do the work required to take care of things financially.


When your unwell, visit a doctor. When your in a legal strait, visit a lawyer. When you need food, go to the supermarket. When you need a new suit, go to a tailor. When you need charity, seek the pastor. When you need work, make sure you have an education. When you need love, sometimes a dating agency is quite acceptable. And when you need peace, turn away from darkness, tension and strife, read the 70 Divine Principles, put on some relaxing music, have a long glass of peach ice tea ready to drink, and relax in your quiet place, in a special seat perhaps, and let the tensions ebb away, thinking calm thoughts of family and nature and loved things and God.


Yahweh El Shaddai is God Almighty, the Eternal Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh


God made it all on 6 days, and rested on the 7th


Noah survived the flood with his family on the ark, and the ark had housed the Dove, so Noah cares for Doves too.


It is a true saying that love can cover a multitude of sins and through such loving behaviour, peace of mind can often be found.


A sound marriage can really be the fidelity of peace your life has needed for a while.


Children are born rebellious it would seem, so carefully teach them the ways of peace and discipline them with mercy and love to bring forth this joy into their life and your families.


In 7DF tradition, not necessarily acquiring lots of things, but suitable things for your life which carry over into eternity is usually the best advice. Be prepared to potentially suffer, though, if you really desire a lot of things, which means peace will sometimes elude you. Mark these words, and keep them in mind, but study peace more and more and more, and your good works on peace will often alleviate such sufferings.


When thinking over moral issues, ask if such things will develop a peaceful world.


Let peace find its home in your family for all your days of eternity and let it witness to all who come into contact with you so they can be inspired and find the things they also need for their comfort and salvation. Let your peaceful lifestyle be a witness to others so it can speak to the hearts of men.


Let peace flow like a gentle stream, sparkling softly in the sunlight, in a beautiful valley, full of pines and graceful willows, flowing on forever as a stream of glory through the heart of the Assemblies of the Way of Eternal Peace.


A peaceful home, wherever it may be, will grant you peace of mind, eternally.


Pray for peace, for God delights in such prayer.


Let peace be the end of your arguments, and let peace be the beginning of your each and every day.

Psalms of the Way of the Eternal Dove

Psalm 1

The world is flux of day and night

Travelling in constant flight

From day to night and night to day

And each keeps the other always at bay

The ocean rises and tide comes in

Guided by the moon's stellar grin

The ocean falls and tide goes out

And the moon again it gives its shout

The flowers bloom in blessed light

Yet fall asleep every night

To wake again the following dawn

To sing their glory to the morn

There is a way in natures law

Which every day doth have in store

Patterns true and constant fixed

Of God's design which has no tricks

The mind of God created all

Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall

The decrees of God stand since their birth

To guide each step of mother earth

Psalm 2

The Dove flies, the Dove soars, its wings spread wide, a noble bird

It symbolizes peace and love, the gentlest creature, eternal Dove

The Way of the Eternal Dove, the way of peace in innermost heart

Serving God, following him, in seeking peace we play our part

We do not fight, we do not brawl, peacemakers, quiet souls

We do not stir up strife and wrath, we do not pay the devil's toll

Children of the dove, it seems, must be the purest, gentlest kind

Keeping calm inside our being, keeping sobriety in our minds

The Dove flies, the Dove soars, its wings spread wide, a noble bird

In peace we find our life's true mission, serving God in peace and love.